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Circularly polarized (CP) antennas are used in space applications for telemetry tracking and command (TT&C). In this paper, we present an antenna for a TT&C system that can employ only four antennas to achieve a wide quasi-isotropic... more
This paper focuses on the effects of nonbinding recommendations on bargaining outcomes. Recommendations are theorized to have two effects: they can create a focal point for final bargaining positions, and they can decrease outcome... more
The maintenance portion of the software lifecycle represents a major drain on most software company's resources. The transition from programmers to maintainers is high risk, since usually the maintainers have to learn the system from... more
Recent cross-country empirical evidence indicates that the money-prices relationship depends on the level of inflation. This relationship is close to proportional for high inflation economies, but weakens when mean inflation is lower.... more
The new Keynesian Phillips curve (NPC) is the new standard model of the supply side in medium term macro models. The NPC is supported by a number of econometric studies that report significant and correctly signed estimates of parameters... more
Sentiment analysis on Twitter data has attracted much attention recently. One of the system’s key features, is the immediacy in communication with other users in an easy, user-friendly and fast way. Consequently, people tend to express... more
C++ template metaprogramming has been used with great success to build software applications and libraries. In practice, however, template metaprogramming suffers usability, reliability, and capability shortcomings, and it is not well... more
In the present article, we describe the use of highly fluorescent carbon dots (CDs) for the preparation of an effective water-based carbon dot ink (CD-ink) for gravure printing. Carbon dots were prepared hydrothermally from citrate and... more
The years 2001, 2002, and 2003 experienced significant downsizing of the Information Technology (IT) industry. In 2004, outsourcing or off-shoring gave another blow to the IT job market. The future enrollment of computer science, computer... more
1. Introduction, 2. Brothers and sisters â€" adelphoi, 3. The believers, 4. The saints â€" hoi hagioi, 5. The assembly â€" hÄ" ekklÄ" sia, 6. Disciples â€" mathÄ" tai, 7. The way â€" hÄ" hodos,... more