The Making Of Little Women, Seasons Edition Cover
If we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. — 1 John 1:7 NLT Blood. Some people faint at the sight of it, but you couldn’t live without it! Blood is made up of red and white blood cells floating in a liquid called plasma. The red blood cells are a kind of delivery system. They carry oxygen and other nutrients to all the cells in your body, and then they carry away all the waste, like carbon dioxide. Blood is pumped through your body by the heart. Your heart is one strong muscle, and it’s fast too — it can pump blood to every cell in your body in less than a minute! Blood travels through tubes called blood vessels. The vessels that carry blood away from your heart are called arteries, while the ones that carry it back to your heart are called veins. The white blood cells are the warrior cells. They work together with your immune system to fight off germs and diseases. Read more from Louie Giglio on our
How Happiness Happens: Live from Museum of the Bible