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Serving for Centuries

Cork English Market


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Sample image It is well known that what you eat – and when – can have a big impact on your performance in any sport. Most of us know that certain foods eaten before and after a match can affect performance but many of us forget that what we eat everyday –

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O Sullivans Poultry

O'Sullivans Poultry

Glenys Landon has worked most of her life adult life in the market and like her, her daughters work the stall called O'Sullivans Poultry where they supply not only the finest chicken products but exotic meats as well.
Supplying not only quality chicken products here, it is one of the largest chicken suppliers in the market, they have now branched into selling more exotic meats such as Ostrich fillets, Kangaroo fillets, Crocodile steaks, Wild Rabbit, Poussin, Guinea-Fowl, Duck, Goose, Pigeon and plenty more. We have all heard about how healthy this meat is for us, so now is your chance to try some.

Trading now for many years in this stall Glenys has gone with the times and has started to offer traditional and wild produce that would bring strange stares and gasp's from the locals.
As most people are starting to try and eat more healthy meats than the normal, Glenys is in a unique position as she is selling some of the same wild produce that was sold years ago in the market and started to die out but lately is starting to show a healthy comeback. It has been claimed that wild meats such as above are better for your body, more on that later. If you have not tried some of our more natural local products then now is the time, or if you prefer something a little exotic then O'Sullivans Poultry is the best place for you to get your produce.

Supplying quality Irish Products as well as the more exotic, Glenys always tries to offer fresh produce at the best possible price.
As you would expect they also have fresh chicken and duck eggs for sale.
The range of chicken products sold is normal, they also have a range of ready to cook products such as chicken Kievs, Chicken Cordon Bleu, Chicken Burgers, the list goes on and its a must see.
Something that is very important is the fact that they can trace the chicken and most of the products that they sell to its orgins, thus they know the products that they are selling to us.