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Really? This guy is conscious?

Category: Skepticism
Posted on: November 24, 2009 10:22 AM, by PZ Myers

You may have heard the recent news about a Belgian man who was diagnosed as being in a persistent vegetative state after an accident, but who now has been miraculously discovered to have actually been conscious for the last 23 years, trapped in a partially paralyzed body. How horrific, and how frightening that the doctors could have made such a ghastly error.

Until you watch this video. How did they figure out that the poor man was actually alert and mentally competent beneath his deeply damaged exterior? They're using facilitated communication: somebody holds his hand and moves it around to tap out messages on a computer. Look at the fellow, sitting there slack and grimacing and drooling, and the staffer deftly and quickly using his finger to peck out lucid and grammatical sentences. How does anyone fall for this?

I'd like to see how well Mr Houben communicates when his 'facilitator' is blindfolded, or when he is asked questions about objects in his line of sight but hidden from hers.

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Posted by: David Marjanović, OM | November 24, 2009 10:37 AM

What? I thought they measured his brain activity and found it was normal?


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 10:37 AM

Facilitated communication? *headdesk* *facepalm*


Posted by: Ol' Greg | November 24, 2009 10:38 AM

Oh how odd. I've never heard of this. When I read that story they said that a series of brain scans revealed that his brain was active. I guess I assumed that he had, perhaps, limited eye movement and they had been using one of those communication devices that operates by tracking eye movement as a person looks at a field of letters.

If there's no ability to move or communicate, how on earth does the FC specialist know? Reminds me of communicating with spirits.


Posted by: Michelle R | November 24, 2009 10:43 AM

...FC? Are they DAFT? Goddamn I hate these guys.


Posted by: MorboKat | November 24, 2009 10:43 AM

The article I read about this (just this morning) in the Toronto Star said

A breakthrough came when Houben was able to indicate yes or no by slightly moving his foot to push a computer device placed there by Laureys' team.

I am at work and can't see the video, but I would think that if he could move his foot just a tiny bit to answer yes or no questions (a la the beeps in Star Trek) they could get an answer out of him unaided by anyone else.

His faciliated communication may be falacious, but I think he may actually be awake... and absolutely insane. How could you sit, trapped in your own body, for that long and not go stark raving mad?


Posted by: FishyFred | November 24, 2009 10:43 AM

I don't know. He looks like he has some motor function.


Posted by: Cheryl Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 10:47 AM

The initial news reports stated more specialized brain scans showed his brain at an almost normal functioning level. There was one report that he was able to answer yes and no questions using a foot pedal device. Those two things I might be more willing to accept, but Facilitated Communication has long been proven fraud. There probably is evidence he is/was conscious, but there is no way to accept the statements attributed to him are real.


Posted by: Levi in NY | November 24, 2009 10:48 AM

Using paralyzed people like Ouija boards? That's disgusting.


Posted by: Techskeptic Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 10:48 AM

Or just put some damn headphones on that woman so she cant hear the questions.

So stupid


Posted by: PZ Myers Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 10:49 AM

The scanning technique used to identify 'consciousness' has been criticized. The investigator, Laureys, seems to have a history of endorsing poorly supported hypotheses that patients in a persistent vegetative state are capable of slow recovery.


Posted by: Eamon Knight | November 24, 2009 10:50 AM

I also originally (ie. yesterday) read that the diagnosis of conciousness was determined by PET scan of the brain, and some sort of communication using his toe. If so, that immediately differentiates this from the Terri Schiavo case, where brain scans showed that the greater part of her brain had physically gone AWOL.

But damn: 23 years stuck in your own head? I'm sure you'd go insane from boredom.


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 10:51 AM

Yeah I'm with David, I thought there was some new test for brain function that showed he was near "normal" levels?

But three years ago, new hi-tech scans showed his brain was still functioning almost completely normally.

Whatever that means and whatever test that was.

I'm curious.


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 10:53 AM

The scanning technique used to identify 'consciousness' has been criticized. The investigator, Laureys, seems to have a history of endorsing poorly supported hypotheses that patients in a persistent vegetative state are capable of slow recovery.



Posted by: zer0 | November 24, 2009 10:53 AM

I'm skeptical as well. Blindfold the 'facilitator' or obstruct her view of the keyboard in some way. Then show me that some minute muscle movements are truly guiding this woman to keys on the keyboard. Otherwise, it looks like rubbish. She's staring at the keyboard and typing very rapidly.

If you look closely, you can see evidence of pressure in her thumbnail as she is moving this man's hand around. If she were truly reacting to his small motor movements, she would need only to support his hand, and let it fall to the letter he wished to type imo. Facilitated communication is just garbage.

Now, if the brain scan data is true, that is very exciting and something else altogether. That's based on evidence. This FC garbage is on par with homeopathy.


Posted by: Judy L. | November 24, 2009 10:58 AM

Easy to confirm whether the assisted communication in this case is fraudulent: just use a caregiver to assist him who doesn't speak Flemmish! The story mentions that he understands English but responds using FC in Flemmish.


Posted by: Sili Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 10:58 AM

How long until 'he' accuses his carers of molesting him?

That was all the rage here in the 80es with severely braindamaged kids.


Posted by: gr8hands | November 24, 2009 11:00 AM

The foot work would be legitimate, but the lady assisting him is a fraud.

Sad to think that this is getting any air time on the media.


Posted by: Anonymous | November 24, 2009 11:04 AM

How did they figure out that the poor man was actually alert and mentally competent beneath his deeply damaged exterior?

They didn't, because like you they classified him by sight.

Luckily, scanning the brain doesn't rely on the arsehole ableist bullshit of appearances that are offensive to sensitive souls such as yourself.

You've let yourself down on this one.


Posted by: aratina cage Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 11:04 AM

It isn't clear exactly how they figured out he is aware of his surroundings. CNN says,

tests carried out by Dr. Laureys of the University of Liege, in Belgium, revealed that although Houben was believed to be in a persistent vegetative state, he was fully aware.

Further searching for Dr. Laureys brought up this:

Wallis [a different person from Houben] emerged from a minimally conscious state in 2003 at the age of 39 and uttered his first word: "Mom." Since then he has regained the ability to form sentences and recovered some use of his limbs, though he still can't walk or feed himself.
Using positron emission tomography scans and an advanced imaging technique called diffusion tensor imaging, the researchers examined the Arkansas man's brain after he regained full consciousness. They found that cells in the relatively undamaged areas had formed new axons, the long nerve fibres that transmit messages between neurons...Steven Laureys, a neurologist at the University of Liege in Belgium, said the findings would force doctors to reconsider the way they treat patients in minimally conscious and persistent vegetative states.
Could Dr. Laureys have applied the same imaging technique to Houben and found signs of recovery? If so, perhaps facilitated communication isn't such a bad thing; they could be faking it for all the right reasons.


Posted by: redkamel | November 24, 2009 11:05 AM

This story makes no sense. The GCS is not used to declare brain death in the US, so his MDs had no idea what they were doing IMO. Standards for brain death by the American Academy of Neurology include a complete lack of brainstem (cranial nerve reflexes) function. This is determined clinically, however, it is usually performed systematically and carefully. Most docs also perform an EEG to show flatline cerebral or brainstem activity to also confirm. In patients with few brainstem reflexes, the MD CANNOT declare death, but they still have a good case that patient is futile for the family to think about.

If you don't have brainstem function, you basically can't do anything you need to do to live, including breath on your own as the pt clearly is in the pictures.


Posted by: Religion Brandâ„¢ Brain Staples | November 24, 2009 11:10 AM

Seriously? Facilitated communication? I wonder why the article left out all mention of that. In fact, they give the impression that it isn't being used at all ("with the aide of a computer").

"But three years ago, new hi-tech scans showed his brain was still functioning almost completely normally."

Almost? That's a bit... vague. What part isn't normal, exactly?

Given the slant of the rest of the article (OMG OMG euthanasia etc.), and how much they've gotten "creative" with the facts... I really have to wonder about those scan results.

They don't even say what they used. fMRI? What are this guys readings if you hook him up to depth of consciousness measuring equipment (stuff like this) used in anaesthesia? How do they compare with conscious vs. other coma patients?

Having to rely on daily mail is about like having to rely on rumour.


Posted by: Jim Lippard Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 11:11 AM

Re: #5: Q. What's worse than being in a locked-in state for 23 years that's misdiagnosed as coma?

A. Having someone use facilitated communication to speak for you, while you are helpless to protest.


Posted by: Michelle R | November 24, 2009 11:13 AM

@Anonymous: Missed the part where Dr. Laureys is controversive and questioned for the methods and interpretations?


Posted by: mgshamster Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 11:14 AM

It looked like his eyes were moving, and he attempted a smile once, during the video.

Did I see that wrong?


Posted by: Standard curve Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 11:19 AM

If this is real, then they should be able to devise a system of cords, pulleys, and counterweights that would function as an unbiased facilitator.


Posted by: aratina cage Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 11:20 AM

Here is a photo of Dr. Steven Laureys.

Re Jim Lippard #22: They shouldn't be lying to the press, but if Rom Houben is aware of others and wanting to communicate, helping him do so or even enabling him to pretend that he can could be very fulfilling for him and might help his recovery.


Posted by: Glen Davidson Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 11:22 AM

I don't know about the scanning methods, but didn't they learn anything from the "facilitated communication" BS with autistic kids? Ended up with false charges of abuse against parents and other caregivers.

If they really believe he's conscious they'd better find some way that he can communicate for real, not find out whatever the "facilitator" thinks he should be thinking.

Glen D


Posted by: Yakaru Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 11:23 AM

mgs #24
The "smile" was edited in, after being taken from some instant in the entire footage.

I would expect to see some errors and corrections in his typing if that was real.


Posted by: Chuck Morrison | November 24, 2009 11:25 AM

My God, Terri Lynn Schiavo WAS murdered!

I think if people kept me alive for 23 years in either a persistent vegetative state or in a locked-in condition, my greatest hope would be for an afterlife so I could haunt the shit out of those people in revenge.


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 11:26 AM

If this is real, then they should be able to devise a system of cords, pulleys, and counterweights that would function as an unbiased facilitator.

I bet a dollar they would blame its lack of function on a failure in the rig and not a failure of FC.


Posted by: DaveX | November 24, 2009 11:28 AM

I don't get it-- is the guy "with it" or not?


Posted by: Cookie | November 24, 2009 11:29 AM

I can accept the remote possibility that there is some brain activity though I'd like to see a more clear explanation of exactly what tests were used to make this determination.
What makes me really skeptical is watching the video and seeing the speed and apparent unerring accuracy of his assisted finger hitting the keyboard. Amazing muscle control after 23 years!


Posted by: Michael Simpson | November 24, 2009 11:29 AM

This story is completed confusing. I can't tell if the patient really was in a persistent vegetative state. I don't know if patient actually did communicate before the bogus facilitated communication.

And now the right wing will use this unclear data as their "proof" for their beliefs. And how many physicians are going to be speaking with families after a severe brain trauma to someone close, and those families will bring up this story. Not to be insensitive, but this is ridiculous.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 11:30 AM

PZ Myers, I read your speech published in The Humanist magazine this morning and found it quite interesting:


So you became an atheist before you became a scientist. You became an atheist as a child:

"Now, my family seemed to think this was all very nice. And I think in general the public response in this country was positive to what it deemed a nice, affirmative message. The Christian moderates just ate it up. But I had been expecting something true and something deep. I wanted to know about the moon. Here we sent these astronauts there, and I wanted to know, what does it look like? Where did the moon come from? What do you see when you are up there? I wanted awe and I wanted wonder and I wanted truth. I wanted science and I wanted knowledge. And what did I get? I got drivel. "

Which seems an irrationally emotional response to the quoting of scripture from the moon's orbit. Did you really expect a science lecture delivered by the astronauts and become an atheist simply because the astronauts failed to deliver such a lecture?

Such a disappointment response doesn't seem to merit dogmatic intolerant atheism. Either there's more to this story than you reveal or you invented this tale after the fact as a mythologized "Road to Damascus" conversion to atheism account.

Since, as a general rule, children aren't well versed in science, and since especially you as a child were not very well aware of science (i.e. you felt you needed a scientific lecture about the moon delivered from the moon's orbit to your living room), I wonder exactly what inspired your atheism at such a young age.

I would appreciate some elaboration because the Irrational Emotional Disappointment argument for atheism doesn't sound very scientific to me, especially when delivered by a child.


Posted by: JennyAnyDots | November 24, 2009 11:30 AM

Totally off-topic, but I thought people might be entertained about this story about the last pope - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8375174.stm

Not to mention rather disturbed that they seem to be giving serious thought to declaring him a saint. Sorry for the interruption, I'll get back to work now.


Posted by: mxh | November 24, 2009 11:32 AM

The scanning technique used to identify 'consciousness' has been criticized. The investigator, Laureys, seems to have a history of endorsing poorly supported hypotheses that patients in a persistent vegetative state are capable of slow recovery.

I've been to some talks by Laureys and know some people that have worked with him and he isn't completely insane. But his techniques for looking for "conscious" brain activity is not widely accepted. Just because you can cause neurons to fire doesn't mean the person is conscious. I'd bet that if you hit a persistently vegetative person on the head, you'll also see "brain activity," but that doesn't mean they're aware of you hitting them.

As for this person's motor signs, it could be some sort of locked-in syndrome, but it doesn't make sense for him to be moving only his toes and no other part of his body (locked-in syndrome spares the muscles responsible for blinking).

The facilitated communications part is BS. Whenever you have another person involved you bring in biases.


Posted by: kopd | November 24, 2009 11:34 AM

Am I the only one who immediately thought of this song? Still creeps me out.


Posted by: LadyShea | November 24, 2009 11:39 AM

Nope, you're not the only one. Metallica's One started playing in my head the second I read the story last night


Posted by: Rebecca C. | November 24, 2009 11:39 AM

Does this patient have private insurance or is he using the public health care option? If it's the latter, I'd like to out that Belgium's pinko communist grandma-killing government-run health care system kept a man in a vegetative state alive for 23 years. So much for death panels.


Posted by: Miguel | November 24, 2009 11:40 AM

When I saw this on the evening news, my bullshit-o-meter assploded.


Posted by: llewelly | November 24, 2009 11:40 AM

Old scams never die. There is always some unscrupulous monster out there seeking to take advantage of the grieving.


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 11:41 AM

David Matthews @ #34

Nice thread derailment. Care to comment on the actual post at hand?

Oh... and by the way... google "false dichotomy" and then go away.


Posted by: LadyShea | November 24, 2009 11:43 AM

Everything I read said he was diagnosed as in a coma, not PVS. People recover from coma sometimes.

Are there conflicting stories?


Posted by: kopd | November 24, 2009 11:44 AM

After the month I've had, you'd think I'd have already gone and filled out a living will. After seeing this video, I am reminded I need to stop putting it off.


Posted by: mck9 Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 11:45 AM

Some background:

A lesion in the right part of the pons (part of the brainstem) can sever the motor pathways to the spinal cord, leaving the victim almost completely paralyzed. He can still breathe, because the respiratory rhythms are driven from below the lesion. He can still move his eyes, because those pathways are above the lesion. The facial nuclei, which drive the muscles of facial expression, are just below the lesion and likely intact, so they can support some reflex activity, but not under voluntary control.

The auditory pathways, visual pathways, and forebrain are intact, so the victim can see and hear, and be awake and conscious, but the only way he can communicate is through eye movements -- look left for yes, right for no, that sort of thing.

Truly my least favorite sort of lesion. I don't even want to think about it.

In a particular case, some miscellaneous pathways may have been spared by chance, leaving some residual function. That could account for the reported foot-tapping.

The facilitated Ouija board, of course, is a crock.


Posted by: Menyambal | November 24, 2009 11:46 AM

I checked on the MSNBC site that I had first read. That story seems to accept fully that he is alert and alive, and discusses the radical implications. It does show the falcilitator, in a picture, but doesn't mention what she does. I didn't read the story closely, then, and now still don't see any skepticism.

The two vids that I watched make it quite obvious that the facilitator is doing all the communicating. The man's eyes aren't moving at all, and he could not type without looking for each and every key.


Posted by: ABradford | November 24, 2009 11:46 AM

Knowing a bit from the recent SfN conference that various conscious states can be misdiagnosed and that there might be recovery for a handful of patients, this story did at first strike me as a good sign that techniques might be improving enough to better understand what's going on on a patient-by-patient basis and how to get some patients communicating again, but the facilitated communication and the boastful claims of the doctor as I saw it this morning just made me skeptical and sorry for the patient.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 11:47 AM

Hello Celtic,

* "Nice thread derailment. Care to comment on the actual post at hand?

* "Oh... and by the way... google "false dichotomy" and then go away. "

The actual post at hand seems quite silly and not worthy of any sort of response. I would have posted it on an evangelical atheism thread if there was one available.

No, I don't consider my question to PZ Myers a "false dichotomy" ... it is his own words which indicate that his core atheism belief solidified in response to an irrational emotional reaction to disappointment regarding what the astronauts said while orbiting the moon.

PZ Myers wanted a science lecture and all he got was Genesis 1. Boo hoo hoo ... he would spend his life as an evangelist for atheism in response to this great affront.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 11:49 AM

Has anyone read the paper in which it is supposedly reported yet ? All I could find was the one about the diagnostic accuracy.



Posted by: Georgeac | November 24, 2009 11:51 AM

Since the patient understands English and responds in Flemish. Wouldn't it be interesting to get an FC interpreter that doesn't understand a word of English but is fluent in Flemish and see where the conversation goes?


Posted by: LadyShea | November 24, 2009 11:51 AM

Well, well, David Mathews is still floating about the 'nets being an ass.

I don't think a discussion of consciousness on a science blog can be considered silly or unworthy by rational people.


Posted by: Rose Colored Glasses | November 24, 2009 11:54 AM

Now I've seen everything. Imagine, a human Ouija board!


Posted by: mxh | November 24, 2009 11:56 AM


A good neurologist would have figured out whether the person has the type of lesion you describe (locked-in syndrome) pretty easily. A bad neurologist would have figured it out sometime in the last 23 years. As good as the locked-in syndrome explanation is, the fact that it was just discovered smells a little fishy to me.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 11:56 AM

And I don't get the part about foot taping. I don't know much about coma and vegetative states, but if he is now able to communicate with his foot, why has this gone unnoticed all these years ?


Posted by: El Guerrero del Interfaz Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 11:57 AM

I've been searching for scientific articles on the subject but could not find anything outside the regular media. And everything I've found is very superficial.

It's indeed suspicious when an article says that he is communicating through a computer and all published pictures show that somebody (the "facilitator" I suppose) is holding his hand *every* time he is shown handling a computer. So all "communications" coming this way should be taken with a grain of salt.

However I've also found mentions of other experiments and tests like looking how certain stimulus change their magnetic resonance scans, electroencephalograms and so on. I'm not a scientist and I don't know much about all this. But maybe there is something more to this and it's just the usual sloppy science reporting we all loved to hate.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 11:58 AM

Is DM as much of a woomeister as MS? Woo is boring and irrelevant, just like his posts on this thread.


Posted by: freelunch | November 24, 2009 11:58 AM

I don't think a discussion of consciousness on a science blog can be considered silly or unworthy by rational people.

Agreed, but Mr. Mathews has no use for rational behavior.


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 12:01 PM

@David Mathews.

Lying for Jesus, or simply a failure of reading comprehension? You missed this bit:

Now, I can't pretend that in that instant I had an epiphany and became an atheist. I did not.

Now. Go back and actually read what was written, not what you want to pretend was written.


Posted by: AJ Milne Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:04 PM

I don't think a discussion of consciousness on a science blog can be considered silly or unworthy by rational people.

Quite... But I guess, so far as it goes, there's some limited relevance to DM's lame-ass 'intolerant, dogmatic atheist' BS here, I guess...

(/I mean, talking about discerning brain death... talking to the brain dead... Some of the words are the same, anyway...)


Posted by: Menyambal | November 24, 2009 12:06 PM

David Mathews, your reading skills are rather poor. I just read the article that you are bemoaning, and it doesn't say what you seem to think it says. The child PZ describes was disappointed, not traumatized. Your bitching is pointless, even if the child were here, instead of the recollection of a many-years-later man. And totally inappropriate for this thread. Bugger off, there's a good boy.

Back on topic, but still rude: Does the FC woman look like a sour, angry, disappointed and sad person willing to do anything to get near someone else's fifteen minutes of fame? And how is she going to feel when this all blows up in her face?


Posted by: Ginger Yellow | November 24, 2009 12:07 PM

I caught this on the news yesterday and immediately had the same reaction as PZ. There's no way he's doing the "communicating" in that video. That isn't to say he isn't conscious though. I dug around and I think the paper the story was based on is this one. Does anyone have access to Neuroradiology?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 12:10 PM

Hello baldywilson,

You quote a sentence and say ...

* "Now. Go back and actually read what was written, not what you want to pretend was written. "

Given that PZ Myers was speaking on his own behalf he certainly could have provided the actual moment and actual motivation rather than create a semi-mythological "Road to Damascus" moment in response to the Apollo 8 Bible quoting from lunar orbit.

Assuming that PZ Myers misrepresented his past in such a manner it would help if he actually could describe his actual atheism conversion experience without the self-generated mythology.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 12:14 PM

Hello Menyambal,

* "David Mathews, your reading skills are rather poor. I just read the article that you are bemoaning, and it doesn't say what you seem to think it says. The child PZ describes was disappointed, not traumatized. "

The sort of disappointmentr PZ Myers describes is that of an atheist responding with offense to a astronaut quoting Scripture. The emotional response can only make sense within the context of an Bible-hating atheist responding angrily to an unwelcome encounter with the Scriptures.

But this seems to put PZ Myers in a quandary since he describes himself as a religion-friendly religious person prior to those horrible astronauts failing to provide him with the science lecture he expected.


