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Rocket League Xbox One

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Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 105 Ratings

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  • Summary: Fire your rockets. High-octane team sports. Get behind the wheel of a high-flying, hard-hitting rocket powered car and drive into the Rocket League arena. Choose from a variety of vehicles to drive and customise in this football-meets-destruction derby team sport and master the skills youllFire your rockets. High-octane team sports. Get behind the wheel of a high-flying, hard-hitting rocket powered car and drive into the Rocket League arena. Choose from a variety of vehicles to drive and customise in this football-meets-destruction derby team sport and master the skills youll need to fire home the goals. Soar high into the air to perform daring acrobatic strikes and daredevil saves, or use aggressive tactics to take down rival players at supersonic speeds. Expand


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 21
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 21
  3. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. 100
    Overall though, this is the same sports gaming masterpiece that it was last year, and is worthy of joining any Xbox One owner's library.
  2. Feb 29, 2016
    Rocket League brings to Xbox One the same amount of fun that we enjoyed on PC and PlayStation 4. It doesn't have the cross-play functionality with the two original platforms, but has greater value as you can also get all the 3 DLC packs for the same price.
  3. Feb 17, 2016
    A superb multiplayer game that takes a very simple premise and crafts from it one of the best competitive arcade games in years.
  4. Mar 4, 2016
    Quotation forthcoming.
  5. Feb 28, 2016
    The same excellent game that conquered us a few months ago but with more content and fewer rivals online (due its lack of cross platform gaming).
  6. Feb 26, 2016
    Even though we still wish for a spectacle mode or more ways to play, Rocket League on Xbox One maintains the same addictive, easy to understand gameplay. Low price, small size and tons of contents make this a perfect opportunity to catch up if you haven't tried this awesome game.
  7. Feb 25, 2016
    Rocket League has finally arrived on Xbox One. Unfortunately there are no groundbreaking extras in this version. But the game is still very fun to play.

See all 21 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Feb 22, 2016
    This game is so much fun together with friends. The game mechanics are very simple, you can drive the car, jump move the car in the air and anThis game is so much fun together with friends. The game mechanics are very simple, you can drive the car, jump move the car in the air and an additional feature is the boost you can use on ground and in the air. Even this sounds very simple, the game play makes so much fun that you will be playing for hours once started! Expand
  2. Feb 17, 2016
    One of the best game to play with friends ! I didnt remember went was the last time I have fun like that play with people. The "chat" is soOne of the best game to play with friends ! I didnt remember went was the last time I have fun like that play with people. The "chat" is so useful and need to be integrated to other games !! Expand
  3. Feb 22, 2016
    I never liked sports, because it can look weird, boring, and people smaking butts. But now I have played this game and it is one of the bestI never liked sports, because it can look weird, boring, and people smaking butts. But now I have played this game and it is one of the best games I have ever played. It feels cool to play the sport soccer, with cars, how cool is that. Would you rather just kick the ball in, or ram the ball in with a car? The game is also splitscreen, which is a good thing. Overall I have enjoyed every second of this game and I would recommend it to sports fans, or non sports fans. Either way, I think anyone will enjoy this game. Expand
  4. Apr 5, 2016
    Where to start with this masterpiece? This is without a doubt the most addictive game out there. Acrobatic car football, three words that youWhere to start with this masterpiece? This is without a doubt the most addictive game out there. Acrobatic car football, three words that you would never imagine going together in a sentence. You owe this to yourself to buy this game, play it and worship it for the god that it is. Expand
  5. Mar 21, 2016
    Rocket league is a fun fast pace game. I am a huge fan of FIFA and racing games and rocket league mixing these two great game genres. I wouldRocket league is a fun fast pace game. I am a huge fan of FIFA and racing games and rocket league mixing these two great game genres. I would highly recommend this game and at a cheap price of something like $26 it is the best game you can buy. Expand
  6. Feb 22, 2016
    Rocket League proves that a smaller developer can accomplish more than AAA publishers. After a year of broken and unfinished games its aRocket League proves that a smaller developer can accomplish more than AAA publishers. After a year of broken and unfinished games its a breath of fresh air to see Rocket League get ported to the Xbox One and maintain the polish of the PC and PS4 versions. Rocket League scratches the itch I never knew I had, scoring goals while boosting over 100 mph while doing a back flip and now that i scratched it I want more.

    I was surprised at how good the visuals were when I first started playing. Rocket leagues graphics could be defined in two words, clean and colorful. The environments make you feel like your at a rave on some maps with lights and colors shooting out of both sides of the arena but at the same time it does not distract you, the visuals strike a perfect balance allowing it to wow you but not get in your way as you and your team attempt to score goals or even defend your goal from the enemy team. The car models are well done, they resemble rc cars which can be customized with sick coats of paint and awesome color patterns. The frame rate is steady and never drops which is important because if you stutter in Rocket League it is likely to cost you.

    The sound effects actually impressed as much as the game play does. From boosting across the map with money flying out of my booster which sounds like change flying everywhere to scoring a goal and listening to the sweet explosion as the enemy team goes flying from the shock wave. Rocket League sound helps you feel immersed and entertained in the experience. Music is fantastic, there is about a hour of electronic dance Music recorded which makes customizing your car or waiting to join matches in the title screen a real enjoyment. I wish the music played during matches as well, matches are devoid of any music accept for a faint echo every now and then but its nothing to really be impressed about. There is no voice acting in this game which is fine because there is no real story. Unlike Blood Bowl 2 which has a story mostly told through announcers Rocket League is devoid of this which is not a bad thing. Typically once I hear announcers start to repeat themselves I look for a option to mute them, also there is no story mode so theirs nothing to narrate, no loss in my opinion.

    Rocket League game play boils down to guiding a huge explosive ball to the other teams goal in the hope of scoring by making a huge explosion. You can collect yellow power ups which give you a boost to get around quicker and hitting an opposing team member at full boost will destroy their car in a satisfying explosion. Every match win or lose will unlock a new customization reward for your car. From new cars to tires, booster colors, antennas and even hats there is a lot of options to customize here. Xbox One also has an exclusive Halo and Gears of War car to unlock as well. You can play online in normal or ranked in 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 matches. There is even an exhibition mode and season mode but unfortunately you cant play those modes co-op which would have made them much more appealing to play. If you are looking for other creative modes unfortunately you wont find it here, just the same mode with different team sizes. Despite the lack of modes I find myself addicted when playing online with a group of friends, there is fun for hours to be had here and constantly being rewarded whether I win or lose keeps me wanting to play to get new things.

    Rocket League was a game I have been waiting for to come out that I never knew I wanted. Its game play will keep you playing for hours with friends. I wish there was more creative modes here to keep me entertained longer but for the price it is well worth purchasing. I can't wait to see what Rocket League 2 brings to the table or if Psyonix makes a new IP I cant wait to see what they do next. I give Rocket League a 9 out of 10 and give it my personnel rating of Must Own.
  7. Feb 25, 2016
    While I HIGHLY enjoy playing this game that is rather unique on the current game market it does however feel somewhat incomplete… It’sWhile I HIGHLY enjoy playing this game that is rather unique on the current game market it does however feel somewhat incomplete… It’s comparable to when you go out to eat somewhere and everything exceeds your expectations and yet there are a few small somethings that kill it for you. Rocket League’s tendency to throw you into matches that are far gone happens far too often. I will admit I have left plenty of matches I was added due to the score being massively in my debt with 1-2 minutes left. While I can grit my teeth picking some things apart… It’s a great game that needs to fix some rather annoying blemishes. Expand

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