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Events Fire Ordering in Master page / Content Pages

May 31st, 2007 by kenlin@HK [MVP]

Recent I work a lot on the Web Application in .NET 2.0. I tried to use the MasterPage with ContentPage. However, I found out that the even fire is…..not in general ordering. ie, I have one MasterPage and one ContentPage, A button in that ContentPage, When you click the button in debug mode, you will found out that the

1) ContentPage.Load fire;
2) then MasterPage.Load;
3) ContentPage.Button.Click.

When you work with master pages and content pages, both can use the same events (such as Page_Load).Be sure you know which events come before others. You are bringing two classes together to create a singlepage class, and a specific order is required. When an end user requests a content page in the browser, the event ordering is as follows:Master page child controls initialization: All server controls contained within the master page are first initialized.
Content page child controls initialization: All server controls contained in the content page are initialized.
Master page initialization: The master page itself is initialized.
Content page initialization: The content page is initialized.
Content page load: The content page is loaded (this is the Page_Load event followed by the Page_LoadComplete event).
Master page load: The master page is loaded (this is also the Page_Load event).
Master page child controls load: The server controls on the master page are loaded onto the page.
Content page child controls load: The server controls on the content page are loaded onto the page.

Anyway, I have some problem now, cause I have to set the value when button.click and get the value when another/same contentPage load. But….Ordering is…..Button.Click is fire the last. I have to search more in order to solve it.

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Workaround for KB 933245 – Lsm.exe Handle Leak

May 25th, 2007 by Patrick S

Consider the following scenario. If you have a computer that uses a high definition audio device, which is running Microsoft Windows Vista, and you are using Windows Media Player 11, handles and memory may be lost because of a leak in the Lsm.exe process.

As you fast forward through your Windows Media Player library, or have a playlist set to repeat, you may lose a large amount of handles in a short amount of time. This can lead to performance degradation and in some cases, “out of memory” error messages and other unexpected behavior. If you review the Task Manager you may notice that Lsm.exe is consuming a large amount of memory.

This issue only occurs if the following statements are true:

  • Your computer utilizes a High Definition Audio Device
  • You are running Windows Vista, or Windows Vista 64-bit.
  • You are using Windows Media Player 11 to play back audio files.

There is a hotfix available from Microsoft to resolve this issue, however in some cases this may not resolve the issue. The following workaround is a method that I have tested on several systems that exhibit this issue and have found that it does indeed resolve the issue.

  • Click on Start, and then click on Control Panel.
  • Click on Hardware and Sound.
  • Under Sound, click on “Manage audio devices”.
  • Select your output device in the list that appears (the default output devices is commonly labelled “Speakers”)
  • Right click on the device and from the context menu click on Properties.
  • In the “Properties” window, click on the “Enhancements” tab.
  • Tick/check the option box for “Disable all enhancements”.
  • Click on OK to dismiss the properties window.
  • Click on OK to dismiss the “Sound” window.
  • Close the Control Panel window by clicking the Close (”X”) button at the top right of the window.

NOTE: You will have to restart your computer in order to reclaim previously lost memory and handles.

This article was posted by MSBLOG’s Kristen Kenny on his personal blog: http://www.canucky.net

Posted in Bugs, Computing, Media Center/Media Player, Microsoft, Windows Vista | 2 Comments »

Windows Server 2008 announced

May 15th, 2007 by Zack Whittaker

Check out this video and the official website. I’ve told you all before, I got there ages ago (way before it was officially announced) by placing the name on VistaBase. Did anyone listen? Nope… *sigh*
Check Out the New Windows Server 2008 Website: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/default.mspx


Posted in Windows Server System | 1 Comment »

Vista + IE7’s default security: Blocked site from stealing info

May 15th, 2007 by Jabez Gan [MVP]

At the ToorCon Seattle (beta) conference, Web application security specialist Robert Hansen (RSnake) demoed Mr-T (Master Recon-Tool), a new utility that combines information disclosure flaws in Internet Explorer and Firefox to collect information on a target’s computer system.

Basically, it will attempt to use Javascript to cough up information about ones’ browser details, eg: version of browser, what plugins are running/enabled, location of the machine, internal IP of the machine etc.

