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Layers of Fear Xbox One

Layers of Fear Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 42 Ratings

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  • Summary: Layers of Fear is a psychedelic horror where you take control over an insane painter in his quest to finish his magnum opus.


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. 100
    Fear. Pure fear. The most primal of emotions is the overwhelming one while playing Layers of Fear.
  2. Feb 23, 2016
    There have been much shorter and less polished games for the price point of £15.99/$19.99, so even though it's not exceptionally long, the quality easily counteracts this. If you're after an enthralling experience, horror fan or not, Layers of Fear is a great way to satisfy the itch.
  3. Official Xbox Magazine UK
    Mar 27, 2016
    Smart, spooky and psychedelic, this thrusts you into its story, whirls you about and leaves you dizzy. You'll hate and enjoy your stay in equal measures - in the best possible way. [Apr 2016, p.76]
  4. Feb 18, 2016
    While Layers of Fear has some minor issues and couldn't have suffered from maybe some extra polish for the technical aspects, it is still a great experience that I would recommend once it falls in price a bit.
  5. Feb 16, 2016
    Layers of Fear is an unexpectedly great horror game. Bloober Team has one of the worst games ever, Basement Crawl, and one of the best horror games on PS4, PC and Xbox One. Enjoy it... and be careful with the pictures.
  6. 60
    Layers of Fear is an unsettling and occasionally frightening game that succeeds in keeping you on the edge of your seat, though it doesn't deliver up to its potential and ends up feeling a bit lacking.
  7. Mar 13, 2016
    Unfortunately the game's bugs are the scariest thing of all in this horror story.

See all 8 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Mar 2, 2016
    Unbelievable game! Amazing atmosphere and sound which is the hallmark of a great horror game. It perfectly walks the difficult line of notUnbelievable game! Amazing atmosphere and sound which is the hallmark of a great horror game. It perfectly walks the difficult line of not showing too much and letting the player use their own imagination as the fear platform. Just heard a baby crying? Yea, you have to walk toward that sound. Scared of that dark shadow around the corner? Yea, you have walk that way too. And whatever you think you just saw will get twisted in some weird, strange way.
    The game is described as "psychedelic horror. Couldn't describe it better myself.
  2. Feb 16, 2016
    Awesome game. Beautiful music, stunning atmosphere, haunting and captivating. This is a rare and special gem of a game. A true bargain, IAwesome game. Beautiful music, stunning atmosphere, haunting and captivating. This is a rare and special gem of a game. A true bargain, I bought it before I even knew they would finish it because it was that special. Buy it and play it today. Well done team! What a treat for gamers! Expand
  3. Feb 25, 2016
    Imagine a game totally based on Silent Hills P.T. Demo, then you add a little of Outlast feeling with more polished visuals and with a betterImagine a game totally based on Silent Hills P.T. Demo, then you add a little of Outlast feeling with more polished visuals and with a better and unique story, at the same level of Amnesia: the dark descent. That is the game you will get!
    Layers of Fear shows why the survival horrors (with no guns) are so important to the industry, when it attempts to show that games can be immersive and truly inspiring as an art form, and this one succeeds on that. What holds the game to score a 10 from me is the fact that it has a fast pacing, it could be a little slower with more puzzles and gameplay elements to slow it down a little, because it contains almost 5 or 6 hours of length, and it could certainly feel more terrifying and bigger if some scare jumps could be swapped by more challenges and medium-hard puzzle solving into it. I could say that this game tried to so hard to reach a masterpiece standard that the developers excitement were a little above their own expectations...
    Another stunning feature is the incredible soundtrack and its audio, which is powerful and emotional as well is it is immersive, so that is my verdict:

    Audio/soundtrack: 9.5
    Graphics/level design: 9.5
    Story/plot: 9
    Gameplay: 7.5
    Fun/immersion/atmosphere: 10

