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First Time Sex Stories


I'm 17 and I lost my virginity a week ago. I stayed at my boyfriend's house one day his parents were travelling and I was kind of prepared because we had pre-sexual meetings before but I always told him I wasn't ready for it. We were having oral sex which felt pretty good, but when I told him I was ready I kind of stressed out and I wasn't even wet when he entered me. It felt weird at the beginning and it was so fast I really didn't feel pleasure. I didn't bleed at first but when I stood up I started bleeding and even did until the next day.  We used a condom but we were so paranoical that I even took the next day pill. It was nice because it was with him and I don't regret it at all, because I had never felt so related to anyone else before and I had never felt so much for anyone before. Just wait until the right one comes and until you feel prepared and won't regret it cause it must be horrible. Don't rush up anything cause it all comes when it has to come.

AVERT Says: It's important to make decisions about sex that you are comfortable with. For more information on whether or not you are ready for sex, please see our designated page.

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When i had first turned 16 a boy in my grade told me he wanted to be my first.. at first i thought that i was okay with that cause we had been together for aboit 5 months but something just felt wrong.. i told him i wasnt ready and he dumped me.. i talked to my mom and sje told me to just move on and not give into peer presure.. im now 17 and jave been with mt current boyfriend for a little bit over a year! We slept together on our one year anniversary!! He told me that if i didnt wanna do it i didnt jave to and if he was hurtin me he would stop.. it hurt a little at first bit he was gentle and finally tje pain went away.. now when we enggage in sex its always amazing! I love that i waited for him but i do wish i wouldve waited mayne a little longer. I feel like i just went with the crowd and gave in.. but i love this boy more tjan life itself!!

AVERT says: Making choices about sex can be difficult, but it is important to do what you feel comfortable with. Take a look at our Am I Ready for Sex? page for more information.

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Am a virgin of 16 n my bf is 23. We'v been 2geda 4 more than a year n he's concerned about dis sex issue. But the knowlege oe what i know tells me nt 2 giv into it. I wanna advice young girl like me to wait 4 the ryt time. God bles u.

AVERT says: It is important if you are thinking of having sex, or being intimate that you make a decision that is right for you. Take a look at our Am I Ready for Sex? page for more information.

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I was 16 when I lost my vitginity.I always felt pressure to have sex as I knew people around me were.My best friend had recently told me that her and her boyfriend were having sex and this made me feel like I was more of a child then she was.

I was talking to a boy from school (also 16 ) And had  sex 4 times before myself.He invited me over his house the next day to just hangout.so the next day I went over..when I got there we went straight to his room,he began to kiss me and we ended up snogging.5 minutes later he got up and went to his wallet and got out a condom,he threw it on the bed next to me.he asked me if I wanted to have sex with him,I felt pressured into saying yes  althought I did want to see what all the fuss was about so  I agreed after a hesitation.He put the condom on and then we had sex.It hurt slightly at first but it became less painful.straight afterwards I had regretted what I had done.i wasn't in any relationship with him and I felt that I had been used.

I am now with my boyfriend and have been for 5 months we have talked about having sex but haven't found the right time to.He is a virgin and I love him so much I bitterly regret my first time and I wish I would have waited for it to be special and meaningful.

AVERT says: Making choices about sex is difficult, and sometimes we don’t always make the right decision for ourselves- and that’s OK! But it is important that going forward, we make decisions we are comfortable with. If you feel affected by any of these issues, you may find it useful to look at our Am I Ready for Sex? for more information.

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My wife and I were both virgins when we met in 1980. We'd been seeing one another for 2 and a half years before we married. Apart from kissing each other we hadn't been intimate in any way. Karen told me that wanted to lose her virginity to me on our wedding night and, hard, (!) as it was for me, I respected that. During the time we spent together in our courtship we talked and learned about each other and our first time, making love together was, well, brilliant. Yes, there was a lot of fumbling about at first, probably because Karen and I had been best mates who were suddenly naked in bed together! We got into "The Missionary Position" but before I entered her  Karen asked me if I would like to look at her vagina to see her hymen, which was still intact in a lady of 22 years. What a privilege it was to then penetrate her. It hurt both of us that first time just a little After all these years of being together we make love several times each week

AVERT says: It is important if you are thinking of having sex, or being intimate that you make a decision that is right for you. Take a look at our Am I Ready for Sex? page for more information.