However on a Vista with IE7 running, “Access denied” error will be shown. This is because Vista + IE7 has Javascript disabled by default.

Please test your browser here:

Through the above website it can also show you what gmail address you are using.

More information: http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=197&tag=nl.e622

Does it work on IE7 on Windows XP?

Posted in Internet Explorer, Windows Vista, Windows XP | 1 Comment »

It’s a day I’d hoped wouldn’t come – but here we are – Thank You for all You have done!

May 14th, 2007 by Patrick Elliott

I’ve been in Redmond (Washington) for a year now – I actually arrived here May 12th, 2006.  It’s been a long ride but given the opportunity, I wouldn’t change anything. Today marks the MED (Maximum End Date) of my contract at Microsoft. 

For those of you not familiar with contracting at Microsoft, essentially it means I have to take a 100 day break in service.  If it were up to me, or anyone on our team – believe me I wouldn’t be going anywhere :)It’s been a bittersweet day – I had lunch with many of my friends I’ve made from this and other teams – I’ve been holding off tears all day long – not of sadness, but rather happy of all I’ve accomplished, and upset from having to leave what I’ve grown to love.

To our beta customers, testers, MVPs and partners – you guys have been an awesome group to work with — your contribution to Windows and to the team I have worked with is tremendous – and you should be very proud.

I’m looking around for Full-Time opportunities with Microsoft, but one way or another I’ll be back here just like old times – full of new ideas and a smile because I know I’ll have all of you guys to work with again.Until then, please continue to help out the beta effort — the team members I leave behind are top-notch, and I hope you’ll grow to work with them just as many of you have worked closely with me.

Thank you again for all you have done for me, for your fellow beta sites, and for Windows –


Posted in Beta News, Daily Life, Microsoft, MS News, MVP Program, Windows Vista | 3 Comments »

Knowledge of language features, “Operator Overloading “

May 14th, 2007 by kenlin@HK [MVP]

Well, I am one of the VB insiders, we are talking about a video. This video is a chatting video between 5 guys from difference team(VB, C#, C++, Channel 9 interviewer). They are going to answer you few question about the language future from their view when developing CLR/LINQ/VB/C#/C++. But the point we VB Insider discussing is, one of them, Brian Beckman has spoken that he likes C# because of the “Operator Overloading” support. That means he does not know that VB.NET(Or shorten called VB9 now) also has operator overloading support.

Another interesting issue I found afterward, I open up .NET Documentation, type the “operator overloading” keyword in Index Tab, I found a C# article(“Help me, I am overloaded”) on Operator Overloading and explain to you how to do so, why to do so(ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/MS.MSDN.v80/MS.VSADD.v10.en/dncscol/html/csharp06212001.htm). But when I click in VB, it only shows you the “SAMPLE”(ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/MS.MSDN.v80/MS.VisualStudio.v80.en/dv_vbcode/html/30202e10-8bdc-47dc-8fd1-f0ff9ffa0641.htm). Oh…god…no article in VB? How the VB beginner learn and understand it then? No wonder why he said the above comment.

Anders Hejlsberg, Herb Sutter, Erik Meijer, Brian Beckman: Software Composability and the Future of Languages
Posted by Charles // Mon, Jan 22, 2007 1:09 PM
How will imperative programming languages evolve to suit the needs of developers in the age of Concurrency and Composability? What role can programming languages play in enabling true composability? What are the implications of LINQ on the furture of managed (CLS-based) and unmanaged(C++) languages? How will our imperative languages (static) become more functional (dynamic) in nature while preserving their static “experience” for developers? Answers to these questions and much more are to be found in this interview with some of Microsoft’s leading language designers and programming thought leaders: Anders Hejlsberg, Technical Fellow and Chief Architect of C#, Herb Sutter, Architect in the C++ language design group, Erik Meijer, Architect in both VB.Net and C# language design and programming language guru, and Brian Beckman, physicist and programming language architect working on VB.Net.

This is a great conversation with some of the industry’s most influential programming language designers. Tune in. You may be surprised by what you learn…


Posted in .NET Framework, Interviews, Learning, Microsoft, Visual Studio | Comments Off on Knowledge of language features, “Operator Overloading “

Windows Live: undocumented links

May 12th, 2007 by Zack Whittaker

I’ve just written a post on how big Windows Live is (basically my way of spreading a few links that aren’t very well documented around the web. It’s worth a look, there are at least 7 there which you might not even know exists.

