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The twelfth campaign of excavation concentrated on areas already begun in previous years (Areas 1, 11, 14, 15, and 17), adding on a new one inside the northern sector of the circuit wall (Area 18). For the phases of the stone castle... more
Lakes of hydro-agricultural dams are technical innovations developed by the Ivorian State in the countryside of the north of the country in the 1970s. The presence of these water reservoirs has helped to boost agricultural production and... more
Though youth have desirable qualities that can promote agriculture, most of them have strong apathy toward it. This has resulted in mass unemployment and lack of sustainable livelihood among youth. With fewer youth into agriculture, the... more
Though youth have desirable qualities that can promote agriculture, most of them have strong apathy toward it. This has resulted in mass unemployment and lack of sustainable livelihood among youth. With fewer youth into agriculture, the... more
Though youth have desirable qualities that can promote agriculture, most of them have strong apathy toward it. This has resulted in mass unemployment and lack of sustainable livelihood among youth. With fewer youth into agriculture, the... more
Although inland surface water bodies have been studied intensively, few studies have looked at the interactive effects of seawater intrusion and waterway types on the water quality. The current study aimed to (1) assess the inland water... more
The Masouleh river basin is in south of Iran. Different water user such as urban, rural, agriculture and industry are presented in the catchment. Municipal, rural, agricultural, industry and environmental need are going exacerbate future... more
The archaeological site of A Mourela has yielded several archaeological structures related with agricultural, pastoral and woodland activities in the hills of Northern Galicia. In this paper a synthesis of the wood and seed/fruit... more