Posted by: AJ Milne Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:15 PM

'Kay... Still not getting any neural activity off DM's comments.

Anyone? Or can we pull the plug here?

(Looks at watch...)

I've got 12h15 Eastern... Nurse, where's the family waiting?

(/Man, this is just the hardest part of the job...)


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 12:17 PM

Hello LadyShea,

* "I don't think a discussion of consciousness on a science blog can be considered silly or unworthy by rational people. "

PZ Myers and the rest here aren't actually engaged in a scientific discussion of consciousness. He seems to have thrown out this sad little story as a bit of red meat to provoke an emotional response from his audience.

An actual scientific discussion of consciousness would demand a bit more effort.


Posted by: KemaTheAtheist | November 24, 2009 12:18 PM

Assuming that PZ Myers misrepresented his past in such a manner it would help if he actually could describe his actual atheism conversion experience without the self-generated mythology.

Why would it matter when or why he became an atheist matter at all? Do you want to be able to say, "He's only an atheist because he had a bad experience when he was a child?"

I had a bad experience when I was younger that started me on the path to becoming an atheist. So what? Does my initial starting point mean my conclusion is flawed?

He's one now. He's an adult. He's thought about it... a LOT. He had reasons for being one just like all the atheist commenters here.

Your post is trival and pedantic. Join in the discussion at hand about the brain-dead guy, or just go away. Or send PZ an e-mail. I'd love to see one of his "I get e-mail" postings about your questions.


Posted by: RayvenAlandria | November 24, 2009 12:19 PM

Hi, totally off topic here, but I thought some of you might want to read this propaganda piece. The author starts off mentioning how some students across the country have been forming atheist clubs on campuses and then it dissolves into your typical religious rant. Someone needs to smack this person upside the head a few times.



Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 12:21 PM

Hello AJ Milne,

* "Anyone? Or can we pull the plug here? "

I'm asking a legitimate question though I don't expect a legitimate answer from PZ Myers. There's a rather glaringly obvious flaw in PZ Myers' approach to both religion, science and atheism.

He'd do himself a favor by remaining silent and throwing out more red meat for his audience to chase like a dog chasing its own tail.

There's a problem in PZ Myers' atheism and he cannot resolve it. There's a problem in atheism and it is a fatal flaw.

I'm amazed that it hasn't dawned on atheists but it is easy to understand why when atheism solidifies into a defining dogma in children. Once atheism becomes a non-negotiable core philosophical principle is well beyond the reach of either reason or refutation.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:23 PM

I see Mr. Matthews has a scrambled brain. Nothing else describes his pointless delusions.


Posted by: Steve_C | November 24, 2009 12:23 PM

Yeah. David Mathews comes off as a dick.

Who says you have to get to atheism through science?
I didn't, my road started with my confirmation when I was 14. When they go through and lay it all out, what you must believe to be a Catholic, it became pretty clear it was BS.

Didn't leave a vacuum either when I gave up all that god nonsense,


Posted by: Josh | November 24, 2009 12:23 PM

Man, and I thought the story was interesting, but common now, doesn't anyone suspect that the lady is just moving his hand? sigh


Posted by: aratina cage Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:24 PM

As is customary with Christroids, David Matthews has nothing of value to say and runs around in circles preaching it. All one needs to do is hold out a fist and wait for David Matthews to bust headlong into it.


Posted by: Ol'Greg | November 24, 2009 12:24 PM

but if Rom Houben is aware of others and wanting to communicate, helping him do so or even enabling him to pretend that he can could be very fulfilling for him and might help his recovery.

I was thinking the same thing. That without the FC being hailed as legitimate in the press, that the attempts to communicate with him are probably important if he is in fact not brain-dead. The statement that he used his foot to communicate is encouraging, I know for a fact that there are other methods to allow severely paralyzed people to communicate.


Posted by: Brownian, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:25 PM

Alright, who's the facilitative communicator that gave this fucking vegetable a soapbox?

And by vegetable, I mean of course, David Mathews.

David, can I ask a question? Why are you religious types so damn angry all the time?


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 12:26 PM

There's a problem in PZ Myers' atheism and he cannot resolve it. There's a problem in atheism and it is a fatal flaw.

The oh wise one, won't you please tell us what it is?

I can hardly wait.

I'm amazed that it hasn't dawned on atheists but it is easy to understand why when atheism solidifies into a defining dogma in children. Once atheism becomes a non-negotiable core philosophical principle is well beyond the reach of either reason or refutation.

It's plenty negotiable.

If you have some evidence of a supernatural being responsible for everything I'd love to see it.


Posted by: Ric | November 24, 2009 12:26 PM

David Matthews: atheism is not a religion, and one does not have a "conversion to atheism." It seems to me the story PZ related describes the catalyst that got him thinking and investigating, which eventually led to his very rational atheism. That you see this as his "atheism conversion experience" is the reason why people have dismissed you thus far: you betray a shallow thinking.

BTW, you didn't address Baldywilson's point at post 58, which basically shreds your entire argument.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 12:27 PM

Hello Kema,

You've asked some good questions and I will answer.

* "Why would it matter when or why he became an atheist matter at all? Do you want to be able to say, "He's only an atheist because he had a bad experience when he was a child?"

Yes, Kema, this is precisely what I am claiming. Childhood atheism isn't based upon sound scientific or philosophical principles because children aren't well informed about either. Therefore child-onset atheism is automatically suspect especially when it becomes a person's defining core principle later in life.

* "I had a bad experience when I was younger that started me on the path to becoming an atheist. So what? Does my initial starting point mean my conclusion is flawed? "

Yes, absolutely. Your bad experience destroys your objectivity and imparts an irrational emotional component to your atheism which is more important than any subsequent attempted justifications of the opinion.

* "He's one now. He's an adult. He's thought about it... a LOT. He had reasons for being one just like all the atheist commenters here. "

Afterthought is self-justification and it doesn't need rigorous scientific or philosophical effort because the atheism was pre-installed and solidified into non-negotiable dogma prior to adulthood.

* "Your post is trival and pedantic. Join in the discussion at hand about the brain-dead guy, or just go away. Or send PZ an e-mail. I'd love to see one of his "I get e-mail" postings about your questions. "

The question of PZ Myers atheism is more important than speculation regarding this brain-dead guy. Atheism is more important to PZ Myers than consciousness.


Posted by: Brownian, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:27 PM

All one needs to do is hold out a fist and wait for David Matthews to bust headlong into it.

Sounds good to me. It's worked for the theists for millennia.

Here, boy! Here David! Come get the salvation!


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:27 PM

Some years back my small local paper did a story on a woman in my town who worked with Facilitated Communication, as advocate, co-ordinator, and practitioner. Wonder of all wonders, the reporter turned out to be a skeptic, and he tried to set up a blind, controlled test of FC with the person he was interviewing -- instead of just doing the expected credulous gush piece. The woman was furious, of course, and the Letters to the Editor exploded with anger from people who thought it was cruel, insensitive, and completely out of line to test someone who was helping people. Whether she was actually helping the child communicate, or only helping the parents feel as if the child could communicate, seemed to be a distinction without a difference to this crowd.

It all came down to feelings about people and their relationships -- par for the course, with pseudoscience, or, for that matter, religion.

Which points out a significant difference between the "testing is insensitive" crowd who believed in Facilitated Communication because it was such a lovely story about mommy and child and helper -- and PZ's "emotional" reaction to the reading of Genesis by the astronaut crew.

His reaction wasn't based on the religious message not being focused enough on him and his needs and what he wanted from the astronauts, or from religion. He was disappointed because there was such a contrast between what a scientific explanation looks like, and what a religious "explanation" looks like. PZ realized rather clearly that religious explanations aren't really explanations of anything. They don't look objectively at the world to figure out what's going on. Instead, they're stories designed to bring everything back to you and what you need and what you can get. They're social explanations for things which don't need -- and shouldn't be expected to provide -- social explanations.

It was like asking how rain forms, and being told it rains because the angels are crying over something sad that just happened to you. Rejecting this "explanation" as unsatisfactory isn't going to be done from the same sort of egocentric, self-based emotion which would accept it as deeply satisfying.


Posted by: AJ Milne Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:27 PM

... yes ma'am... Oh, I'm sorry ma'am... Here... take mine, it's okay (holds her)...

Yes, they do that... it does sorta mimic extremely basic cognitive activity, if you don't look too close...

But just listen to what's coming out of his mouth. It's just gibberish. Syllables without meaning...

I mean, me, I hear somethin' in there about 'not believing in magical blue dragons no one else can see' becoming a dogma 'beyond reason or refutation'... But let's face it, that makes absolutely no sense... It's clearly just autonomic reflexes, bouncin' around the skeletal muscles... Brain's evidently no longer functioning, and certainly not involved...

(/So you'll do yourself a favour if you just give him up, now... Like everyone else has.)


Posted by: Ol' Greg | November 24, 2009 12:28 PM

it is his own words which indicate that his core atheism belief solidified in response to an irrational emotional reaction to disappointment regarding what the astronauts said while orbiting the moon.

Wait. Are you questioning PZ's logical premise for his thoughts as a small child? Maybe you should have asked him when he was a little boy then!


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:28 PM

I vote we stop engaging in David Matthew's self-congratulatory thread-jacking and politely suggest that he go post this discussion on his own blog and discuss it there instead of inserting his inane and irrelevant babble here.


Posted by: dean | November 24, 2009 12:29 PM

Dave M;
Your posts don't say anything except that you don't believe what somebody else has stated. It's been pointed out that you misrepresented (lied is the more honest description) about what PZ has written, and now you are claiming to be upset about people taking advantage of a seriously disabled person? Based on your comments why should anyone think you could follow "An actual scientific discussion of consciousness"?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 12:29 PM

Hello Brownian,

* "David, can I ask a question? Why are you religious types so damn angry all the time? "

A casual reading of the responses to my posts would suggests that atheists have plenty of anger. Observe the emotions of the atheists. Note their attempts to offend.

If atheists weren't so bitter about their childhood perhaps they wouldn't be so angry as adults.


Posted by: Matt Penfold | November 24, 2009 12:30 PM

Yes, Kema, this is precisely what I am claiming. Childhood atheism isn't based upon sound scientific or philosophical principles because children aren't well informed about either. Therefore child-onset atheism is automatically suspect especially when it becomes a person's defining core principle later in life.

I presume you also reject claims that children can be Christians then.

I presume you also believe no child should enter a church, or receive any kind of religious instruction.


Posted by: SEF | November 24, 2009 12:31 PM

When I saw this item on TV yesterday (UK), I too was appalled that they were letting the "facilitated communication" part slide by uncontested/untested. But then the meejah have long been a trashy bunch who typically aren't even capable of conducting proper investigative reporting, let alone willing to go to the trouble.


Posted by: Acronym Jim | November 24, 2009 12:32 PM

Aratina Cage@19

If so, perhaps facilitated communication isn't such a bad thing; they could be faking it for all the right reasons.

While we usually see eye to eye, I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on this one Aratina. If he is conscious, giving him a quack method of communication would be like dangling the carrot of conversation just ever so slightly out of reach.

After 23 years of limited input without any real chance at interaction, topped off by promise of interaction followed by delivery of woo, perhaps what he really wants to say at this point is "just pull the damn plug already."


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 12:34 PM

Hello Steve,

* "Who says you have to get to atheism through science? "

I'm not making that sort of claim though it would seem that PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins explicitly claim that science and atheism belond together by some sort of strange mutual attraction.

* "I didn't, my road started with my confirmation when I was 14. When they go through and lay it all out, what you must believe to be a Catholic, it became pretty clear it was BS. "

Here you reveal irrational emotional anger against the religion of your childhood. This is not at all uncommon among converts ... see Saul who would eventually become Paul.

So you converted to atheism. Are you proud of yourself? Was it a great accomplishment?


Posted by: The Tim Channel Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:35 PM

I found atheism through Santa Claus.
In any event, this is probably excellent news for Sarah Palin.



Posted by: Ol' Greg | November 24, 2009 12:36 PM

David Mathews... I hate your band.

But anyway I started questioning religion when I was little too, but I didn't have a "core belief" in atheism. I just didn't get/like/agree with any religion I came across or with the definition of the nature of God.

Eventually my definition of God became very very broad (I was one of those spiritual/new religion/earth centered spirituality types)... it became so broad that it sounded a lot like Carl Sagan talking about the universe. It became so broad that for all practical purposes it didn't exist in any sense that any religion I knew of accepted it, and it was just a word that played lip service to people's expectations.

Then one day I read Climbing Mount Improbable. It wasn't so much about religion, but it got me thinking about the explanations that *are* offered and how elegant they are.

Now that wasn't in childhood, you are right. But once I found something that gave concrete answers and allowed the possibility of being wrong, I was more satisfied. Because you can ask a specific question, without buying into a whole complex of thought... and you can get a specific answer to that question without buying the whole lot hook line and sinker.

Then over the last few years I slowly stopped being afraid to admit I didn't believe in anyone's religion.

I'm still half closeted. It's dangerous.

But yeah, I do owe the prominence of atheists like Dawkins and Myers for my slowly emerging willingness to admit that God never suited me.

The relationship there, is similar I think to what PZ is talking about, except while I just enjoy reading about science he actually became a scientist.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 12:36 PM

Hello Ric,

* "David Matthews: atheism is not a religion, and one does not have a "conversion to atheism." It seems to me the story PZ related describes the catalyst that got him thinking and investigating, which eventually led to his very rational atheism. "

Come on, Ric, are you serious?

Is that what you really concluded from reading the account?

I have to disagree. PZ Myers described a classic conversion experience which differs very little from the conversion accounts which religious people tell each other as a means of self-affirmation and faith-affirmation.


Posted by: Brownian, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:37 PM

* "David, can I ask a question? Why are you religious types so damn angry all the time? "

A casual reading of the responses to my posts would suggests that atheists have plenty of anger. Observe the emotions of the atheists. Note their attempts to offend.

That didn't answer the question. Your logic is flawed.

Perhaps the beam in your eye is the problem.


Posted by: Matt Penfold | November 24, 2009 12:38 PM

Here you reveal irrational emotional anger against the religion of your childhood. This is not at all uncommon among converts ... see Saul who would eventually become Paul.

He has said no such thing.

Why lie ? We can all see what he said, and it was not what you say he said. We can see you are not being honest.

Well that, or your comprehension skills are fucked. Personally I think you are a liar who think that lying for Jesus makes it ok.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 12:40 PM

Hello Ol'Greg,

* "Wait. Are you questioning PZ's logical premise for his thoughts as a small child? Maybe you should have asked him when he was a little boy then! "

Yes, Greg, this is precisely what I am doing. I'm suggesting that PZ Myers wasn't a rational, scientific thinker as a small child. I'm suggesting that he formulated his atheism into dogma prior to the onset of rational, scientific thinking.

I'm also suggesting that all of his self-proclaimed scientific justifications of atheism in adulthood function as nothing more than shallow justifications for non-negotiable core personality principles.


Posted by: daveau Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:40 PM

child-onset atheism


Children aren't born theists. They don't become theists until their parents start pouring that junk into their brain.

At what age did you stop believing in Santa Claus? If it was before the age of 21, it's completely suspect.


Posted by: SteveM | November 24, 2009 12:41 PM

With this line, "Therefore child-onset atheism is automatically suspect especially when it becomes a person's defining core principle later in life."
Dave shoots himself in the foot, for if so, it could equally be said that child-onset christianity is automatically suspect especially when it becomes a person's defining core principle later in life.


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 12:41 PM

@David Mathews (I shall regret this, I'm sure)

I've always been an atheist for the very simple reason that I was never taught not to be.

Now, back in the killfile with you.


Posted by: LinzeeBinzee | November 24, 2009 12:41 PM

This story reminds me that I need to make a living will.

David Matthews, I suggest you spend some time reading some of PZ's posts on religion before you make false assumptions about why he's an atheist. Even if he didn't become an atheist for the right reasons, he has spent a lot of time thinking about religion, and is clearly staying atheist for the right reasons.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 12:42 PM

Hello Matt Penfold,

* "I presume you also reject claims that children can be Christians then.

* "I presume you also believe no child should enter a church, or receive any kind of religious instruction."

You presume too much.


Posted by: AdamK Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:43 PM

Since, as a general rule, children aren't well versed in science, and since especially you as a child were not very well aware of science...

You're generalizing about children based on the brainwashed christian zombie children you've known. Normal children who haven't been abused in that way are curious and rational, and are naturally attracted to true explanations about their world.


Posted by: Knockgoats | November 24, 2009 12:43 PM

My wife is a speech and language therapist, who specialises in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) - that is, using devices from low-tech boards with letters or images on, to specialised hardware and software, to help people with a range of disabilities - often multiple disabilities - communicate. It's highly skilled work, involving a detailed assessment of what the client can do physically and cognitively (often made more difficult by relatives' understandable wishful thinking or more rarely, undue pessimism), the design of systems that maximise the abilities they have, and working with relatives, carers and teachers to make sure the communication aid actually gets used properly. She says these "facilitated communication" frauds make repeated attempts to worm their way into conferences, sometimes succeeding and presenting themselves as brave and lonely pioneers, and advocates for the people they exploit. Yuck.


Posted by: A Belgian | November 24, 2009 12:44 PM

I'm Belgian and I read this story in the newspaper this morning. I was surprised that there was no mention of medical errors at all. One would think that the doctors who (erroneously?) decided he was in an unconscious coma while he was actually (?) conscious committed a terrible medical error, causing this man to be conscious and alive but unable to communicate for 23 years. The journalists did not mention this at all.

Thus, I too have my doubts.

The article (in Dutch, which is the same as Flemish by the way) is http://www.standaard.be/artikel/detail.aspx?artikelid=RI2IOJRI

It claims the recovery is thanks to a keyboard, a computer and a logopedist who guides his hand, so that he can form the words he wants to pronounce.

It also claims that he was able to push with his feet, and that his brain is mostly all right.


Posted by: CunningLingus Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:44 PM

I can safely say the only childhood trauma that guided my influence to atheism was learning to read, and a couple of years later, question stupidity. Oh and the fact sunday school was so fucking boring for a seven year old who wanted to play football (soccer for you US types). That Mathews person appears to be getting his "facilitated communication" from baby jeezuz, and of course he wasn't an atheist at birth, he was born onto whatever particular brand of woo he follows because his parents indocrinated him, and also because of whatever country he happened to be born in.


Posted by: RickK | November 24, 2009 12:45 PM

Just watched the video on BBC website. The guy (with the help of his caregiver) types faster with one finger than I do, and without his eyes looking at the keypad. It is truly a miracle!

This is a sillier hoax than balloon boy.


Posted by: rjb | November 24, 2009 12:45 PM

For Dave Mathews... my own atheism "conversion" story for you. I have no idea when I became an atheist. I was part of a methodist church growing up. I went to college and studied biochemistry, and still occasionally went to church. Never thought about it much. I eventually went to grad school and stopped going to church. I was focused on science and understanding the natural world by the mechanism that worked the best... scientifically. One day some friends were discussing religion, and I just realized that I hadn't really had any religious thoughts in years. No "aha" moment. No epiphany. I just used the method that worked the best to explain the world around me.


Posted by: truebutnotuseful Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:47 PM

David Mathews wrote:

There's a problem in PZ Myers' atheism disbelief in leprechauns and he cannot resolve it. There's a problem in atheism leprechaun denialism and it is a fatal flaw.

I'm amazed that it hasn't dawned on atheists leprechaun denialists but it is easy to understand why when atheism leprechaun denialism solidifies into a defining dogma in children. Once atheism disbelief in leprechauns becomes a non-negotiable core philosophical principle is well beyond the reach of either reason or refutation.



Posted by: Fodder Boy | November 24, 2009 12:47 PM

David Matthews:

You want anger and emotion?

Fuck you.

You want to know what makes me, in particular, angry?

Ignorant fuckheads. Like yourself.

I've been an atheist my whole life. I never believed in any god, even when I believed in other, equally nonsensical things. There need not be some defining moment that turns one away from spiritual delusion. There need be no traumatic event required to lose faith.

There are people out there without faith to begin with, who even as children thought it weird that so many adults had imaginary friends.

We need not be angry at our childhood to be angry at irrationality, wilful ignorance, prejudice and all the other fun things your religions bring with them, like sexual oppression, repression and abuse. I have plenty of reasons to be angry with religion, and not one of them is due to anything more than being an egalitarian humanist.

People like you are one of those reasons.


Posted by: Matt Penfold | November 24, 2009 12:48 PM

You presume too much.

Not really. Such positions would be logically consistent with your previously stated positions. As such it is not unreasonable to suppose they would be the positions held by an intelligent person aware that inconstancy would destroy any arguments they have put forward.

So, unless you are not being honest, I do not presume to much.

You might want to reconsider your response, because as it stands it is an implicit admission of you dishonestly stating your positions and of your being inconsistent to the point of hypocrisy.


Posted by: KemaTheAtheist | November 24, 2009 12:48 PM

Yes, Kema, this is precisely what I am claiming. Childhood atheism isn't based upon sound scientific or philosophical principles because children aren't well informed about either. Therefore child-onset atheism is automatically suspect especially when it becomes a person's defining core principle later in life.

So is this right too?

"Childhood theism isn't based upon sound scientific or philosophical principles because children aren't well informed about either. Therefore child-onset theism is automatically suspect especially when it becomes a person's defining core principle later in life."

You argument has nothing to back it up except that you don't agree with atheism. You're not producing any evidence to say why.

It goes both ways or it goes no ways. You don't get to claim only atheism is a problem when attained as a child.

Yes, absolutely. Your bad experience destroys your objectivity and imparts an irrational emotional component to your atheism which is more important than any subsequent attempted justifications of the opinion.

