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Windows Live Family Safety broadens to Messenger

January 31st, 2007 by Zack Whittaker

To put this clearly – the parent’s Windows Live ID will oversee the child’s Windows Live ID (as the Family Safety product does anyway), but now parents will be able to approve and decline contacts to the child’s Windows Live Messenger view. Parents will be able to view information on the person who’s about to be added, view their Space, check ages etc.

Source (with pretty pictures!): liveandbeyond.com

Posted in Online Safety, Windows Live Messenger | Comments Off on Windows Live Family Safety broadens to Messenger

Windows PowerShell for Vista released!

January 31st, 2007 by Jabez Gan [MVP]

After many months (in fact PowerShell was code-named “Monad”, earlier name was “Microsoft Shell” or “MSH”) of development, it is finally released!

Monad got its first introduction on August 2005, in http://blogs.msdn.com/monad/archive/2005/08/25/456590.aspx.

After lots of feedback gathering on how it should work and how IT Pros will be using this tool, finally Microsoft thinks it is ready to have it released for Windows Vista platform.

Microsoft originally intended to launch PowerShell along with Windows Vista, but later defined a separate release schedule for PowerShell. Windows PowerShell is the foundation of the administrative experience for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 where everything is done via command line interfaces and the administrative GUI is layered on top of those commands.

But wait no longer, as is now officially released!

  • Download Windows PowerShell 1.0 Installation for X86 Edition
  • Download Windows PowerShell 1.0 Installation for X64 Edition
  • For more details, please visit the following links:

    Source: http://blogs.msdn.com/powershell/archive/2007/01/29/windows-powershell-1-0-for-windows-vista.aspx

    Posted in Windows Vista | 1 Comment »

    Daylight Savings Time Change – Update now!

    January 30th, 2007 by Joseph Bittman MCSD .Net

    I haven’t written a post in quite a while… but here’s one which is very important….. I just got an email from MSFT stating that due to policy passed in 2005, daylight savings time has changed by several weeks: (In short – visit MSFT Update to download a software update which will allow the computer to change to the appropriate time, on the appropriate day.)


     Dear Valued Microsoft Customer,
    This year Daylight Saving Time (DST) extends by approximately four weeks.  In compliance with this provision in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, DST dates in the United States and Canada will start three weeks earlier (2:00 A.M. on the second Sunday in March) and will end one week later (2:00 A.M. on the first Sunday in November).
    In some instances, effort will be required to accommodate the new DST legislation.  For example, systems and applications may need to be updated directly, while in other circumstances the application may inherit the date and time information from the underlying system.

    Microsoft is committed to helping customers that are affected by the DST changes make this transition as seamless as possible.  Microsoft is producing updates for Windows products as well as other Microsoft products affected by the new U.S. statute.  These updates will be released through technical support channels including Microsoft Customer Service & Support (CSS), as well as online channels such as Windows Update and Microsoft Update.
    Details of the updates for Microsoft Windows and affected Microsoft applications, how customers can acquire them and when they will be available can be found on the Microsoft website at http://www.microsoft.com/dst2007.  Corresponding technical Knowledge Base articles are linked from this website as well.
    Microsoft is providing the Time Zone updates at no-cost for customers on Windows platforms that are covered by Mainstream Support.  For more information on the Microsoft Support Lifecycle Policy including options available for products in Extended Support, please visit http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle.
    Further Assistance
    Microsoft values your business.  For more information visit http://www.microsoft.com/dst2007, or contact Microsoft for assistance.  A list of phone numbers is located at http://support.microsoft.com.  Microsoft Premier Customers may engage their Technical Account Manager directly.
    Please DO NOT REPLY to this email as this is not a monitored inbox. If you have questions/inquiries please visit http://www.microsoft.com/dst2007

    This e-mail is intended for distribution within the United States. Please contact your local Microsoft subsidiary for similar offerings outside the US.
    =- Joseph Bittman

    Posted in MS News | 2 Comments »

    Windows Workflow Foundation(WF) Hands-On Lab01 to Lab03 in VB2005

    January 30th, 2007 by kenlin@HK [MVP]

    If you are interesting in Windows Workflow Foundation(WF), you should found only C# hands-On Lab. A good news to you, I tried to translated them into VB2005, and it was tested by WF Team and now, you may download them from the following link, the full story are here…

    I have 2 entries on the translation of WF, one is including Lab01, while another one is including Lab01-Lab03, they are both top 5 download in www.NetFX3.com


    The Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) runtime supports all CLS compliant programming languages. The Visual Studio 2005 extensions for WF are only provided for C# and Visual Basic .NET. It’s easy to find C# samples to get started. Here’s some pointers to samples for getting started with Windows Workflow Foundation in Visual Basic .NET.

