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Windows Live Messenger 8.1 Beta makes it to the public

October 31st, 2006 by Patrick S

Microsoft made Windows Live Messenger Beta 8.1.0106.00 available to the whole world for widescale testing. This build is considered to be very close to release quality and comes with a lot of bugfixes. Changes compared to previous (private) Beta builds include:
– The removal from the PSM menu of the Show my location feature.
– An SMS Phone Book added to the dashboard for quick mobile texting.
Report abuse option in the Help menu.

This build will also be pushed down as an auto-update tomorrow.

>> Download Windows Live Messenger 8.1 Public Beta in the following languages: English, Spanish, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Polish, Finnish, Hungarian, Turkish, Slovak, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Japanese, Hebrew, Greek, Korean, Arabic, Chinese (simplified).

Source mess.be

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Windows Media Player 11 RTMed

October 31st, 2006 by Jabez Gan [MVP]

A few hours old about this news but here goes:

Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP offers great new ways to store and enjoy all your music, video, pictures, and recorded TV. Play it, view it, and sync it to a portable device for enjoying on the go or even share with devices around your home—all from one place.

– Simplicity in Design
– More of the Music that you love
– All your entertainment in One Place
– Enjoy Everywhere

Download: Click Here

More Info: Click Here

Credits: Leen Snoek

Posted in MS News, Windows XP | 1 Comment »

Windows Vista and Office 2007: Availability on MSDN Subscriber Downloads

October 31st, 2006 by Jabez Gan [MVP]

Windows Vista and Office 2007 will be available through MSDN Subscriber downloads within 7 days of release to manufacture (RTM). MSDN Subscriptions is committed to making new content available to our subscribers as soon as is practical.

Source: MSDN.microsoft.com
Credits: Leen Snoek

Posted in MS News, Office 2007, Windows Vista | 2 Comments »

Quick apology

October 30th, 2006 by Zack Whittaker

Very sorry for the downtime over the last day or so – basically we’re too popular and too many people visit us and it maxed out our bandwidth. Or quite possibly, I’m putting images in most of my blog entries and that’s eating up the bandwidth.

A lesson to be learnt by all… so yeh, very sorry for the downtime and we’re back up and running (yay!) so rechurn your RSS feeds, get back into the schedule, we’ll have more stories over the next few days.


Posted in MSBLOG Related | 2 Comments »

Virus that infect Windows, in iPod

October 28th, 2006 by Jabez Gan [MVP]

This could be old news but…

When Microsoft announces their new music player, Zune, Apple announces that there are some iPods that are being sold includes a virus which only affects Windows systems.

“We recently discovered that a small number – less than 1% – of the Video iPods available for purchase after September 12, 2006, left our contract manufacturer carrying the Windows RavMonE.exe virus. This known virus affects only Windows computers, and up to date anti-virus software which is included with most Windows computers should detect and remove it. So far we have seen less than 25 reports concerning this problem. The iPod nano, iPod shuffle and Mac OS X are not affected, and all Video iPods now shipping are virus free. As you might imagine, we are upset at Windows for not being more hardy against such viruses, and even more upset with ourselves for not catching it. “

See more from: http://www.apple.com/support/windowsvirus/

Is Microsoft going to include a Mac virus in their Zune to be shipped this Christmas holidays? 😉

Posted in MS News, Zune | 5 Comments »

Connect 2.2 Deployment

October 28th, 2006 by Patrick S

A little while ago The guys at the Feedback Loop posted about a Microsoft Connect 2.2 Preview.

Well as of last night Connect 2.2 has been deployed to the public (you may notice some slight UI changes when you next visit)

Not sure if it’s me but it seams faster. Great to see this upgrade.
Checkout the Feedback Loop’s Blog post

Posted in Beta News, Corporation, MS News | Comments Off on Connect 2.2 Deployment

Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2.0 – head to head

October 26th, 2006 by Zack Whittaker


The top two browsing programs of net users got a big update this month as Microsoft released Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) and Mozilla unleashed Firefox 2.0. Here we take a quick spin through some of the features to be seen in the new versions.

