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Simulation and planning is one of the best ways for an organisation like the Red Cross to ensure that it can adequately and effectively respond to emergencies. Computer simulation is an effective method of visualising these scenarios and... more
Attention Bias Modification (ABM) targets attention bias (AB) towards threat and is a potential therapeutic intervention for anxiety. The current study investigated whether initial AB (towards or away from spider images) influenced the... more
Biometric Systems Now a Days are playing a vital role in the whole word. Biometric Identification is been carried out in all the industrics, Institutions and in all the concerns wherr we are in need of the security and heavy monitoring.... more
Title: The Relationship between Frequency of Online Scams to the Age of the Selected E-Wallet Users in Quezon City Researchers: Bautista, Earl Lawrence U. Cirunay, Eliana J. Cuesta, Mariel Johnel S. Quimora, Maverick Jhumar I. Sarsalejo,... more
This study identified the different management practices and strategies of student entrepreneurs on running their business as well as handling the varying factors that they encounter from time to time. The challenges and coping practices... more
The overall purpose of the study is to identify the perception of the Grade 11 ABM students in San Sebastian College – Recoletos de Cavite (SSC-RdC) regarding the traditional and block schedule. The study concerns the student’s welfare... more
Difficulty can be a hardship, an obstacle, a hindrance or a problem. In the study, it was used as a thing that is hard to accomplish, deal with, or understand. In line with studying, the current Grade 11 and 12 students who are currently... more
In the last decade, the investigation of the social complexity has witnessed the rise of Computational Social Science, a research paradigm that heavily relies upon data and computation to foster our understanding of social phenomena. In... more
Biometric Systems Now a Days are playing a vital role in the whole word. Biometric Identification is been carried out in all the industrics, Institutions and in all the concerns wherr we are in need of the security and heavy monitoring.... more
EL COVID-19 nos forzó a todos a cambiar la mirada sobre nuestros negocios, sobre las estrategias que estábamos aplicando y las herramientas que estábamos utilizando. Este articulo pretende ser una mirada sobre los cambios que se vieron en... more
resumen de los procesos que se utilizan en el procesamiento de los alimentos.
Massive diffusion of green technologies is significant for building a cleaner world. However, the process of technology diffusion is usually slow and complex. An in-depth understanding of the mechanism regarding green technology diffusion... more
An agent-based model conflict between herdsmen in east Africa using the MASON agent-based simulation environment is presented. Herders struggle to keep their herds fed and watered in a GIS-based, spatially diverse environment with... more
In this paper, the meander line antenna (MLA) have been designed to operate at 2.4-GHz for WLAN application. Two different designs of meander line antenna are investigated, without conductor line and with conductor line. Microwave Office... more
This work presents a multi-agent-based computational model of an artificial fractional reserve banking system. The model is implemented in NetLogo. The computational experiments and simulations we performed to analyse the proposed model... more
Agent-based modelling (ABM) is becoming the dominant paradigm in social simulation due primarily to a worldview that suggests that complex systems emerge from the bottom-up, are highly decentralised, and are composed of a multitude of... more
In this paper, the meander line antenna have been designed to operate at 2.4-GHz for WLAN application. Two different designs of meander line antenna are investigates, without conductor line and with conductor line. The Microwave Office... more
In this paper, the meander line antenna (MLA) have been designed to operate at 2.4-GHz for WLAN application. Two different designs of meander line antenna are investigated, without conductor line and with conductor line. Microwave Office... more
Urban models can be seen on a continuum between iconic and symbolic. Generally speaking, iconic models are physical versions of the real world at some scaled down representation, while symbolic models represent the system in terms of the... more
Abstract: An agent-based model conflict between herdsmen in east Africa using the MASON agent-based simulation environment is presented. Herders struggle to keep their herds fed and watered in a GIS-based, spatially diverse environment... more
In this paper, the meander line antenna have been designed to operate at 2.4-GHz for WLAN application. Two different designs of meander line antenna are investigates, without conductor line and with conductor line. The Microwave Office... more
The aim of this paper is to outline fundamental concepts and principles of the Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) paradigm, with particular reference to the development of geospatial simulations. The paper begins with a brief definition of... more
Simulation and planning is one of the best ways for an organisation like the Red Cross to ensure that it can adequately and effectively respond to emergencies. Computer simulation is an effective method of visualising these scenarios and... more
Contribution to DRAFT OPINION, on Europe and Space: Turning to a new chapter (COM(2000)597 – C5-0146/2001 – 2001/2072 (COS)), of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy for the Committee on... more
I describe an agent-based model to study the evolution of paternal care. The reported n-person Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma shows that the relative differences in the reproductive effort between sexes can explain the evolution of paternal... more
In this paper, the meander line antenna (MLA) have been designed to operate at 2.4-GHz for WLAN application. Two different designs of meander line antenna are investigated, without conductor line and with conductor line. Microwave Office... more
In this article, we present a geographically explicit agent-based model (ABM), loosely coupled with vector geographical information systems (GISs), which explicitly captures and uses geometric data and socioeconomic attributes in the... more
Simulation and planning is one of the best ways for an organisation like the Red Cross to ensure that it can adequately and effectively respond to emergencies. Computer simulation is an effective method of visualising these scenarios and... more
The main aim of this paper is to motivate Czech sociological community to start to use agent-based modelling (ABM) method. The paper first describes on the practical example (extended Schelling's model of ethnic segregation) the gist of... more
The aim of this work is to study the feasibility of using agent-based modeling to study the activated sludge process. A model in NetLogo has been proposed, and experiments have been developed comparing the model behavior with a classical... more
Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) represents a methodology with significant potential for altering archaeological analytical practice. The continued growth in the number of publications that use ABM provides evidence for the significance of this... more