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n modern classrooms, lecturers are faced with numerous issues as they compete for students’ attention among a diversity of communication stimuli. This review aimed to reviewvarious social media benefits to educational... more
The Village Institutes were noted as exemplary educational institutions throughout Turkey, which entered the process of modernization together with the declaration of the Republic. In this period, Ankara is a lead capital city in which... more
The aim of the paper is to analyze current trends in marketing schools and other educational institutions to achieve the required quality of education under turbulent conditions of different funding of these organizations by their... more
2017 This essay extends an open philosophy with a philosophy of music education on soil. An open philosophy emerges from analysis of Kafka's parable " Before the Law. " I explore what " the law " might be, what it could mean for how... more
In every educational institution, in every country and generation, there is a struggle between corrupt practices and the continuing quest for high ethical standards. An educational institution is poorer if its members engage in corrupt... more
Cash Waqfs (CWs) is referred for the waqfs that have cash as capital. These waqfs were also established like other waqfs for specific purposes. The cash that is capital of waqf is operated by Islamic methods. The revenue derived from... more
The fact that satisfied and happy workers are likely to be more productive is not an exemption of teachers. This paper, thus, examined, compared and tests, if there is any statistical significant difference between male and female... more
This project is basically an answer to the mass question raised regarding the issue of boys keeping in long hair. It is an approach to upgrade the practices (why?) and restrictions (why? And by whom?) Regarding the long hair in the... more
Report by the Sussex Centre for Migration Research, University of Sussex, and the Centre for Applied Population Research, University of Dundee. Commissioned by HEFCE, SHEFC, HEFCW, DEL, DfES, UK Socrates Erasmus Council, HEURO, BUTEX and... more
Abstract This study titled "Roaring lioness: Stir the Sailors on the archipelago, Mastering Ocean around the World" (Case Study of femle's Leadership Mrs. Sri Tutie Rahayu or MST) on Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia "Polimarin"... more
This article presents a theoretical review based in one of the emerging new leadership models: emotional leadership; likewise, the impact of exercising this style of leadership in Spanish educational institutions. These effects are in the... more
This volume examines Soviet schools of the 1940s-80s in a broad comparative context, in order to highlight both their specifically Soviet properties, as well as those features conditioned by general social processes at work in parallel in... more
El trabajo de investigación comprendido en las páginas que siguen tiene por objeto trazar la historia de las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, institución pública de ámbito nacional dedicada al aprendizaje de idiomas para adultos fuera de... more
The researcher in this consultancy report has assessed the digital footprint and suggested a social media marketing plan for Educational Institutions. The researcher has also presented an extensive literature review based on previous... more
The purpose of this research is to know and understand and learn more on the effect of the application of personnel administration consisting of promotion, rank, salary system and training programs implemented in SyamsulUlum educational... more
Abstrak Pondok pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan tertua di Indonesia telah memberi kontribusi besar terhadap umat Islam di Indonesia, bahkan sampai kepada bangsa dan negara. Sejak awal masuknya Islam sampai era reformasi pesantren... more
Rationale Global human rights legislation protects all people against discrimination and violence in education, irrespective of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Homophobic and transphobic violence in schools has... more
La educación de las mujeres fue uno de los aspectos puestos en cuestión desde finales del siglo XIX en España. En esta comunicación nos aproximamos a los intercambios entre mujeres españolas, estudiantes de grado medio y superior, en el... more
Pre-service teacher education institutions are large and complex organizations, which are notoriously difficult to change. One factor is that many change efforts focus largely on individual pre-service teacher educators altering their... more
The institution of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and the School of Pharmacy with which, in 1924, the University of Bari inaugurated the new season of Higher Education in South Italy, required great organizational efforts. This... more
The paper presents reasons why students from the Franciscan Province of Bosna Srebrena often discontinued their education in the first half of the 19 th century. During this period, they received scholarships from a fund that had been... more
Resumen El panorama de la proyección innovadora de la universidad, en función del desarrollo del emprendimiento, demanda una comprensión de todas las perspectivas teórico-metodológicas que versan sobre su conceptualización y praxis. Este... more
The end of the Cold War, the advent of the internet, and increasing economic integration are among the many factors that are adding new complexities to the task of policymaking in countries around the world. In addition, more open... more
The rapidly expanding use of technology in teaching and learning, and the transformed economic basis upon which universities are instituted, have caused universities to transform the ways in which knowledge is produced, stored,... more
The main purpose of this study is to become acquainted with the educational institutions in Ottoman Empire during and after the 18th century. In this respect, special attention is given to which initiatives were taken in terms of... more
Web-portals serve specific academic research communities. Libraries in general and digital libraries in particular are important memory organizations that form a keystone for the development of the semantic web. Among all the library... more
The paper analyzes the financial policy of the state in the field of higher education. Attention is paid to the funding structure of the various levels of education and the allocations for higher education in the country budget in... more
يعد تطبيق معايير ضمان الجودة الشاملة من اهم اعمدة تطبيق التطوير المستمر اذ ان التأكد من تطبيق هذه المعايير يعتبر من الاسس الرئيسية في نجاحها . هذا البحث يقدم انموذجا مضببا متعدد المعايير لتقييم اثر تطبيق معايير ضمان الجودة في المؤسسات... more
It is interesting to share the initial results of a research directed at the study of professional writing from the perspective of practic-ing psychopedagogues and the university instructors that train these professionals.We present the... more
The profession of social pedagogue is an important segment in children's development, therefore, it should be the most important partner in the field of education. Its value should be recognized, valued and effective. The presence and... more
La presentación resume las características y dinámicas fundamentales del Sistema Preventivo en las diversas estructuras educativas: oratorio, internado, colegio, escuela, servicios sociales para jóvenes en riesgo. Cada uno de las... more
आर्य समाज वेफ प्रवर्तक स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती का देहावसान होने वेफ अनन्तर उनवेफ समर्थकों ने उनकी याद में भव्य स्मारक बनाने का निर्णय किया, जिससे स्वामी दयानन्द सरस्वती वेफ अध्ूरे कार्य पूर्ण किये जा सवेंफ। अन्ततः निर्णय हुआ देश वेफ अज्ञान... more
The article describes the influence of the educational environment of the educational institution on the formation of professional strategies of youth, considers its content and its organizational components. On the basis of the conducted... more
En los últimos años se ha producido un fenómeno que se ha denominado globalización o internacionalización, o mundialización, interpretado como un sistema extraordinariamente complejo de macro procesos de incremento y profundización de... more
Campus is a robust cloud-based university and college ERP system that can take care of all the academic and administrative functionality. From finance to funding management and hostel accommodation to student management, Campus acts as a... more
Resumen Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre el análisis de la experiencia escolar desde la perspectiva de alumnos y alumnas de Pedagogía mediante la elaboración, análisis e interpretación de relatos... more
This article aims to highlight some elements for the understanding of the contemporary processes of indigenous educational inclusion through the analysis of the meeting between institutional perspectives and perspectives of Guarani... more
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) has a prominent and crucial role in attaining targeted goals, especially in the education sector. M&E mechanisms can be put in place to check how lecturers or teachers in higher educational institutions... more