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The interpretation of the different mistakes and slips of the tongue during narrative production by Russian speaking children is based on the competition models of language processing.
How do we find meaning amidst an overwhelming amount of sensory information? Are the processes by which we categorize information independent of our language? Linguistic relativism suggests that our thoughts are shaped by our language.... more
Будући да најопштија дефиниција менталног лексикона казује да је он инстанца меморије унутар семантичке, дугорочне меморије, можемо закључити да он сам представља некакав систем знања. Утолико што су јединице комуникације симболичке... more
This paper shows that the visual concreteness of the target words influences the acceptability ratings to Japanese made-up nonsense words (e.g. "珈琲先生 (coffee teacher)" )
It is often assumed that language development occurs during a critical period and that the plasticity of the brain areas involved decreases afterwards, making language acquisition difficult or impossible. Yet, adults also exhibit implicit... more
This research paper confers the importance of lullabies being sung to children, commencing from the pre-linguistic stage of language acquisition until the end of the first few years of the infancy. Thus, this report deals with the... more
This study aimed to investigate relationship between resilience as a personality factor defined in positive psychology and autonomous learning as a newly developed subject in learning and teaching (EFL area). This research employed... more
Historical (diachronic) overview and current trends in the AI development related to linguistic issues.
Український асоціативний словник укладено за матеріалами психолінгвістичного експерименту з носіями української мови. Цей Словник продовжує традиції української лексикографії в галузі укладання асоціативних словників, започатковані Н. П.... more
This volume honours Peter Skehan’s landmark contributions to research in Task-Based Language Teaching. It offers state-of-the-art reviews as well as cutting-edge new research studies, all reflective of key theoretical and methodological... more
This paper is concerned with the relation of thought and language, especially with the inner workings of human conceptual thought. The questions it set out to answer were whether humans think in language and how language might limit human... more
This is a psycholinguistic dissertation that explores if the acquisition of vocabulary can be promoted during middle school (12-15 year olds) through a form of meditation known as imaginary journeys. Its aim is to find a creative way to... more
The purpose of this qualitative grounded theory study was to assess component models of a model of education that incorporates multiple language acquisition. The Research Literature indicates that third language (L3) learning enhances... more
Український асоціативний словник укладено за матеріалами психолінгвістичного експерименту з носіями української мови. Цей Словник продовжує традиції української лексикографії в галузі укладання асоціативних словників, започатковані Н. П.... more
A review of contemporary theory of the Psychology of Concepts, focussing on Analytical and positivist approaches.
В статье приводятся основания для разграничения видов переводческих  ошибок в передаче содержания исходного текста в зависимости от возможности восстановления смысла на материале контекста или за счет обращения к дискурсу.
Cognitive Linguistics, which primarily deals with the conceptual structures of human mind via their language manifestation, opens new prospects in study- ing binary oppositions. Despite numerous researches of this phenomenon, lots of... more
This thesis investigates the expenditure of cognitive effort in post-editing of machine translation. A mixed-method approach involving the use of eye movements, subjective ratings and think-aloud protocols was adopted for the... more
El discurso científico-académico oral es una práctica usual en el ámbito académico, sin embargo son escasos los estudios sobre los géneros que conforman este tipo de discurso: conferencias, ponencias, charlas, clases teóricas,... more
This chapter aims to provide a linguist's perspective on the problem of musical meaning. It will explore how some theoretical constructs of modern linguistics, especially of cognitive semantics, may inform discussions of musical... more
This book represents a personal understanding and interpretation of the role of working memory in second language acquisition (SLA). Through this book, I hope to bring together and then integrate the several areas of my current research... more
Several indicators seem to suggest that, through nearly six decades of development, Cognitive Translation Studies (CTS) may be taking shape as an autonomous field of study. The main challenges ahead seem to be building sounder theoretical... more
De Rerum Natura - Evolutionary origins of cultural differences: the «Hofstede effect»! One key toward a deeper understanding of cultural differences will come from changing the way in which social scientists could conceptualize them.... more
Successful speech perception requires that listeners map the acoustic signal to linguistic categories. These mappings are not only probabilistic, but change depending on the situation. For example, one talker's /p/ might be physically... more
O livro Psicolinguística em Minas Gerais visa apresentar pesquisas psicolinguísticas conduzidas por professores doutores vinculados a oito instituições de ensino do estado de Minas Gerais. Ao longo de 15 capítulos, o leitor fará uma... more
The acceptability judgment task is a crucial method in experimental syntax. This study compares two forms of the task –Likert-scale and magnitude estimations – in the investigation of the learnability of the English resultative... more
Frequently used linguistic structures become entrenched in memory; this is often assumed to make their consecutive parts more predictable, as well as fuse them into a single unit (chunking). High frequency moreover leads to a propensity... more
Psycholinguistics, as its name suggests, encompasses the psychology of language as well as linguistic psychology. Although they might sound similar, they are actually distinct. The first is a branch of linguistics, while the latter is a... more
Convegno Dille 2015 “Lingua al plurale: la formazione degli insegnanti” Obiettivo del contributo è diffondere la consapevolezza dell’esistenza del processing tra gli insegnanti di LS/L2 e suggerire l’inserimento, all’interno... more
To sum up, it is hoped that all the individual chapters included in this book have made concerted albeit distinctive contributions to advancing the theoretical and methodological fronts of the WM-SLA endeavor. Notwithstanding, given that... more
I fenomeni linguistici possono essere predetti facendo riferimento a tre grandi classi di modelli: i modelli basati su regole, quelli basati su un apprendimento statistico e quelli basati sugli esempi (tra cui i modelli analogici).... more
The study aimed at identifying the association between Bandura's four hypothesized self-efficacy sources and reading comprehension by employing reading self-efficacy beliefs as a mediating variable. A correlational research design was... more
Asperger Syndrome (AS) is often associated with social, cognitive, motor, and language problems, but an estimated number of AS bilingual individuals with this syndrome; especially those with social communication disorders (SCD) typically... more
This Ph.D. dissertation addresses possible bilingualism effects on speakers’ linguistic processing and representation through a psycholinguistic methodology. Our primary focus is the analysis of how bilingualism can influence bilinguals’... more
Text reading is discussed as a process characterized by continual interactions occuring between meanings of separate words and notional images, that arise from sequentially perceived meanings. Commonly used procedures like eyes movement... more