    Overall score: 9.0
  4. Mar 21, 2016
    Well I am gonna be the first person to say this: while Layers of Fear is a great game under normal circumstances, it is on a whole new levelWell I am gonna be the first person to say this: while Layers of Fear is a great game under normal circumstances, it is on a whole new level when you play it while getting high. Playing this game while high is like discovering atlantis for me. It is just a sensational experience. I believe the makers knew this when they made the game. It is just so trippy. The only issue I have is with the frame rate. But this is probably an xbox issue. Expand
  5. Feb 16, 2016
    Layers of Fear
    A story of obsession and loss
    There’s a lot to wrap your head around in layers of fear I’m still not even sure exactly what
    Layers of Fear
    A story of obsession and loss
    There’s a lot to wrap your head around in layers of fear
    I’m still not even sure exactly what happened
    This is an adventure horror game where you play as an obsessed artist working on finishing his latest painting
    The game start out with you in your home, after walking around a bit you notice notes that set you on a journey of uncovering just exactly what’s going on or what went on
    This game is about 4 hours long if you take your time to uncover all of the mysteries, I even missed some.
    You’ll get a vague idea of the story if you did choose to rush through, but you’ll have a much better overall experience if you open all the drawers and read all of the letters and newspaper clippings... at least story wise...gameplay wise I’m not all too sure
    this game is creepy, exploring this house is unsettling, but I wouldn’t necessarily call this game scary
    There are plenty of jump scares, and it is possible to die, but it all feels inconsequential, I was never afraid to progress, maybe this is a personal courage thing, but I felt no anxiety while pushing through, it could be that I felt unthreatened while playing or it could actually come down to how the developers chose to deliver the story … Like I said earlier, if you want the full story you have to look through all the drawers and all of the cabinets, this kind of takes your attention away from the creepy experience going on around you.. instead of being immersed in the fancy tricks, and constantly changing rooms… you find yourself immersed in a drawer and looking for non-story doors to interact with
    I feel like this could’ve been fixed by telling the story with brief flashback style cutcenes attached to mandatory collectibles instead of optional collectibles…
    Or keeping them more as a well-hidden interactive secret, which they actually did for a handful of them...
    But ultimately I feel like the story and experience is delivered from eye level, so it’s such a massive design flaw to have interactive items below or above your line sight... you can’t really interact with objects in layers of fear, so having china cabinets to go through around every corner was unnecessary, and hurt the experience more than it helped,
    Especially for the ocd type that have to check everything
    Another complaint with collectibles is that the chapter select doesn’t tell you if you missed any, so if you want to uncover more of the story, you have to replay sections you might have scrubbed clean
    The overall story delivery is just a small hiccup though, because it’s still good
    but everything else layers of fear has going on for it in comparison is great
    I was really impressed with how frequently things would change around me out of nowhere, I would turn around and there would be a door that wasn’t there before, or a hallway I just walked down is now a wall, maybe a creepy painting or a doll, every time you walked through a door you would be somewhere new, there is no back tracking in this game, its constantly taking you forward which is very appreciated and is ultimately what will get its hooks in you
    the constant switching is hands down the highlight of the entire game for me, I’ve never seen anything like it, at least not at the level that its at here
    While I could’ve done without feeling like I’m Sherlock Holmes the whole time,
    I still feel like layers of fear delivers a creepily impressive and immersive experience well worth your time
    and maybe some of your hair, and blood, perhaps an eye
    I give Layers of Fear an 8.5/10
  6. Feb 17, 2016
    A horror masterpiece with stunning sound design and a chilling atmosphere which manages to really grabs your attention from the start. LayersA horror masterpiece with stunning sound design and a chilling atmosphere which manages to really grabs your attention from the start. Layers of fear contains some really interesting "mechanics" and concepts but can sometimes struggle on the performance side. Frame drops are frequent but not too bad that it gets in the way of enjoying the game.Definitely worth a buy for anyone, not just horror fans. Expand
  7. Mar 5, 2016
    Layers of Fear is more of a narrative experience than anything else. However that doesn't hold this back from being anything but terrifyingLayers of Fear is more of a narrative experience than anything else. However that doesn't hold this back from being anything but terrifying and totally immersive. It's short in comparison to other games, and the replay value completely depends on whether you want to endure multiple runs, but regardless you'll certainly be getting your money's worth either way. This is how you make a scary game whilst keeping the core concept engaging. Expand

See all 8 User Reviews
