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Aquatic coastal systems are affected by high fluctuations in salinity and the zooplankton may rely on dispersal or dormancy to recolonise these environments. Here, we analysed the long-term dynamics of the zooplankton community over 6... more
This study investigated the behaviour of Pomacea bridgesii, describing the daily activity, substrate selection and the influence of the flood regime in the Amazon, the species’ native habitat. The present study described the daily... more
Identifying the respective role of environmental, landscape and management factors in explaining the patterns in community composition is an important goal in ecology. Using a set of 32 temporary ponds in northern Morocco we studied the... more
Parasites constitute the majority of coral reef animal diversity and are believed to contribute significantly to host, community and trophic dynamics. Anilocra spp. are large conspicuous ectoparasitic isopods, making them ideal models for... more
Resource limitation controls the base of food webs in many aquatic ecosystems. In coastal ecosystems, nitrogen (N) has been found to be the predominant limiting factor for primary producers. Due to the important role nitrogen plays in... more
The analysis of age structure of fisher women showed that 35-55 years age groups are mainly engaged in various fishery related activities (50%) in average of total population. The average family size is 6, and 51.5% being the illiterate... more
Trends of annual sea level records of four tidal observatories of the Hugli estuary—Sagar, Gangra, Haldia, and Diamond Harbour—are analysed from the records of Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL). The rates of sea level changes... more
Estuaria merupakan wilayah pesisir semi tertutup yang mempunyai hubungan bebas dengan laut terbuka dan menerima masukan air tawar dari daratan. Sebagian besar estuaria didominasi oleh substrat berlumpur yang merupakan endapan yang dibawa... more
The Barren Measures Formation (middle Permian, ~271e260 Ma), the non-coaliferous lithounit sandwitched between two major coal-bearing formations in the Indian Lower Gondwana succession, was earlier interpreted as continental... more
The gobiid fish Mangarinus waterousi Herre, 1943 is recorded for the first time from India in Vellar estuary (n = 7) and Pazhayar fish landing (n = 3), Tamil Nadu. Their length ranged from 26.0 to 31.9 mm. Morphometric and meristic... more
Plankton plays an important role in a body of water as the primary producers and the beginning of the chain in the food web (food chain) causes the plankton used as a measure of fertility an ecosystem scale. This study aims to analyze the... more
Pada saat muson tenggara perairan selatan Jawa, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara mengalami upwelling yang berpengaruh ke perairan selat Bali disebut sebagai in-direct upwelling. Pengaruh upwelling ini bisa dilihat dari perubahan parameter fisika,... more
Antonio Pantojas revela la historia de una geografía en San Juan hasta ahora poco explorada, la del transformismo. El término significa aquí el trabajo de hombres o mujeres que deciden cruzar las fronteras de las vestimentas relacionadas... more
... phytoplankton and zooplankton have been established in estuarine systems ([Sautour et al., 1996], [Perissinotto et al., 2000] and [Tan et al ... Maximum number of microzooplankton species (seven) observed was at stations 1 and 6 only,... more
The remains of a timber v-shaped fishweir and associated structures have been discovered near Ashlett Creek on the tidal mudflats of Southampton Water in Hampshire, southern Britain. Radiocarbon dating of oak roundwood stakes taken from... more
... Perillo, GME, 1995. Definitions and geomorphologic classifications of estuaries. In: Perillo, GME (Ed.), Geomorphology and Sedimentology of Estuaries. Developments in Sedimentology, 53. ... De. Galaxia Vigo. pp. 237–250. Varela, M.,... more
The freshwater fish, Rhadinocentrus ornatus Regan, 1914, has a patchy distribution through coastal drainages of Queensland and New South Wales, eastern Australia. Isolated populations of R. ornatus are found on several islands, as well as... more
Systematic study of charts, maps and satellite images pertaining to 1967-68, 1975, 1992, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2012, indicate that the Balari Bar steadily increased, choking up the northern portion of the Haldia Channel, on the... more
In this study we investigate for the first time the zooplankton assemblages in a relatively small tidal channel called Bahía del Medio, situated in the middle-outer area of the Bahía Blanca Estuary, South of the Main channel. We focused... more
Surface sediments collected at the Tirumalairajan river estuary and their surrounding coastal areas were analyzed for the bulk metal concentration. The sedi- ments were collected from post- and premonsoon sea- sons. Dominances of heavy... more
Most of the estuarine and ocean bottoms are covered with sediments making this the largest habitat on our planet. Grain size data of the estuarine sediments are of great importance in differentiating various depositional microenvironments... more