    Hands on Labs in VB.NET - Ken Lin has kindly translated these introductory WF HOLs to VB.NET

    http://wf.netfx3.com/files/folders/documentation/entry7167.aspx (Lab01)

    http://wf.netfx3.com/files/folders/documentation/entry7553.aspx (Lab01-Lab03)

    Posted in .NET Framework, Learning | Comments Off on Windows Workflow Foundation(WF) Hands-On Lab01 to Lab03 in VB2005

    Windows Live Messenger 8.1 quietly rolled out

    January 29th, 2007 by Jabez Gan [MVP]

    Download the final Windows Live Messenger 8.1 here!

    Source: liveandbeyond.com

    Posted in MS News, Windows Live Messenger | Comments Off on Windows Live Messenger 8.1 quietly rolled out

    Vista Count-down begines…

    January 29th, 2007 by Patrick S

    Well being GMT+13 at the moment (@ 11.04pm) Windows Vista releases to the people of New Zealand in 1 hour. There is no flashy launch party here (as far as I know) however that launch right here in New Zealand means that the main event in New York is literally only hours away.

    So what of the launch party in NYC? Well none of the “full time” staff of MSBLOG (so-to-speak) is going however we do have our very own reporter on the scene (a foreign correspondent if you will) associating himself with MSBLOG.
    Mr Cullen D will be writing from the launch event that is nearly upon us. Cullen is a keen Vista/Longhorn tester so the articles he will bring us will give us poor people who can’t attend a great insight into what the launch celebration for THE greatest Operating System is like.

    So don’t fret-MSBLOG will bring you the goods once again,
    Stay tuned,
    Look forward to it,
    It should be GREAT!!!

    Posted in Corporation, Daily Life, Microsoft, MS News, Products, Windows Vista | Comments Off on Vista Count-down begines…

    Meeting Bill Gates

    January 29th, 2007 by Zack Whittaker

    I saw this at liveandbeyond.com and this is hilarious – some could find it offensive, but if you come up with a good line there’s £20 in it for you :)

    Imagine this, he’ll walk up after shaking lots of hands and spouting cr*p to people, then it’ll my turn to shake his hand and say something odd to him. The person I choose to use their line I will pay then £20 (around $39) for their help.

    Some lines I have come up with include:

    • Can I call you Willy?
    • Could you possibly lend me a tenner? I heard you’re loaded.
    • Can you lend me my Tube fare home?
    • On hi, nice to meet you too. I’ll have a lager and my friend will have a Coke – he’s driving by the way.
      … and many more …

    Source: liveandbeyond.com

    Posted in Humour | Comments Off on Meeting Bill Gates

    VistaBase Community

    January 27th, 2007 by Zack Whittaker

    The VistaBase Community is a place where you can talk with fellow testers, enthusiasts and experts about all the topics covered in VistaBase. Whether it’ll be a hit or a flop, I don’t know but it’s worth a try.

    There will be events every week on a Wednesday at 4pm GMT (other times for various time zones), and you can register and login and talk to a whole load of other people. Generally you’ll be able to talk about anything, but this can be your opportunity to get heard – ask a question, have it answered, ask for something changed in VistaBase, feedback to myself and others what you think of the products, and generally have a good laugh. Each event will last an hour, so come along and see what you think – transcripts will be available afterwards here.

    • Click to download Office Outlook/Windows Calendar reminder
    • Next event: 7th February 2007
    • Event theme: “What you want out of VistaBase”
    • Time: 8am (Redmond, California)
               4pm (Great Britain, Spain)
               11pm (Bangkok, Jakarta)

    So please come and have a look – it’s only an hour of your time at max and you might just learn some new things!

     Check out the VistaBase Community landing page

    Posted in Chats & LMs, Windows Vista | Comments Off on VistaBase Community

    Google Adsense – what a waste of bloody time

    January 24th, 2007 by Zack Whittaker

    I’d like to share my greivances I’ve got with Google, more specifically Google Adsense. My fellow friend Darren Straight had this problem and now I’ve had it. I had advertisements on VistaBase so that I can generate some money through adverts to get me extra cash for when I start university this year. However it seems that someone has gone through my site deliberately clicking on links on the advertisements. Now surely this is what people interested in the products advertised do? Well there must be some fine line between clicking on a few interesting links to “spamming” them. Each advert clicked on generates money for the advertiser (in this case me). It’s not much money, mearly a few cents (in American Dollars) per click thereabouts, but someone’s gone and “spammed” these adverts, causing this email to be sent by Google.

