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La sedimentacion del delta del rio Orinoco podria influir en las relaciones geopoliticas entre Venezuela y Trinidad-Tobago, ya que los espacios deltaicos abarcan superficies cada vez mas extensas, y de esta manera generan un acercamiento... more
Egypt is one of the biggest and affected country in Africa and Middle East, which affected by increasing population and many developing projects. The Nile is the artery of life to Egypt as it shares with other ten countries as it... more
This paper evaluates the four leading techniques proposed in the literature for construction of prediction intervals (PIs) for neural network point forecasts. The delta, Bayesian, bootstrap, and mean-variance estimation (MVE) methods are... more
Cet article présente les résultats d'une étude sur la manière dont les enseignants de français conceptualisent les contenus didactiques en fonction des interactions en classe. La représentation qu'ont les enseignants de leur gestion des... more
The future of the Mekong Delta, specifically in relation to the contemporary challenges of climate change, must be grounded in an understanding of both its geology and its context-embedded cultural practices of agriculture, settlement,... more
There is a long-standing tradition for the Editors of Bergey’s Manual to open their respective editions with the observation that the new edition is a departure from the earlier ones. As this volume goes to press, however, we recognize a... more
El presente trabajo contiene La información obtenida durante la primera visita a la isla del Diablo partido de San pedro, convocada por la Dirección de Cultura y Deportes de San Pedro, como parte del relevamiento biológico de la zona de... more
Configuracion del Drive MS300 de la marca delta con la tarjeta de comunicacion CMM-EIP01.
The Sundarban mangrove wetlands occupy the western part of the lower Ganga–Brahmaputra delta (GBD), Bangladesh and India. Formation of the Bengal basin, the cradle of the GBD, started in the Jurassic with initiation of rifting of the... more
Creativity in adults is highly valued in our society. Personal creativity contributes to inventiveness, innovation, social and cultural change as well as political development and economic progression. The creator is an innovator, a... more
В статье рассматриваются возможности развития цифровой текстологии, анализируются системные причины применения методов количественной атрибуции авторского текста при решении текстологических задач на примере романа М.А. Шолохова «Тихий... more
In January 2019, the World Health Organization WHO declared a health emergency the appearance of a virus in Wuhan, China, which it later baptized as COVID-19. It is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. [i] [ii] The world... more
Brahma Kumaris Rajayoga's open eyed 'seed stage meditation' was studied in 52 experienced meditators. The meditation consists of different stages: concentration on the feeling of peace, realization of being a soul and communion of the... more
Lingkungan Pengendapan adalah proses yang berlangsung selama proses pembentukan, transportasi dan pengendapan sedimen. Perbedaan fisik dapat berupa elemen statis ataupun dinamis. Sistem Sedimentasi merupakan bagian penting dalam proses... more
En enero de 2019, la Organización Mundial de Salud OMS declaró emergencia sanitaria la aparición de un virus en Wuhan, China, que luego bautizó como COVID- 19. Es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por el SARS-CoV-2. El mundo... more
According to ancient literary tradition, Utica is considered to be one of the first three Phoenician foundations in the Western Mediterranean, supposedly founded in 1101 BC by Levantines from Tyre. In the Phoenician and Roman periods it... more
This research deals with the surface dynamics and key factors – hydrological regime, sediment load, and erodibility of floodplain facies – of frequent channel shifting, intensive meandering, and lateral instability of the Bhagirathi River... more
Delta ve lagünler, içlerinde birçok biyosfer elemanını barındırdıkları gibi insanlar içinde hayati öneme sahip alanlardandır. Delta ve lagünler, kıyı ekolojisi ve zengin biyolojik ortamlara sahip olmaları bakımından dikkate değerdir.... more
Today, half of the Netherlands is situated below sea level. Because of this, water-management is of key importance when it comes to maintaining present-day habitation of the Dutch low-lands. In prehistory, however, large parts of the... more
Los indígenas Warao del delta de Orinoco, forman una cultura de grandes navegantes, pescadores, recolectores y horticultores incipientes, sin cerámica, habitantes de marismas y riberas de caños y ríos. Muchos de ellos, sin embargo, han... more
Although the ancient site of Utica has been studied since the 19th century, the location of its harbors remains unresolved as they were buried under sediments as the Mejerda delta prograded and left Utica 10 km inland. Using relief... more
The Dutch delta is a reclamation landscape. It has undergone several transformations since the Middle Ages to become an inhabitable, beautiful and unique cultural landscape. Many factors that determine the spatial quality of the future... more
During the 17 th-18 th century colonial period on the Indian subcontinent, British colonial architecture flourished-including in the Bengal Delta. Although colonial architecture was inherently different from the traditional architecture... more