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The article presents an analysis of bankruptcy as an important event of the market relations during the Bulgarian National Revival period. The problems arising around bankruptcies are the main motives for the creation of modern commercial... more
Nel presente saggio si analizzano le caratteristiche dell’istituto della parziale esdebitazione (discharge) a beneficio delle imprese individuali e dei consumatori persone fisiche come recentemente introdotto nel sistema spagnolo con L.... more
After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, most legacy airlines filed for bankruptcy protection as a way to cut costs drastically, with the exception of American Airlines. This article applies the Principle of Double-Effect to the... more
IBC is the second most crucial reform in the legal setting of India. It is because IBC is not only making India emphatically powerful in the field of the legal environment but also provides a new identification and recognition at the... more
This paper evaluates the effects of foreign ownership on the going-concern of Nigerian quoted banks. The paper is produced based on the ex-post facto research design. Data were generated from the annual reports and financial statement of... more
The current study examines the evolution of bankruptcy reforms in India through time, as well as the effectiveness of these changes since they were first implemented in the country. There is an attempt to address the current state of... more
Against the background of a global economy, the current pandemic is likely to bring about a "legal pandemic" of mass insolvencies, thus threatening an economic and social collapse. The banking system remains the central pillar for the... more
Concordato preventivo con cessione dei beni: il liquidatore giudiziale, in oltre otto mesi, non si è mai attivato per organizzare l'asta per la vendita degli immobili facenti parte del concordato e si è, infine, dimesso. Può il debitore... more
Il Master in Diritto Penale dell'Impresa (MiDPI), giunto alla sua sesta edizione, nasce su iniziativa della Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore e dell'Alta Scuola "Federico Stella" sulla Giustizia penale... more
An analysis of various financial ratios sampled from open and closed hospitals shows that certain leverage, liquidity, capital efficiency, and resource availability ratios can predict hospital closure up to two years in advance of the... more
er vor/iegende Beitrag hat aktuelle Urtei/e des Bundesgerichts zum Gegenstand, die neue oder bemerkenswerte Aspekte zum Schuldbe- treibungs- und Konkursrecht beinhalten.
SOMMARIO: 1. Dal contratto misto al concordato misto.-2. Preva-lenza e combinazione come criteri di determinazione della disciplina applicabile.-3. Le criticità connesse all'utilizzo del criterio di pre-valenza quantitativa.-4. La... more
This Article combines an analysis of documents submitted in connection with Chapter 11 cases filed by religious organizations with the results of in-depth interviews with these organizations’ leaders and their bankruptcy attorneys to... more
Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
Law No.7101 stipulated important changes in the Turkish insolvency law. The most significant amendment stipulated by the Law is the abolition of the institution of postponement of bankruptcy and the regulation of the provisions regarding... more
Whether firms are in the last phase of their life cycle can be seen through bankruptcy prediction models. The bankruptcy of companies concerns not only shareholders and creditors, but also an entire economy, affecting all stakeholders... more
Homeowner files an ex-parte motion to reopen his Bankruptcy case in the Federal Court, after he obtains evidence that all beneficial interest of his mortgage is owned by the Federal National Mortgage Association ( FANNIE MAE ), and not... more
Resumo: O presente trabalho apresenta uma avaliação empírica sobre a relação entre, de um lado, as causas concretas que fundamentam os pedidos em ações de recuperação judicial e, de outro, as medidas específicas apresentadas pelos... more
This paper presents an alternative technique for financial distress prediction systems. The method is based on a type of neural network, which is called hybrid associative memory with translation. While many different neural network... more
This brief paper provides an example of the use of Altman's Z-Score in evaluating the probability of municipal default. It includes a short discussion of hedge fund strategy with regard to municipal default and advances an argument that... more
90 years ago – in October 1929 - the crash on Wall Street created chaos in the financial markets. The Great Crash of 1929 led to the Great Depression the longest period of unemployment and contraction in modern history. The market crash... more
En étudiant les controverses relatives aux mécanismes légitimes de régulation des faillites souveraines, cette enquête montre la capacité de résilience des instruments et des acteurs assurant la continuité d’un ordre marchand dans les... more
Financial insolvency is important for sustainable national growth. This can be resolved through liquidity management, which is very important in any organization in terms of the organization's current assets, current liabilities,... more
Με αφορμή τη σχολιαζόμενη απόφαση (ΜονΕφΑθ 6028/2020) επιχειρείται μία προσέγγιση του ζητήματος της διαδικασίας ειδικής διαχείρισης, ως ανάλογης προς την πτώχευση διαδικασίας αφερεγγυότητας, κατά την έννοια του αρ. 6 π.δ. 178/2002 ενώ... more
The rise of mental health problems such as depression cannot be understood in narrowly medical terms, but instead needs to be understood in its political-economic context. An economy driven by debt (and prone to problem debt at the level... more
During the last third of the 19th century large estates found themselves under significant tensions. A process which was seen for most of Europe, the fall of the prices of agrarian products and the ascension of wages propelled agrarian... more
Affrontati i problemi interpretativi e i dubbi di legittimità costituzionale sollevati dalla disciplina sulle proposte concorrenti e sui c.d. concordati preventivi espropriativi, anche alla luce della legge delega per la riforma della... more
The proprietors of almost 100 Chinese furniture factories in Australia went bankrupt during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.With a substantial stake in furniture production for decades following the gold rushes of the... more
These conference proceedings constitute a selection of the best papers submitted to the 13th International Scientific Conference "Law in Business of Selected Member States of the European Union" which was organized by the Department of... more
On August 25, 2021, Law decree 118/2021 came into force, introducing a new proceeding in the Italian legal system, the “Negotiated settlement for the solution of business crisis”, concerning the prevention/management of the business... more
The 1920s often called the "Golden 20s" because the equity markets were booming but there were a series of structural issues. Only a few years after the 1st World War the global economy was still suffering from the consequences of the... more
The main objective of this study is to analyze the "pieces" that support the construction of a bankruptcy policy, aiming to identify those that allow building a bankruptcy policy which will help in the recovery from the economic COVID... more
The article contains the comparative snapshots of national laws and courts’ decisions which deal with the effects of bankruptcy on international arbitration. These effects are severe and they may affect the arbitrability of a dispute, the... more