Good thing then. I didn't become an atheist until I was an adult. It was only when I actually became objective about my beliefs in the supernatural that I figured out I had been wrong and turned away from accepting things based on faith.

Afterthought is self-justification and it doesn't need rigorous scientific or philosophical effort because the atheism was pre-installed and solidified into non-negotiable dogma prior to adulthood.

What about kids born into theistic families and are indoctrinated into it? Do you say that it is also pre-installed and solidified into non-negotiable dogma prior to adulthood, or is it okay simply because theism agrees with what you want to?

It took me nearly a decade to break free from the indoctrination I had, and I STILL have problems saying stuff like "Jesus Christ!" and "God damn it!" and urges to say "Thank God" when something good happens, or ask "Why?" up at the sky when something bad happens.

The question of PZ Myers atheism is more important than speculation regarding this brain-dead guy. Atheism is more important to PZ Myers than consciousness.

No, it's not. I guarantee evidence is first. Atheism stems from you have no evidence for your diety.


Posted by: Rick R | November 24, 2009 12:49 PM

tsg- "I've always been an atheist for the very simple reason that I was never taught not to be."

Seconded. My parents considered religion something fully mature adults should make up their own minds about, and raised their children accordingly.

They also kept the liquor cabinet locked, and made sure the tap water was sewage-free. They were good that way.


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:49 PM

David Matthews #77 wrote:

Childhood atheism isn't based upon sound scientific or philosophical principles because children aren't well informed about either. Therefore child-onset atheism is automatically suspect especially when it becomes a person's defining core principle later in life.

Richard Dawkins has rather famously asserted that there is no such thing as a "Christian" child, or a "Muslim" child -- or, for that matter, an "atheist" child. One's rational conclusions are formed gradually over time, not given by parents, or jumped to on the spur of the moment. So he would agree with you -- to an extent.

It's important to PZ's story that there was no sudden, blinding insight into the Truth of the Universe revealed through a special Way of Knowing. Instead, there was a sudden recognition that came as the result of noticing a contrast between different ways of approaching a situation. This wasn't a "conversion" to atheism in the way someone gives themselves to Christ, or acknowledges God -- or believes in Santa Claus. It was one small step in a child's journey to thinking like a scientist and adult, instead of like a child.

Atheism is not the "defining core principle" of a secular humanist like PZ. Atheism is just one conclusion coming out of a commitment to larger principles. Honesty, for example -- as in the "honest search for truth."

Tell me something: would you analyze atheism the same way, even if you didn't believe that God actually existed? Or is your certainty that atheism must be based on some sort of "irrational emotional anger" based primarily on your certainty that God really does exist?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 12:50 PM

Hello Ol'Greg,

* "But anyway I started questioning religion when I was little too, but I didn't have a "core belief" in atheism. I just didn't get/like/agree with any religion I came across or with the definition of the nature of God. "

That's fine. Your response to religion doesn't actually function as a legitimate scientific argument against God, though. I hope that you are aware of that much.

* "Eventually my definition of God became very very broad (I was one of those spiritual/new religion/earth centered spirituality types)... it became so broad that it sounded a lot like Carl Sagan talking about the universe. It became so broad that for all practical purposes it didn't exist in any sense that any religion I knew of accepted it, and it was just a word that played lip service to people's expectations. "

Again, your personal religious beliefs are relevant but defining God out of existence isn't actually an example of the operation of either science or rationality. It could just as easily be an example of ignorance or a failure to comprehend the subject matter.

* "Then one day I read Climbing Mount Improbable. It wasn't so much about religion, but it got me thinking about the explanations that *are* offered and how elegant they are. "

I own that book. Was it responsible for your conversion to atheism?

* "Now that wasn't in childhood, you are right. But once I found something that gave concrete answers and allowed the possibility of being wrong, I was more satisfied. Because you can ask a specific question, without buying into a whole complex of thought... and you can get a specific answer to that question without buying the whole lot hook line and sinker. "

Specifically what questions did "Climbing Mount Improbable" specifically answer? I own the book and I've read the book. I didn't happen to notice any specifics but perhaps you have something in particular in mind.

* "Then over the last few years I slowly stopped being afraid to admit I didn't believe in anyone's religion. "


* "I'm still half closeted. It's dangerous. "

Dangerous in what respect? I haven't heard of any atheist lynchings occurring in recent modern times.

* "But yeah, I do owe the prominence of atheists like Dawkins and Myers for my slowly emerging willingness to admit that God never suited me. "

God never suited you? Why do you imagine that God's existence is predicated upon God suiting you?

* "The relationship there, is similar I think to what PZ is talking about, except while I just enjoy reading about science he actually became a scientist. "

PZ Myers is a scientist. That much is certain. But people must distinguish between evangelizing for atheism and science.


Posted by: Knockgoats | November 24, 2009 12:50 PM

So, David Mathews@99, you are a complete hypocrite. You remind me of the "chaplain" at my school, when I was 12. He went round the class asking people about their religion. I, alone, said I was an atheist (which I had very recently become, having seen the absurdity of Christianity). He said I was too young to have made up my mind, and insisted I should call myself an agnostic. Of course, he made no similar suggestion to those who had declared themselves Christians. I've never forgotten this despicable piece of bullying.


Posted by: Bill Dauphin, OM | November 24, 2009 12:51 PM

I don't know whether I should apologize more for feeding the troll or for being somewhat late to the Dave Matthews bandwagon, but here's my totally unsolicited take:

So you became an atheist before you became a scientist.

Why should this be remarkable? Like humans and apes, neither atheism nor science descended from the other; rather, they have a common ancestor: the understanding that the natural universe is the universe, and it operates according to comprehensible natural principles. Your implicit suggestion that atheism is (or ought to be) some sort of side-effect of being a scientist is, to quote the Car Talk guys, "BO-O-O-O-O-O-GUS!!"

Which seems an irrationally emotional response to the quoting of scripture from the moon's orbit.

An emotional response from a child?!?!? Quel surpris!!

Of course, others have already debunked the notion that this was the moment that made PZ an atheist... but if it had been, so what? Lots of perfectly reasonable, cogently held beliefs of adults have their roots in the emotional experiences of the children those adults once were. If you were (FSM forbid!) molested as a child, would your emotional response to that event invalidate your subsequent adult opposition to child abuse?


Posted by: Matt Penfold | November 24, 2009 12:51 PM

Richard Dawkins has rather famously asserted that there is no such thing as a "Christian" child, or a "Muslim" child -- or, for that matter, an "atheist" child. One's rational conclusions are formed gradually over time, not given by parents, or jumped to on the spur of the moment. So he would agree with you -- to an extent.

Matthews seems to think it is only atheism that is not suitable for children. He cannot explain why, or at least he has not bothered to do so which makes me think he cannot.


Posted by: Acronym Jim | November 24, 2009 12:52 PM

He seems to have thrown out this sad little story as a bit of red meat to provoke an emotional response from his audience.
There's a rather glaringly obvious flaw in PZ Myers' approach to both religion, science and atheism.

Another classic case of the donkey calling the burro an ass.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 12:52 PM

Hello daveau and others,

The argument has been expressed several times:

* "Children aren't born theists. They don't become theists until their parents start pouring that junk into their brain. "

Children are born absolutely ignorant of everything including the existence of their mother and father ... so I wouldn't establish any argument on behalf of atheism upon the thought processes of newborn babies.


Posted by: 386sx | November 24, 2009 12:52 PM

David Mathews, did you read this part?

"Now, I can't pretend that in that instant I had an epiphany and became an atheist."

I agree the story is probably a bit "romanticized", but come on you're sounding kinda kooky with all the armchair theories and really bad quote-mining and stuff.


Posted by: MorboKat | November 24, 2009 12:53 PM

I totally had an Atheist conversion.

It was just like regular converstions you see in the movies, just reversed.

There was a dimming of the lights, from the dark came an unholy chorus of shrieking and groaning... then there was demonic laughter and the faint stench of brimstone.

This happened at the exact moment in my childhood when I realized that I never did get that Pony I wanted for Christmas and that Daddy never hugged me enough.

And just like that, I turned my back to the light and embraced the rotting corpse of God. As my converstion to Atheism wasn't about realizing there was no proof of God, so much as deciding that he sucked and had to be dead.

Isn't that what happens to everyone?

(OK, I'm a little pissed that an interesting conversation I was following was hijacked... I should probably just go back to lurking.)


Posted by: Brooke Byrd | November 24, 2009 12:54 PM

So at this point even CNN is fully supporting the veracity of this story...so I'm very confused.



Posted by: JennyAnyDots | November 24, 2009 12:54 PM

Aratina, @ #72 - be fair, his original post did so have some value. I doubt I'd have read the article he linked to without somebody flagging it up on here, and I found it interesting. Sure, ignore everything except the link, but at least there was some value there!


Posted by: AJ Milne Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 12:54 PM

(On phone...)

... yes, sir, it all checks out. We tested 'im. Nothin' goin' on whatsoever...


... True, sir yes, there's that babble, but you'll note what the assessment team is hearing has exactly no correspondence with the stimuli presented... Some are saying he's complaining about 'anger' where no one else sees such a thing, others are getting some vibe about 'conversion experiences' where, in fact, these were neither presented nor expected... It's all a mash, really... Nothin' there but noise...


Yeah, notified, and she's here, and she's made the call. Just told her myself, and she's as okay as you can expect... Expect she saw this coming, really... We're pulling the tube...

(Nods to tech... heads back to golf game...)

(/And yeah, Celtic. Enough already, damn straight.)


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 12:54 PM

Hello Matt Penfold,

* "Not really. Such positions would be logically consistent with your previously stated positions. As such it is not unreasonable to suppose they would be the positions held by an intelligent person aware that inconstancy would destroy any arguments they have put forward. "

No, Matt.

I'll tell you what I presume or do not presume.

You can tell me what you presume or do not presume.

This simplifies the discussion by removing one major source of speculation.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 12:55 PM

Wow, DM sounds so much like Ray when he is trying to convince you that you're a sinner...


Posted by: KemaTheAtheist | November 24, 2009 12:56 PM

I want to say sorry to everyone for feeding the troll. I should have known better.


Posted by: Flea | November 24, 2009 12:58 PM

Of course the guy is unconscious. What is amazing is that everybody surrounding him , doctors (!?), journalists, etc., seem to be even more unconscious.


Posted by: Matt Penfold | November 24, 2009 12:59 PM

No, Matt.

I'll tell you what I presume or do not presume.

You can tell me what you presume or do not presume.

This simplifies the discussion by removing one major source of speculation.

Fine. I will no longer assume you have a shred of honesty nor that you employ any kind of logic. I will also refrain from assuming that your views have any kind of consistency.

I was not expecting you to give in quite so easily. Still if you want to admit you are a lying, illogical hypocrite I will not stop you.


Posted by: co | November 24, 2009 12:59 PM

D.M., at #123, proposed:

I'll tell you what I presume or do not presume.

Good. Get to it.


Posted by: aratina cage Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:00 PM

Acronym Jim #87, I hadn't clicked on the facilitated communication link (which is updated at the end to include news of this story) that was provided, but having done so, I am aghast that such a fraudulent technique would used at all. This is not about helping or even adequately assessing Rom's state of mind, it is about media attention for Steven Laureys.


Posted by: dean | November 24, 2009 1:00 PM

A reasonable explanation for the concern dm has with PZ's story just came to mind: mathews is annoyed that even as a child pz showed more intelligence and common sense than dm himself does now.


Posted by: Rewarp | November 24, 2009 1:01 PM

I will definitely put something in writing now about killing me if I am rendered into such a form that allows the local fishmonger to touch my hands and say I am feeling cold.

And to Dave Matthew, I pity you. You don't have to read anything into that, I just do.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:01 PM

Hello Kema,

* "You argument has nothing to back it up except that you don't agree with atheism. You're not producing any evidence to say why.

* "It goes both ways or it goes no ways. You don't get to claim only atheism is a problem when attained as a child. "

Okay. I automatically suspect all of the dogmatic conclusions of children, especially self-defining dogmatisms which they attemt to justify as adults.

We can agree that child-onset theism is as irrational as child-onset atheism. From the standpoint of rationality and science both opinions are equivalent.

* "Good thing then. I didn't become an atheist until I was an adult. It was only when I actually became objective about my beliefs in the supernatural that I figured out I had been wrong and turned away from accepting things based on faith. "

You actually became objective about your beliefs! You do know that it is impossible for a person to objectively judge their own self and their self-defining beliefs?

* "What about kids born into theistic families and are indoctrinated into it? Do you say that it is also pre-installed and solidified into non-negotiable dogma prior to adulthood, or is it okay simply because theism agrees with what you want to? "

We agree that the beliefs are children are equally irrational and unscientific whether those beliefs are theistic or atheistic.

* "No, it's not. I guarantee evidence is first. Atheism stems from you have no evidence for your diety. "

You are engaging in an argument after-the-fact. You didn't attain your atheism by investigating and refuting all religious claims, did you? I mean, there are millions of different religious beliefs. It would take a long time for a person to refute them all.


Posted by: LinzeeBinzee | November 24, 2009 1:01 PM

Jesus Christ David Matthews, it's like somewhere between the words on your computer screen and your brain there's some kind of invisible fog that's jumbling everything up. Oh wait, there is...your religion! Pretend for five seconds that you've never heard of god, and maybe things will start making sense to you. /frustratedrant

Sorry for continuing to feed the troll, I'll stop now, I was enjoying the discussion on the actual topic of the thread.


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 1:01 PM

Children are born absolutely ignorant of everything including the existence of their mother and father ... so I wouldn't establish any argument on behalf of atheism upon the thought processes of newborn babies.

Ah, now DM is going to edumacate us all on what atheism really is.

I was born without a belief in any god and that has not changed to this day.


Posted by: kopd | November 24, 2009 1:01 PM

My wife is also an SLP (and though I'd imagine she has less experience with AAC devices than your wife has, I do know she has set them up and trained patients to use them). I intend to ask her to watch this video later and get her opinion. Should be interesting. Personally, I'm disappointed in the journalists for being so credulous in this case. Maybe it's real, maybe it's not, but it should be easy to eliminate the facilitator's motives from the equation. But until then, it should be viewed skeptically.


Posted by: daveau Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:02 PM

Children are born absolutely ignorant of everything including the existence of their mother and father ... so I wouldn't establish any argument on behalf of atheism upon the thought processes of newborn babies.

What a great argument for theism, though. I have to go along with Matt Penfold (and so many others) on your fundamental intellectual dishonesty.


Posted by: nejishiki | November 24, 2009 1:03 PM




Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:04 PM

Again, your personal religious beliefs are relevant but defining God out of existence isn't actually an example of the operation of either science or rationality.
As usual, a godbot has things backwards. He presupposes his deity exists without any evidence, which makes him a delusional fool. If DM wants me to believe in his deity, he needs to provide conclusive physical evidence, evidence that will pass muster with scientists, magicians, and professional debunkers as being of divine, and not natural, origin. Until then, parsimony requires the nonexistence of the deity. Very simple DM. Put up or shut up based upon the evidence.

Posted by: Naughtius Maximus | November 24, 2009 1:04 PM

Love some of the comments on the daily mails website, especially the muppet that links it with Obama turning off life support machines


Posted by: Jaketoadie | November 24, 2009 1:05 PM

To test if this is her or him should be fairly simple I would think.

Just bring in someone who does not know flemmish, since they say that is how he answers the questions directed at him.

Or have her leave the room for a second and show him some object, a red ball or something, then have her come back in and ask him what they just showed him.

Either of these would be a fine way to test if the answers are coming from him or the nurse.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:06 PM

Hello Sastra,

* "Richard Dawkins has rather famously asserted that there is no such thing as a "Christian" child, or a "Muslim" child -- or, for that matter, an "atheist" child. One's rational conclusions are formed gradually over time, not given by parents, or jumped to on the spur of the moment. So he would agree with you -- to an extent. "

Good. I'm pleased any time Richard Dawkins and I are in agreement.

* "It's important to PZ's story that there was no sudden, blinding insight into the Truth of the Universe revealed through a special Way of Knowing. Instead, there was a sudden recognition that came as the result of noticing a contrast between different ways of approaching a situation. This wasn't a "conversion" to atheism in the way someone gives themselves to Christ, or acknowledges God -- or believes in Santa Claus. It was one small step in a child's journey to thinking like a scientist and adult, instead of like a child. "

Eh ... you are inventing a new conversion account for PZ Myers. Perhaps PZ Myers should speak for himself and not rely upon anyone else to describe his own childhood thought processes. Such secondhand accounts aren't especially reliable.

* "Atheism is not the "defining core principle" of a secular humanist like PZ. Atheism is just one conclusion coming out of a commitment to larger principles. Honesty, for example -- as in the "honest search for truth."

As PZ Myers speaks about himself it is evident that atheism actually is a defining core principle of his personality and provides some meaning to his life and work. But if not, he must say so himself.

* "Tell me something: would you analyze atheism the same way, even if you didn't believe that God actually existed? Or is your certainty that atheism must be based on some sort of "irrational emotional anger" based primarily on your certainty that God really does exist? "

Atheism's foundation of irrational emotional anger is objectively verified a hundred thousand times over by the words of atheists speaking about their own self and their response to religion.

Plenty of examples have already occurred on this blog today. Is there such a thing as atheism without anger and bitterness?


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:07 PM

David Matthews #94 wrote:

I'm suggesting that PZ Myers wasn't a rational, scientific thinker as a small child. I'm suggesting that he formulated his atheism into dogma prior to the onset of rational, scientific thinking.

But the rational, scientific thinking came before he became an atheist. When he started applying the same standards he applied to science, to religion, he gradually recognized that scientific explanations went deeper. He didn't formulate an atheist "dogma" and join up with an atheist boy scouts.

I don't remember the title anymore, but there was some social scientist (or group of them) who had studied religious "conversion" experiences -- atheist to theist, one religion to another, and theist to atheist -- and written a book on the results. I only read a few reviews, but as I recall they said that there was a significant difference between the atheist-to-theist vs. the theist-to-atheist. The first was almost always rather sudden, and deeply emotional. The second tended to be gradual, and God usually went through several transitions, in order to fit with changing understanding.

I'm also suggesting that all of his self-proclaimed scientific justifications of atheism in adulthood function as nothing more than shallow justifications for non-negotiable core personality principles.

Unlikely, simply because of the humanist rationale.


Posted by: Joey | November 24, 2009 1:07 PM

"I mean, there are millions of different religious beliefs. It would take a long time for a person to refute them all. "

All united but one common thing, the existence of one or more supreme beings, which many people have ruled out as a possibility.


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:07 PM

Well, I tried to suggest not allowing dear Mr. Matthews to hijack the thread, but since that apparently has gone unheaded (why am I not surprised that you pirhannas can't help yourselves when you smell blood in the water... heh), allow me to jump right in.

Since you seem to be playing "armchair psychologist" with PZ, allow me to do the same for you. I believe your action in coming to this blog, to a totally unrelated thread, to force your way into a discussion whereby you try to argue that PZ's atheism is nothing more than daily affirmation of an emotionally derived core belief instilled during childhood, is a clear sign that you yourself are questioning your beliefs.

You see, in my opinion, deep down you know that your beliefs are based on nothing more than appeal to emotion and social construct. This concerns you on a very basic level and leads you to some very real and potent internal struggle. But you are so emotionally invested in your beliefs that even allowing the question to be asked within yourself must be immediately rejected, and so you must reason out the existence of others that don't share your belief. Therefor, the only way you can reconcile the very existence of atheism is to insist that is too is a belief system built around the same core constructs of appeal to emotion and authority that yours are built around. If you can make that argument convincingly, then there is nothing to say that atheism has any more a viable grasp on reality than do your childish, fragile beliefs.

It is for tha reason that you have come here, hoping to cast doubt on reason and logic by attempting, foolishly, to paint a lack of belief with an emotional, irrational brush.

Which is, ironically, also the biggest flaw in your argument. A lack of belief on something once believed can only come about as a result of reasoned inquisition and use of logic. Atheists are a product of many different backgrounds... some were believers that simply couldn't accept the obviousness of the fallicies contained in biblical works... others simply were never taught to accept religion as anything but cultural myth. At the end of the day, it's still simply a lack of belief, and there is no emotion needed for that. Conversely, belief in deities must, by its very nature, be built around emotional acceptance of that which can not be seen nor heard, nor touched.

I think you need to allow your own doubts to be exposed to the sunlight, David... don't fear the questions... don't pre-suppose the answers... remove emotion from the equation, and simply let reason and logic take you to their obvious conclusions.

I hope that doesn't hit too close to home, David... and remember, if you argue any of the points I just made vehemently, you are only confirming that I'm right!


Posted by: Revyloution | November 24, 2009 1:08 PM

AJ Milne at #64

You win +10 internets! That had me laughing for a good long while.

Poor poor David. He just can't understand that there is no atheist epiphany. People who believe in fairy tales of any sort need to slowly move out of them. Its difficult for a human brain to switch from one type of thinking to another.

Looking back at their past, many people who shed their faith can point to the moment that they took their first step towards rationality, but truly loosing faith is a long journey.


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 1:08 PM

You are engaging in an argument after-the-fact. You didn't attain your atheism by investigating and refuting all religious claims, did you? I mean, there are millions of different religious beliefs. It would take a long time for a person to refute them all.

Have you taken the time to refute all religions to come to your conclusion?


Posted by: Calladus | November 24, 2009 1:08 PM


Christians use "conversion accounts" as a sort of Christian Credential. The more dramatic the conversion, the better the 'cred. Good 'cred equals standing in the Christian Church, which equals power, influence, and success.

While some deconversion accounts can be just as traumatic, they do not bestow any sort of atheist credential. Some of those transformations, like my own, can be pretty boring.

