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Quantum Break Xbox One

Quantum Break Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 75 Critics What's this?

until game release
  • Summary: Quantum Break blurs the line between television and gameplay, integrating the two into one seamless, uniquely immersive experience. Quantum Break weaves the cinematic action of intense gameplay with the tension and drama of scripted television, creating a world where each has a direct impactQuantum Break blurs the line between television and gameplay, integrating the two into one seamless, uniquely immersive experience. Quantum Break weaves the cinematic action of intense gameplay with the tension and drama of scripted television, creating a world where each has a direct impact on the other. Expand
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 58 out of 75
  2. Negative: 3 out of 75
  1. Apr 1, 2016
    If they dial back the gorgonzola, the product placement and adjust that cover mechanic, this could have been a perfect game...But, for now, you've got the best-looking game on Xbox One, jam-packed full of familiar faces and top-notch acting, complemented by strong gameplay mechanics and a popcorn-crunching TV series.
  2. Apr 1, 2016
    Quantum Break is a bold and brave game that dares to be different. With a fascinating story and exhilarating gameplay, Remedy has created another fantastic game.
  3. Apr 1, 2016
    The story is quite elaborate, the human character animations are outstanding, the performances are great, and there are some real moving moments in the game
  4. Apr 1, 2016
    An engaging and enjoyable narrative experience, and it makes the most of its stellar cast, pushing the boundaries of storytelling in games and presentation. However, it won’t be for everyone, particularly those who don’t like to be led by the hand or don’t want to spend an extended amount of time watching content rather than interacting with it. It also falsely makes you feel like you have a choice, but then, that’s much of its point, and despite a few missteps this is a story well worth experiencing.
  5. 80
    Quantum Break emphasizes its narrative, which is sometimes detrimental to its cause. However, despite that fault, what's presented here is a very intricate, interesting and visually stunning game; not to mention one that is very fun to play when it lets the player use its protagonist's time-bending super powers.
  6. Apr 1, 2016
    The story, acting and graphics are great, but the gameplay just doesn’t bring enough new ideas to satisfy what I’ve been waiting and hoping for. Add in the fact that the game isn’t very long and it becomes hard for me to recommend Quantum Break at full retail price of sixty bucks.
  7. Apr 1, 2016
    There are a lot of sound ideas in the middle of Quantum Break and, hey, if you're a sucker for goofy time travel hijinks this game has that going for it, too. But those ideas are the only things holding this project together. The moment you look past that heady connective tissue, every single one of Quantum Break's individual elements fall flat.

See all 79 Critic Reviews

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