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This paper gives brief introduction about various sensors used in robotics and their applications. A sensor is a device that detects the changes in electrical or physical or other quantities and thereby produces an output and whose... more
Recommendation system plays important role in Internet world and used in many applications. It has created the collection of many application, created global village and growth for numerous information. This paper represents the overview... more
In this paper, citation analysis of the doctoral dissertations of the Electronics and Communication Engineering (E.C.E.) department of National Institute of Technology Durgapur (N.I.T. Durgapur), West Bengal, India, were analysed to... more Live tracking system means that a GPS tracking device that sends it location to the end user at a consistently high... more
The Indian Railways are the lifeline of India's transport system. Being the fourth largest railway network in the world, it covers the length and breadth of the country. In 2018-19, 23.12 million people and 3.36 million metric tons of... more
Data security plays a major role in computer network. Because it helps to transmit data in secure way over the Internet. So we need to use strong security method for secure data transaction. Cryptography is a security tool which helps to... more
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of social interaction on the benefits of sharing knowledge, the effect of expected benefits on sharing knowledge, the effect of expected benefits on the benefits of social media groups,... more The new generation of Mobile communication systems known as "5G" has evolved, and new equipment is currently being... more
Accurate location of a fault on a line is extremely important to restore the parameters line in the shortest time as possible, which directly affects the operational cost and system reliability. This paper presents an accurate and fast... more
Increase in use of power electronics in power system addressed power quality problems. Converters are widely used in industrial area for different application. They are non-linear devices and degrade power quality of system. In this... more
The Government of Indonesia through Presidential Regulation Number 25 of 2021 concerning Child-friendly District/City Policies again emphasizes that districts/cities throughout Indonesia become KLA and the fulfillment of children's rights... more
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of social interaction on the benefits of sharing knowledge, the effect of expected benefits on sharing knowledge, the effect of expected benefits on the benefits of social media groups,... more In this study we are implementing a medicine drone delivery system using CC3D flight controller which is configured... more
The protection of turbine generator systems is an important factor that must be considered in power plant for efficient production of electricity. This project deals with temperature level monitoring of the power generator and it will be... more
The Indian Railways are the lifeline of India's transport system. Being the fourth largest railway network in the world, it covers the length and breadth of the country. In 2018-19, 23.12 million people and 3.36 million metric tons of... more
It can occur on many occasions that you or a loved one requires urgent medical assistance, but they are unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, or that we are unable to locate the appropriate doctor for the care. As a result, we will... more
A superluminal quantum-vortex model of the electron and the positron is produced from a superluminal double-helix model of the photon during electron-positron pair production. The two oppositely-charged (with Q = ±e sqrt (2/α) = 16.6e)... more
The current mobile telecommunication system is grew in a massive way, and in upcoming days requires a good supervision and enactment evaluation in addition to analysis. Filter-Bank-Multi-Carrier (FBMC) stands a method of multicarrier... more
This paper presents a substantial design of a robotic system. Robotics is a automation field of technology which includes mechanical, electrical, and computing package of systems. Robot is a machine which can be programmed by a computer,... more
This paper deals with the manufacturing of a Prototype of Rotary Car Parking System using Sensors. Lack of space availability has always been a problem in urban areas and major cities and to add to it there are cars parked callously on... more
A recent technology of digital communication system will have more error occurred in signal transmission and reception, due to insecure Trojan protection system. Trojan can attack the software, it can be detected by using a particular... more
In high power applications like SONAR, PWM techniques are essentialto control high power as well as to reduce switching losses. The primary reason for preferring sinusoidal PWM is that our final need is a sinusoidal output. Hence, we use... more
Laser communications offer a viable alternative to RF communications for intersatellite links and other applications where high-performance links are necessary. High data rate, small antenna size, narrow beam divergence, and a narrow... more
Physical weakness can restrain the physical capacity or fine/net engine capacity of appendages of a person. Such an individual at that point can be called as a handicap. In instances of people with loss of appendages and alongside nothing... more
The objective of this work is to assess the utility of personalized recommendation system (PRS) in the field of movie recommendation using a new model based on neural network classification and hybrid optimization algorithm. We have used... more
This work represents implementation of UART (universal asynchronous receiver transmitter with the error correction and detection capability of one bit with different frame of bits. But the frame of bits should be equal to four bits and... more
One of the most important topics in information security today is user authentication. User authentication is a fundamental component in most computer security contexts. It provides the basis for access control and user accountability.... more
— Now a days there is a huge rush in the toll plazas in order to pay the toll tax. Therefore in order to reduce the traffic and to save time this paper mainly focuses on to make an intelligent toll-tax system using PLC. In this system... more
Digital images play an important role both in daily life applications such as satellite television, magnetic resonance imaging, as well as in areas of research and technology such as geographical information systems and astronomy.... more
To mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a plethora of technology-based contact tracing (CT) applications have been proposed, designed, and... more This paper is about providing a compatible solution for visually impaired people and help them... more
In the modern age, High-resolution radar images can be achieved by employing SAR technique. It is well known that SAR can provide several times better image resolution than conventional radars. The exploration for efficient image... more
Automated human action Recognition has the potential to play an important role in Public security. In this project it compares three practical, reliable and generics systems for multiview video based human action recognition namely the... more
In this paper, we have proposed an Internet of Things (IoT) based a real-time environmental monitoring system. Internet of Things (IoT) plays an important role in today’s world through a vast and persistent system of sensor networks... more