Both browsers offer ease of surfing

Microsoft’s IE7 program is the beefier of the two browsers with the download package weighing in at 14.8 megabytes (MB). By contrast Firefox is a svelte 5.4MB. However, neither should tax a broadband connection. Differences start to show up once the software is downloaded. Once it is done installing, IE7 demands a re-start before you can use it. Firefox installs without that need. It’s a minor difference and a minor inconvenience for those that choose Internet Explorer.

Both take about the same amount of time to install and get started-up but once they are running more subtle differences start to become apparent. At first glance Firefox 2.0 looks more familiar as its main page layout hardly differs from earlier versions. But IE7 does look changed because, for a start, the grey menu bar is hidden. It can be resurrected by hitting the “alt” key but you might be surprised by how much you need to call on it when you can’t find it.

Hidden information

With IE7 Microsoft has brought tabs to its browser but both deals with them in slightly different ways. With IE7 a blank tab is always available but with Firefox the new tab only appears, and takes up some screen space, when you open one up.

IE7 has a neat feature that lets you see thumbnails of all of the tabs you have open at any one time, letting you leap to the one you need with a click. However, it seems to take a moment longer than Firefox 2.0 to close tabs when you are done with them. Opening up quite a few webpage’s in each browser shows up another quirk. Firefox 2.0 seems to do a better job of using the text that webpage’s use to describe themselves.

Often in IE7, the only information you get about a webpage you have open but hidden on the bottom taskbar is “http://” – the rest of the title is obscured. Again, a minor difference and a minor niggle – searching a webpage is still more elegant in Firefox 2.0 than IE7.

Calling up the search function in Firefox prompts the appearance of a text box tied to the bottom of the page and typing your search term in that takes you to the first appearance of that word or phrase on the page – provided it is there, of course. In IE searching calls up a floating box in which you have to type your text and then click or hit a key to find the term or phrase.

Feeding frenzy

One of the very useful inclusions in Firefox 2.0 is a live spell checker that watches over your metaphorical shoulder as you type text into any field on any webpage. It is possible to add a similar function to IE7 but only via an add-on. It will be interesting to see how many people download and install it. When it comes to RSS – the system that feeds updates of webpage’s to those interested – Firefox 2.0 does a slightly better job of making it easy to subscribe to new feeds.

With only a click it was possible to add a feed to popular blog-following sites such as Bloglines to IE7 and Firefox. Firefox and Internet Explorer 7 also benefit from thousands of plug-ins, or add-ons – that can be installed to add more functionality to the browser. These range from RSS readers to Instant Messaging clients, Voice over IP programs, and mini iTunes controls – all accessed from inside the web browser page.

Finally, both IE7 and Firefox 2.0 have introduced systems that warn users when they are about to visit a site that is known to be used by phishing gangs. These pages are made to look like that of a bank to trick people into handing over confidential information. Firefox handles this by updating a locally held list of known phishing sites every time you use the browser.

Microsoft’s IE7 checks in via the web to make sure a site is safe to visit. In the short tests run by the BBC news website, IE7 occasionally took longer to load a page as it carried out a check to see if it was a phishing site. Despite these minor differences, Firefox 2.0 and IE7 are now broadly comparable – something that could not be said of IE6 and Firefox. But it will be up to users to choose which one best meets their needs.

Source: BBC News – Browsers go head-to-head

Posted in Internet Explorer, Reviews | 6 Comments »

Bug causes Microsoft to push Vista RTM to Nov. 8

October 26th, 2006 by Patrick S

Computer World reports that PC manufacturers which had expected to get their hands on the final version of Windows Vista today will have to wait a couple more weeks for the operating system, according to sources familiar with Microsoft Corp.’s plans.Microsoft originally targeted today for Vista’s release to manufacturing, but a last-minute bug that “took most of the Vista team by surprise” caused an unexpected delay, the Vista team discovered the bug, which “would totally crash the system, requiring a complete reinstall,” in Vista Build 5824 on Oct. 13. The team fixed the bug a week later in Vista Build 5840, he said, but the delivery of the operating system to PC makers was delayed. Therefore the team is now targeting a new date of Nov. 8 for Vista’s release to manufacturing.

