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Daniel Todary Ecoigo

For Ecoigo's co-founder Daniel Todary, who set up the hybrid car firm in 2006, business is about proving something.

James Caan

Small business agony uncle James Caan tackles the problem of cash flow and security.

Lord Sugar

Simon Kay gets so many pitches is his job running an advertising gift business that he sometimes feels like his North London office is the Dragons...

BC exclusive
George Osborne presents his Budget briefcase outside number 11 Downing Street

Pensions may have grabbed the headlines, but it is important that small businesses do not overlook a multitude of announcements George Osborne...

BC exclusive
Woman signing cheque

The ‘Techpreneur of the Year Awards’ is calling on women involved in tech-related start-ups to submit an entry. The ceremony will award those...

BC exclusive
Woman stressed over paperwork

Will you be affected by the new accounting regulation that comes into force at the end of this year? A better question, one survey suggests, might...

BC exclusive
Claire Madden

Claire Madden, co-founder of Connection Capital on the growth of “alternative financing” - filling the void as the banks have stopped lending to...


Britain’s continuing economic recovery might appear good news but small businesses should not be complacent - a leading adviser to the sector says...

BC exclusive
James Caan

Small business agony uncle James Caan tackles the problem of encouraging creativity.

BC exclusive
A podcast for February's Business Connections event - 'Richard Reed: The Ups and Downs in the Making of Innocent'
BC exclusive
This weekend saw the first Small Business Saturday in the UK. A runaway success in the US, Small Business Saturday has grown in popularity to help...
BC exclusive

Top tips for any budding entrepreneur from Dominic Joseph and Adam Ludwin, co-founders of advertising startup, Captify.

BC exclusive

Invite your business manager to spend an hour or two at the office every few months. Lay on some sandwiches and go through the books - that way,...