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New Devotionals from Our Favorite Bible Study Teachers

Editor’s Note: Some of our very favorite past OBS teachers have new devotionals coming out this spring and we are so excited! Since our mission is to help our readers grow and share their faith, we love Online Bible Studies here at FaithGateway. We feel so moved by the God-inspired teaching these authors have shared with us in their Bible studies and we know you’ll enjoy these uplifting devotionals. Pick up a few copies for yourself and friends to keep His Word close! ~ Devotionals Daily Team


Embraced by Lysa TerKeurst

In this beautiful new devotional, Lysa shares her own struggles, doubts, and heartbreaks while pointing to God’s ultimate embrace. Through these 100 devotions, daily scriptures, and prayer prompts, you’ll be equipped trust God authentically, seek His direction on the hard days, and feel closer with Him by spending intentional time with Him each day. If you loved Lysa’s book or Bible study Uninvited, this devotional will bring comforting reminders to your days that you are never rejected or unloved by God. With an exquisite cloth cover, highly designed interior, ribbon marker, and stained page edges, Embraced will be a treasured keepsake for you as well as a meaningful gift for those you love.

Lysa TerKeurst
Normal Price: $19.99
FaithGateway Price: $13.99
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The Daniel Key by Anne Graham Lotz

What are the secrets of a successful, steadfast, and godly faith? Daniel was honored by God, protected, and trusted. His faith did not waver. He made 20 key choice in his life – which took him down a path to a close relationship with God and a model for godly living to all around him. Daniel’s choices can be your choices too—the choice to trust, obey, pray, worship, repent, live humbly, and more. The 20 choices will bring you contentment when the world says you are not enough, closeness born of a relationship with God, boldness to share the truth, and peace in times of trial. The Daniel Key will lead you to a life-changing faith. The FaithGateway community learned all about Daniel in our Online Bible Study The Daniel Prayer, which was one of our most popular studies to date. If you want to deepen your prayer life and learn how you can live more like Jesus every day, this book will paint a clear picture for you.

The Daniel KeyThe Daniel Key

The Daniel Key
Anne Graham Lotz
Normal Price: $15.99
FaithGateway Price: $11.50
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Everyday Holy by Melanie Shankle

It’s a common theme: Am I okay? Is my life significant? And how do we measure significance, anyway? Melanie’s hilarious and poignant insight offers you the deep breath of relief that God is working in all the moments, no matter how big or how small. In 100 devotions, Everyday Holy invites you to see your life as God intended: rich with opportunity, significance, and beauty, even on days that feel overwhelmingly ordinary. This devotional builds off of the concepts and themes in Church of the Small Things – the OBS our community went through with Melanie last fall. This devotional will help you find perspective in even your most mundane days and bring God’s presence in every moment.

Everyday HolyEveryday Holy

Everyday Holy
Melanie Shankle
Normal Price: $17.99
FaithGateway Price: $12.60
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Always Enough, Never Too Much; A Flipbook by Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan

This devotional flip-book is designed for you, the woman who feels like she can be both too much and not enough—sometimes in the same day. We all know that sneaking, small voice in our heads all too well—you’re too quiet. Too loud. Too young. Too old. Too ugly. Too silly. Too serious. Why can’t I be more like her? These lies take a toll on our spirit, wearing us down and making us question our role in God’s kingdom. Jess Connolly and Hayley Morgan, bestselling authors of Wild and Free, will help you banish those lies and insecurities so you can find your identity in Jesus, and embrace His truth: You are always enough. You are never too much. The FaithGateway community is going through Jess’s OBS, Dance, Stand, Run, right now and we’re loving it – and we can’t wait to get our hands on this fun and unique devotional.

Always Enough, Never Too MuchAlways Enough, Never Too Much

Always Enough, Never Too Much
Jess Connolly
Normal Price: $16.99
FaithGateway Price: $11.89
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Simple Joys by Candace Payne

Laughter that makes your stomach hurt, the perfect cup of coffee, a few moments alone with your Bible – these are moments of joy to be found on even the most difficult days. We talked all about Defiant Joy in our winter OBS with Candace, and this devotional will remind you each day that there is always joy to be found. When you know you can trust God no matter what, lasting joy will be yours. Find the secret to happiness, satisfaction, joy, and more in Simple Joys, a beautiful, full-color book that walks you through Candace’s journey so that you can replicate it in your own life. Read about several simple ways you can reclaim joy in your day-to-day routine and start living more joyfully today.
Simple JoysSimple Joys

Simple Joys
Candace Payne
FaithGateway Price: $15.99
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Your Turn

Which devotionals are you most excited for this season? What devotionals are you reading right now? Leave us a comment below and let us know, we’d love to hear from you!

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