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If I did not exist, it would be neccessary to invent me. I think, therefore I am.

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I’ve witnessed the quest for Lord Stanley’s Holy Grail unite the worst of enemies. For the record, I am as Ontario as one could be.

I would be a giddy as a Lark to have Teemu donning the Winged Wheel; but would the other team members share the same sentiment? The Finnish, Swedish tumult is a long, bitter Scandinavian feud that is blood deep.

To me, this years movies were the equivalent to the “dark ages” in Europe when creativity and/or writers block just smudged that time in history as a blank. There were no blockbusters…in fact, there was nothing made that will withstand the test of a decade.

These should have been divided into categories: Crime, politics, sports, etc.

Posted on Vote: What were the biggest stories in Michigan of 2011? on December 31, 2011, 12:42AM

With all the Dollar Tree’s, Family Dollar’s, Dollar General’s, (aka Made in China springboards) popping like mushrooms on a damp spring night, you’d think Michigan is the king of retail hiring.

Poor kid, thrusted into leadership in a totalitarian regime by a demagogue of a father; inheriting a nation in crises, a secret society closed off from the world, communistic with nuclear ambitions all suppressed by the mighty West. Regardless, I sure love that Korean Chicken they serve in Ann Arbor on Liberty Street (can’t spell the name, guided by smell).

Posted on North Korea names Kim Jong Un Supreme Commander on December 31, 2011, 12:31AM

Actually, for the anal retentive nit picking grammar Nazis, that would be “see”…lol.

You won’t here me complaining; add some Salami to this smorgasbord. But then again, there’s that Scandinavian animosity between Fins and Swedes, plus the hit Kronwall delivered on Teemu last season when TS called out Kronner in the press as a “dirty player.” I think the prospect of mutually sipping from the cup would be akin to sharing the peace pipe.

The headline was mystifying, the location was completely defining.

Kettle balls are no more magical than any other free-weight source. It all boils down to progressive resistance, hard work and discipline. Standard barbells and dumbbells provide the same isometric and isolation exercises as well as the benefits. It’s an overly marketed fad to be the new magic pill to physical fitness nirvana. Pure hyperbole.

Yes I am...I worked in corrections and still occasionally date someone who continues. Tough life for those "tree jumpers."

Careful when reading numbers. One large cooked egg contains roughly 220 milligrams of cholesterol (mostly LDL) with 2 grams of saturated fat; 60% or your recommended daily allowance (the same RDA put out by the US Agricultural Dept. that lobbies farming and husbandry). Three eggs would be 180% of your cholesterol “allowance” in accordance to a 2,500 calorie diet per day, not including your other meals or the cheese put on the omelet. Eat this puppy every day thinking it’s healthy and it could be adios amigo.

How much butter is on that toast that comes with it?

Posted on Eating healthy in Jackson: The Roxy Cafe's Hippie Omelet on December 31, 2011, 12:01AM

...or Jiri Hudler 3 million...lol. I love The Piston's, but this scab act is God awful.

By all accounts; coaches, fans, press, announcers…Detroit played bad, they were not up to par, yet still could have taken this game.

Bottom line: Show a little more passion, get some even keeled officiating, and get our wounded back and seriously, Chicago does not scare me.

Feeble and desperate attempt to garner sympathy votes; epic failure. Newt’s a portly, womanizing career politician with backdoor Fanny/Freddie millions.

Posted on Newt Gingrich weeps, Mitt Romney attacks Ron Paul on December 30, 2011, 11:13PM

If that what is required to beat us, I’ll take it. Some of the calls were not even marginal; the penalty shot? “That is just an awful call”- Mickey Redmond.

You can be a better team and lose; it’s a quirk anomalous to hockey, soccer and lacrosse.

Nick Lidstom too. Mickey Redmond: "That is just awful." There was absolutely zero tug.

Game could have gone either way but should have been ours; too bad it’s decided by a no-penalty penalty shot…fortuitous win undoubtedly. Detroit had two clankers of the post with their goalie beat to boot. Lots of positives to extrapolate from this: I think Chicago’s not as good as their record indicates and Detroit is probably better I knew they were a few weeks back. Even with an all rookie line Detroit beats this team in a series, and with the full line up its no contest. Hawk’s are too top heavy and Detroit has better balance top to bottom.

Sticking to the relevant substance of the article and not perusing for loose stitches to pull; Mursak’s stint in GR is a rehabilitation assignment, not there to save the struggling team. Moreover, Mursak’s statements and Michael Zuidema’s reporting is as lucid as it gets.

Cooper: You’re witnessing a thorn and anticipating roses, and in doing so, getting ruffled due to your premeditated expectations. Bert’s a mere shadow of his former self pertaining to a goal scorer. His modus is to play big, hit, clog, protect the puck, pass, etc, with the physical attributes he has remaining. Coaches applaud his play, the armchairs loathe him.

Not a youth movement or indicative of the state of the union; a little Ginny Pig experimentation in light of all the injuries. Helm, Conner, Homer and the regular cast would be in if not the prevalent injury bug. Make for a very interesting spectacle nonetheless. But, I hear you...key game and Bab's is playing musical chairs and bringing the lab to the ice.

Poster children for epic failure?

Whatever happened to building homes with fireplaces? It seems these folks who always suffer heating woes are dependent on their cheaply built stick house and its gas/electric dependent heating systems. In the pioneer days, when no one relied on government help for heating, we all had fireplaces because in Michigan there is an endless abundance of materials you can burn all winter long to heat your home adequately and beyond.

Fortunately, that tough guy pretense in his photo will evaporate when he gets to a maximum security prison environment marked as a child rapist…he’ll be the target of many men for endless reasons, and he’ll soon learn what it’s like to be a victim, but there, no one will care. Have a nice couple of decades in the pokey you punk.

The beginning of the end undoubtedly for the once retail giant(s). Big-K or K-Mart is doomed. Sears might keep its head above water with its Craftsman line of tools and their lifetime replacement guarantee. Wall Mart, Menards, Lowes, Home Depot, Sams, Cosco, and every other super chain mart spells demise Sears and Roebuck. I have a catalogue fro Sears dated 1931…my how times have changed.

Posted on At least 6 Kmart/Sears stores to close in Michigan on December 30, 2011, 12:48AM

“Escort” is a cleansing euphemism of “hooker.” Political correctness has watered down the freedom and right to press. Gee golly…lets not offend this group of, ah…people.

Absolutely nothing wrong with this bill, so long as every single lawmaker submits a hair sample to an anonymous agent to test their history for alcohol and drugs as well. Make sure it is a “9-panel” screen that will catch benzodiazepines, opiates, cocaine and methamphetamine…the drugs lawmakers typically abuse. Fact Check: The Declaration of Independence was written on Hemp paper by authors under the influence of opiates and cocaine. Marijuana was considered a “slave” smoke.

This politically driven absurdity is long overdue; our government was designed to be a representation of the people elected by the people. The redundancy is ridiculous; the people of Michigan, the overwhelming majority want marijuana legalized. They’re going to smoke it regardless. Prohibition proved that it does nothing but corrupts government, fills jails and prisons unnecessarily, and provides a circumvention to could be tax dollars to criminals. Wake up people!!!