After 21 years of being a Christian (Baptized at 14) I had questions that I couldn't get answers for. I started a self-course on comparative religion and that lead to doubt.

I didn't come to atheism from a lack of answers, or some childhood trauma, or because my preacher treated me badly. I came to atheism because there were no answers to doubt in Christianity. I came to atheism because the Christian text was self-contradictory. I came to atheism because my prayers went unanswered - until I finally realized that I was only talking to myself.

I came to realize that the feeling of the Holy Spirit washing over me was merely a powerful form of self-delusion, the sort of self-delusion that is experienced by other religious cults worshiping completely different gods. I can now recreate that feeling when I want. (I don't, mostly. What's the point?)

Your attempts to pin atheism on a "hurt little boy" syndrome are laughable, simplistic, and they show an inherent dishonesty. You want to speak honestly about such things? You must first demonstrate a willingness to learn.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:09 PM

Hello knockgoats,

* "You remind me of the "chaplain" at my school, when I was 12. He went round the class asking people about their religion. I, alone, said I was an atheist (which I had very recently become, having seen the absurdity of Christianity). He said I was too young to have made up my mind, and insisted I should call myself an agnostic. Of course, he made no similar suggestion to those who had declared themselves Christians. I've never forgotten this despicable piece of bullying. "

Calling such a response to your affirmation of atheism "bullying" seems unwarranted. You must concede that at 12 years old you didn't know enough to legitimately call yourself an atheist.

12 year olds are, by definition, ignorant and in error about a great many things.

I would hope thst experience itself would have taught you this much by now.


Posted by: LinzeeBinzee | November 24, 2009 1:10 PM

Would somebody who hasn't communicated with someone else in 23 years even be able to form words or sentences? Wouldn't you lose your mind? What an awful thing if he actually has been conscious this whole time.


Posted by: Calladus | November 24, 2009 1:11 PM

Darn it... missed my proofreading. I meant to say, "I didn't come to atheism from a lack of (Christian) education"


Posted by: Steve_C | November 24, 2009 1:12 PM

HAHAHA, you really try to twist things. What anger did I show?

I didn't have any anger at my religion. I gave it a chance. But clearly logic won out. It's like how you feel when you realize the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are just stories.

It was a self-defining moment, but an accomplishment? It really shouldn't be a big deal when people give up superstitions, I'm just surprised it doesn't happen to more people.

And I didn't convert, there was no ceremony, no baptism or accepting something of faith.

It's the opposite. It's the letting go of a childish idea.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:12 PM

Yawn, DM still presents no conclusive physical evidence for his deity. What a bore. Godbots are all alike when it comes to hard evidence. They avoid it like the plague.


Posted by: truebutnotuseful Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:12 PM

David Mathews wrote:

the beliefs are children are equally irrational and unscientific whether those beliefs are theistic or atheistic.

Bullshit. Rational beliefs are based on evidence. You have a serious problem with false equivalence.

We agree that the beliefs are children are equally irrational and unscientific whether those beliefs are theistic or atheistic.

Again with the bullshit. Beliefs are rational when they are based on evidence. They are irrational when they are not.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and conclude that you aren't as stupid as you appear to be. So I'm going to assume that you are just another one of Jesus' Obtuse LiarsTM.


Posted by: Joey | November 24, 2009 1:14 PM

David @148

"Calling such a response to your affirmation of atheism "bullying" seems unwarranted."

Verbally isolating a child from the rest of the group is a form of bullying.

"You must concede that at 12 years old you didn't know enough to legitimately call yourself an atheist. "

You can go with this point all you want, but the point of the story, which you have neglected, was the chaplain did not tell the rest of the students to call themselves "Agnostics" as well when they said Christians. knockgoats is saying you are essentially trying to do the same thing.

If PZ Meyers were Christian from childhood would you be here arguing the same points? You would be able to, you realize.


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 1:14 PM

Instead of hijacking this thread, I would suggest that Dave Mathews move this to the endless thread that will not die.

He pulled out the, "You have not investigated all religions" canard. Has he done the same?


Posted by: Feynmaniac | November 24, 2009 1:14 PM

David Matthews,

Stick to focusing on your band.


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 1:14 PM

Your attempts to pin atheism on a "hurt little boy" syndrome are laughable, simplistic, and they show an inherent dishonesty. You want to speak honestly about such things? You must first demonstrate a willingness to learn.

Yep. I'm an atheist and I've had a pretty damn good life and childhood. Never hurt but any religious figure I knew personally. I just remain unsatisfied by anything posited by any religion that I've come in contact with as far as some evidence or "proof" of their supernatural big guy.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:14 PM

Hello Bill Daughin,

* "Why should this be remarkable? Like humans and apes, neither atheism nor science descended from the other; rather, they have a common ancestor: the understanding that the natural universe is the universe, and it operates according to comprehensible natural principles. Your implicit suggestion that atheism is (or ought to be) some sort of side-effect of being a scientist is, to quote the Car Talk guys, "BO-O-O-O-O-O-GUS!!"

If you are declaring that atheism has nothing whatsoever to do with science, Bill, I agree with you. Insofar as I can tell, atheism is just an opinion like any other opinion a person might have with or without science.

But when you say "the natural universe is the universe" I must ask what you mean. Please do clarify.

* "Of course, others have already debunked the notion that this was the moment that made PZ an atheist... but if it had been, so what? Lots of perfectly reasonable, cogently held beliefs of adults have their roots in the emotional experiences of the children those adults once were. If you were (FSM forbid!) molested as a child, would your emotional response to that event invalidate your subsequent adult opposition to child abuse? "

If the Apollo 8 scripture reading wasn't the moment of PZ Myers conversion to atheism he must have lied to the humanists. Of course, it is not a crime for PZ Myers to create a mythology justifying his evangelical atheism so long as everyone knows that it is mythology.


Posted by: Marcus Ranum | November 24, 2009 1:16 PM

David Mathews writes:
We can agree that child-onset theism is as irrational as child-onset atheism. From the standpoint of rationality and science both opinions are equivalent.

Given equal evidence, then yes. But in the absence of compelling evidence, it's more rational to assume the null hypothesis.


Posted by: Ewan R | November 24, 2009 1:18 PM

David Mathews:-

I'd change the presumption to -

You reject claims of christianity through reason or faith for anyone who was indoctrinated into christianity as a child (this is essentially the arguement you're making about PZ's atheism - that children dont have the mental capacity for reasoning at such a level, I'd guess they also dont have the capacity for faith also)

I'd go on to point out again that you misread the speech - PZ clearly states

"Now, I can't pretend that in that instant I had an epiphany and became an atheist. I did not. What I felt was discomfort, like I was missing something. It took several more years of gradual intellectual disaffection from the church before I actually left."

It appears that the juxtaposition of woo and awe at the wonder of the universe set him along the path to atheism, a path which no doubt could have been diverted had there been any redeeming points to the religion he left behind.

He also points out in the speech that science (evolution in particular) makes it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist - my reading of this suggests that there is no assumption that being an atheist because of science is the only path to get there, just that without the evidence of science being an atheist leaves huge unexplained(or unexplainable) gaps in the universe - whereas science either answers the big questions, or, to paraphrase Dawkins, 'is working on it'


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 1:18 PM

David Matthews,

Stick to focusing on your band.

No wonder they suck so bad.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:18 PM

Hello Mat Penfeld,

* "Fine. I will no longer assume you have a shred of honesty nor that you employ any kind of logic. I will also refrain from assuming that your views have any kind of consistency. "

You can assume whatever you wish.

If you want to invent principles and ascribe them to me and then demand that I accept those principles as an evidence of "honesty" your problems are bigger than merely emotional irrationality.

* "I was not expecting you to give in quite so easily. Still if you want to admit you are a lying, illogical hypocrite I will not stop you. "

This is quite funny. I'd have to assume that the person who invented beliefs, ascribed them to me, and then rejected my denial of those beliefs as behaving in an illogical manner.

I'll tell you what I believe and you can tell me what you believe.


Posted by: senecasam | November 24, 2009 1:19 PM

I think someone should get the video to an expert, say, like former Sen. Bill Frist, who did such an outstanding job diagnosing Terri Schiavo from about a thousand miles away.


Posted by: aratina cage Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:19 PM

I finally was able to bring up James Randi's response to this story. He compares FC to the Clever Hans Effect (CHE), named after a horse who could sense its trainer's cues and appear to carry out arithmetic in its responses to those cues, and Randi finds FC not only as deceptive as CHE but even worse:

The Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the American Association on Mental Retardation, have no doubts about this. ABAI calls FC a "discredited technique" and warns that "its use is unwarranted and unethical." The Association for Science in Autism Treatment reviewed the research and position statements and concluded that the messages typed were controlled by the facilitator, not by the individual with autism, and that FC did not improve language skills.
And it turns out that what we see the FC facilitator doing in the video is the same thing that Randi documented being used in the autism cases mentioned by others in the comments which included use of a keyboard, the facilitator holding a single finger and pressing buttons, and the subject's head tilted to appear to gaze towards the keyboard.


Posted by: Bill Dauphin, OM | November 24, 2009 1:21 PM

DM (@158):

If you are declaring that atheism has nothing whatsoever to do with science, Bill, I agree with you.

A despicably disingenuous reframing of my point, which was (IMHO) made perfectly clear by the analogy you quoted. You are either too stupid to follow a clear argument or (far more plausibly) just a fucking liar!

Either way, a good excuse to take others' advice and desist from feeding the troll.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:21 PM

Hello tsg,

* "Ah, now DM is going to edumacate us all on what atheism really is.

* "I was born without a belief in any god and that has not changed to this day. "

I wouldn't be so proud of affirming no intellectual progress since birth.

It seems a very strange argument atheists are making. When you were born you didn't even belief in your own self.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 1:23 PM

DM,"We can agree that child-onset theism is as irrational as child-onset atheism. From the standpoint of rationality and science both opinions are equivalent."

Yeah, but you can become an atheist by asking yourself questions unanswered but you cannot become a Christian, or a member of any other religion, all by yourself. After being raised as a good Catholic for 16 years, I began to doubt because I realized the emptiness and silliness of many aspects of what I was blindly following. I did it myself, alone. But you cannot become a good Christian alone, out of the blue, by asking questions. Someone has to teach it to you. Nobody has to be taught atheism to "not believe".


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 1:24 PM

I wouldn't be so proud of affirming no intellectual progress since birth.

And what would be progress. What if his investigations have not given him any reason to think differently?


Posted by: Michael Simpson | November 24, 2009 1:24 PM

Why is David Mathews here? I actually don't care how PZ Myers became an atheist, though I do find it interesting.

Atheism, for me, is not an opinion. Is is based on rational thought, which is totally lacking in religion. Science shows how the natural world functions. Religion does not. Atheism is not a religion, it is the lack of religion. One does not "believe" in atheism, one rejects a belief in religion. Kind of simple, but Mathews you lack any reasonable intellect. You spout of fake words that make you seem that you have an IQ north of 40, but I reject that hypothesis.

Mathews, why don't you take your trolling elsewhere. You've completely derailed this thread, which is about a scam.


Posted by: hznfrst | November 24, 2009 1:25 PM

Good grief, it's so obvious that that woman is doing all the typing (and composing) it's painful to watch! What is wrong with these utterly gullible "reporters" (hint: it's very probably the same thing that's wrong with our walking-brain-dead Dave Mathews here).


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:25 PM

Hello Nerd of Redhead,

* "As usual, a godbot has things backwards. He presupposes his deity exists without any evidence, which makes him a delusional fool. If DM wants me to believe in his deity, he needs to provide conclusive physical evidence, evidence that will pass muster with scientists, magicians, and professional debunkers as being of divine, and not natural, origin. Until then, parsimony requires the nonexistence of the deity. Very simple DM. Put up or shut up based upon the evidence. "

I presume that the child PZ Myers did not engage in the sort of investigation you describe above. Nor do I imagine that any other atheist has actually engaged in such an investigation.

Nor do I imagine that an atheist would be swayed in their dogmatic assumptions regardless of any evidence since the atheistic dogma is formulated in such a manner as to exclude any consideration of evidence.

You do know that atheism isn't science? You should. Listen to yourself.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:25 PM

Still no conclusive physical evidence for a deity being present by DM. Just another Liar for Jebusâ„¢.


Posted by: truebutnotuseful Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:28 PM

David Mathews, you can easily win this entire argument simply by providing us with your evidence for God. Right here, right now. Let's see it, please.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:29 PM

Hello Sastra,

* "But the rational, scientific thinking came before he became an atheist. When he started applying the same standards he applied to science, to religion, he gradually recognized that scientific explanations went deeper. He didn't formulate an atheist "dogma" and join up with an atheist boy scouts. "

That's not how PZ Myers described his own life experiences. Perhaps you have someone else in mind ... ?

* "I don't remember the title anymore, but there was some social scientist (or group of them) who had studied religious "conversion" experiences -- atheist to theist, one religion to another, and theist to atheist -- and written a book on the results. I only read a few reviews, but as I recall they said that there was a significant difference between the atheist-to-theist vs. the theist-to-atheist. The first was almost always rather sudden, and deeply emotional. The second tended to be gradual, and God usually went through several transitions, in order to fit with changing understanding. "

Here is an example of irrational self-affirmation which isn't at all established upon objective experience. PZ Myers doesn't describe his own conversion in the above manner and it is unlikely that any other atheist here could do so either, except perhaps in an after-the-fact mythological self-justification / self-affirmation.


Posted by: Joey | November 24, 2009 1:29 PM

DM #172

Why should someone have to prove something they do not think exists? You believe it exists, give us the evidence why, or is it just another irrational assumption?

I do not ask you to prove the teapot in space, nor believe in it.


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 1:29 PM

Nor do I imagine that an atheist would be swayed in their dogmatic assumptions regardless of any evidence since the atheistic dogma is formulated in such a manner as to exclude any consideration of evidence.

Do you have this evidence for me to consider?


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 1:31 PM

I wouldn't be so proud of affirming no intellectual progress since birth.

Then why are you? (Yes, IKYABWAI, but there's little else to say to this...)

It seems a very strange argument atheists are making. When you were born you didn't even belief in your own self.

That's the bloody point. Some things you discover for yourself, others have to be taught. God has to be taught. That's the way it is with made-up shit.


Posted by: Kagehi | November 24, 2009 1:31 PM

The sort of disappointmentr PZ Myers describes is that of an atheist responding with offense to a astronaut quoting Scripture.

Not so, its the natural reaction of a child that wants to know "why", or "what", when confronted with someone trying to give him/her a useless answer:


Only, when we get a bit older we learn that such repeated questions annoy people, or we get indoctrinated into *accepting* certain answers, even when they provide no real answer. The later case is called "religion".

Any attempt to define it as something else is nothing more than a desperate need to ignore the progressive transition to scientific thinking that someone may undergo, as a result of **recognizing** that some answers are useless, even if sadly common, instead of just sheepishly accepting them. Some people are inherently more interested in knowing than being comfortable. Accepting any random answer, or one that conforms to previously accepted non-answers, is "comfortable". Ironically, it doesn't help the person seeking such answers, because other people are not interested in such comforting self delusion, and that unhinged the people that, literally, don't want their world view disturbed by people poking holes in it, which is... uncomfortable, and thus the exact opposite of why they chose to accept their non-answers in the first place.


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 1:33 PM

I wouldn't be so proud of affirming no intellectual progress since birth.

The irony is visible from Saturn.

It doesn't seem to bother you that children are indoctrinated in theistic belief systems from infancy. Well? Does it bother you? Does it occur to you that if children are taught to love Jesus by adults they trust starting when they're too young to remember, that they are not making an informed decision when they continue to practice that religion into adulthood? Do you feel that theistic belief is only valid if it is adopted in adulthood, in a reasoned, emotionally neutral decision?

Furthermore, your obsession with PZ's atheist transition is beyond creepy. Here he's started a thread on science and skepticism, and you're making it about the blogger's childhood and the aetiology of his non-belief. And I thought this blog was too thin on science?


Posted by: truebutnotuseful Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:34 PM

David Mathews wrote:

Nor do I imagine that an atheist would be swayed in their dogmatic assumptions regardless of any evidence since the atheistic dogma is formulated in such a manner as to exclude any consideration of evidence.

Wow. Just...wow. I retract my earlier assessment - you really are just stupid. Not that that doesn't also preclude you from being a lying sack of crap. Clearly you are both.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:35 PM

Hello Celtic,

* "Since you seem to be playing "armchair psychologist" with PZ, allow me to do the same for you. I believe your action in coming to this blog, to a totally unrelated thread, to force your way into a discussion whereby you try to argue that PZ's atheism is nothing more than daily affirmation of an emotionally derived core belief instilled during childhood, is a clear sign that you yourself are questioning your beliefs. "

You can assume whatever you wish if it will make you feel any better.

* "Therefor, the only way you can reconcile the very existence of atheism is to insist that is too is a belief system built around the same core constructs of appeal to emotion and authority that yours are built around. If you can make that argument convincingly, then there is nothing to say that atheism has any more a viable grasp on reality than do your childish, fragile beliefs. "

Here is have precisely described my argument, Celtic Thunder. Your reading comprehension skills are to be commended.

* "It is for tha reason that you have come here, hoping to cast doubt on reason and logic by attempting, foolishly, to paint a lack of belief with an emotional, irrational brush. "

The existence of emotional irrationality among atheists is objectively verified simply by the words of the atheists responding on this blog. The existence of actual reason and logic among atheists isn't so well attested.

* "Which is, ironically, also the biggest flaw in your argument. A lack of belief on something once believed can only come about as a result of reasoned inquisition and use of logic."

What the hell? PZ Myers did not engage in any such reasoned inquisition and use of logic as a child. You people are so busy celebrating your own self that you completely believe your own self-generated conversion myths.

* "Atheists are a product of many different backgrounds... some were believers that simply couldn't accept the obviousness of the fallicies contained in biblical works... others simply were never taught to accept religion as anything but cultural myth. At the end of the day, it's still simply a lack of belief, and there is no emotion needed for that. Conversely, belief in deities must, by its very nature, be built around emotional acceptance of that which can not be seen nor heard, nor touched. "

You are speaking silly. The atheists on this blog have consistently demonstrated the emotional component of their lack of belief. The emotion often takes the form of anger and bitterness and sometimes pride and self-praise.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 1:35 PM

DM ". PZ Myers doesn't describe his own conversion in the above manner and it is unlikely that any other atheist here could do so either, except perhaps in an after-the-fact mythological self-justification / self-affirmation."

I must be a walking myth because that's how it happened to me : I gradually abandoned my Catholic delusions one after another and became a deist before becoming an atheist. Overall, it took at least 6 or 7 years to complete the process...


Posted by: Endor | November 24, 2009 1:36 PM

"Your bad experience destroys your objectivity and imparts an irrational emotional component to your atheism which is more important than any subsequent attempted justifications of the opinion."

Interesting. So then, by this Logic(tm), children who have bad experiences and turn to religion are relying on an irrational emotional component of their theism, which would be impervious then to any subsequent evidence to the contrary.


Posted by: LinzeeBinzee | November 24, 2009 1:37 PM

Okay the derail isn't ending so I'll join in...

David Matthews...what do you believe and why?

In response to this question 2 years ago when I was a Christian, I would have said I believe in a good and loving god, and his son Jesus was sent to save our souls and I'll be joining them in heaven after I die. Why do I believe this? Because the Bible says so and luckily I was born into a community with the right religion so I could have this truth. (Of course all of the "whys" that I had for my religion fizzled away when I learned how to think critically).

Okay, now you go! What do you believe and why?


Posted by: Endor | November 24, 2009 1:38 PM

"The atheists on this blog have consistently demonstrated the emotional component of their lack of belief. The emotion often takes the form of anger and bitterness and sometimes pride and self-praise."

Which, you have to admit, is a damn sight better than what theists do to demonstrate the emotional component of their belief. You know, blow themselves up around innocent bystanders, murder doctors, facilitate the spread of deadly disease, etc.


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 1:38 PM

You quote a sentence and say ..

I'm going to have to refer back to that reading comprehension problem of yours again. I didn't just "quote a sentence and say". I quoted a sentence, after the part of the article that you had deliberately mis-represented, and provided context that demonstrated that your claim were false.

In order to do this, I had to do some work: I read the transcript of the speech PZ gave that you choose to criticise. Incidentally, thanks for the link, I hadn't had a chance to read it before, I found it most enjoyable. Nevertheless, I had to do work: I had to read the article to see if it was making the claim you were making - it wasn't. My reply was the quote of that sentence because it succinctly demonstrated why your initial outburst was can only be explained in two way: you deliberately chose to misrepresent someone to suggest that atheism must be childish - i.e. you lied, or you have a reading comprehension problem.

I didn't "just" quote a sentence.


Posted by: DeanFromBC | November 24, 2009 1:39 PM

Stop. Feeding. The. Troll.

I know it can be fun to engage the idiot(s), but if you really want to get to them, just ignore them and let them sputter impotently.

As for the post:
I heard this story on the radio yesterday. Absolutely no mention that he used a computer to communicate, let alone a facilitated communicator. Just a completely credulous report that lead me to believe this fellow had awoken from a coma and started speaking. No mention that he was drooling, paralyzed, and unable to talk.

Hearing what he supposedly said made me suspect something was not quite right, however. If I had been trapped in my own mind for 23 years, with no mental stimulation, I'd be stark raving mad. (Hell, if I'm not sleeping I can't go minutes without stimulation without getting antsy. There is a reason I read while I eat.) There is no way I would have anything cogent to say, and if I did you can bet it wouldn't be lovely platitudes about gratitude for my recovery.

Seeing the video it all becomes crystal clear. This fellow is communicating nothing. It is a total sham, and the people responsible should be ashamed. The media that report uncritically should be even more ashamed.


