Another week of strange unpredictable weather ... going from extreme cold to quite warm days, strong winds one day to calm grey ones with gently falling snow. The birds seem to take it all quite happily and flock to the feeders several times a day, goldfinches and redpolls, chickadees, nuthatches and woodpeckers. They are cheerful and immaculately groomed.

Bird Photos



Elizabeth Le Geyt's Birds

Each week, readers of Elizabeth Le Geyt's Birds column send photos of bird sightings in the Ottawa area. Send birding reports to 613-821-9880 or

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These great fishers build huge nests of sticks on high platforms.

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Purple martins

It's fascinating to watch these birds in their houses at the Nepean Sailing Club.

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Pied-billed grebes

You'll fall in love with these sweet grebes.

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snow buntings

Snow buntings

Elusive little birds that forage on the snowy grounds.

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blackpoll warbler

Blackpoll warbler

A tiny bird with a high-pitched song.

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Lesser scaup

These diving ducks attracted birders' attentions in Nov/09.

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Common merganser

Common mergansers

The world of the common merganser.

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Hooded Merganser

Hooded mergansers

Black-and-white males carry a fan-shaped crest

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The Elizabeth Le Geyt...

This award is given annually to recipients for their good works...


Basic fat mix recipe

Give the birds energy over winter.


A little bird told me...

Let World of Birds know about events of interest.


Piping Plover updates...

News from Sauble Beach.


Hummingbird’s love this...

Click here for a recipe.


The Elizabeth Le Geyt...

This award is given annually to recipients for their good works...


Dave Brown

Biking for Mother Earth on Mother's Day

First things first. Mom, happy Mother's Day. To my lovely wife, Jenny, happy Mother's Day to you, too (I think there's a present from Aidan coming with this morning's breakfast).

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