View at source.

Posted in Windows Live | Comments Off on Windows Live: undocumented links

Power management of Windows Vista Vs Windows XP

May 11th, 2007 by Jabez Gan [MVP]

Windows Vista, the latest and currently the greatest OS by Microsoft, comes with numerous improvements, which includes better Power Management.

Power Management is claimed to be better with the introduction of the Sleep mode, and ther tweaks which includes timing to turn off the hard disk, show the screensaver etc. But what does HP says about it?

“It’s a little scary,” said John Wozniak, a distinguished technologist in HP’s notebook engineering department, referring to the work HP needed to do on making Windows Vista more suitable for notebooks.

It is all caused by the introduction of Aero glass, which takes more GPU thus more electricity to run it. Due to the high power that Vista needs, HP and other OEMs have started to modify and optimize the power management that comes with Vista to provide users with a longer lasting battery time for laptop users.

However according to Microsoft’s own whitepaper on the study of power consumption of Vista Vs XP,

“Aero graphics have a negligible impact on overall power consumption.

Vista also addresses many of the arguments that have blocked companies from adopting a powermanagement strategy. The Sleep state is now much more reliable, and the user experience is not harmed – the fact computers resume from Sleep in under two seconds is almost the same amount of time that a screen takes to reactivate from Idle mode in Windows XP. Vista also has built-in management tools via Group Policy.”

What? Aero graphics have a negligible impact on overall power consumption? I do agree that the fact that Vista is more superior than XP in Power Management, but due to other reasons like the introduction of Aero, laptop battery life is actually much shorter!

What do you all think? Is your battery life shorter in Vista? If yes, how much shorter compared to XP?




Posted in Windows Vista, Windows XP | 4 Comments »

Microsoft Expression Blend Free Trial

May 7th, 2007 by kenlin@HK [MVP]

Because of the Silverlight(new naming for WPF/E), you may need to create a lot of XML based graphic and its action/movement. Microsoft® Expression Blend™ is the professional design tool to create engaging web-connected experiences for Windows. So Microsoft is also announce that Free trial version of Expression Blend is ready to be download since 3rd May 2007. Please read the following,

Microsoft is pleased to present a trial version of Expression Blend. This fully functioning version will expire 60 days after installation.

Help us improve Expression Blend by reporting any technical issues. For more insight into Expression Blend, please see the Expression team blog.

For more information about the .NET Framework 3.0, see the .NET Framework 3.0 Development section of the Windows Software Development Kit. Please also refer to 3rd-party books that are good resources for learning WPF.

In order to edit code, if you do not have Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005 installed, you will also need a free copy of a Visual Studio 2005 Express edition from the Visual Studio Express Web site (choose either the Visual Basic or C# edition).

Installation Instructions

Windows Vista:

  1. Download and install Expression Blend.
  2. Download and install Visual Studio 2005 Express (Visual Basic or C#).

Windows XP SP2:

  1. Install .NET Framework 3.0 first before attempting to install Expression Blend.
  2. Download and install Expression Blend.
  3. Download and install Visual Studio 2005 Express (Visual Basic or C#).

Posted in .NET Framework, Expression | 2 Comments »

Microsoft System Center Essentials 2007 Announcement and Launch

May 2nd, 2007 by Jabez Gan [MVP]

Essentials 2007 is a new management solution in the System Center family of IT systems management products specifically designed for midsized businesses. Essentials 2007 provides a unified management solution that enables IT professionals in midsize organizations to proactively manage their IT environment with increased efficiency.

Essentials 2007 will be released to manufacturers (RTM) on March 2nd, 2007.

Tune in to the live webcast at 9:00am PST where Bob Muglia will deliver the Forefront and System Center launch keynote address. Learn more about integrated security and IT management solutions, and download free trial software.

Webcast is located at: http://www.microsoft.com/infrastructure/default.mspx

More about System Center Essentials 2007 can be found here: http://www.microsoft.com/systemcenter/sce/default.mspx

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