Posted by: Rob Jase | November 24, 2009 1:40 PM

You know a communication facilitator can also use a patient in a vegetative state as a dowsing rod. The patient acts as the stick & dips when water is found.

And speaking of dipsticks, David M. - why would your loving god leave a person in a vegetative state (concious or not) for 23 years?


Posted by: stptrck75 | November 24, 2009 1:41 PM

Boy. DM is really getting off on this.

Nothing like an easily hijacked thread. Ugh...


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:41 PM

Hello Calladus,

* "While some deconversion accounts can be just as traumatic, they do not bestow any sort of atheist credential. Some of those transformations, like my own, can be pretty boring. "

Silly, silly! PZ Myers wouldn't have included a mythological conversion account if it didn't serve a purpose for atheists.

* "After 21 years of being a Christian (Baptized at 14) I had questions that I couldn't get answers for. I started a self-course on comparative religion and that lead to doubt. "

Wow, I'm impressed. How many decades did you invest in this project? Did you become a professional scholar and objectively engage in comparative religion?

* "I didn't come to atheism from a lack of answers, or some childhood trauma, or because my preacher treated me badly. I came to atheism because there were no answers to doubt in Christianity. I came to atheism because the Christian text was self-contradictory. I came to atheism because my prayers went unanswered - until I finally realized that I was only talking to myself. "

Need I point out that these aren't scientific arguments? They are irrational-emotional.

* "I came to realize that the feeling of the Holy Spirit washing over me was merely a powerful form of self-delusion, the sort of self-delusion that is experienced by other religious cults worshiping completely different gods. I can now recreate that feeling when I want. (I don't, mostly. What's the point?) "

I agree with you about this much ... that feeling which you had experienced was self-generated and self-delusional.

* "Your attempts to pin atheism on a "hurt little boy" syndrome are laughable, simplistic, and they show an inherent dishonesty. You want to speak honestly about such things? You must first demonstrate a willingness to learn. "

There's way too much anger and bitterness among atheists to entertain any other opinion except the "hurt little child" sydrome in the vast majority of atheists.


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:41 PM

David Mathews #141 wrote:

As PZ Myers speaks about himself it is evident that atheism actually is a defining core principle of his personality and provides some meaning to his life and work. But if not, he must say so himself.

Although he does of course devote a lot of time advocating and arguing for atheism, I'm not sure this qualifies it as a "defining core principle." I wouldn't consider "evolution" one of his (or my) defining core principles either. Both are conclusions -- working assumptions -- based on a prior commitment to honest intellectual inquiry. Such inquiry could, in theory, have lead to different results -- and would leave us both intact, and basically the same in outlook. We'd just be religious ... for the right reasons.

Perhaps we just disagree on how basic a "defining core principle" has to be. An artist motivated by a love of Beauty doesn't lose themselves if they have an accident, and can no longer paint -- even if they were prolific and successful, identified with their art. They would have to lose the ability to appreciate or care about what is beautiful, before their deepest definition of who they are, is changed. At least, this is how I would interpret it.

Atheism's foundation of irrational emotional anger is objectively verified a hundred thousand times over by the words of atheists speaking about their own self and their response to religion. Plenty of examples have already occurred on this blog today. Is there such a thing as atheism without anger and bitterness?

But look at my question. Assuming that there is anger, would this mean that God probably exists? Or, if there were atheists who were not angry, does this count against the existence of God? As CS Lewis once argued, it makes no sense to spend time trying to figure out the psychological underpinnings of someone believing that there is butter in the fridge, without considering first whether there is, in fact, butter in the fridge.

If there is no butter in the fridge, would people's angry denials of the butter being there, because they looked and didn't see it, mean that there might be butter anyway?


Posted by: hanna | November 24, 2009 1:42 PM

So I'm going to ignore the troll because I just wanted to say how happy it made me to finally see someone commenting on what BS the facilitated communication aspect of this story is. I saw a headline about this yesterday and thought, wow, clicked on the link--and there was a photograph of the facilitator holding his had and I just thought, No way! I remember being a kid and watching a story on 20/20 with my dad about FC with autistic kids, and turning to my dad and saying, "But the kids aren't even looking at the boards half the time! How can people think this is real?"

And now the board is attached to a computer instead of made of cardboard, and that somehow changes things?

So I went and looked for other stories, and they're all full of these "quotes" of his, and the few that even mentioned that these came through FC don't mention the fact that this method has been proven total fraud. What the hell is wrong with our media?

Whatever credibility there might be in the rest of the story is completely destroyed for me by putting that part of it front and center and unquestioned.

That said, did anyone else find it kind of...in poor taste, if not outright ablist, to be calling DM brain-damanged, etc? I'm not sure I can articulate exactly why it squicks me out; it's kind of the same as why I'm bothered when people use "gay" as an insult. I know, you're using the brain thing because it's relevant to the thread and because DM's logical reasoning has issues and that comes from the brain but...don't people with severe brain damage (and their loved ones) have enough to deal with without having their condition also used as the basis of an insult?


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 1:42 PM

Back on topic. Now that I've had a chance to look at the video, I'm deeply disappointed in the ITV reporter. I used to expect much better from our guys, but these days.... That is blatantly "facilitated" communication, and the reporter really should have called BS on that.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:42 PM

Yawn, still no physical evidence, just bad sophistry by the delusional godbot. Boring, boring troll.


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 1:42 PM

I love the smell of projection in the afternoon!

Nor do I imagine that an atheist an Abrahamic monotheist would be swayed in their dogmatic assumptions regardless of any evidence since the atheistic monotheistic dogma is formulated in such a manner as to exclude any consideration of evidence.

Fixed. Now it actually makes sense.


Posted by: Endor | November 24, 2009 1:42 PM

"you deliberately chose to misrepresent someone to suggest that atheism must be childish"

I find this damn funny. Mr. Matthews is doing backflips attempting to pretend atheism is childish and impervious to evidence (WTF?) all the while believing that there's a magical creature in the sky who created him . . . to troll atheist blogs with poorly thought out garbage, apparently.

C'mon -that's comedy gold right there.


Posted by: Calladus | November 24, 2009 1:42 PM

BdN, David isn't interested in hearing about deconversions like yours (or mine) 'cause they don't fit his preconceptions.

Carry on... just a troll.


Posted by: s.k.graham | November 24, 2009 1:43 PM

It may well be true that facilitated communication is often bullshit of the "human ouija-board" variety. However, if a parallyzed person has just the tiniest bit of muscle control in one finger, enough that another person can sense the slight movements, then what is shown in the video is plausible, if the patient and facilitator have had, say, 3 years of practice. The facilitator would essentially be acting as a human force-feedback device, which would not be particularly difficult. (see suggested experiment below) Over time, the facilitator would learn to anticipate, completing words and phrases for the patient making the movements much more fluid than they would be if every hunt & peck was solely guided by the patient.

Of course, to avoid fraud or self-deception on the part of the facilitator, the patient has to be given some minimal independent method of signalling, which is not difficult if the patient has any conscious control some part of his body.

If such controlled verification of the patient's independent communication has be fully verified, with trust of the facilitator likewise verified, then there is nothing unbelievable about the story. If such verification has not been performed, the we are looking at a "human ouija board".

I think we are in no position to judge, until a peer-reviewed case study is published that includes detailed on how communication from the patient has been verified, and how the patient & facilitator learned to work together. But if such publication never arrives, then suspicion of hoax or self-deception should increase.

I am inclined to give the benefit of the doubt in this situation. If I had more experience of the extent of fraud/self deception in these kinds of cases, and/or if I had more information to judge the (lack of) credibility of the doctors and facilitator, I might err on the side of skepticism.

But the apparent dexterity of motion of the patient/facilitor in typing is not in and of itself damning evidence.

Suggested experiment to try with a friend: You will take turns in the roles of "guider" and "facilitator". The guider will rest one finger *lightly* on the back of the hand of the facilitator, and must try to guide the facilitator to hunt/peck keys on the keyboard. Neither of you is allowed to communicate in any other way, except that the *guider* is given a simple means of signalling yes/no with their free hand, just to signal mistakes. Take turns in the roles of guider and facilitator. I bet that within hours you and your friend will be able to converse clumsily and slowly by this method. After a few weeks of daily practice, you will be able to converse quite fluently, and only slightly more slowly than if you were each doing your own one-fingered typing. This skill should have roughly the same difficulty to learn as what is shown in the video. In my suggested experiment, I do not have the facilitator hold the guider's finger (as in the video), because it would be to easy for an able bodied person to fully control the entire motion with all the muscles in their hand and arm. Allowing only a light touch to the back of the facilitator's hand should create a limitation to communication which is comparable to the paralyzed person with slight movement in one finger.


Posted by: bybelknap, FCD | November 24, 2009 1:43 PM

OK, I've put up with a serious amount of douchebaggery from a wide variety of douchebags, but this David Matthews has finally torn it for me. I've gone and got greasemonkey, but not being all that bright, I'm not sure how to killfile the insipid fuckwit. Please, can someone tell me the script?
'preciate it.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:45 PM

Hello truebotnotuseful,

You say ...

* "Rational beliefs are based on evidence. You have a serious problem with false equivalence. "

What sort of evidence did the child PZ Myers possess in order to rationally reach his atheism?

What sort of evidence did the 12 year old possess to rationally justify his affirmation of atheism?

Atheists proclaim their love for evidence, science, logic and reason by atheism itself hasn't any need for any of these.


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:46 PM

When you were born you didn't even belief in your own self.

When people are born there are many unknowns to them. Rational people understand that the things that can be demonstrated are things considered to be true. As intellectual sophistication develops, it is realized that skepticism is the default rational position when evaluating positive truth claims about reality. Atheism is the default rational position for the same reasons atoothfairyism is. Those that make positive truth claims about the existence of deities do so without evidence, exemplar, or reasoned logic. The burden is a straight forward one and lies with those making positive truth claims. Show everyone else why you think your claims about deities are valid. It is a challenge left unanswered for thousands of years.


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 1:47 PM

Once again David,

Do you have this evidence for me to consider?


Posted by: corpus.callosum | November 24, 2009 1:48 PM

Wahoo, finally a Neuroscience story allowing me to go from enthusiastic Pharyngula-reader to commenter :D

Laureys is not a kook. He's got strong opinions that aren't widely accepted, but the vegetative / minimally conscious / comatose arena is hugely complex and there are's no consensus about a lot of these tests. The best - and shortest - article I've read on the subject is this one.


This is an fMRI study where a minimally conscious (ie, no behavioural responses at all) patient's neural activity was compared to that of a healthy control, while performing mental imagery tasks, such as 'imagine yourself playing tennis'. They show activity in very similar brain areas (though reduced in intensity), which is unlikely just to be due to hearing the task instructions... it's far more likely that this activity is produced by *following* those instructions. Where there's someone to listen and obey instructions, there's something like a conscious agent locked inside, who can hear and respond. No FC here, and no wild claims, but a distinct possibility that all is not what it seems in this patient.


Posted by: Flea | November 24, 2009 1:48 PM

Interesting species this new Troll. He has some really good pictures (click his name) I think his misanthropy (commenting his pics) explains a lot...

"here's a tragic scene and dramatic contrast between the world of life (which is Nature) and the world of non-living technology (which is passing away). The birds have been around for millions of years. Electricity, cell phones and fences won't last that long ... thank God!"
"dolphins are intelligent, but not intelligent in the human sense (thank God!)"
"osprey engaged in philosophical speculation regarding the meaning of life and why humans are so very sad"


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:48 PM

Hello Joey,

* "You can go with this point all you want, but the point of the story, which you have neglected, was the chaplain did not tell the rest of the students to call themselves "Agnostics" as well when they said Christians. knockgoats is saying you are essentially trying to do the same thing. "

Such an argument would only make sense if the person in question conceded at the outset that he was an agnostic not an atheist.


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 1:51 PM

I think we are in no position to judge, until a peer-reviewed case study is published that includes detailed on how communication from the patient has been verified, and how the patient & facilitator learned to work together. But if such publication never arrives, then suspicion of hoax or self-deception should increase.

FC has routinely failed controlled testing where the patient can see an item (a picture, a word, etc) and the facilitator cannot. All the reasons you cite why it might be plausible are the same reasons FC proponents think it works. But it doesn't.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:51 PM

Hello bDn,

* "Yeah, but you can become an atheist by asking yourself questions unanswered but you cannot become a Christian, or a member of any other religion, all by yourself. After being raised as a good Catholic for 16 years, I began to doubt because I realized the emptiness and silliness of many aspects of what I was blindly following. I did it myself, alone. But you cannot become a good Christian alone, out of the blue, by asking questions. Someone has to teach it to you. Nobody has to be taught atheism to "not believe". "

Come on, are you serious?

Atheism isn't a belief which PZ Myers invented. Nor did any other atheist invent their own atheism.

Atheism is always derived from some other source. Otherwise there wouldn't be any need for PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins to evangelize on behalf of atheism.


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 1:51 PM

David Mathews, I will ask you to show just a modicum of respect and move your Gish Gallop to this endless thread. Leave this thread for the original topic.


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:52 PM

What sort of evidence did the child PZ Myers possess in order to rationally reach his atheism?

Atheism makes no positive truth claims about reality. The burden of evidence lies with those making positive truth claims about the existence of deities (or anything else for that matter).

You've got your reasoning upside down.

Theist: God does exist (positive claim)
Atheist: God probably doesn't exist (not positive claim)


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:53 PM

You are speaking silly. The atheists on this blog have consistently demonstrated the emotional component of their lack of belief. The emotion often takes the form of anger and bitterness and sometimes pride and self-praise.

Oh yeah... total projection... I'm now more convinced than ever that you are here due to a crisis of faith. It's ok... as I said... don't fear the questions.

I'd better stop this... I'm getting too emotional. Sniff.


Posted by: Jafafa Hots | November 24, 2009 1:54 PM

You don't have to arrive a atheism via science.
I arrived at it via birth.

Sometime later I discovered that many people inexplicably seemed to believe in absolutely ridiculous and illogical without a shred of justification.

I still remember the day that I discovered that some people who weren't even children anymore actually believed in fairy tales.

The fact that they did didn't sway me into believing along with them any more than the discovery that my friend Dan Baxter actually believed in Santa Claus made me reconsider Saint Nick.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:55 PM

Hello Michael Simpson,

* "Atheism, for me, is not an opinion. Is is based on rational thought, which is totally lacking in religion. Science shows how the natural world functions. Religion does not. Atheism is not a religion, it is the lack of religion. One does not "believe" in atheism, one rejects a belief in religion. Kind of simple, but Mathews you lack any reasonable intellect. You spout of fake words that make you seem that you have an IQ north of 40, but I reject that hypothesis. "

This is all silly talk which atheists use to celebrate their own opinions as if they constituted a great accomplishment.

I really doubt that the though processes described above actually occurred in the child PZ Myers. I am quite certain that these thought processes are also not active in adult atheists, either.

Atheism doesn't actually require that amount of effort. A simple lack of belief demands no effort whatsoever. The arguments used so far indicate this much.


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 1:55 PM

Atheism is always derived from some other source. Otherwise there wouldn't be any need for PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins to evangelize on behalf of atheism.

Ridiculous assertion. What about those of us who became atheist with ever hearing of Myers or Dawkins?

And please move to the thread I have linked to.


Posted by: LinzeeBinzee | November 24, 2009 1:55 PM

David Matthews, what do you believe and why? How about answering that. Tell us why your position is better than ours.


Posted by: dead santa | November 24, 2009 1:56 PM

It's too bad that we can no longer depend on the veracity of the news we get from most any source. This 24 hour data deluge seems to bury much of the good information under tons of useless empty chaff. Kind of like the pointless pinhead on this thread.


Posted by: truebutnotuseful Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:56 PM

David Mathews wrote:

What sort of evidence did the child PZ Myers possess in order to rationally reach his atheism?
What sort of evidence did the 12 year old possess to rationally justify his affirmation of atheism?
Atheists proclaim their love for evidence, science, logic and reason by atheism itself hasn't any need for any of these.

You don't get it do you? Atheism rejects positive claims made by theism. Atheism is not a positive claim. It rejects positive claims of theism on the basis of lack of evidence.

Do you really believe that atheism can only be justified once you have examined every single religion in existence? I have to ask, when you chose your religion, did you examine every single religion in existence? I'm guessing no.

As a commenter here once said, if a man comes up to me and tells me that there is an entire miniature city in his belly button, I don't need to know the names of the individual streets to realize he's crazy.


Posted by: Ric | November 24, 2009 1:57 PM

David Matthews:

Yes, I am serious. PZ's story doesn't read at all like a "conversion story." And again, you have yet to address the fact that the line left out of your quote mine invalidates your entire argument.

But let me lay it on the line for you: Your argument is horrible for the following reason. You are arguing that the fact that someone began believing something in childhood automatically means that they cannot hold the same belief as an adult for rational reasons. Has it occurred to you that one could hold a belief as a child, then rationally examine that belief as an adult, find it justified, and proceed to hold it for rational reasons henceforth? No? Well, that's because you are blinded by your own religious biases. Not that this is what PZ necessarily did; I am just showing you why your arguments are ridiculous.


To the other commentators: yes, I'm feeding the troll. He's a fucking idiot, so he needs put in his place.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 1:58 PM

Hello Joey,

* "Why should someone have to prove something they do not think exists? You believe it exists, give us the evidence why, or is it just another irrational assumption? "

Thanks, Joey, for conclusively demonstrating that atheism has nothing whatsoever to do with evidence, science, rationality or logic.

Atheism simply isn't required to make any sort of efforts on its own behalf since is it simply, and exclusively, an dogmatic opinionated rejection of a particular set of beliefs.


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 1:58 PM

I call out DM for insipidity - at the very least. His posts are extraordinarily myopic, redundant, and show no indication that he is interested in carrying on reasoned, proportionate, discussion.


Posted by: stogoe | November 24, 2009 1:59 PM

You must concede that at 12 years old you didn't know enough to legitimately call yourself an atheist.

Again, if 12-year-olds don't know enough to call themselves atheists, then neither do the 12-year-olds who call themselves Christians.

You fucking moron.


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 2:00 PM


What sort of evidence did the 12 year old possess to rationally justify his affirmation of atheism?

I refer you to my earlier comments on your reading comprehension difficulties.


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:00 PM

DM has officially covered his ears, started stomping his feet, and begun loudly belting "lah lah lah, your belief is dogmatic I can't hear you lah lah lah, I'm right you're wrong, lah lah lah, I'm not answering any of your questions I can't handle them lah lah lah".

In other words behaving like a typical christian.


Posted by: ThatOtherGuy | November 24, 2009 2:00 PM

I just can't stop laughing at the fact that DAVID MATHEWS has not yet mastered the use of pronouns. Or of using someone's first name only as a shorthand. It's PZ Myers this, PZ Myers that. Talk about irritating.


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 2:00 PM

I really doubt that the though processes described above actually occurred in the child PZ Myers. I am quite certain that these thought processes are also not active in adult atheists, either.

Ah, now the troll pretends to know more about us than we do.

Fuck off.

Atheism doesn't actually require that amount of effort. A simple lack of belief demands no effort whatsoever. The arguments used so far indicate this much.

Atheism is no effort whatsoever until a Liar For JesusTM like you shows up to tell us we're all wrong for not believing in your particular imaginary sky fairy. Idiot.


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 2:02 PM

More projection! This is getting monotonous.

Atheism Monotheism isn't a belief which PZ Myers any minister invented. Nor did any other atheist theistic believer invent their own atheism monotheism.

Atheism Monotheism is always derived from some other source. Otherwise there wouldn't be any need for PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins Karen Armstrong and Terry Eagleton to evangelize on behalf of atheism Christianity.

He still hasn't addressed the issue of children being indoctrinated into theistic religion, either. I can't imagine why not.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:02 PM

Hello tsg,

* "That's the bloody point. Some things you discover for yourself, others have to be taught. God has to be taught. That's the way it is with made-up shit. "

Yes, indeed, God has to be taught. As it turns out, atheism also has to be taught.

If you performed an experiment by isolating a child from all contact with humankind the child would become feral and behave exclusively like an animal. Whether or not a feral child would have a belief in God or not is a matter of speculation but there is one evidence on behalf of theism ...

Our ancestors did formulate a belief in god.

In other words, whether a child is born an atheist or not, humankind did not remain atheistic. Humans have possessed some sort of religous belief for over 40,000 years and perhaps a lot longer.

So the Ignorant Newborn Baby Argument for atheism possesses a fatal flaw ...


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:03 PM

You don't get it do you? Atheism rejects positive claims made by theism. Atheism is not a positive claim. It rejects positive claims of theism on the basis of lack of evidence.
Quit lying. Theism makes claims without evidence, and is built on quicksand. Atheism makes no claims, but says "show me the evidence". We don't have to reject non-evidenced claims. They aren't valid without evidence. We are waiting for your evidence. Your failure to address this says you are trying a presuppositional argument, and all presuppositional arguments are false. And you babbling sure indicates that.

Posted by: AdamK Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:04 PM

Atheism doesn't actually require that amount of effort. A simple lack of belief demands no effort whatsoever.

Exactly right.

As others have stated, atheism makes no positive claim. It simply waits for evidence of a supernatural being, not a shred of which is ever forthcoming.

Especially from brain-dead internet trolls.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:05 PM

Hello Kagehi,

* "Any attempt to define it as something else is nothing more than a desperate need to ignore the progressive transition to scientific thinking that someone may undergo, as a result of **recognizing** that some answers are useless ... "

I really doubt that the child PZ Myers engaged in the above thought processes. I also doubt that adult atheists engage in the so-called "scientific thought process" either, especially as it might apply to religious and philosophical questions.

But keep on celebrating yourself if that makes atheism seem virtuous to you ...


