

a few tasteful snaps

Ottawa Citizen reporter covering government, politics and anything else that interests me. Specializing in data journalism and Twitter evangelism.

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Ron Eade

Omnivore's Ottawa

Food is the great common denominator. Food editor Ron Eade is always intrigued by what people put on their plates and how it got there. From farm to fork and then some, he explores the ever-changing culinary plate in the nation’s capital. What’s for supper, you ask? Ever smoked a chocolate cake?
Follow Ron on Twitter here

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Real Deal blog

Follow Citizen editor Karen Turner on her quest for the best deals.

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The Bulldog

The Bulldog

In the early days of journalism, the first edition of the newspaper was called the bulldog. The name is believed to have come from the fact that competing newspapers were fighting for readers "like bulldogs." The bulldog edition was even mentioned in the classic movie Citizen Kane. Citizen editorial board member Ken Gray strives to bring back the spirit of the bulldog in his blog of news and commentary.
Ken Gray's Inner City podcast
Read Gray's columns
Follow Gray on Twitter
Visit Gray's Facebook page

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Peter Hum

"Leave your worldly troubles outside and come in here and swing," the great jazz drummer and band leader Art Blakey once told his audience. Peter Hum (journalist by day, pianist by night) hopes you'll be similarly entertained by all the news, reviews and interviews he can muster, dealing with jazz in its myriad beauties — from Blakey's beloved bop to today's genre-expanding, improvised extravaganzas.

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David Pugliese

Defence Watch

David Pugliese brings you the latest of what's going on at the frontlines and inside DND headquarters.

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Gord Holder

Par for the Course

Join Gord Holder as he discusses the hottest topics around the game of golf.

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David Reevley

Greater Ottawa

Ottawa's not a small town any more, but it's still trying to figure out what kind of a big city it wants to be. Citizen writer David Reevely blogs about big ideas for our city and the creative people helping in the struggle.

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The Big Beat

Peter Simpson is the Citizen's arts editor at large, and blogs regularly about arts and entertainment, mostly local, but also about non-local things that local people are talking about.
Email Peter here

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Melanie Coulson

Adventures of a working mom

Two kids means twice the fun and four times the chaos – especially when trying to get out the door every day. Senior Editor Melanie Coulson balances family life with her husband and two young boys, a career, and a dash of ‘me’ time. Is it a challenge? You bet. Is it possible? Not always. But it sure makes life interesting.

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The Ed Board

The Ed Board

The editorial board has opinions about everything — some you just might agree with

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Martin Cleary

Scouring the Sidelines

The Citizen's Martin Cleary brings you offbeat high school sports stories.

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Tom Spears

Dark Matter

Men act dumber when blondes are around, says a Parisian social scientist. Cornell University has designed the perfect way to compost roadkill. And scientific research is killing tourism related to the Loch Ness monster, Scottish scientists found. Science, predictably dull? Not in the pages of Dark Matter.

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Steve Mazey

Classical Ottawa

You’re a classical music buff in search of a concert? With professional, community and student orchestras, choirs, chamber music organizations, churches, an opera company and university music departments in town, music lovers in Ottawa can choose from a rich lineup of performances throughout the year. Check Classical Ottawa for concert news, listings and interviews with music makers.

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Robert Sibley

Ideas & Consequences

Behind most every contemporary political act, policy decision and social value is an idea (usually from some dead white European male, like it or not). Senior writer Robert Sibley considers ideas that shape - or misshape, as the case may be - our world.

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Aisha Shirazi

Outside the box

Writer Aisha Sherazi is reluctant to be limited. She writes on a variety of issues and refuses to limit herself. She is a wife, a mother, a former scientist, a former school Principal, a spiritual counselor, an artist, a Muslim and the list goes on. She usually writes on matters related to faith-based issues, world affairs, as well as education and children. Join her in a blog that attempts to stop labeling people and placing them in boxes.

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Should Canada have a minimum age requirement, modelled after the U.S. minimum of 25, for anyone wishing to run for a seat in Parliament?