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Page 148. Filip Kawczyński University of Warsaw filip. kawczynski@ gmail. com The Hybrid Theory of Reference for Proper Names Abstract: In this paper I present main ideas of the Hybrid Theory of Reference for Proper Names. ...
Should we deal with Frege’s Puzzle on semantic grounds? Is the cognitive value of language an aspect of meaning? Frege himself assumed an affirmative answer to those questions, and so did many direct reference theorists, such as David... more
The canonical arguments against the description theory of names are usually taken to have established that the reference of a name as used on a given occasion is not semantically determined by the qualitative descriptions that the speaker... more
The Twin Earth scenario assumes reference to natural kinds is unique and never changes (rigid designation), and that we can give justice to the intuition of reference-permanence and things having a deep structure only by pushing meaning... more
Keywords: communication, semantics/pragmatics, direct reference theory, singular thoughts, Russell's Principle, Generality Constraint, Husserl, Evans, Perry, twin examples, demonstratives, demonstrative identification, perception,... more
Kaplan’s influential (1989) makes a connection between the mode of reference of indexical expressions and the impossibility of a certain sentential operators, which he calls monsters. The impossibility of monsters has recently come under... more
The aim of this paper is to address the semantic issue of the nature of the representation I and of the transcendental designation, i.e., the self-referential apparatus involved in transcendental apperception. The I think, the bare or... more
Wie denken und sprechen wir eigentlich über einzelne Objekte in Raum und Zeit? Diese Frage rührt gleichermaßen an Grundprobleme der neueren sprachanalytischen Philosophie und der transzendentalen Phänomenologie Husserls. Unter dem Titel... more
Peirce’s theory of proper names has traditionally been thought to anticipate the new (or causal-historical) theory of names. Recent scholarship has argued that affinities between the new theory and Peirce’s theory are overstated because... more
In​ ​ this​ ​ paper​ ​ we​ ​ will​ ​ discuss​ ​ how​ ​ both​ ​ proper​ ​ names​ ​ for​ ​ existing​ ​ individuals​ ​ and​ ​ proper​ ​ names​ ​ for​ ​ fictional​ ​ entities can​ ​ be​ ​ used​ ​ metaphorically,​ ​ even​ ​ when​ ​ they​ ​... more
In this review, I try to present and discuss the main elements of each chapter of the book as briefly and instructively as possible. The first group of chapters deals with various issues about language, and the second group focuses on... more
Este artigo introduz, de forma detalhada, os problemas do conteúdo proposicional, linguístico e mental, com um destaque especial para a variedade do conteúdo singular, conteúdo irredutivelmente acerca de um objecto específico. São... more
As is well known, the linguistic/philosophical reflection on natural kind terms has undergone a remarkable development in the early seventies with Putnam and Kripke's essentialist approaches, touching upon different aspects (metaphysical... more
Attempting to compare scientific theories requires a philosophical model of meaning. Yet different scientific theories have at times—particularly in early chemistry—pre-supposed disparate theories of meaning. When two theories of meaning... more
According to the New Theory of Reference, proper names (and indexicals) and natural kind terms are semantically similar to each other but crucially different from definite descriptions and “ordinary” predicates, respectively. New... more
Robert Stalnaker contrasts two interpretations, semantic and metase-mantic, of the two-dimensionalist framework. On the semantic interpretation, the primary intension or diagonal proposition associated with an utterance is a semantic... more
Are there ontological consequences or ontological requirements of the theory of direct reference for general terms? It has normally been said that general terms should be conceived as rigid designators of ‘natural classes’, but this is a... more
In the paper I discuss a possibility of defending the Direct Reference theory from its most dangerous threaten which is the notorious Frege's puzzle. I discuss two possible ways of doing that. First is based on King's theory of... more
Many recent semantic theories have involved explicit acceptance of the following two theses: 1. DIRECT REFERENCE (DR): The utterance of a simple sentence containing names or demonstratives normally expresses a "singular proposition" -- a... more
In Seven Puzzles of Thought and How to Solve Them, Sainsbury and Tye argue for their Originalist theory of concepts on the basis that it solves seven well-known puzzles. These puzzles are traditionally seen as puzzles about language, and... more
In her paper “Can Frege Pose Frege’s Puzzle”, Stavroula Glezakos argues for the claim that, unless one presupposes the theoretical notion of sense, there is no in-principle epistemic divide between sentences of the form “a=a” and “a=b”.... more
On appelle « indexical » un terme dont on ne peut déterminer la référence qu’en considérant le contexte d’usage dans lequel il est employé. Ce concept d’ « indexicalité » a gagné un regain d’intérêt à la fin des années 1970, plus... more
Kripke's discussion in Naming and Necessity strongly suggests that semantic stipulation allows us to have new de re thoughts and make new de re claims. For example, it seems we could name the winning ticket in the next lottery 'Tickie'... more
It is not well known that in his Göttingen period (1901-1916) Edmund Husserl developed a kind of direct reference theory, anticipating, among other things, the distinction between referential and attributive use of a definite description,... more
Joseph Almog says concerning “a certain locus where Quine doesn’t exist…qua evaluation locus, we take to it [singular] propositions involving Quine [as a constituent] which we have generated in our generation locus.” This seems to be... more
I respond to some criticisms that Nathan Salmon makes of an argument I made in my monograph 'Semantic Relationism' against the direct reference theory.
At first pass, internalism about justification holds that there is no justificatory difference without an internal difference. Content externalism holds that there are content differences without internal differences. Many find both... more
¿A qué nos referimos cuando sostenemos que Pegaso tiene dos alas? Parece obvio que el enunciado tiene sentido, pero fallamos al señalar el referente. Una forma de entender este tipo de enunciados, los cuales poseen personajes... more
ABSTRACT From human relations to philosophy, many problems arise because of the indefiniteness or indeterminacy of terms. In order to solve such problems, we need to determine the whatness or quiddity of the meaning of any term, sentence... more
In this paper I challenge the widespread assumption that the conditions for singular reference are more or less the same as the conditions for singular thought. I claim that we refer singularly to things without thinking singularly about... more
The purpose of this paper is to bring out, by means of a simple thought experiment involving demonstratives, a discrepancy between what is expressed and what is believed (which contradicts the Theory of Direct Reference), and to consider... more
At first pass, internalism about justification is the view that there is no justificatory difference without an internal difference. Externalism about mental content is the view that there are differences in mental content without an... more
Nathan Salmon (1986a)(1986b)(1989) and Scott Soames (1987)(1988) defend a neo-Russellian account of the semantics of propositional attitude ascriptions in which senses and modes of presentation play no part. They also defend an... more
Kitcher and Stanford propose to develop a direct reference theory for kind terms. Direct reference theories have to cope with the qua problem and the "no failures of reference" problem; Kitcher and Stanford believe that both can be solved... more
In this review I discuss Joseph Almog's book "Referential Mechanics". The book discusses direct reference as conceived by three of its founding fathers, Kripke, Kaplan and Donnellan, and introduces Almog's ambitious project of providing a... more
My aim in this paper is to present and discuss Miščević’s position on pejorative terms. Pejorative terms, for Miščević, are negative hybrid social kind terms that refer directly and pick out social kinds as their referents. Despite... more
"This paper reconstructs Moore’s Open Question Argument and discusses its rise and fall. There are three basic objections to the OQA: Geach’s point, that Moore presupposes that ‘good’ is a predicative adjective (whereas it is in fact... more