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Hi my name is angie. Id like to share a story of my first time. I am s3venteen years old and three months away from being eighteen, and I lost my virginity to a guy I love very much.
I met him about three months ago and we instantly clicked. It is my senior year and officially a second semester senior. Whoo! I only lost it last night. We flirted and talked so much before we started dating and then we were official. We always had a great physical chemistry and the first time we went further than making out it did not feel awkward or dirty. Thats what made us pursue further. Physical act was just a part of our relationship. He never pressured me we both wanted it. He never really asked.. it was just like kissing. You knew you both want to and just a way to express your love. I didnt bleed and it didnt hurt that much. At first there was pain but afterwards it felt fine. We had condoms and used it. Im glad I lost it to him because hes the closest friend I have in my life and I love him as a person. Dont have sex until you're sure this person is the absolute most important person in your life (besides your family of course). And have fun. Its just a beginning of a new level of your relationship

AVERT says: Making choices about sex can be difficult, but it is important to do what you feel comfortable with. Take a look at our Am I Ready for Sex? page for more information.

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Ok this is my story.....

I just turned 15 last week my mom made me a quinceanera. Well in the serves said i had to stay pure till i get married well just yesterday i had sex with my friends brother i hurt so bad i told him in he said it hurts on ur first time i feel so bad cuz i have a bf n i cheated on him i wish something would have stopped me from having sex with him. N i feel bad that my mom trusts me n i went off behind her back n having sex with somebody thats not my bf. Im still n pain right now all im doing is lay in my bed. This is for all the girls that r thinking about have sex dont do it if ur not ready to. If i could go back i would have had decided to wait till i have gottin married first. I feel so bad in i hope all u girls that r reading this will do the right thing in wait till u get married.
I know ur thinkin y is she telling us this. Well im tell u this because i regret have sex at 15....
Do the right thing in wait tell u get married.

AVERT says: Making choices about sex is difficult, and sometimes we don’t always make the right decision for ourselves- and that’s OK! But it is important that going forward, we make decisions we are comfortable with. If you feel affected by any of these issues, you may find it useful to look at our Am I Ready for Sex? page for more information.

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It was on a Monday in November that I lost my virginity at the age of 19. I am slightly ashamed that I only waited for 4 months after dating "him," but there was something different about him. I'd been in serious relationships before but this was better; we were very comfortable together and laughed all the time. We've been dating 1.5 years with plans for our future. I used this website to help reassure me.

I was already on birth control and condoms are excruciatingly painful for me so that's how we did it. I told him that I wanted to have sex with him and he refused to oblige. First I was just joking about it, but he told me that if I still wanted to in a week, then he would agree. He is really sweet and told me that he didn't want to be the one that I would regret doing it with. When it happened I wanted to cry but I stopped myself. I didn't understand why but I was embarrassed and hid it. Sometimes I wish I had waited but he's really serious about marrying me. (If I think about being with him forever, it makes our sex that much better.)

Like everyone says, wait for someone special and I would even recommend waiting until you're 18 at the very youngest. I love my boyfriend and don't regret it although sometimes I wish I had waited longer.

AVERT says: Making choices about sex is difficult, and sometimes we don’t always make the right decision for ourselves- and that’s OK! But it is important that going forward, we make decisions we are comfortable with. If you feel affected by any of these issues, you may find it useful to look at our Am I Ready for Sex for more information.

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I had a boyfriend who always talked about having sex and i wasn't comfortable with it. I was 17 years old and felt like maybe I should. I talked to my aunt and she told me that if he really truly loved me like he said he did he would understand and wait. In the end we broke up and a year later I became very good friends with a guy I had a crush on. This friendship turned into a relationship and it was so much better than my previous relationship. He never continuously asked me about sex or made me feel like I had to. I finally decided that I was ready and when we had sex it was amazing. It wasn't just the pleasure from sex(don't get me wrong that was part of it) it was connecting with someone that I truly loved and someone I knew loved me. We are still together today and everytime we have sex its the same as the first. *My message is don't be forced into it because he makes you think you have to. There is always someone out there that will prove him wrong you just have to find him like I did.

AVERT says: Making choices about sex can be difficult, but it is important to do what you feel comfortable with. Take a look at our Am I Ready for Sex? page for more information. 

