CIO Network

Pandemic Accelerates Need For Tech Talent With Business Expertise, Collaboration Skills

As digital transformation efforts accelerate, technology leaders are searching for talent with a mix of both technical expertise and an ability to adapt to fast-changing situations.

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May 28, 2020

AI And The Digital Mine

Just as much as we find value in mining the rich resources of data, so too can we apply the advanced techniques for dealing with data to real-world mining
May 27, 2020

TD Ameritrade’s CIO Has Developed A Remarkable Innovation Strategy

Some companies assemble a small innovation skunk works to drive new ideas. Others claim that "innovation is everyone's responsibility," which often means it is no one's. TD Ameritrade CIO Vijay Sankaran has developed a thoughtful hybrid model that has the company innovating on all cylinders.
May 26, 2020

Who Led Your Digital Transformation? Your CIO Or COVID-19?

A consequence of the global pandemic and our inability to do much face-to-face business will be greater investment by venture capitalists and by enterprises in digital business trends. Forward-thinking CIOs have anticipated this change and took action years ago. They deserve enormous credit now.