Although this dosen’t change my perspective on Vista being a really great operating system-finding a bug at the last minute does put a damper on its credibility….hopefully that’s the only hiccup and Vista will be the very best Operating System out there today.

Posted in Beta News, Bugs, Corporation, MS News, Windows Vista | 3 Comments »

A view of Longhorn and its awesome features

October 24th, 2006 by Patrick S

I just saw this promo video of “Longhorn”… WOW… I didn’t know how many cool features that there were going to be that I have not seen yet. Check out that photo gallery and the fact that everything is so shiny and movable (Thier version of Longhorn is even running Halo III).

Not that I am complaining about Vista (most of the features rock) however I do like the look of some of those Longhorn ones 😛

-Patrick S

Posted in Windows Vista | 7 Comments »

Jabez’s Journey to Redmond – Oct 24th till Nov 6th

October 23rd, 2006 by Jabez Gan [MVP]

Good bye Malaysia, Hello USA! (But just for 2 weeks…)

Guess what…? I will be in Redmond, Seattle from the Oct 24th – Nov 6th, 1 week as a tourist and the other week as a business trip. When I received the email about the invitation to attend the meeting, I was excited about it. The event was finalized and now I’m on my way there.

What are you expecting to see me blog about?
I’ll be in the Redmond/Seattle area. The things you will see me blog about will includes pictures of the interesting things in Redmond/Seattle, things that is related to Windows Vista (ain’t that great? 😉 ) and things which is related to me.

FYI, I will be working in Microsoft Redmond for 5 days.

Do you have any special things you would like me to blog about? Drop me a comment! :)

I’ll be meeting up with Patrick E soon!

Read more over at http://www.msblog.org/jabezs-journey-to-redmond/

Posted in Daily Life | 3 Comments »

Windows Live Messenger 9.0 – milestone feature request

October 22nd, 2006 by Zack Whittaker

Whilst you budding Windows Live Messenger testers are fiddling around with the interim version, 8.1, there’s still another major milestone coming. Once a product has been released, they usually look for how it can be improved for the later version; with Windows XP, before it hit the shelves they realised how it could be improved for the next operating system, being Windows Vista. Even though Messenger 8.1 is to come out before Christmas 2006 (if all goes accordingly), Microsoft are still planning what’s to come in Messenger 9.0 which will be the next major milestone for this core Windows Live service.

So… what do you want to go into it? If you use any version of Windows Live Messenger, what could be improved – what doesn’t need to be there – what could be included? If you’re not a Windows Live Messenger user (maybe you’ve stuck with MSN Messenger 7.5 or use an alternative client), then what would persuade you to jump on the bandwagon for the new version?

Some things to think about include:

  • Theme of the client
  • Adding features that Messenger Plus! Live offers as an addition to the original client
  • Family Safety features – making sure your children and those younger are safe
  • Windows Vista and Windows Aero (previously known as Aero Glass) enhancements
  • Audio/video features
  • Virus and malware protection
  • File sharing and modifications to Sharing Folders
  • Video sharing
  • Windows Live Spaces within the main window (eg: blog directly from Messenger)
  • Windows Live Mail within the main window (eg: send mail directly from Messenger)
  • Added plug-ins and sharing activities
  • Colour functionality in names by default

If you can think of anything including, or a modification of the above features that you want to see in Messenger, leave a comment and I’ll make sure someone/many of the Messenger team has a browse around for ideas. Leave a comment below :)

Update – 23rd October 2006 at 17:25 GMT: All these comments have been submitted to Microsoft. As I’m writing this, I’m sending it as a transfer over Messenger… but keep the great ideas coming in – all of these comments are really good and with some confidence I can say that I think they’ll like them :)

Posted in Beta News, Windows Live Messenger | 118 Comments »

Taadaa! Get Windows Live becomes a little easier to navigate

October 22nd, 2006 by Zack Whittaker

Finally – I think I speak for the majority of people who actually wanted to get Windows Live (even though I’m partly internal, but for the customer perspective) as now Get Live (http://get.live.com/) is a lot more easier and accessible.

