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LX100 For Travel Instead of E-M1: Will I Regret Not Lugging E-M1 + Lenses Around

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Joseph T Lewis III
Senior MemberPosts: 2,164Gear list
LX100 For Travel Instead of E-M1: Will I Regret Not Lugging E-M1 + Lenses Around
2 days ago

Hopefully someone who actually has both an E-M1 and LX100 will be able to answer this question.

Here's the deal. We're going on a trip to Houston to see my kids and grandsons in June. No major breathtaking scenery will be involved. The type of things we will do will be to visit the aquarium, go to restaurants, use the indoor pool at the hotel, go to the beach at Galveston, etc. We will also visit some old and dear friends on the way over, so I'll want to grab some pics of them as well.

I'm thinking of getting an LX100 for the trip, in lieu of taking the E-M1 and my Panny 15mm (for low light), the Oly 12-40 (walkaround), and maybe the Oly 45mm for portraits of the grandsons. Since the primary focus will be to enjoy being with my family and friends, I'm thinking it would be nice just to carry one small(er) camera, and not have to mess around with a bag of heavier (and rather expensive) stuff.

However, I'm concerned that the LX100's IQ will not be as good as that of the E-M1 with the lenses referenced above.  Will I end up kicking myself later and saying "boy, I really wish I'd gone to the trouble to take the big camera; its photos would have turned out a lot better"? Or, is the LX100 "close enough"?

Put another way: has the E-M1 spoiled me, so that I would be unhappy with the LX100?

As an aside: I have a Panasonic LX7, but even at low ISO it falls short of what the E-M1 can do. Hence, the pondering of the LX100.

I understand the specs on the E-M1, LX100, and LX7. I know that the LX100 has a fairly short max zoom. What I am really interested in is, how well the LX100 with its 12.x MP sensor and fixed lens, compares to the 16 MP E-M1 and its lenses in the scenarios described above. If there's anyone out there who has used both cameras, I'd really appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks in advance for any insight or opinions you may be willing to share with me-

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 Joseph T Lewis III's gear list:Joseph T Lewis III's gear list
Olympus XZ-1 Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX7 Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-50mm 1:3.5-6.3 EZ Olympus E-M1 Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 9-18mm 1:4.0-5.6 +7 more
Olympus E-M1 Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX100 Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX7
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