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The motif, embellishing the earliest Glagolitic books, reveals itself as a meaningful, polysemic image and partakes in a visual paradigm, which the decorators abode by. In this paper the author proceeds with a theme taken up nearly fi... more
Ombeline et le Dragon Par Amandine Marshall (texte) et Fabien Rypert (illustrations) Malheur au royaume du puits aux trois lanternes ! Un dragon sème la terreur et dévore les provisions des habitants ! Le roi Éon et son armée n’ont pas... more
Cycle d’ateliers « La magie dans l’Orient juif, chrétien et musulman : recherches en cours et études de cas » organisé par Ayda Bouanga (CéSor-EHESS) et Jean-Charles Coulon (IRHT-CNRS). Chaque séance réunira plusieurs chercheurs pour... more
Dragons have always been present in the imaginary of mankind, since ancient myths about the creation of the world. The figure of the dragon is rooted in every culture, be it the evil serpent symbol of the devil typical of Western,... more
A pesquisa analisou as possíveis influências visuais que levaram os membros da máfia japonesa Yakuza a selecionarem o repertório de suas tatuagens. Com a verificação da recorrência das principais iconografias encontradas como dragões,... more
Behemoth and Leviathan have been interpreted in numerous ways over the centuries. In this book I start with Leviathan's pre-biblical emergence in the third millennium BCE and continue, with Behemoth later entering the picture, until... more
Характерным явлением для современной городской культуры стал поиск брендов и соответствующее целенаправленное конструирование локальных знаков с опорой на фольклорную культуру. Как «возрождение архаики» и «местный феномен» последние... more
Desde Escitia a la Península Ibérica, de la Edad de Bronce -si no antes- a los primeros siglos de nuestra Era, diversos seres antropomorfos, humanos o mitológicos, han sido representados luchando contra el grifo -id est, la grifomaquia- a... more
The figure of the dragon seems to be magnetic for human imagination and flourishes even these days. In the present article I explore the biological and psychological reasons why dragons were initially created in the human mind. Although I... more
Este artículo pretende analizar cómo la figura del dragón del relato infantil "The Reluctant Dragon" (1898), del inglés Kenneth Grahame, se aparta de sus concepciones negativas de los géneros medievales del romance y la hagiografía desde... more
A study of the mythology and symbolism associated with dragons in China and neighboring regions, including their appearance on coins
In the context of this issue, some extremely interesting sites from the island of Euboea, Greece, which are called «dragon houses», should be mentioned. These are Megalithic structures that apparently overlap the earlier rock sites of... more
In this essay, Fáfnir from the Old Norse tale 'Fáfnismal' will be compared to two dragons, the Beowulf Dragon and Smaug. Through comparison, different narrative roles will be laid bare, proving there is more than 'a single, medieval,... more
Il racconto epico e la leggenda agiografica sono i generi narrativi che maggiormente tramandano l’idea che tra la sfera naturale e quella soprannaturale esista una complementarità speculare; in questo senso il paesaggio, ma in genere... more
Erratum: la référence à Aarne et Thompson 1981 doit naturellement être remplacée par: Thompson, Stith. 1955–1958. Motif-Index of Folk-Literature: A Classification of Narrative Elements in Folk-Tales, Ballads, Myths, Fables, Mediæval... more
In the days of the epic poem Beowulf, a king’s strength was determined by his will, competence, wealth, and power. He had to rule over entire tribes of people and had to be willing to put down any rebellion. But he was human, for he... more
Chimère est emblématique des créatures hybrides : véritable assemblage de trois animaux réels, « lion par devant, dragon par derrière et chèvre par le milieu» pour reprendre la description d’Hésiode dans sa Théogonie, elle est un hapax,... more
Альманах Хроники Драконов
dragons, draconity, otherkin, russian dragon community,
In this article an inclusive definition has been given to the term ‘dragon’, which covers two and four-footed dragons, and dragons without feet such as serpents and snakes, many-headed hydra, and kylins. Where possible, the words for... more
Published in Renate Bauer and Ulrike Krischke (eds.). 2011. Fact and Fiction: From the Middle Ages to Modern Times. Essays Presented to Hans Sauer on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Englischen Philologie... more
Presents the origins of Dragons, their widespread appearance, the possibility of their real existence, Middle Eastern Dragons, Western Dragons, Greek Dragons, Chinese Dragons, and other Dragon-like Creatures.
One of the most famous antique carpets, the Dragon and Phoenix rug now in Berlin: Museum fur Islamische Kunst, inventory # I. 4, has been unconvincingly and vaguely attributed to the 15th century as the work of Qaraqoyunlu Turkmen... more
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a mitografia do dragão, traçando as suas origens, e procurando a sua essência. Procurei as representações simbólicas em culturas diversas de diferentes épocas, revelando a universalidade do símbolo.... more
HOLY WATERS: RELIGIOUS DEVOTION AND HEALING PRACTICES IN A BALKAN CONTEXT In this article I discuss the veneration of waters and the related healing practices in interdisciplinary context and in diachronic perspective in Balkan milieu. I... more
Un'analisi del fenomeno del medievalismo, con un focus sulla corrente "fantasy" contemporanea.
The figure of the dragon seems to be magnetic for human imagination and flourishes even these days. In the present article I explore the biological and psychological reasons why dragons were initially created in the human mind. Although I... more
Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea series enters an ongoing dialogue about the nature of language; in it, she proposes a language spoken by dragons and wizards, “the Old Speech,” a language fundamentally unlike our human languages. It is a... more
The mythology of Babylonian Creation Epic, “Enuma Elish” suggests that goddesses, nature, and chaos represented forces to conquer similar to the Garden of Eden Epic. In both the “Enuma Elish” and the “Garden of Eden,” the centerpiece is... more
Published in Sabine Obermaier (ed.). 2009. Tiere und Fabelwesen im Mittelalter. Berlin und New York: Walter de Gruyter, 133-145.
Published in Fanfan Chen and Thomas Honegger (eds.). 2009. Good Dragons are Rare. An Inquiry into Literary Dragons East and West. (ALPH 5). Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 27-59. Summary: Prof. Tolkien noted: ‘There are in any case many... more
La tesi tratta della figura del drago nella narrativa francese di epoca medievale, a partire dalle sue radici storiche classiche e bibliche. Lo studio sviluppa le relazioni di scontro tra draghi e cavalieri sia dal punto di vista della... more
Türbesi Ordu ili, Kabataş ilçesi, Kuzköy Mahallesinde bulunan ve bölgede Şeyh Halil, Şidlü Dede, Sütlü Baba gibi adlarla bilinen Şit Abdal, bölgenin maddi ve manevi fethinde büyük rol oynayan Horasan erenlerinden ve Abdalân-ı Rûm’dan olup... more
Il saggio indaga le radici culturali e l’uso agiografico della figura del drago soffermandosi in particolare sul tema della sauromachia nella tradizione agiografica italiana. Particolare attenzione è dedicata al trasferimento di questo... more
Bu çalışmada, Hz. Ali ile yedi başlı ejderhanın mücadelesini anlatan Ejderha Destanı’nın şahsî kitaplığımızda bulunan bir nüshası neşredilmiştir. Söz konusu metin üzerine daha önce yapılan çalışmalar hakkında bilgi verildikten sonra... more
The Meriç / Mecidiye Bridge, which has a special place among the Edirne bridges in the Ottoman period, is the subject of our study. The existing bridge, which was decided to be built during the reign of Sultan II. Mahmud in 1833, was... more
This translation strikes at the many misconceptions about Indra as well as Vrtra.