Leadership Strategy

The Irony Of Mark Zuckerberg And Facebook’s Values

Facebook purports to operate by five core values. Are they even being used?

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Black Citizens Are Angry… How Can White Leaders Help?

The country erupted this past week. The balance of social order and civil democracy has been disrupted, and citizens have quickly organized to express their displeasure and demand change. This is a leadership moment, but most leaders aren’t prepared.
44 minutes ago

3 Ways The Google Privacy Lawsuit Could Hurt Your Life And Career

The recent class action suit against Google alleges the company’s Chrome browser tracks user activity even in its ‘private’ mode. Google’s response to the complaint is that people understand the privacy rules and risks. Yet, recent behavioral science research suggests this might not be true.
2 hours ago

I Guess The Economy Could Be Worse?

May's ADP employment numbers are better than expected, but there may be little reason to celebrate given critical oversights and where we could be instead with more appropriate policies.
3 hours ago

Making Digital Stick

We’ve gone digital, like it or not. People are figuring it out, but when we get to the other side of this there’s serious risk of reverting to our non-digital ways. Here’s how to own it, institutionalize it and sustain it.
9 hours ago

Headstrong Leadership Turns Mistakes Into Crises

Achievement comes from collegiate working, not solo endeavor. Mistakes are part of leadership. The key is to let others help us correct them, learn from them, and let the best intentions translate into the best results.
9 hours ago

How To Negotiate Via Email

Email negotiations are efficient but there are many costly mistakes than can be made. If you how you will be able to reach ace your next email negotiation!
11 hours ago

The Comeback Of Conferences And Meetings

One day, the meetings and events will return to the normal levels of the past. The question isn’t a matter of if they will. (They will.) The question is when, and until that happens, what are we to do?