Posted by: Bobber Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:06 PM

I finally got it.

David Mathews saw the title of this post, thought it referred to *himself*, and jumped right in to defend his "consciousness." Sadly, his arguments are completely unconvincing.


Posted by: Steve_C | November 24, 2009 2:08 PM

It doesn't have to make any efforts on its behalf. Until there's evidence of any gods there's no point in believing in any gods or religion.

I think atheism is everyone's default position until your culture or family starts to change it.


Posted by: gr8hands | November 24, 2009 2:08 PM

David Mathews wrote:

Childhood atheism isn't based upon sound scientific or philosophical principles because children aren't well informed about either. Therefore child-onset atheism is automatically suspect especially when it becomes a person's defining core principle later in life.
Matt Penfold in #85 pointed out that this also invalidates all religious adults who "became" believers as children. It would also invalidate the whole sunday school thing.

Actually, David Mathews, you are forgetting that every child is born as an atheist -- knowing no god, believing in no deity. It is only by hearing the lies, myths, delusions and fantasies of "believers" that they are introduced to the concept of a god. Until they get infected by this meme, they cannot accurately be considered as anything but atheists (notice that I disagree with Dawkins about this -- and I'm not worried about it being considered 'heresy', since we're not a cult, nor is Dawkins our 'leader').

I, too, was unhappy that my memories of space events were sullied by astronauts quoting scripture -- but that was because at the time, I was of a particular cult that has their own translation of the bible, and looks down on any group that uses a different translation! (But don't worry, I didn't believe most of what that religion taught either!)

You claiming that you know what is more important to PZ is basically claiming telepathy -- which I'm going to guess is another lie.

David Mathews, put down your cross and follow us.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:08 PM

DM, you are making a case for theism being for delusional fools. You are certainly acting like one. So, time to be honest, and show yourself as a man of honesty, truthfulness, and integrity, by showing us conclusive physical evidence for your diety, or shutting the fuck up. Only dishonest liars, bullshitters, and con men, keep faking without evidence.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:08 PM

Hello Alyson,

* "It doesn't seem to bother you that children are indoctrinated in theistic belief systems from infancy. Well? Does it bother you? Does it occur to you that if children are taught to love Jesus by adults they trust starting when they're too young to remember, that they are not making an informed decision when they continue to practice that religion into adulthood? Do you feel that theistic belief is only valid if it is adopted in adulthood, in a reasoned, emotionally neutral decision? "

No, I am making no such assertions as contained the paragraph above. I'll tell you what I believe when you people ask a question which merits such an answer.

* "Furthermore, your obsession with PZ's atheist transition is beyond creepy. Here he's started a thread on science and skepticism, and you're making it about the blogger's childhood and the aetiology of his non-belief. And I thought this blog was too thin on science? "

PZ Myers brought up the subject himself in his semi-mythological speech to the humanists. Needless to say, I wouldn't have an interest otherwise.


Posted by: Smoggy Batzrubble OM4Jesus | November 24, 2009 2:08 PM

Smoggy Batzrubble: Dear Jesus?

Jesus Christ: Yes, Servant Smoggy?

SB: Jesus, some guy named David Mathews has turned up on Pharyngula and he's annoying all the atheists with pseudo-intellectual bullshit and discredited arguments. He's fixated on the false equivalence between my blind irrational faith and the fact that atheism is a simple negation of belief in all fairy stories. What's he doing here? I thought I was your missionary on this blog!

JC: You are my missionary on this blog, Smog (heh...heh...blog/Smog..get it?)

SB: Not that funny Jesus.

JC. Sorry. As I was saying, you are my missionary on this blog. David Mathews is just a little prank I'm playing at the atheists' expense.

SB: He is? What sort of prank?

JC: Well the real David Mathews is a congenital idiot who exists in a permanent vegetative state. The only thing above his brain stem is a "Vacant Lot" sign.

SB: So how is he communicating with the atheists Jesus?

JC: Facilitated communication, Smoggy! It's the new big thing. Mathews has an epileptic spasm and we turn it into keystrokes. There is a precedent. All the great men of God were empty vessels and resounding gourds. You don't seriously think a sentient human would say all the crap that Abraham, Elijah, John the Baptist, Ken Ham, Ray Comfort and Benny the Rat can come out with do you? They're just echo chambers, Smoggy, part of Heaven's great joke on the human race. We use people like Ham, Comfort, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly etc. to confirm the one immutable fact from God's creation.

SB: What's that Jesus?

JC: The fact that most humans are thick as shit and will believe any stupid fucking thing someone on a soap box tells them. Look at Mohamed and his flying horse, look at Scientology, look at the crap Joseph smith got away with, look at the Birthers, look at transubstantiation, look at speaking in tongues and the gifts of the spirit. Look at God laughing until he shits himself.

SB: Fair enough. But this David Mathews guy is hardly impressive, he's a sequence of religious tics packaged in prejudice and ignorance.

JC: That's true, but you don't think I'm going to put a lot of effort into pulling the chains of thinking people do you? I really sent him to Pharyngula to watch the atheists bore him a new arsehole. He shits out both ends now.

SB: So I'm still your missionary on Pharyngula, Jesus?

JC: Yes, servant Smoggy. Now and until my second coming...which may be in a few minutes if I can just track down that saucy wench Mary Magdalene.



Posted by: The Science Pundit Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:10 PM


It's been a while since you've disemvowelled anyone. I believe that it's high time to bring the practice back--at least for this one thread. I'll let you figure out who it is that I think needs to have their vowels removed. :-P


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:10 PM

Stupid christian chewtoy balthers:

Yes, indeed, God has to be taught. As it turns out, atheism also has to be taught.

"Stated by me, therefor fact! Oh wait... I've failed to demonstrate this in any way shape or form and simply dismiss any attempt at correcting this assertion with a hand wave... bah.. details! I win!"

but there is one evidence on behalf of theism ... Our ancestors did formulate a belief in god. In other words, whether a child is born an atheist or not, humankind did not remain atheistic. Humans have possessed some sort of religous belief for over 40,000 years and perhaps a lot longer. So the Ignorant Newborn Baby Argument for atheism possesses a fatal flaw ...

Dude... do you have any idea how completely stupid this assertion is? Or how completely juvenile and illogical it makes you sound? The simple retort to that is that humankind has used STORYTELLING as a method of disseminating information as long as there has been language. That certain stories serve well as a means of controlling a population is nothing short of a social construct with evolutionary benefits. Keep a population in line and under control, establish order, things work more smoothly and can help a developing culture thrive. Enter religion.

By your fucked up and warped logic we should all be still taking Greek mythology seriously... cause if we made it up there must be some truth behind it, huh?

Fucking moron.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:12 PM

Hello bDn,

* "I must be a walking myth because that's how it happened to me : I gradually abandoned my Catholic delusions one after another and became a deist before becoming an atheist. Overall, it took at least 6 or 7 years to complete the process... "

Well, aren't you special!

However I think it far more likely that you are actively engaged in generating your own mythological atheism conversion account.

Such accounts often happen to coincide with whatever is most acceptable within the context. This is the reason why PZ Myers' myth was placed within the context of the Apollo 8 mission.

People have a bad habit of inventing their own virtues for the sake of self-praise and self-validation ...


Posted by: Michael J. Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:12 PM

I got my conversion to atheism the old fashioned way. I read the bible. Genesis alone should be enough to convince any rational person the whole thing is mythology.

By the way, Smoggy is a genius.


Posted by: kopd | November 24, 2009 2:13 PM

Do you really believe that atheism can only be justified once you have examined every single religion in existence?

That wouldn't be good enough. If one were to take the stance that atheism is only valid after refuting everything else, one would have to refute religions that don't even exist. Since there are infinitely many of those, it is impossible. Luckily, it doesn't work that way.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:14 PM

Hello Endor,

* "Interesting. So then, by this Logic(tm), children who have bad experiences and turn to religion are relying on an irrational emotional component of their theism, which would be impervious then to any subsequent evidence to the contrary. "

We can agree about this much ... children are irrational by nature and this is true regardless of the child's belief or lack of belief.


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:14 PM

David Mathews #175 wrote:

"The second tended to be gradual, and God usually went through several transitions, in order to fit with changing understanding."

Here is an example of irrational self-affirmation which isn't at all established upon objective experience. PZ Myers doesn't describe his own conversion in the above manner and it is unlikely that any other atheist here could do so either, except perhaps in an after-the-fact mythological self-justification / self-affirmation.

Well, I didn't read the book, but it purported to be a scientific study, and this does seem to track with my own experience, and the experience of most atheists -- including PZ, who emphasizes that his recollection of disappointment during the Apollo 8 mission wasn't a Road to Damascus moment. He wrote:

"Now, I can't pretend that in that instant I had an epiphany and became an atheist. I did not. What I felt was discomfort, like I was missing something. It took several more years of gradual intellectual disaffection from the church before I actually left. But I can say that in that moment in 1968, which I still remember so vividly, the first seed of doubt was planted and I saw religion for what it was—a flawed and limited human interpretation, crudely plastered over the grandeur of reality. And it got worse. Much, much worse."

"Seed of doubt." This is talking about a gradual de-conversion, seems to me. And it's relatively easy for many of us to remember "re-interptreting" God, so that God gets less and less to do, less and less concrete, more abstract, more like a concept, and less like a Personal Being (and all the time, this makes God more "other," and therefore deeper and better.) Some of us can follow this God through different churches, and put a time and place on it.

And then we left the Unitarians, because they were too theologically conservative ... ;)

I don't see how this is "self-serving" and suspect. After all, the former-atheists-turned-theist are usually very enthusiastic about emphasizing that no, their conversion wasn't a gradual, rational conclusion like figuring out how evolution works -- it was like being bowled over, embraced by a person, and so forth and so on. They had an experience and they suddenly KNEW because they experienced God.

Usually, they will admit that, without this experience, it's not unreasonable to be an atheist. But they've had it, and there's no going back. At least, in my own experience of people who do seem to have been "former atheists," this is what they often say to me.


Posted by: truebutnotuseful Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:15 PM

David Mathews wrote:

I'll tell you what I believe when you people ask a question which merits such an answer.

You've been asked that repeatedly. What do you need, to have it written on fuckin' stone tablets?


Posted by: joey | November 24, 2009 2:15 PM

@219 david.

Nope. You've taken and twisted and failed. You try to lump it with science then dismiss it and somehow throw in logic and rationality too. If you follow the logic and rationality you'll see there is no evidence, none found, and none to be found(eliminating science) thus believing in something based off of all that lacks logic and reason.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 2:15 PM

DM, I agree with Janine : move it.

"Come on, are you serious?

Atheism isn't a belief which PZ Myers invented. Nor did any other atheist invent their own atheism."

What the hell ? What don't you get in "atheism is not a belief per se ?

"Atheism is always derived from some other source. Otherwise there wouldn't be any need for PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins to evangelize on behalf of atheism."

No, there was no other source in my case : all my family was Catholic and I went to a Catholic school where I slept 12 days out of 14, all my parents' friends were Catholics, I knew NO atheist or agnostic before I reached university, so stop with your stupid assumptions.

And no, Myers, Dawkins and others talk about it because there are morons lying around.


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:16 PM

We can agree about this much ... children are irrational by nature and this is true regardless of the child's belief or lack of belief.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present you David Mathews, EOE. (Expert On Everything).


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 2:17 PM

Oh, boy! Naturalistic fallacies!

Our ancestors did formulate a belief in god.

Yeah, back when they had piss-poor tools to understand the nature of the universe, our ancestors formulated a belief in, drumroll please:


and so forth, depending on where in the world they lived. There are heaps more gods I've omitted; there are just too many to remember them all.

And then fairly recently in the grand scheme, the Hebrews started bickering over the various Elohim and even more recently settled on Yahweh, and then a few more thousand years passed before the Romans Greeks a rogue crew of "Jews" came up with Jesus.

And since all these gods/sets of gods are more or less mutually exclusive, why should we assume any of them are anything other than fiction?

Oh, and I see your sneering at our anger as if that means anything. Your opinion is noted.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:17 PM

Hello Endor,

* "Which, you have to admit, is a damn sight better than what theists do to demonstrate the emotional component of their belief. You know, blow themselves up around innocent bystanders, murder doctors, facilitate the spread of deadly disease, etc. "

Atheists commit violent acts, engage in warfare and terrorism, and are equally prone to genocide as religious people.

See, for example, the behavior of the atheistic Soviet Union and also the atheistic scientists who invented the nuclear bomb and assented to its use against civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Posted by: AdamK Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:19 PM

...children are irrational by nature...

Why do christians despise children so much?


Posted by: gr8hands | November 24, 2009 2:19 PM

David Mathews wrote:

In other words, whether a child is born an atheist or not, humankind did not remain atheistic. Humans have possessed some sort of religous belief for over 40,000 years and perhaps a lot longer.

So the Ignorant Newborn Baby Argument for atheism possesses a fatal flaw ... Replace "god" with "Santa" and you logically have to believe that Santa exists. Don't you? Why not? Oh, because it is a myth that someone dreamed up, which has been spread to children for quite some time -- but you agree is a myth.

Same with god. A myth someone dreamed up, which has been spread to children for quite some time, but we know is a myth.

You're not very good at this 'logic' thing, are you. That's not a question.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:20 PM

Atheists commit violent acts, engage in warfare and terrorism, and are equally prone to genocide as religious people.
Only in your deluded mind. Evidence is required for you inane and insane claims. What is the problem with providing evidence? Oh, yes, evidence has a liberal/atheist bias.

Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 2:20 PM

Yes, indeed, God has to be taught. As it turns out, atheism also has to be taught.

No, it doesn't. I am living proof.

Our ancestors did formulate a belief in god.

In other words, whether a child is born an atheist or not, humankind did not remain atheistic. Humans have possessed some sort of religous belief for over 40,000 years and perhaps a lot longer.

They also thought the world was flat. So what?

That primitive man got the idea that a man-like (but much bigger) thing made the world and all the people isn't surprising at all. We tend to go with what we know. Later we found out what really happened, but some never grew out of their stone-age mythology and continue to teach it to their children.

In the present day, people must be taught about god or the idea would never even occur to them.

If nobody knew about god, we'd all be atheists, we just wouldn't have a word for it.


Posted by: Calladus | November 24, 2009 2:21 PM

Silly, silly! PZ Myers wouldn't have included a mythological conversion account if it didn't serve a purpose for atheists.


Wow, I'm impressed. How many decades did you invest in this project? Did you become a professional scholar and objectively engage in comparative religion?

(BTW - I spent 5 years. Lots of books, both pro and con in apologetics, comparative religions, and critical analysis of scripture.)

I came to atheism because the Christian text was self-contradictory. I came to atheism because my prayers went unanswered - until I finally realized that I was only talking to myself. "

Need I point out that these aren't scientific arguments? They are irrational-emotional.

Missing the point.

I agree with you about this much ... that feeling which you had experienced was self-generated and self-delusional.

No True Scottsman

There's way too much anger and bitterness among atheists to entertain any other opinion except the "hurt little child" syndrome in the vast majority of atheists.

Projection again, self-superiority

Sorry David. All noise, no signal. You really can't refute what I said, so you pooh-pooed it.

So it goes. Get back to us when you have any real content.


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 2:21 PM

Atheism isn't a belief which PZ Myers invented. Nor did any other atheist invent their own atheism.

Atheism is always derived from some other source. Otherwise there wouldn't be any need for PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins to evangelize on behalf of atheism.

If you have never been taught that god(s) exist then you lack a belief in them.

bingo: atheism


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 2:22 PM

DM "However I think it far more likely that you are actively engaged in generating your own mythological atheism conversion account."

Mmmkay, so I'm a liar and you know what happened to me better than myself... I guess that's the end of the road : it's impossible to argue with someone who claims without any evidence whatsoever that you don't know your own life...


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 2:23 PM

David Mathews, can you stop typing about a subject that you do not care about long enough to move your Gish Gallop here. And could you please be so kind as to explain your research into all of the religions of the world before you picked the one you now follow.


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:23 PM

Atheists commit violent acts, engage in warfare and terrorism, and are equally prone to genocide as religious people.

Please list for me all of the atrocities committed in the name of atheism.

Then ask yourself why your above statement is moronic.


Posted by: Ryan | November 24, 2009 2:24 PM

The Dave Matthews Band has convinced me, not only does god exist, but God exists! I have been blind, and now I see! Internet troll gets another convert.


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 2:24 PM


which merits such an answer

I've noticed you made a similar statement before. May inquiring minds be informed as to what constitutes a question that "merits" an answer from Mr. D. Mathews? What objective criteria must be met before the enormous attentions the of masterful mind of Mr Mathews will deem to answer them, asked as they were merely in a thread that the same Mr Mathews chose to hijack, and asked merely in response to the utterances of the same Mr David Mathews Esq.

I understand that theists often expect their god to be choosy about which questions god deems fit to answer however, unless I am greatly mistaken, you are not a god.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:25 PM

Hello Sastra,

* "Although he does of course devote a lot of time advocating and arguing for atheism, I'm not sure this qualifies it as a "defining core principle." I wouldn't consider "evolution" one of his (or my) defining core principles either. Both are conclusions -- working assumptions -- based on a prior commitment to honest intellectual inquiry. Such inquiry could, in theory, have lead to different results -- and would leave us both intact, and basically the same in outlook. We'd just be religious ... for the right reasons. "

Come on, Sastra, are you serious? PZ Myers is famous specifically because of his evangelical atheism and for no other reason. Without the evangelical atheism this blog would enjoy as much of a lack of success as other blogs devoted strictly to science.

* "Perhaps we just disagree on how basic a "defining core principle" has to be. An artist motivated by a love of Beauty doesn't lose themselves if they have an accident, and can no longer paint -- even if they were prolific and successful, identified with their art. They would have to lose the ability to appreciate or care about what is beautiful, before their deepest definition of who they are, is changed. At least, this is how I would interpret it. "

Huh? Sorry, you'll need to redo this paragraph so that it might actually say something meaningful and relevant.

* "Atheism's foundation of irrational emotional anger is objectively verified a hundred thousand times over by the words of atheists speaking about their own self and their response to religion. Plenty of examples have already occurred on this blog today. Is there such a thing as atheism without anger and bitterness?
But look at my question. Assuming that there is anger, would this mean that God probably exists? Or, if there were atheists who were not angry, does this count against the existence of God?"

The anger isn't evidence for or against God's existence. The anger is profound evidence of the irrationality of atheism and atheism's status as a belief not derived from objective scientific thought processes.

* "As CS Lewis once argued, it makes no sense to spend time trying to figure out the psychological underpinnings of someone believing that there is butter in the fridge, without considering first whether there is, in fact, butter in the fridge. "

That's precisely the question which is seeking an answer, isn't it?

* "If there is no butter in the fridge, would people's angry denials of the butter being there, because they looked and didn't see it, mean that there might be butter anyway? "

I've seen a lot of angry people continue to deny a conclusion regardless of the evidence, see for example the Global Warming debate. The deniers keep denying and they won't ever listen to any evidence regardless of the source.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:25 PM

DM, Janine is right. Go the the Eternal Thread and take up your ideas there. Bring evidence.


Posted by: Smoggy Batzrubble OM4Jesus | November 24, 2009 2:26 PM

Dear Brother David Mathews,

I don't think you are listening to Jesus. Perhaps you should be praying harder.

I am God's missionary on this blog, I have been here a long time, and I don't need any help from a wishy washy liberal Christian like you. Saying things like atheists are as prone to genocide as religious people is patently stupid. Genocide is OUR schtick, it is a gift from God to his faithful.

Atheists! You all know me! Don't listen to this false prophet Mathews. God is the angriest and most vengeful deity around and he kills whomever he likes completely indiscriminately. He's also making certain you all fry in hell for eternity, and he's going to punish your children and pets with plagues just for the fun of it.

David Mathews is a limp pricked pseudo-Christian who doesn't understand that religion is bigger, badder, nastier and stronger than you thinking people will ever be.

Suffer and die in the loving name of Jesus

Smoggy Batzrubble
God's ONE TRUE Missionary to the Atheists


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 2:26 PM

David can you please point me to this evidence I should consider?


Posted by: KemaTheAtheist | November 24, 2009 2:26 PM

I automatically suspect all of the dogmatic conclusions of children, especially self-defining dogmatisms which they attemt to justify as adults.

Atheism isn't dogma. It is a lack of belief in a diety. There is nothing that says you have to believe anything other than that. You can be an atheist and contend the world is 6000 years old if you want to.

Science doesn't require dogma either. You're free to question whatever you want, but to make a claim you need evidence. If you don't have it, then better luck next time.

We can agree that child-onset theism is as irrational as child-onset atheism. From the standpoint of rationality and science both opinions are equivalent.

No. Atheism is a default. What's irrational is telling a child to believe something that has no evidence to support it. Atheism requires no evidence. It is a position based on theism's complete lack of evidence.

I don't believe in unicorns just because someone says so. Show me a unicorn or even a picture of one that wasn't doctored with photoshop or just of a horse with a horn tied to its head and that would be enough for me.

You actually became objective about your beliefs! You do know that it is impossible for a person to objectively judge their own self and their self-defining beliefs?

Actually, yes, you can. What do you is ask yourself, "Is this really true? Am I really right, or do I just want to be right?" I don't need a third party to ask me the question for me to examine my experiences.

For example, I used to believe in astral projection and thought my experiences were real. I thought I could make energy balls between my hands and thought I actually could see and feel them. I thought I could do remote viewing.

What started questioning my "power" was when I was doing a remote viewing and something I "saw" I thought would be unlikely, so I guessed something I thought would be more likely and was correct. As an experiment, I stopped trying to meditate and send out my thoughts to see and just guessed based on probabilities of stuff being certain places in a computer room, bedroom, or TV room or whatever...
My accuracy increased. I started guessing based on probability like the probability of someone having a flat panel or a CRT given the social stature of the person or where objects in the room are normally placed rather than what I "felt."