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I lost my virginity to my current boyfriend. We are high school sweethearts, and began dating freshman year of high school. Throughout high school, we never had sex, although we did talk about it, and had intimate encounters. Both of us were virgins, and although we had several opportunities to have sex, we decided we wanted our first time to be a special moment; not just some other back-seat-of-the-car-story. There were times that he felt he was ready, but I didn't feel ready, and vice versa, but finally, there was a moment when both of us knew it was right. I love this moment so much because it was perfect, and it sounds as if it came out of a love novel. It was a rainy summer afternoon in July. We were intimately kissing eachother, and then I looked into his eyes, and I told him I knew the time was right. He felt the same way. He was slow and gentle, making sure that I was comfortable. The moment it happened, we were staring into eachothers eyes, and to my surprise, there was no pain, and no bleeding. This was very different from what my friends told me when they lost their virginty. I knew everything about this moment was right in every way. My boyfriend and I waited for the perfect time, and now we reflect back on our choice and we're very happy about it.

AVERT says: Making choices about sex can be difficult, but it is important to do what you feel comfortable with. Take a look at our Am I Ready for Sex? page for more information.

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I am kris.i m 19. I lost my virginity when i was 17. It was with this guy in my school (or you can call my ''crush''). He was also 17. He kinda flirted with me then i would flirt back. Then gradually we started to date. Once when we were in his bedroom, we kinda had oral sex. Then, he asked me whether i was ready for having sex or not. First i declined but then i felt ready and said yes. He asked me a number of times, and i would agree. When he inserted his penis, it hurted like hell. Then, i pushed him back. He understood and told me to get dressed...till today we're dating. I am happy that i lost my virginity to him. I am really very glad.
But everytime, with every girl, this type of luck can't be achived. So i'm just telling that think once before you are ready to do this. Be careful :-)

AVERT says: Making choices about sex can be difficult, but it is important to do what you feel comfortable with. Take a look at our Am I Ready for Sex? page for more information. 

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Don't be afraid of saying no

I lost my virginity when I was 14, to my ex bf(I know, that's pretty stupid) I always had a thing for him and I thought that if I did that he would love me more. He was the player type and had a lot of girls, he is popular for just wanting sex. I was at his place and we started making out for an hour (I never kissed anyone but him before) then he asked if I was ready and I said yes, I regret it now because I was not ready I just said it to get going I was so scared and nervous which probably made it worse because my body became tense and my muscles tightened up. When he put it in it really pained, it was like a burning stabbing pain. I told him to stop and luckily he did...so he always says we made love halfway. We are still good friends and he didn't change his attitude towards me after, we got closer:). Girls please think about it seriously before you loose your virginity, don't loose it to someone that doesn't care for you. Be sure that you want to loose it, don't be afraid of saying No:)

AVERT says: Making choices about sex is difficult, and sometimes we don’t always make the right decision for ourselves- and that’s OK! But it is important that going forward, we make decisions we are comfortable with. If you feel affected by any of these issues, you may find it useful to look at our Am I Ready for Sex for more information.

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This story might help those who think they are too old to keep being a virgin, also those who only worry about pregnancy disregarding other risks.

I lost my virginity at age 31 and I'm not married.  I wasn't waiting for a wedding to make love. What I waited for was for the man to whom I felt deeply in love, and knowing he really cared about me.  Along my student years I was very focused on studying, though I was involved with someone and he asked me to have sex during college, I realized I wasn't ready (@21).  Once we finished college we remained being friends. Later I met other guys from work, but none of them I loved, only liked them.  And yes, I received more sexual proposals that I rejected.  When I was 28 I met a guy who I liked the first time I saw. We became sort of friends, and we shared time together, sporadically.  We had an on and off relationship, but when we finally walked over a stable ground, I was more than ready to make love to him.  He had stayed at my place many times before, but nothing had happened.  This time, when we were reunited, he warned me... if we share the bed I won't let you sleep tonight.  And he kept his promise.  I wasn't nervous, it was like the natural next step.  We spent the night making love, it didn't hurt while doing it, but the next day.  The day after I felt my vagina a little swollen and some pain in my lower abdomen.  We wore condoms, but with a little incident.

The incident with the condom didn't result in pregnancy, but I got a STD. Fortunately it wasn't serious among all the possibilities.  I caught trichonoma, which is a parasite that can reside in the vagina, and the man can transmit it without knowing it, because it rarely shows symptoms on men... symptoms on women are not nice.  The solution was easy, I took the prescribed medicine and I was cured, and told him to take the medicine as well. So, what can be learned?  Most people think they are inmune to STDs, most of the times they are afraid to have themselves checked and still think they are 100% healthy.  No matter how much you love your partner, and trust him, wear a condom and have enough of them, he might not know he is carrying a disease. When you decide to have sex without protection for whatever reason, you both should be checked before.  Also, take into consideration that HIV can be detected after 6 months depending on the test applied. Communicate with your partner about these issues... if I hadn't told mine that he got me that, I would have been reinfected.

