
UK currency change and notes

Are you a sole trader or the only employee of your business? If so, make sure you don’t fall foul of the IR35 tax rules – new figures suggest HMRC is in the midst of an unprecedented crackdown.

BC exclusive
27 March 2014
George Osborne presents his Budget briefcase outside number 11 Downing Street

Pensions may have grabbed the headlines, but it is important that small businesses do not overlook a multitude of announcements George Osborne made that will have an impact specifically on them.

BC exclusive
26 March 2014

Britain’s continuing economic recovery might appear good news but small businesses should not be complacent - a leading adviser to the sector says the recovery could actually mean the end of the road for some companies.

BC exclusive
25 March 2014
Woman signing cheque

The ‘Techpreneur of the Year Awards’ is calling on women involved in tech-related start-ups to submit an entry. The ceremony will award those involved in innovative start-ups which have launched or are in the process of launching.

BC exclusive
24 March 2014
James Caan

Small business agony uncle James Caan tackles the problem of cash flow and security.

24 March 2014
Daniel Todary Ecoigo

For Ecoigo's co-founder Daniel Todary, who set up the hybrid car firm in 2006, business is about proving something.

24 March 2014
Lord Sugar

Simon Kay gets so many pitches is his job running an advertising gift business that he sometimes feels like his North London office is the Dragons' Den studio. Kay shares his top tips for a winning pitch.

BC exclusive
24 March 2014
Woman stressed over paperwork

Will you be affected by the new accounting regulation that comes into force at the end of this year? A better question, one survey suggests, might be have you even heard of FRS 102?

BC exclusive
21 March 2014

Many small businesses are still to struggling to obtain the finance they need to grow but need to be imaginative and think beyond just bank loans.

BC exclusive
20 March 2014
Job interview

New research into the cost of replacing a member of staff who leaves suggests the process may be far more expensive than previously realised. So how can you ensure new staff members hit the ground running?

BC exclusive
19 March 2014
The Evening Standard's Lucy Tobin

The Standard's business reporter Lucy Tobin has money-saving advice for SMEs with tips on securing virtual admin or receptionist support, pay-as-you-go advice from finance directors and free legal contracts. 

BC exclusive
17 March 2014
James Caan

Small business agony uncle James Caan tackles the problem of encouraging creativity.

17 March 2014
Claire Madden

Claire Madden, co-founder of Connection Capital on the growth of “alternative financing” - filling the void as the banks have stopped lending to small businesses.

17 March 2014
Google glasses

Seasoned investor Andy Yates suggests five  top sectors to start a business in, identifying the key areas - from elearning to consumer health - that are set for stellar growth in the coming years.

BC exclusive
14 March 2014
Canary Wharf skyline

The British Chambers of Commerce has good news and bad: while the small business organisation said this week that Britain’s economy should finally hit its pre-recession size this summer, earlier than previously expected, it also warns many firms remain unable to afford pay rises for their staff.

BC exclusive
13 March 2014
Microsoft shop

If your business’s computers have begun displaying a new pop-up warning window this week, don’t panic. It may simply be Microsoft trying to tell you that your system is outdated – potentially dangerously so.

BC exclusive
12 March 2014

Would your business benefit from a faster and stronger broadband connection? If so, a Government scheme aimed at small businesses may be able to help. The Government’s Broadband Connection Voucher Scheme offers up to £3,000 of financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises looking to step up to superfast broadband in 22 cities around the UK.

BC exclusive
11 March 2014
Tokyo skyline

The exit factor is back, and PWC's chairman of corporate finance Neil Sutton considers how to approach potential Asian buyers. He's also keen to answer Business Connection members' questions on exiting a business - contact details on the site. 

BC exclusive
10 March 2014
Juan Lobato chief executive of cloud platform firm BaseKit

Juan Lobato, chief executive of cloud platform firm BaseKit, ponders why techies love London, and Shoreditch particularly,  - "there aren’t any other cities in the world that can provide such a rocket-fuelled launch pad," he says.

BC exclusive
10 March 2014

Dear Sales Doctor, I sell skip hire door to door and I’m finding most receptionist are saying it’s a no name policy and are not willing to get the right person to come and see me or provide me with the person's contacts details. I’m starting to think it is best to cold call on the phone; however I really need advice.

BC exclusive
10 March 2014
