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An experimental design approach, based on central composite design, has been used to investigate the dependence of accelerated solvent extraction operating variables (pressure, temperature, extraction time) on the recovery of 16... more
Bioremediation is a possible mechanism for clean-up of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils in the Antarctic. Microbes indigenous to the Antarctic are required that degrade the hydrocarbon contaminants found in the soil, and that are able to... more
The efficacy of a new rhamnolipid biosurfactants mixture to enhance the removal of pyrene from a soil artificially contaminated was investigated. The molar solubilization ratio (MSR) and the partition coefficient between the micelles and... more
An innovative bioprocess method, Systematic Environmental Molecular Bioremediation Technology (SEMBT) that combines bioaugmentation and biostimulation with a molecular monitoring microarray biochip, was developed as an integrated... more
Over440 yd,of radioactively contaminated soil containing toxic mercury was generated during a ComprehensiveEnvironmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) removal action atBrookhaven,National Laboratory (BNL). The U.S.... more
This paper describes ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) that can take sample of contaminated water and soil while the operator operates it on the shore or ship. User can operate ROV wirelessly. ROV is...
Application of fungal-based bioaugmentation was evaluated for the remediation of creosote-contaminated soil at a wood-preserving site in West Virginia. Soil at the site contained creosote-range polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at... more
Few studies have been done to evaluate the transfer of catabolic plasmids from an introduced donor strain to indigenous microbial populations as a means to remediate contaminated soils. In this work we determined the effect of the... more
The retention and mobility of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in soil is mainly determined by hydrophobic partitioning to dissolved and particulate organic matter (DOM and POM, respectively). The aqueous phase, DOM, and POM... more
A total of 2454 samples were collected to evaluate the degree, extent, and distribution of Pb contaminated soil in Minnesota. Samples were collected primarily at locations where susceptible populations were concentrated. Soil Pb... more
The present work describes a coke oven soil treatability study by landfarming, conducted on-site in a field scale facility covering 100 m2. The soil contamination was mainly due to high concentrations of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons... more