Besides the STD outcome, the experience was really satisfying and bonding.  (in case you were wondering, we are not longer together... that is how life is)

AVERT says: Making choices about sex can be difficult, but it is important to do what you feel comfortable with. Take a look at our Am I Ready for Sex? page for more information.

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I was 14 when I lost my virginity. My story is just horrible, I hate thinking about it. It was to this guy I had just MET THAT DAY FOR THE 1ST TIME. We talked on facebook and we were both virgins. He was 14 I was 14, so I came over to just hang out, literally watch some tv and chill. But then he started to try to make out with me and I had never made out before and before you know it he was trying to take off my clothes. In the moment I guess I wanted it, but really looking back now that I'm 16 I feel stupid, disgusting and just gross. I let some complete stranger take my innocence. I wish I could have waited for the guy who means the world to me. And I have found him, a few months after my bad day I went over to my friend patricks house and somehow met his brother, he was 17 and I was 14, now we're 16 and he's 19. He's still a virgin, and I was his first everything. It makes me happy to know I can make him happy but it breaks my heart knowing I can't have that same experience when we finally make love to eachother.

AVERT says: Making choices about sex is difficult, and sometimes we don’t always make the right decision for ourselves- and that’s OK! But it is important that going forward, we make decisions we are comfortable with. If you feel affected by any of these issues, you may find it useful to look at our Am I Ready for Sex page for more information. 

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I dated a guy in my university days for 3and half years and we always quarrel about sex,i was a virgin and he was not,we do romance,but anytime it gets beyond that,i didnt agree,he was my first love but i didnt have any reason to lose my virginity because i was afraid of God and the sad stories ladies go through when they lose their virginity,i didn't want to fall victim,he would tell me i dont love him,but i told him if  he wants it we should get married and we can have license to do it without fear of any sort,then he would keep quiet,then after 3and the half years we broke up,he said he still loves me,but we were always quarelling cos of sex,now am married at age 24 and i lost my virginity to my husband,though it was very painful and i didnt bleed,am happy i got married before doing it,cos mx husband loves and gives me utmost respect.am happy i stood my ground despite when people said virginity is old fashioned,i didnt care what they said,but at s6e point i never told people i was a virgin,i acted as if i had done it sn people wouldnt notice.

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The first time I ever considered having sex I was 16 and I had been dating my then boyfriend for over 9 months although we didn't go through with it in the end. After we broke up I met the guy I did eventually lose my Virginity to. He was very kind to me and did make me feel special. He and I did partake in oral sex and such and eventually on my 17th birthday he asked me if I wanted to have sex I did say no and that I wasn't ready so he just smiled at me and told me he understood and I really respected him for that because I knew he really wanted to have sex (he wasn't a virgin). We didn't have sex until 10 months later- exactly 2 months before my 18th birthday- and I don't regret it. We had discussed having sex before and he had told me that I must only have sex when I felt I was ready and it didn't have to be him. So on the night I lost my virginity we were kissing on my bed and partaking in sexual acts when he asked me if I wanted to have sex. I felt ready and I wanted to so I said yes. He got a condom and put it on because we both didn't want to risk anything. He told me that if I wanted him to stop I must tell him and he will. I

The actual act was nowhere near as bad as I expected. I didn't bleed or experience a blinding stab of pain. He was very slow and rather than just pushing into me hard and fast, he took  his time making sure I got used to his penis being inside me while repeatedly asking me if I was okay or wanted him to stop. I told him no and I only felt slightly uncomfortable at first but then when he had fully entered me it felt amazing. He was slow and sensual and afterwards we just lay on my bed and spoke. I'm happy I lost my virginity to him because he is a good friend to me and he does love me. The fact that he respected me enough to wait for when I was ready told me a lot about him and that makes me pleased I lost it to him.

However to end this on an enriching and educational topic I feel that this needs to be said: Do NOT have sex if you are not ready especially if you are not of the legal age limit. There is an age limit for a reason and you can not see the importance of that decision until later in life. Last, make sure the person you lose your virginity respects you and realises it's importance. Be safe, be ready and do not be afraid to say NO!

AVERT says: Making choices about sex can be difficult, but it is important to do what you feel comfortable with. Take a look at our Am I Ready for Sex? page for more information.

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First time sex stories are a selection of stories about having sex for the first time or deciding to wait, written by different people from all around the world and sent to AVERT. We hope these stories will help many people make informed decisions around having sex for the first time.

Avert.org has information and advice for teens about sex and sexuality, including first time sex.

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