


Prime Minister Stephen Harper with his new majority has an opportunity over the next four years to make Canada a much more competitive nation. He should not miss this chance.
The City of Ottawa has a curious method of "fast-tracking" its light-rail project, as it said it would do this week to have passengers aboard it in 2018.
So people in Ottawa's south end should have a sense of perspective on the whole issue of the outdoor watering ban because a long pipe from the city to the suburbs has malfunctioned. Yes, residents have paid for this service, but sometimes things go wrong...
Nancy Peckford

Parliament gets a makeover

Image makeovers - large and small - in the world of politics have a long history: Preston Manning worked...

Eric Morse

Why you can't kill Gadhafi, too

Osama bin Laden's killing raises some interesting and disturbing questions about the murky world of ...

Robert Sibley

We must never celebrate death

Osama bin Laden had to be killed, but the jubilation that followed was the kind of mass psychology we...

Peter Jones

Bin Laden died years ago

While the world is fixated on the military operation that killed Osama bin Laden, he actually died some...

David Martin

Donald Trump's inaugural address

My fellow citizens, I come before you today with, what for me, is an unusual feeling...

Gerry Nicholls

Hope springs eternal for Canadian conservatives

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has won his long coveted majority government. So now...

Janice Kennedy

Some things are unforgivable

Growing up in Montreal, where Jean Drapeau was our version of municipal flamboyance...

Brian Lee Crowley

We have a duty to defend our values

Even in death, mass murderer Osama bin Laden has the power to attract followers ...

Susan Riley

In with the new

'This is going to change so many things," veteran New Democrat Libby Davies said...

Dan Gardner

Harper could shape the judiciary for a generation

In 2003, an American man who served 14 years on death row was found not guilty of...

Elizabeth Payne

The single-mother voice

There has been plenty of speculation about what influence the new, young MPs (some of them as surprised...

The Ed Board blog

Conservative cabinet making

Mathieu Ravignat, the surprise winner in Pontiac, was on the Current this morning saying he'd prefer...

The Ed Board blog

Why bad candidates get elected

That was quite the night. There's a lot to talk about over the next few days. For now, I want to...

The Ed Board blog



Outside the box

Writer Aisha Sherazi is reluctant to be limited. She writes ...


The Bulldog

In the early days of journalism, the first edition of the newspaper...


The Ed Board

Argue with the Citizen's editorial board.


Outside the box

Writer Aisha Sherazi is reluctant to be limited. She writes ...