Redesigned interface, easier navigation, and all the basic standard Live goodness all in one place. Say goodbye to the times where if you missed the /overview part off a get.live.com URL then you’d get redirected back to Live Ideas, now it’s all swish and beautiful. But lest there is more – it’s not quite finished yet as it’s still being uploaded and tweaked around, but so far so good.

You can still access all the old URL’s and they still look the same for the time being (Live.com, Live Search, Messenger and Spaces)

Check it out now – or click the images below for a couple of screenshots.


Posted in Windows Live | 4 Comments »

Windows Vista Enterprise Edition, Build 5808 vista_rtm

October 22nd, 2006 by Jabez Gan [MVP]

Microsoft has started the RTM branch of builds, the single sign pointing to the imminent release of the operating system in the very near future. Today, I will be taking a look at one step along the path to the final release of the operating system: Windows Vista build 5808. Like other reviews of the operating system before this one, I will discuss the changes between the latest public build and the current one under examination. Unlike other reviews, however, I will conduct the review on Enterprise Edition first, with Ultimate Edition possibly coming later.

To kick it off, I’ll start with who this edition of Windows Vista is good for. According to Microsoft, it’s not made for small and medium sized businesses. This means that many localized companies might be better off purchasing Business Edition for their main computers and Ultimate Edition for any mobile computers requiring hard drive encryption. The downside to this is that businesses have no choice but to pay for features in Ultimate Edition (Media Center, anyone?) which would be utterly useless in a mission critical mobile computer. Enterprise Edition is designed for companies which may encounter situations where they may need many computers with hard drive encryption or the Subsystem for Unix Applications (SUA) and don’t want to pay for unnecessary features. In other words, it’s basically useless for the end user and there’s no real point in having it.

One of the first things which can be seen after inserting the Vista Enterprise DVD is the non-existent EULA and the total lack of a key dialog. The text in place of the EULA simply states that the corporation must follow the terms of its license agreement and that if the person installing it does not fall under a volume license agreement, he cannot install the build. Thankfully, I happen to be covered by a VL, though I do not have access to any means of testing the various volume license methods.

Read more from the source: http://www.aeroxp.org/board/index.php?showtopic=6404

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The mystery of Windows Internet Explorer 7 build numbers

October 22nd, 2006 by Zack Whittaker

This as you can see is the About box for Windows Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP and Windows Internet Explorer 7 for Windows Vista respectively. As we know, IE7 was released to manufacturing last week and released to the general public, at build number 7.0.5730.11 which means version 7, the 0 is irrelevant, 5730 means how many re-compiles of the software there have been, but as it was based on Internet Explorer 6 SP2, it’s essentially the final build number minus the original one – and the 11 is the sub-build number meaning how many times that build 5730 has been re-compiled.

Lovely, glad we got that sorted.

However… as IE7 was released and the build number fixed at 5730, why on Earth is the build number still increasing on Windows Vista? Checking Vista 5808 (which has been released to TAP testers), the build for IE7 there is 5808 as well. It seems that the build number of Vista transponds to the build number in IE7 for Windows Vista. I’m awfully confused…

Posted in Internet Explorer, Windows Vista | Comments Off on The mystery of Windows Internet Explorer 7 build numbers

Check out the new DFS Replication FAQ

October 22nd, 2006 by Patrick S

Our friends over at the Filing Cabinet Blog (be sure to check out their site) have just written a brand new FAQ on Distributed File System Replication (D.F.S.R) for the Microsoft® Windows Server 2003 R2 family. Topics range from interoperability to performance and just about everything in between.

For information about DFS namespaces, see the Distributed File System FAQ on the Microsoft Web site (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=39465 ).

Check out this FAQ HERE
Thanks for this article Jill

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