What I really did was just have lucid dreams, and saw an optical illusions because I was focusing between my hard where nothing was and it was bluring what was behind it. The heat and tingling sensation I had in my fingers and palsm was just a build up of lactic acid from having my hands tensed. Anyone who's lifted weights can explain what a "burning" muscle feels like. Exactly what was happening.

It was after that I questioned God or the existence of any diety at all. Ghosts, angels, demons, etc came after that.

So you think no one can't be objective about my own beliefs? You can as long as you're willing to question the validity of what you believe to be true. Maybe you just can't be objective about yours. Maybe I'm just that special.

We agree that the beliefs are children are equally irrational and unscientific whether those beliefs are theistic or atheistic.

No. I contend that theism is irrational because it requires belief without evidence. Atheism is default and requires no evidence. Believe in science requires evidence; luckily there's plenty of it.

You are engaging in an argument after-the-fact. You didn't attain your atheism by investigating and refuting all religious claims, did you? I mean, there are millions of different religious beliefs. It would take a long time for a person to refute them all.

No. That's ridiculous. Have you attained whatever theistic beliefs you have by investigating and refuting all the religious claims that say they're right and you're wrong?

As I mentioned before, atheism is based on everyone else not being able to produce evidence for their claim. Atheism doesn't require evidence. The lack of evidence from all the people that say "I KNOW my god is the real/right/true God (TM)" is my reasoning for being an atheist.

Give me solid evidence, and I'll be a theist again. I probably wouldn't worship the guy until I got to ask him some questions and get some answers, but I'd believe he/she/it is real at least.


Posted by: Sil | November 24, 2009 2:29 PM

Participating in the ugly derail makes me feel dirty but it's actually kind of fun. You think atheism requires some event to prompt a "conversion"? Bullshit! Theism requires that someone tell you about it first.

Let me tell you how I became an atheist, or agnostic, or whatever label is appropriate. The actual story is that I never became one, I always was one without realising it.

My early recollection of my parents describes them both as unreligious. My mom is best described as an apatheist and my dad is an atheist, as I now know. I cannot remember once ever hearing religion or atheism discussed in my house. My books never discussed God or any idea of spirituality but I never felt like I was lacking something. It was the same with both pairs of grandparents. I had never been in a church or spoken with a person of religious authority until I was almost 11 years old.

Even then, I only watched a baptism. I didn't know why they did it in a church - I knew the word but not why they were different from other buildings - but I suspected it was just some other thing people did. I also thought it was weird that people wore really nice clothes to weddings, when they might get filthy at the party.

It wasn't until I was 12 and a new neighbour - also 12 - moved in that I first encountered someone who ernestly believed in God. He told me once that he prayed to God that school would be cancelled every Friday because he really didn't like social studies. I asked him if he knew God and maybe was he the boss of the school? He said God should be the boss of the bosses of the school. I wish I knew the word "administrative" then, because using the word "boss" so many times became quite complicated.

I asked if I could meet him one day. My neighbour said that I can't meet God until after I died. I thought this was really weird because I can't meet anyone when I'm dead. Because I'd be dead. I told him so. He thought that was a good point and he'd think about it.

I don't remember hearing about God from him again except that he went to a church most Sundays. I think I went to swimming lessons instead. I was a really happy kid then.

In highschool I finally met someone who thought gay people were gross. I had a few gay relatives who I thought (and still think!) to be quite nice people. Most people responded "they just are!" but a few said that it was an abomination. At this point, my idol in life was my aunt, who was a busy engineer and a lesbian. I didn't think she was anything resembling an abomination. Well, God said so. So gay people are disgusting. So I was told.

Well by then I knew enough ghost stories and enough about reason that I could respond to this. Some people told me that it's true because the bible said so. One person told me we couldn't be friends anymore because I was going to burn in hell on account of not hating "faggots" (my first exposure to that word). My history teacher said that all the science was right but pointless because it was all an illusion God made to test our faith.

But the most interesting response didn't even approach the issue of gay people. No, this person, from the brother of the de-friender, told me there was a hole in my life that could only be filled with God. Woah. 12-year old me was kind of annoyed that someone who doesn't know me thinks there's something lacking in my life. I definetly didn't see any hole, except where people wouldn't be friends with me because I didn't believe in God. Again, I was still a pretty happy kid except now I was sad that I was down a friend and that some people really wouldn't like my dad's sister.

I'm going to stop the story here because I hate writing long posts. I wasn't unhappy until theists starting telling me how I should live my life and that, apparently, they know me better than I know me. I thought it would get better as I grew older, but it really doesn't. Same arguments, same folks. Suffice to say, I learned to avoid accepting superstition as a given. It had always seemed silly to me to be afraid of goblins just because someone else told you a story about them. I could spin a half-decent ghost story without ever having seen one. I was terrified of cougars. Those I had seen.

P.S. Evolution wasn't taught much at my highschool, and was never mentioned at my elementary school. I first learned about it myself from one of Carl Zimmer's books, and then read some library books before it was finally mentioned in the last two weeks of 11th grade. PZ Myers? Just heard of him this semester. Dawkins? Not until after I was out of highschool.

In summary: No one told me, or had to tell me to be an atheist (or whatever) or about atheism for me to be one. Someone had to tell me about God. Nice try DM.


Posted by: Chris P | November 24, 2009 2:29 PM

Isn't it special to be told by somebody that you cannot do what you know you did. I became an atheist through my own thoughts and analysis. I noticed that nobody's prayers worked, that God did not intervene and a whole load of other stuff.

I then read Dawkin's book and said "YES" - he had written down my own conclusions.

I had never spoken to anybody about my thoughts.


Posted by: AdamK Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:30 PM

Bring evidence. --NoR,OM
Huh? --DM,troll

Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:30 PM

Hello Lose the Woo,

* "When people are born there are many unknowns to them. Rational people understand that the things that can be demonstrated are things considered to be true. As intellectual sophistication develops, it is realized that skepticism is the default rational position when evaluating positive truth claims about reality."

You are, at best, engaged in a circular argument.

* " Atheism is the default rational position for the same reasons atoothfairyism is."

According to the atheists, of course ...

* "Those that make positive truth claims about the existence of deities do so without evidence, exemplar, or reasoned logic. The burden is a straight forward one and lies with those making positive truth claims. Show everyone else why you think your claims about deities are valid. It is a challenge left unanswered for thousands of years. "

Again, by excluding atheism from the burden of proof you have excluded atheism from consideration as a scientific & rational manner of thinking.

Atheism doesn't require any thought whatsoever. Atheists say so in a thousand different ways and I agree.


Posted by: Kagehi | November 24, 2009 2:32 PM

I really doubt that the child PZ Myers engaged in the above thought processes. I also doubt that adult atheists engage in the so-called "scientific thought process" either, especially as it might apply to religious and philosophical questions.

And yet.. The article I linked states that all children engage in such thought processes, until, as I pointed out, someone derails it by giving them the same useless non-answers over and over, and they start believing them. That is where the damn problems start cropping up.


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 2:32 PM

See, for example, the behavior of the atheistic Soviet Union

Epic fail.

and also the atheistic scientists who invented the nuclear bomb and assented to its use against civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

while yelling "for atheism!" while pushing the button, no doubt.


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:32 PM

DM, speaking to Sastra:

Huh? Sorry, you'll need to redo this paragraph so that it might actually say something meaningful and relevant.

Translation: "that was far too eloquent and clever an analogy for someone of my limited intellect and imagination to decipher... that and my head is filled with birdseed. Would you mind terribly dumbing it down a bit? And maybe throw in a bit about a burning bush?"


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 2:32 PM

Please answer my question here.

See, for example, the behavior of the atheistic Soviet Union and also the atheistic scientists who invented the nuclear bomb and assented to its use against civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

How do you know that all of the scientists that worked on the Manhattan Project were atheists? Also, the decision to drop the atomic bombs were Harry Truman's. Was he an atheist? And except for the magnitude of the explosions, how were the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki different from the other aerial bombings of civilians.


Posted by: Sil | November 24, 2009 2:34 PM

More than 100 posts were made while I was writing my last one. Yikes.


Tooth fairy is another thing I didn't have at my house as a child.


What is your position on the tooth fairy anyway?


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:34 PM


Thanks for the exercise. I think we all have gotten a good workout on this thread by reviewing and successfully refuting the unreasonable claims, although made by you, are not unlike claims made by many religionists/arealists.

Your evasiveness just confirms that there is no substance to your assertions. Gee, what a surprise.

...and get off of Smoggy's lawn dammit!


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 2:35 PM

I'll tell you what I believe when you people ask a question which merits such an answer.

You are a guest in our piranha tank. If you feel that our questions do not merit answers, then kindly fuck off and masturbate in your own sandbox.

PZ Myers brought up the subject himself in his semi-mythological speech to the humanists. Needless to say, I wouldn't have an interest otherwise.

And you've chosen to hijack a wholly unrelated thread rather than take your projection where it's vaguely on-topic.

People have a bad habit of inventing their own virtues for the sake of self-praise and self-validation ...

That mirror is so shiny.

Atheists commit violent acts, engage in warfare and terrorism, and are equally prone to genocide as religious people.

Wrong. False. Bullshit. Fiction. Delusion. Projection.

Just about par for the course where David Mathews is concerned, in other words.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:35 PM

Hello Jafafa,

* "You don't have to arrive a atheism via science.
I arrived at it via birth. "

You have pushed your atheism conversion myth back to the womb. Needless to say, beliefs present in the womb are pre-scientific and un-rational.

* "Sometime later I discovered that many people inexplicably seemed to believe in absolutely ridiculous and illogical without a shred of justification. "

It is the funny the extent to which you have mythologized your conversion experience.

* "I still remember the day that I discovered that some people who weren't even children anymore actually believed in fairy tales. "

At least belief in fairy tales originate after the womb so they must possess some merit not present in beliefs which formed in the womb.

* "The fact that they did didn't sway me into believing along with them any more than the discovery that my friend Dan Baxter actually believed in Santa Claus made me reconsider Saint Nick. "

I am confident that you are misrepresenting your childhood beliefs. But it is impossible to verify any of this self-mythologizing so it isn't worth the effort of an argument.


Posted by: Spiro Keat | November 24, 2009 2:36 PM

Having to rely on daily mail is about like having to rely on rumour.

Not quite, occasionally there's some truth in a rumour.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:37 PM

Again, by excluding atheism from the burden of proof you have excluded atheism from consideration as a scientific & rational manner of thinking.
What burden of proof? Not believing in something is a default. The burden of proof is always on those making the claims. Atheists make no claims, but theists do. Ergo, the burden of proof is upon deists to back up their claims with evidence. Which isn't happening in your case.
Atheism doesn't require any thought whatsoever. Atheists say so in a thousand different ways and I agree.
So, what? Not believing doesn't require thought, as it is the default. Believing does, but the thought becomes delusional without evidence. And you never present any. You still have presented no evidence for your imaginary deity.

Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:38 PM

Hello Janine,

* "Ridiculous assertion. What about those of us who became atheist with ever hearing of Myers or Dawkins? "

We're you a feral child?

If you have an atheism conversion story to tell you might as well tell it for the benefit of everyone here.

No one need speculate about how your beliefs originated since you are available to tell us.


Posted by: Smoggy Batzrubble OM4Jesus | November 24, 2009 2:39 PM

Dear Brother David Mathews.

Do you realize the damage you are causing to my Christian mission?

Do you realize how many wavering Christians silently follow this blog?

With your every post you are showing yourself to be more and more facile, and your faith more and more risible.

The atheists are tearing your every argument to shreds and all you are coming back with is a desperate smirking nonchalance that doesn't fool anyone about the fact that the emperor is stark bollock naked.

And...worse...you now have atheists testifying about their gradual understanding that religion is fallacious and that a reasonable life is much more rewarding.

YOU FOOL! The waverers will realize that they don't need to live in fear of divine retribution from our particular mythic deity. They'll deconvert in droves and it will be your fault. You've opened Pandora's box buddy! There's no way back for you now. Our loving God has a special demon in hell with a monster serrated cock being set apart just to plunder your eternal anus.

You have been warned in Jesus' Holy name, LEAVE before you do more damage to our cause!

Very angry missionary to the atheists


Posted by: Tulse | November 24, 2009 2:39 PM

by excluding atheism from the burden of proof you have excluded atheism from consideration as a scientific & rational manner of thinking

There is no "proof" in science -- there is only what is not disproved by reality, and what is the simplest explanation. I would happily be a theist if it were necessary to postulate such entity or entities to explain the world, but as Laplace said to Napoleon, "I have no need of that hypothesis".


Posted by: AdamK Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:39 PM

...masturbate in your own sandbox...

What an apt image. No wonder this troll's so abrasive.


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:41 PM

David Mathews #262 wrote:

Come on, Sastra, are you serious? PZ Myers is famous specifically because of his evangelical atheism and for no other reason. Without the evangelical atheism this blog would enjoy as much of a lack of success as other blogs devoted strictly to science.

Yes, I'm taking the term "defining core principle" very seriously, and not equating it with popularity, or the self-identity of the moment. "Atheism" isn't the defining core principle of a humanist. A humanist can believe in God. What makes them a humanist even then would be the reasons why they believe in God, how they believe, and their openness to contrary evidence.

Sorry you had problems with my analogy to an artist who loved beauty, but lost the ability to create it, while keeping their love for beauty. Perhaps you'll understand my point better if you asked yourself how many of your own views could you change, if you were given good enough reasons -- and still keep your basic values of honesty, integrity, and reason intact?

I suspect you could change pretty much any empirical viewpoint. What would change you is deciding instead that there was something more important than the truth. If, hypothetically of course, strong new evidence against global warming were to come in, and be gradually accepted by the overwhelming consensus of experts in the proper fields -- and yet you continued to insist that there is global warming because you love being a Crusader for the Environment, and it would destroy you to admit you were wrong -- then I think that might be an example of you, losing a core principle. But global warming -- or evolution -- or God -- or any belief you accepted on the evidence -- you could lose that, and still be you.


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 2:42 PM

David Mathews, was I a feral child? You really are an ass in more ways then one.

Were you dropped on your head when you were a baby?

I will tell you my conversion story when you tell us of your exploration of all the world's religion. In the thread that I have repeatedly linked to.


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:42 PM

Again, by excluding atheism from the burden of proof you have excluded atheism from consideration as a scientific & rational manner of thinking.

Man, you are thick. Atheism is merely the position that, concerning the existence of deities, there is no proof, and proof is requisite for consideration... why would such a logical position require a burden of proof? Stop being stupid, for the love of reason!

(Or would that be like asking ice to stop being cold?)


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:42 PM

Hello truebutnotuseful,

* "You don't get it do you? Atheism rejects positive claims made by theism. Atheism is not a positive claim. It rejects positive claims of theism on the basis of lack of evidence. "

The child PZ Myers engaged in so such thought processes. Nor is there any evidence that you do so, either.

* "Do you really believe that atheism can only be justified once you have examined every single religion in existence? I have to ask, when you chose your religion, did you examine every single religion in existence? I'm guessing no. "

Since atheism attempts to make a claim regarding all religious thought the atheists are obligated to investigate everything.

* "As a commenter here once said, if a man comes up to me and tells me that there is an entire miniature city in his belly button, I don't need to know the names of the individual streets to realize he's crazy. "

We're not talking about such a claim. We're talking about an idea which has been present among humans for at least 40,000 years and also, incidentally, is believed by the vast majority of humans today.

You do know that you are in the minority. You should ...


Posted by: Menyambal | November 24, 2009 2:42 PM

Folks, Dave Mathews is a troll. He is the sort who spends a day being deliberately provocative, then 'fesses up with something about "wanting to make people think".

He isn't going to change his mind, or move away, no matter what anybody writes, as he isn't listening. He isn't going to change anyone's mind, as he isn't making any sense. His game is to waste time, to generate frustration and to pretend that said frustration proves his point about angry atheists.

We have done him and his kind before, and know the signs: Fairly-coherent writing coupled with bizzarely-convoluted logic equals provocation troll. And, in a few days, a smug not-pology.

In an effort to drag this thread back on topic, look at Dave and consider whether he qualifies as a self-aware human being. Does he even listen to himself? Does he think and reason? Does he listen and communicate? Is he reactin to what we say, or is he just thrashing around?

I do mean that insultingly, by the way, but I also ask at what point or line do we differentiate between rational and barking, aware and comatose? I submit that we humans tend to give the benefit of the doubt in most cases. Witness the discussions with Dave, the feeding of the subject of this post for 23 years, and the allowing of Farcical Communication.

Skepticism is the lack of acceptance of the crowd's giving of the benefit of the doubt, perhaps. Like atheism, it is a lack of something.

Kind of like a not-pology. "We aren't believing in your crazy shit, and we aren't sorry, really."


Posted by: Albatross | November 24, 2009 2:43 PM

"Atheists proclaim their love for evidence, science, logic and reason by atheism itself hasn't any need for any of these."


You're right that atheism doesn't need any of those things, since atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god or gods. (Or, as you'd like to put it, it is a rejection of a particular set of beliefs, in the same way that atoothfairyism is a rejection of a particular set of beliefs.)

However, there are many reasons - some better than others - for someone to consider themselves an atheist, just as there are many reasons for someone coming to believe in a god or gods. I guarantee you that at least some have come to a position of atheism through science, logic, and reason, and not, as you seem so eager to believe (based on no real evidence other than your own arrogant presumptions about other people's motives and experience), on some sort of emotional childhood experience (and subsequent rationalization and mythologizing.) Similarly, if you really want to believe that there are no (or few) "adult atheists" that "engage in the so-called "scientific thought process" you're free to do so. You're absolutely, mindblowingly wrong, but that doesn't seem to have deterred you so far.


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:45 PM

Ok, this merry go round is getting old and boring. Dave Mathews needs to be flushed. He's obviously not here for reasoned discussion, and by his intellectual stance, I'd say his IQ is somewhere just north of my bedroom slipper.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:46 PM

Hello Ric,

* "Yes, I am serious. PZ's story doesn't read at all like a "conversion story." And again, you have yet to address the fact that the line left out of your quote mine invalidates your entire argument. "

I've spent some time listening to religious people of many different religions express their own conversion stories and the manner in which they speak is not coincidentally similar to PZ Myers' mythological conversion account.

* "But let me lay it on the line for you: Your argument is horrible for the following reason. You are arguing that the fact that someone began believing something in childhood automatically means that they cannot hold the same belief as an adult for rational reasons. Has it occurred to you that one could hold a belief as a child, then rationally examine that belief as an adult, find it justified, and proceed to hold it for rational reasons henceforth? No?"

You've answered the question correctly against your own wishes. The answer to your question is, emphatically, "No!"

* "Well, that's because you are blinded by your own religious biases. Not that this is what PZ necessarily did; I am just showing you why your arguments are ridiculous. "

PZ Myers can speak on his own behalf. Perhaps he is out fishing right now and that is why he remains silent.


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 2:47 PM

Folks, Dave Mathews is a troll. He is the sort who spends a day being deliberately provocative, then 'fesses up with something about "wanting to make people think".

He isn't going to change his mind, or move away, no matter what anybody writes, as he isn't listening. He isn't going to change anyone's mind, as he isn't making any sense. His game is to waste time, to generate frustration and to pretend that said frustration proves his point about angry atheists.

I agree with this assessment, but there is value in debunking his inanities. Even if he isn't listening, some may be and the last thing I want to do is give him a venue to spout his bullshit unopposed.


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 2:47 PM

Again, by excluding atheism from the burden of proof you have excluded atheism from consideration as a scientific & rational manner of thinking.

Prove to us that you've never murdered anyone. Come on; it's your responsibility to prove that negative. I have come to this belief naturally, so there must be some validity to it.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:48 PM

Since atheism attempts to make a claim regarding all religious thought the atheists are obligated to investigate everything.
Sorry, that a fallacy of the first order. Atheism makes no claims, other than there is no evidence for a deity, any of thwe 1000+ deities invented by man. We await the evidential claims of religion regarding this things. But religions always present circular arguments, like god proves the bible, and the bible proves god. So we stop that circle by saying "show me the conclusive physical evidence for your deity". At that point, nothing but noise from religion, and you.

Now, the default is always non-belief. So, there is nothing to investigate if there is no evidence.


Posted by: Alec | November 24, 2009 2:48 PM

I came to atheism because the Christian text was self-contradictory.
Need I point out that these aren't scientific arguments? They are irrational-emotional.

C → (P & ~P)[observation]
~ (P & ~P) [law of non-contradiction]
~C [modus tollens]

Yes, the irrationality and emotionalism just jump right out, don't they.


Posted by: Sil | November 24, 2009 2:49 PM

I believe we can now use "to go out fishing" as a verb synonymous with "to do something better than debate theists"


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 2:49 PM

Prove to us that you've never murdered anyone. Come on; it's your responsibility to prove that negative. I have come to this belief naturally, so there must be some validity to it.

I don't think he murdered anyone, I'm just wondering why he hasn't denied any of these allegations.


Posted by: Smoggy Batzrubble OM4Jesus | November 24, 2009 2:49 PM

Dear Brother David Mathews,

As you have still ignored the warnings God asked me to deliver to you,I can only conclude that the thought of forcible anal penetration by an overly endowed demon gets you going. In which case, if you will consent not to interfere with my divine witness I will send my good friend Floyd Rubber around to your house to give you a good bonking.

You can't miss Floyd. He is seven foot tall, completely bald, immensely fat, he has crosses tattooed on his eyelids and cross piercings through his nipples and penis. He is in expert in loosening tight-arsed Christian fundamentalists, and although you present a particularly puckered challenge, Floyd and his twelve inch meatstick are up to it.

