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Serving for Centuries

Cork English Market


General Info

Omega-3 fatty acids have a well-earned reputation as one of the most important nutrients in the modern diet. There are three major types of omega-3 fatty acids that are ingested in foods and used by the body: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Once eaten, the body converts ALA to EPA and DHA, the two types of omega-3 fatty acids more readily used by the body........

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Site Credits

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So many people deserve credit for the content and form of this site, not least the community from joomla, and also Ciaran O'Hare for his time in producing the images that are on the site; without his assistance the visual concept of the Cork English Market would largely have been left to our visitors' imaginations.


Also, thanks to the following individuals and organisations, there are so many of you I'm afraid to start a list in case I miss somebody!

  • All the stall holders from The English Market that gave both their time and effort in helping this site become what it is. You all know who you are.
  • To all those individuals who have watched the market change through the years, thank you for spending your time educating us about the inner workings and the history associated with the market.
  • All the staff that helped with the translation into their native languages.
  • Cork City Library
  • For everyone else, without whom this site would be less than it is. There are no small contributors, just a site administrator with the memory of a goldfish...

corkenglishmarket.ie is the very best of a community; we created, designed, promoted and contributed to this site without involvement from the City Council. It is a tribute to the workers and residents of Cork City, that since 1788 a vital part of the community has survived and flourished. Here's to the next 200 years!



Last Updated ( Monday, 20 April 2009 20:34 )  
  • O Sullivans Poultry

  • Kay O'Connell's

Sample image Glenys Landon has worked most of her life adult life in the market and like her, her daughters work the stall called O'Sullivans Poultry where they supply not only the finest chicken products but exotic meats as well. Read more...
Kay O'Connells

Kay O'Connell's fish stall in the market is an impressive sight on any day. Fish comes from around the world and end's up on the stall fresh and ready to be cooked. Read more...