    Hello Zack,

    Thank you for your appeal.

    After receiving your response, we re-reviewed your account data thoroughly. We have reconfirmed that invalid clicks were generated on the ads on your site in violation of our Terms and Conditions and program policies.


    We have these policies in place to help ensure the effectiveness of Google ads for our publishers as well as our advertisers. According to our policy on this matter, we are unable to reinstate you into the program.

    As you may know, publishers disabled for invalid click activity are not allowed any further participation in AdSense. For this reason, you may not open a new account.

    Please bear in mind that subsequent or duplicate appeals may not be considered and you may not receive any further communication from us. We appreciate your understanding.


    The Google AdSense Team

    I’m so incredibly annoyed you cannot believe. For whatever reason, Google cancelled my account because I was nearly at $100 which is the point they pay out the money. Google can’t seem to stand losing money, so much so they’ll do what they can to get out of it. So even if it is someone spamming these adverts, how is that my fault and why should it be me who suffers and has their account unnecessarily removed? It’s bloody annoying I tell you that!

    Posted in Rants | 13 Comments »

    Windows Live Mail hits the next milestone

    January 23rd, 2007 by admin

    As we were expected, Windows Live Mail was upgraded to M9 (Milestone 9) last night. Some changes include:

    • Much faster loading and advanced Firefox compatibiity (works fully in Firefox 2)
    • The Classic Mode will be the default view from Hotmail users – brand new users won’t be taken to the fully AJAX’d page but to the Classic interface for “ease-of-use” purposes.
    • A new Today page rolls out, including what would be on your Today page in Windows Live Messenger.
    • Recent Updates now added as a tabbed page on the Today page allowing you to switch to what’s changed (blogs, contacts and newsletters etc.)
    • Search bar at the top of the page updated and tweaked slightly for the other themes.
    • New icons added to the right click menus, and generally the right click menus have been added and updated.
    • In Classic view, the top menu bar with “New, Reply, Forward and Delete” have been added to the bottom of each message for ease-of-use for longer messages.

    Check the new interface here at Windows Live Mail.

    Source: liveandbeyond.com


    Posted in Windows Live | 1 Comment »

    How to get rid of that pesky Windows Welcome Center at FIRST boot

    January 21st, 2007 by Patrick Elliott
    If you’re like me, you have custom scripts you run after you install Windows to get everything “just right”.
    You may have noticed, you don’t see a checkbox to “Show Windows Welcome Center” until you’ve logged on twice, and that’s by design.
    With a simple .reg file though, you can kill Windows Welcome Center dead on first boot — simply put the following into your .reg file and save it, run it, or add it to your scripts:

    And like magic, it will not bother you again :)

    Posted in Windows Server System, Windows Vista | 1 Comment »

    Business Desktop Deployment Solution Accelerator 2007 Released!

    January 20th, 2007 by laidaniel

    Business Desktop Deployment (BDD) 2007 is THE best practice set of comprehensive guidance and tools to optimally deploy desktops running Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows XP, the 2007 Microsoft Office system, or Microsoft Office 2003. It helps IT professionals realize a quick return on investment while also setting new standards for reliability, performance, security, and ease of use.



    PS. Today is my Birthday~~~ 21 Jan

    Posted in MS News | 2 Comments »

    Memories fade…

    January 20th, 2007 by Dennis Fraederich [MCP]

    Today the next round with 12 puzzles of the Vanishingpoint game started. This time the following locations were used to give hints to solve them:

    • * Great Britain, London
    • * Germany, Berlin
    • * Singapore, Singapore
    •    Canada, Toronto
    •    USA, California, San Francisco

    All events marked with “*” in front of the location are already finished.

    I arrived at 6.30pm at the Brandeburg Gate in Berlin, Germany. I took some pictures of the Brandeburg Gate for those people who don’t know what it is.
    Between 6.30 and 7.00pm I walked around on the area in front of the Brandenburg Gate and meet some other bloggers/beta testers like Gregor Herdmann and Stefen Niemeyer (his Blog) there.
    I personally thought that much people will visit the event because of the Vanishing Point game but there were around ten visitors only.
    At 7pm we realized that this week “projections” are used at every event location to provide information to solve the puzzles. The event team used two very big outdoor beamers to create a very colorful projections of the universe onto the Brandenburg Gate. I have taken much pictures of the projections.
    After the staff took some pictures of the projection and of course of the guys/gals which came to the event too, they used a MacBook! with MacOS on it (haha, nice… no Windows Vista…) to edit the pictures which they previously took.


