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Aim.  To examine the relationship between nurse staffing and nurse-rated quality of nursing care and job outcomes.Background.  Nurse staffing has been reported to influence patient and nurse outcomes.Design.  A cross-sectional study with... more
Aims and Objectives To investigate the professional quality of life and caring behaviours among clinical nurses in Saudi Arabia during the COVID‐19 pandemic. We also examined the influence of the nurses’ socio‐demographic and professional... more
Background. The World Health Organisation's Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in 1986 sought to create a framework for health promotion action that conveyed the notion of capacity building as it related to specific settings. It... more
Precondition to prevention and control of morbidity and mortality of myocardial ischemia--coronary disease, is its good diagnostic. Goal of this study is to asses diagnostic significance of positive trademill stress test in diagnosis of... more
To investigate the fatigue levels and important fatigue predictors for patients undergoing haemodialysis. Fatigue is a common symptom for haemodialysis patients. With its debilitating and distressing effects, it impacts patients in terms... more
The International Community of Practice for Person-centred Practice (PCP-ICoP) coordinated from Queen Margaret University Edinburgh recently wrote about the current state of person-centredness across several countries in the world... more
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between sexual orientation and depression in a nationally representative population to determine if sexual minorities report higher levels of depression than the remainder of the... more
Aims To (1) give an overview of rebel nurse leadership by summarising descriptions of positive deviance, tempered radicals and healthcare rebels; (2) examine the competences of nurse rebel leadership; and (3) describe factors that... more
The importance of increasing exercise to prevent falls among older adults remains a key worldwide public health priority. However, older adults do not necessarily take up exercise as a preventative measure for falls. This qualitative... more
This study presents a discussion of the physiological and psychological efficacy of a self-regulation protocol in lowering acute exacerbation symptoms in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Patients with chronic... more
Aims.  To test the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Nursing Practice Environment Scale (C-NPES) translated from the Lake’s Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index and to explore nurses’ perceptions of... more