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Eating healthy in Jackson: The Roxy Cafe's Hippie Omelet

Published: Friday, December 30, 2011, 4:42 PM     Updated: Friday, December 30, 2011, 4:54 PM

When most people think of Jackson’s food scene, they probably think fast food.

But there’s more than just chain restaurants — there’s a long list of local restaurants dishing out eats that rival that McDonald’s burger or KFC bucket-o-wings.

Better yet, these Jackson eateries can serve up some seriously healthy options. A lot of dishes from some of our favorite local restaurants go light on fat and pile on the flavor.

Most of these local joints don’t keep track of nutrition information, so estimates are provided.

So buckle up! We’re going on a day-long tour of some of the healthier food in Jackson. Here’s what’s on the menu:

Hippie Omelet at Roxy Cafe, 606 N. West Ave.

WEB-KDR_RoxyHippyOmelet.jpgThe Roxy Cafe's Hippie Omelet

When people come to Roxy Cafe, they come to eat. Everything there is big — both in size and flavor.

This roughly three-egg omelet ($7.79) is no exception. Packed with broccoli, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions and a generous helping of feta cheese, it’s essentially a salad, all rolled up in a gooey golden crust.

Sure, it’s delicious, but this eggy dish is nutritious, too.

This baby’s got a ton of fiber, which helps keep you full and regulates digestion. It’s also a good source of vitamins A, C and K, and massive amounts of protein.

For breakfast, a high-protein dish is a smart choice. Protein provides stamina and energy to help you wake up and get moving. The old adage “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” is said for a reason.

Hippie Omelet fast facts

Calories*: Approx. 450

Fat: Approx. 11 g

Carbohydrates: Approx. 50

Protein: 30 g

Fiber: Approx. 9 g

Related topics: Jackson Food, Roxy Cafe

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geek49203 December 30, 2011 at 5:45PM

Great. Now I'll have to wait even longer to get a seat for breakfast.

DON'T GO THERE! IT'S AWFUL! (gosh, if I scare people away, I can get a seat faster I hope...)

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CitizenXGen December 31, 2011 at 12:01AM

Careful when reading numbers. One large cooked egg contains roughly 220 milligrams of cholesterol (mostly LDL) with 2 grams of saturated fat; 60% or your recommended daily allowance (the same RDA put out by the US Agricultural Dept. that lobbies farming and husbandry). Three eggs would be 180% of your cholesterol “allowance” in accordance to a 2,500 calorie diet per day, not including your other meals or the cheese put on the omelet. Eat this puppy every day thinking it’s healthy and it could be adios amigo.

How much butter is on that toast that comes with it?

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gianthogweed December 31, 2011 at 2:58AM

Another masterful piece of insight, research, and knowledgeable splendor, shared by CITIZENxGEN. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

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john214 December 31, 2011 at 9:45AM

"About 200 studies over the past 25 years have looked at the link between eggs and heart disease and found that it's not the cholesterol, but saturated fat that ups the risk of heart disease."

"Research published in The European Journal of Nutrition this week has finally cracked the myths surrounding eggs and cholesterol. The new study showed that people who ate two eggs per day, while on a calorie-restricted diet, not only lost weight but also reduced their blood cholesterol levels."

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gianthogweed December 31, 2011 at 2:59AM

Another masterful piece of insight, research, and knowledgeable splendor, shared by CITIZENxGEN. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

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bigbang777 December 31, 2011 at 7:05AM

If you eat healthy food as some have the willpower to do, this ain't the place to go.Sorry, I have to agree with Gen x on this one.
Go in this crowded greasy spoon and you will see more obese folks than Walmart on bridge card day..Baylee you're just starting your career, so image is most important.Be truthful now:This omelette is not healthy and it never will be.

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geek49203 December 31, 2011 at 5:17PM

And tofu, bean spouts and rice cakes will never be as delicious as a Roxy omelet, and never will be.

When you eat healthy, you don't live forever, it just seems that way....

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gianthogweed January 01, 2012 at 1:28PM

It seems like, when ever I eat there, there does not appear to be obese people eating. I think that your mistaking The Roxy Cafe for McDonalds!

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bigbang777 January 12, 2012 at 6:09AM

Giant hog...I believe you have proven my point, without any doubt.

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