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An updated and expanded database for the Hanford Mortality Study has been developed by PNL`s Epidemiology and Biometry Department. The purpose of this report is to document this process. The primary sources of data were the Occupational... more
In radionuclide therapy, absorbed dose is calculated by convolution of a three-dimensional activity matrix with a three-dimensional dose point kernel. A technique employing the fast Hartley Transform (FHT) has been developed to perform... more
When treatment intent is to include breast and internal mammary lymph nodes (IMNs) in the clinical target volume (CTV), a significant volume of the heart may receive radiation, which may result in late morbidity. The value of conformal... more
Questa tesi è stata dedicata alla verifca degli indicatori dosimetrici negli esami più comuni di radiologia proiettiva. Per questo lavoro, in cui sono state eseguite misure di dose in entrata con backscatter (ESD), misure di dose senza... more
After the discovery of laser therapy it was realized it has useful application of wound healing and reduce pain, but due to the poor understanding of the mechanism and dose response this technique remained to be controversial for... more
Les applications de l’énergie nucléaire sont diverses dans un grand nombre d’activités comme l’industrie, la médecine,... Parmi les rayonnements utilisés dans le traitement industriel, les rayons gamma trouvent des applications... more
After the discovery of laser therapy it was realized it has useful application of wound healing and reduce pain, but due to the poor understanding of the mechanism and dose response this technique remained to be controversial for... more
ABSTRACT The radiation field in low Earth orbits (LEO) differs significantly from the radiation environment on Earth׳s surface. Exposures are by far higher and pose an additional health risk for astronauts. Continuous monitoring is... more
The objective of this work was to develop a new optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) material for dosimetry applications that is tissue equivalent and has high sensitivity to ionizing radiation, fast lumi-nescence lifetime, and... more