    Brandenburg Gate #9 – MacBook


    Then then they used a UMTS broadband connetion to send them via an email message to the appropriate team, which uploaded them within seconds to the Vanishing Point game site.
    But now have a look at the pictures which I have taken from the Brandenburg Gate.


    Brandenburg Gate #1 | Brandenburg Gate #2 | Brandenburg Gate #3 | Brandenburg Gate #4

    Brandenburg Gate #5 | Brandenburg Gate #6 | Brandenburg Gate #7 | Brandenburg Gate #8


    P.S. The event team told us that there are only 65 people in the world which know the solutions of all puzzles etc. :-)

    Feel free to post your opinion, ideas etc.


    Dennis Fraederich [MCP], a Microsoft Betatester
    Contact via Email / WLM: mcgiga[at]web.de

    Posted in MS News, Windows Vista | 3 Comments »

    MySpace sued over child user safety

    January 19th, 2007 by Zack Whittaker

    MySpace is being sued by the families of five teenage girls who it is claimed were sexually assaulted by men they met through the social networking website. The negligence and fraud suit against the popular site, owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, was filed at a court in Los Angeles.

    It comes after a similar lawsuit was filed by the parents of a 14-year-old American girl last year. Last year, MySpace increased security measures to protect its younger users. In April 2006, the website hired a former prosecutor in the US Justice Department’s internet child exploitation unit, Hemanshu Nigam, as its chief security officer.

    It also made it impossible for users aged 18 and above to contact 14 and 15-year-old members, unless they knew the younger person’s email address. The girls involved in the latest lawsuits were all aged between 14 – the minimum age for a MySpace account – and 15.

    “In our view, MySpace waited entirely too long to attempt to institute meaningful security measures that effectively increase the safety of their underage users,” said Jason Itkin, a lawyer for one of the firms representing the families. However Mr Nigam said that “ultimately, internet safety is a shared responsibility”.

    “We encourage everyone to apply common sense offline security lessons in their online experiences and engage in open family dialogue about smart web practices,” he added. News Corporation’s shares rose 1.7% in Thursday trading. It bought MySpace for $580m (£333m) in July 2005.

    Source: liveandbeyond.com

    Posted in Online Safety | 3 Comments »

    Server 2003 Critical Patch KB929969=Critical Problems!

    January 18th, 2007 by Patrick S

    Lets bring it on back to a Windows Server them, I was reading the Windows Server Public news-groups today and stumbled accross a post from a one bpacman regarding Microsofts latest Windows Server update that also applys to XP and Windows 2000 (KB929969-Security Bulitin MS07-004)

    The fact of the matter is that many Server 2003 System Admins are in for a surprise when they reboot their servers after 1/12/2007, if they have automated updates enabled.

    On that date Microsoft pushed a critical patch KB929969.  The patch did not require a reboot, so your system will work fine for days, weeks or even months, but once you reboot…well lets just get into the symptoms:

    Your first clue is that your Manage My Server screen will not work and you will get a Script Error complaining about the mys.dll/mys.hta.

    Any attempt to open Computer Management, Enterprise Management, DeviceManagement…etc… will result in an error saying that mmc cannot find the *.msc file.

    IIS and SQL server will fail.  Any time you hit Cntl F or Search, it will fail.

    So what did this patch do to your server?  It removed a file. C:\Windows\System32\msxml3.dll was replaced by msxml4.dll, but this file doesn’t replace the msxml3.dll file effectively.

    So what can we do to resolve the problem?:


    Break out your Install CD and extract the following two files:


    from a DOS prompt you will need to expand these files and install them
    in the system32 directory

    c:> expand -r msxml3.dl_ c:\Windows\system32
    c:> expand -r msxml3r.dl_ c:\Windows\system32

    Then you need to register the msxml3.dll file

    c:> regsvr32 c:\Windows\system32\msxml3.dll

    Reboot the system and your server should be fine.
    It seems like this Update from Microsoft has caused System admins all around the world nothing bug problems. But until this update is less buggy it looks as though a lot of servers will remain MS07-004 unpatched.

    -Although-the article states that the patch causes all sorts of confusion on a Windows Server (due to msxml3.dll being replaced) it seems that the patch has nothing to do with MS XML only VML [Vector Markup Language] (as shown in C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB929969$)

    So either bpacman is wrong about msxml3.dll being replaced along with the VML update or right I didn’t do enough research-sorry

    -Patrick :)

    Posted in Bugs, MS News, Windows Server System | 6 Comments »

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