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Bachmann et al.(1999) postulated that wind energy initiated, and has maintained, high turbidity in hypertrophic (mean chlorophyll a= 92 µg l-1) Lake Apopka, Florida (mean depth= 1.6 m; area= 12? 500 ha). They asserted that the turbid... more
To evaluate the role of the sediment in the high primary production of a tropical coastal lagoon, "Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta" (Caribbean, Colombia), the flux of nitrogen and phosphorous (dissolved, inorganic, particulate) in... more
A simple and sensitive in situ method for monitoring the occurrence of toxic algal blooms and shellfish contamination events has been developed. The technique involves the passive adsorption of biotoxins onto porous synthetic resin filled... more
Lake Varese is a relatively small lake, belonging to the drainage basin of lake Maggiore (northern Italy). It has had a long his- tory (since 1960s) of water quality deterioration as the result of cultural eutrophication. In 1967 a... more
This review will initially consider the history and early development of the slow sand filtration process and will progress to examine the present design in some detail and will also touch upon construction methods. Theoretical aspects... more
Rapid scale growth of intensive mariculture systems can often lead to adverse impacts on the environment. Intensive fish and shrimp farming, being defined as throughput-based systems, have a continuous or pulse release of nutrients that... more
... Our understanding of eutrophication and its management has evolved from simple control of nutrient sources to recognition that it is often a cumulative effects problem that will require protection and restoration of many features of a... more
A simple and sensitive in situ method for monitoring the occurrence of toxic algal blooms and shellfish contamination events has been developed. The technique involves the passive adsorption of biotoxins onto porous synthetic resin filled... more
Macroalgal blooms of Hypnea musciformis and Ulvafasciata in coastal waters of Maui only occur in areas of substantial anthropogenic nutrient input, sources of which include wastewater effluent via injection wells, leaking cesspools and... more
Phytoplankton biodiversity studies in Kenya's standing waters were carried out between 2001 and 2003. Toxin producing cyanobacteria were recorded in twelve water bodies. Microcystis and Anabaena were the most common species in... more