There now! You've got what you wanted! So please go away in the loving name of Jesus and give me time to repair the damage you've done to my witness.

Yours in Christurbation


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:50 PM

Hello Nerd of Redhead,

* "Quit lying. Theism makes claims without evidence, and is built on quicksand. Atheism makes no claims, but says "show me the evidence". We don't have to reject non-evidenced claims. They aren't valid without evidence. We are waiting for your evidence. Your failure to address this says you are trying a presuppositional argument, and all presuppositional arguments are false. And you babbling sure indicates that. "

At best you are asserting that theism and atheism are equally irrational and unscientific.

So much for the idea that atheism has some sort of factual objective scientific basis ...


Posted by: Ol' Greg | November 24, 2009 2:50 PM

David Mathews. I'm going to ignore most of your response because, frankly, I think you're confusing two arguments. You're suggesting that questioning things might lead to some one questioning things and that tendency to question things might lead one to enjoy a profession that questions things and then that might lead you in a direction that is completely opposed to things that don't like to be questioned.

Well... I don't see where the argument is to argue here.

Now on to the rest:

Specifically what questions did "Climbing Mount Improbable" specifically answer? I own the book and I've read the book. I didn't happen to notice any specifics but perhaps you have something in particular in mind.

It has been a really long time but for me it was mostly about the way properties can emerge because they work which leads to systems that are more complex, some times more complex than they might ideally be. It struck a chord with me I guess because I work with building functioning things with computers, so there was a logic to me that appealed accounting for a lot of the messy stuff when you think about why, for instance, some things have eyes that could be better and some things have eyes that are awesome.

* "I'm still half closeted. It's dangerous. " Dangerous in what respect? I haven't heard of any atheist lynchings occurring in recent modern times.
Not lynched, but disowned, fired, having your house vandalized. I'm in Texas, dude. These things happen.

* "But yeah, I do owe the prominence of atheists like Dawkins and Myers for my slowly emerging willingness to admit that God never suited me. "
God never suited you? Why do you imagine that God's existence is predicated upon God suiting you?

You're making assumptions. My believing or not believing wouldn't make God exist or not exist. I think you're projecting a bit. Now YOUR God is predicated on YOUR belief, but not mine. I can't make YOUR GOD not exist for YOU, but I don't have to believe in it.

* "The relationship there, is similar I think to what PZ is talking about, except while I just enjoy reading about science he actually became a scientist. "
PZ Myers is a scientist. That much is certain. But people must distinguish between evangelizing for atheism and science.

I'm not sure what you're going for here. There is no religion inside of science. It's atheistic just like engineering is atheistic. There's no God in it's premises. Now if you want to believe in God, well that's fine. Some scientists do. Some don't. Myers is an atheist and a scientist, and most of what he argues about is with people who want to add God to science. For the time being it looks like no one is putting God in engineering, which is probably good. I'd be scared to drive on an overpass that was held up by the power of prayer.


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:51 PM

You do know that you are in the minority. You should ...

Aha! It's the long overdue argument ad populem! You've officially committed every logical fallacy in the christian playbook! congratulations, well done... you can pick up your prize on the way out, you religion-addled doofus.

By the way... those who believed the earth was round 500 years ago, or that the earth revolved around the sun... were also in the vast minority. So your point would be what?

Are you done yet, or do you have more wondrous examples of pompous ignorance to flaunt?


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 2:52 PM

* "Ridiculous assertion. What about those of us who became atheist with ever hearing of Myers or Dawkins? "

We're you a feral child?

Easy, I stopped buying the stories I was being fed by people I knew who were religious (friends, family, priest, strangers on tv etc..). They didn't ring true with any logic to me.

I had never heard of Dawkins, PZ, Hitchens etc. when I started to question the idea of God. In fact I hadn't really heard of The above until 5-6 years ago. I've been an atheist (or agnostic) for 15 or so years before that.

After I got though college and was moving past agnostic into more atheist I discovered that my grandfather was along the same lines as I. He had never said anything about it (he rarely talked about himself) but one day it came up in a discussion. He had a library with Gould, Sagan, etc.. and lent me a few books. But this was years after I had stopped accepting what people had been telling me as the gospel truth.

Pretty easy deconversion. No strife, no anger, no horrible experiences. Just plain old using my own noggin and logical thinking.

Now however, I'm better read and think clearer.

I'm open to the possibility that someone has some amazing evidence or proof that could change my mind, but so far I haven't been privy to any grand uncovering of such things.

So you have some evidence I should consider?


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:53 PM

At best you are asserting that theism and atheism are equally irrational and unscientific.
No, I am asserting theis is irrational and unscientific, while atheism follows the rules of rationality and science.
So much for the idea that atheism has some sort of factual objective scientific basis ...
Only in your deluded mind. Still no evidence for your deity, which means you are a liar and bullshitter. But, then, if you were as smart as you think you are, you would know that.

Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:53 PM

Hello Adam,

* "As others have stated, atheism makes no positive claim. "

Indeed. I agree with you, Adam.

Atheism is an intellectually vacant idea without any sort of positive basis in either science or logic or evidence or rationality.

We're making progress in this discussion though it is as if slogging through the mud of atheistic self-delusion & self-praise.


Posted by: flashbazzzbo | November 24, 2009 2:53 PM

aratina cage at#72,I just expelled rum and coke via my nose.Thank you.As it turns out,David Mathews brand of stupid really does burn.


Posted by: Albatross | November 24, 2009 2:54 PM

"PZ Myers can speak on his own behalf. Perhaps he is out fishing right now and that is why he remains silent."

Or perhaps he is so overwhelmed by the compelling evidence you've presented that he is now sitting in a corner, drooling, his mind truly shattered by your astonishingly astute revelations about what all us atheists have truly thought, believed, and experienced.


Posted by: Acronym Jim | November 24, 2009 2:54 PM


They also thought the world was flat. So what?

But it is. The flat world is borne on the backs of four elephants that, in turn, are standing upon the shell of a giant turtle that is swimming through space. The turtle's name is "A'Tuin."

Oh, you meant Earth. Well never mind then. Of course I still haven't read enough to figure out how the ocean's waters are replenished after falling of the edge of the disc. Perhaps the elephants suck it up in their trunks and pisseth upon the skies (in a manly way, of course), via their prehensile penii.


Posted by: Sili Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:54 PM

Everytime a troll posts, PeeZed gets a flatscreen TV.

Or part of one, at least.

We should have a little counter so that we can see how much PeeZed makes when the trolls roll in. But I suspect that's proprietary information, unfortunately.


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:54 PM

PZ Myers can speak on his own behalf. Perhaps he is out fishing right now and that is why he remains silent.

How very egotistical of you. And yet I'm somehow unsurprised by it.


Posted by: Sil | November 24, 2009 2:56 PM


Sssh. Don't let them know we're all in it for the free electronics...


Posted by: Smoggy Batzrubble OM4Jesus | November 24, 2009 2:57 PM

Dear Brother David Mathews,

I owe you an apology. Jesus has revealed to me that you are actually possessed by a number of demons, including:

*The demon of excessive texting
*The demon of a failed career
*The demon of addictive masturbation
*The demon of a masochistic desire to be publicly ridiculed
*The demon of credulity
*The demon of prostate swelling
*The demon of going postal
*The demon of flatulence

Before you post again I think you should see an exorcist and get rid of the pigs in your parlour.

Yours in Christian sympathy for your failings


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:57 PM

David Mathews #270 wrote:

Again, by excluding atheism from the burden of proof you have excluded atheism from consideration as a scientific & rational manner of thinking.

No, because atheism is still falsifiable. Naturalism is falsifiable, as is materialism. Strong evidence for ESP, astrology, mind-body substance dualism, or magical correspondences connecting moral values to physical events would probably go a good way towards disproving all 3.

But the burden has to be on the paranormal and supernatural, because it is too easy otherwise to continually insist that the magic is hiding "behind" its physical explanation.

Secular humanists tend to approach religious claims the same way they approach paranormal and pseudoscientific ones, because, objectively speaking, they all hold traits that classify them together. Including the need for "having faith."


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:57 PM

Atheism is an intellectually vacant idea without any sort of positive basis in either science or logic or evidence or rationality.
Sorry, you are wrong. There is no need for a positive basis, as the default is always non-belief, or atheism. Which follows the rules of science and logic. I know, I'm a 30+ year practicing scientist. Now, for theism to be considered, that requires positive evidence for a deity. Evidence which you avoid presenting, because you know you have none.

Quit lying to yourself, so you can quit lying to us. It just makes you look stoopid.


Posted by: The Science Pundit Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 2:58 PM

I'm going to repeat my request for the disemvowelment of a certain somebody. I honestly think that that will improve the conversation.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 2:58 PM

Hello gr8hands,

* "Actually, David Mathews, you are forgetting that every child is born as an atheist -- knowing no god, believing in no deity."

Again, this is a tired old argument which is about as meaningless as it is irrelevant. I would build by entire personal worldview around the thought processes of a child still in the womb.

It is very difficult to know what a child actually believes. You cannot actual speak with authority about the atheism of newborn babies.

* "It is only by hearing the lies, myths, delusions and fantasies of "believers" that they are introduced to the concept of a god. Until they get infected by this meme, they cannot accurately be considered as anything but atheists"

If this was truly the case then you must explain how our ancestors originated the god idea against their own natural atheism.

* "I, too, was unhappy that my memories of space events were sullied by astronauts quoting scripture -- but that was because at the time, I was of a particular cult that has their own translation of the bible, and looks down on any group that uses a different translation! (But don't worry, I didn't believe most of what that religion taught either!) "

Whatever ...

* "You claiming that you know what is more important to PZ is basically claiming telepathy -- which I'm going to guess is another lie. "

Telepathy isn't needed when PZ Myers can speak on his own behalf. Too bad he is out fishing this afternoon.


Posted by: Jessica | November 24, 2009 2:59 PM

Can we please cut it out with the gratuitous ageism? It is possible to come to intellectual conclusions at 12, and it's also possible to live to be 120 and never inspect your position on the world logically. I take offense to the idea that I should be wholly detached from who I am when I was younger, as if I was not fully human until I reached a certain age (which, by the way, seems to be inconsistent across cultures). Then again, I was often the one who noticed the logical fallacies in the actions, behaviors and positions of the 'adults', and it frustrated me to no end that their conclusions were seen as more valid than mine when they were deciding things on emotion and baseless assumptions. People should be judged on their competency, not their age, and they should not be made to reject everything they did when they were younger just because some people are uncomfortable with the idea of young people having personal agency and the ability to form worldviews on their own.


Posted by: Sil | November 24, 2009 3:00 PM

"Again, this is a tired old argument which is about as meaningless as it is irrelevant. I would build by entire personal worldview around the thought processes of a child still in the womb."

No, you would build it on really elaborate cooking-fire fanfiction...?


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:00 PM

* "Quit lying. Theism makes claims without evidence, and is built on quicksand. Atheism makes no claims, but says "show me the evidence". We don't have to reject non-evidenced claims. They aren't valid without evidence. We are waiting for your evidence. Your failure to address this says you are trying a presuppositional argument, and all presuppositional arguments are false. And you babbling sure indicates that. "

At best you are asserting that theism and atheism are equally irrational and unscientific.

No... enough of this... you keep making claims like this... well I'm asking you to show your fucking work. Based on ANYTHING NoR said, how do you come to make that assertion? What in any of what NoR stated about atheism makes it irrational and unscientific? Go on... we're waiting...

I am betting you don't touch this question.


Posted by: Dutch Delight | November 24, 2009 3:00 PM

While personal stories about your non-belief in the popular deities of your society are all very interesting, you should know that believers will interpret them as arguments against their favorite deity or religion, and respond to them in that way.

It's quite pointless, thats all I'm saying. Just look at the troll who seems to think that PZ explaining when he noticed that the popular religion in his surroundings had no answers to anything, is really PZ arguing against the particular view of god that the troll has.

Like many atheists, I never believed in gods. And there's really no reason for me to research all of them before rejecting them (even though i have researched more then most religious people I've ever met). It's the theist who has to explain why he chose to accept a particular supernatural belief and not another. Atheists are not the hypocrites here, they treat all supernatural nonsense the same.


Posted by: s.k.graham | November 24, 2009 3:02 PM

@tsg #207:

"FC has routinely failed controlled testing where the patient can see an item (a picture, a word, etc) and the facilitator cannot. All the reasons you cite why it might be plausible are the same reasons FC proponents think it works. But it doesn't."

I have no doubt that there is probably quite a bit of fraud and/or self-deception in FC that does not stand up to controlled testing.

As I said, conscious communication must be established and verified independent of facilitated communication, and if the patient does have control over any small part of his body, this is to do -- a series of yes/know questions could go a long way to establish the patients level of cognitive function.

It would then be easier to set the patient up with some kind of "morse code" device connected to a computer to let them communicate. But I was supposing that for some reason it might have been less expensive or more convenient for this patient to use an FC.

As long as there is an independent channel of communication by which the FC can be verified and trust of the FC established, there is no reason it could not work as shown in the video.

However, the more I think about how easily and cheaply a communication code could be set up with some kind of computer interface, the more unreasonable the whole FC thing becomes. Why wasn't he talking with a computer like Stephen Hawking or some similar arrangement? Even if the muscle twitches were to weak to push a button, electrodes could be used to detect the faint muscle movement or nerve impulses.

I change my position. FC is entirely possible, but quite impractical in the face of simple technological solutions. So I gotta figure it is fraud or self-decption by default.


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 3:03 PM

Again, by excluding atheism from the burden of proof you have excluded atheism from consideration as a scientific & rational manner of thinking.

It is perfectly rational to lack a belief in something you have seen exactly zero evidence for.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:03 PM

If this was truly the case then you must explain how our ancestors originated the god idea against their own natural atheism.
They didn't understand the concept that random stuff happens, and also other groups in the tribes tried for a different way to power in their group. But, if you had actually studied any history, you would have grasped the obvious.

Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 3:03 PM

Hello Celtic Thunder,

* "Dude... do you have any idea how completely stupid this assertion is? Or how completely juvenile and illogical it makes you sound? The simple retort to that is that humankind has used STORYTELLING as a method of disseminating information as long as there has been language. That certain stories serve well as a means of controlling a population is nothing short of a social construct with evolutionary benefits. Keep a population in line and under control, establish order, things work more smoothly and can help a developing culture thrive. Enter religion. "

No, Celtic Thunder, you are mistakenly conflating a philosophical argument with the history of humans behaving horrendously for a thousand different reasons.

The argument by the atheists:

1. A newborn baby is an atheist and will remain so forever without any imposition of faith from an outside source.

The fatal flaw in the argument:

2. Religion must have originated somehow. If it isn't self-generated in humans it must have had an outside source. If that source cannot be humankind, well ... atheism has placed itself in a conundrum.


Posted by: Erika | November 24, 2009 3:04 PM

At any rate, I have an easy test for the article in question: use a "facilitator" who doesn't speak the language. (And preferably someone who speaks a language that isn't closely related, so that he/she can't guess the gist of the interview questions from common vocabulary.) If the man is indeed conscious and doing the communicating, he should have no trouble guiding his facilitator to the correct letters. If it turns out gobbledy-gook... well...


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 3:04 PM

At best you are asserting that theism and atheism are equally irrational and unscientific.

Wrong again. Either there is a god/gods at work in our universe, or not. Based on the available evidence, we conclude that there is no reason to think there are any gods to be found. If someone can give us some usable evidence of at least on god in our intersubjective reality, then we'll no longer be atheists. But of course that evidence will have to be something better than pareidolia/Pascal's Wager/Yay Jesus!/the Holey Babble/Everyone's Doing It. To date, such evidence has not been presented.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 3:04 PM


No, you know, your whole story is pointless since you obviously built your own mythological shit to feel good about yourself.

I'm just trying to anticipate here...


Posted by: KemaTheAtheist | November 24, 2009 3:06 PM

Everytime a troll posts, PeeZed gets a flatscreen TV.

Or part of one, at least.

We should have a little counter so that we can see how much PeeZed makes when the trolls roll in. But I suspect that's proprietary information, unfortunately.

*puts on his theist cap*

*GASP!* THE TROOL IS PEE ZEEEEE MEYERS! He's just trying to make money by provoking his readers!

*takes off cap*

Ouch... my head hurts...


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 3:06 PM

But it is. The flat world is borne on the backs of four elephants that, in turn, are standing upon the shell of a giant turtle that is swimming through space. The turtle's name is "A'Tuin."

It's turtles all the way down.


Posted by: kopd | November 24, 2009 3:07 PM

Saying atheism makes a claim is like talking about what's in a vacuum*. Atheism isn't a claim and doesn't make claims, it's just a convenient name for a position that lacks claims. Just like a vacuum isn't a thing, it's a name for a region that lacks "things".

* Let's not get into QM right now, okay?


Posted by: Anri Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:09 PM

David Mathews, quick question(s):

If a child disbelieves in Santa Claus due to an emotional reaction (because they are frightened by the concept, for example), have they made an incorrect conclusion?

And if not, how would you determine that?

To ask it in a different way:

Would you say that a child who reacted to a description of Santa Claus with the (emotional) reaction 'that sounds crazy to me', is forever barred from having a rational opinion on the existence of Santa Claus?
And if not, please explain why this would apply to one mystical being (Santa) and not another (god).

Or again:

Have you ever had an emotional reaction to the Santa Claus story?
Do you consider your current opinion of the Santa Claus story rational?

Thanks in advance.


Posted by: Newfie | November 24, 2009 3:09 PM

Atheism is an intellectually vacant idea without any sort of positive basis in either science or logic or evidence or rationality.

Well, he's definitely more annoying than the band.

Ok, Dave.. I don't want intellectually vacant ideas banging around in my brain, what should I think about that has a positive basis in science, logic, evidence and rationality?

Quick.. I'm leaving the office in a few minutes.


Posted by: martha | November 24, 2009 3:09 PM

DaveM is baiting people into an emotional response, defined as trolling. It wouldn't be trolling if he gave an argument for his own position. But we don't even know his position.

Dave, I suggest that you take an elementary class on logic. Most of your attacks simply do not make sense logically and evidence a misunderstanding of what is atheism. You say in response to the argument that religion has not shown any proof for their claims:

"by excluding atheism from the burden of proof you have excluded atheism from consideration as a scientific & rational manner of thinking."

People here will go cross-eyed when seeing this because it makes no sense. Atheism is not making a claim that there is no god. It is saying that there is no evidence of a god and from what we know about the world and people, it doesn't seem as if evidence is forthcoming so the atheist is going to waste her time on the issue. Just like we don't waste time on Santa or the tooth fairy. This is the essence of rational and scientific thinking.

In contrast, religion makes positive claims. Religions positively asserts the existence of god or gods and positively asserts claims about the nature of god or gods. You can make all the claims you want, but there is no reason to believe a claim without proof.

Show me the money, Dave.


Posted by: Sil | November 24, 2009 3:10 PM


1. A newborn baby is an agoblinist and will remain so forever without any imposition of goblinism* from an outside source.

The fatal flaw in the argument:

2. Goblinism must have originated somehow. If it isn't self-generated in humans it must have had an outside source. If that source cannot be humankind, well ... agoblinism has placed itself in a conundrum.

Really, it works for anything. Try it. Brahma, Odin, whatever. It's more convincing by the 54th time recited in a monotone.

* The belief in the existence of small green humanoids who live in tunnels we can't find


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 3:10 PM

Hello Sastra,

* "Well, I didn't read the book, but it purported to be a scientific study, and this does seem to track with my own experience, and the experience of most atheists -- including PZ, who emphasizes that his recollection of disappointment during the Apollo 8 mission wasn't a Road to Damascus moment. He wrote ... "

Poor PZ Myers began explaining his atheism and ended up talking about an entirely irrelevant event. This is precisely why I requested further clarification from PZ Myers in my first post.

* "Seed of doubt." This is talking about a gradual de-conversion, seems to me. And it's relatively easy for many of us to remember "re-interptreting" God, so that God gets less and less to do, less and less concrete, more abstract, more like a concept, and less like a Personal Being (and all the time, this makes God more "other," and therefore deeper and better.) Some of us can follow this God through different churches, and put a time and place on it. "

If PZ Myers actually meant this he could have said so easily enough without even mentioning Apollo 8. Perhaps PZ Myers is easily distracted ....

* "I don't see how this is "self-serving" and suspect. After all, the former-atheists-turned-theist are usually very enthusiastic about emphasizing that no, their conversion wasn't a gradual, rational conclusion like figuring out how evolution works -- it was like being bowled over, embraced by a person, and so forth and so on. They had an experience and they suddenly KNEW because they experienced God. "

Atheists and theists have this much in common when talking about their conversion experiences.

* "Usually, they will admit that, without this experience, it's not unreasonable to be an atheist. But they've had it, and there's no going back. At least, in my own experience of people who do seem to have been "former atheists," this is what they often say to me. "

Perhaps so or perhaps not. If some such person was here we could find out directly otherwise this talk is all pure speculation which sounds like atheists self-validating their own opinions.


Posted by: Knockgoats | November 24, 2009 3:10 PM

Calling such a response to your affirmation of atheism "bullying" seems unwarranted. You must concede that at 12 years old you didn't know enough to legitimately call yourself an atheist. - David Lying Hypocrite Mathews

I concede no such thing. At 12, I had accumulated sufficient knowledge and capacity for independent thought to see clearly that Christianity is a crock of shit. Evidently, you have yet to reach that degree of maturity. Don't fret: you still have time.

Even if that had not been the case, of course it was bullying. This hypocrite singled me out and belittled me for expressing an opinion he disliked - when he had actually asked for my opinion.


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 3:10 PM

David Mathews

No, Celtic Thunder, you are mistakenly conflating a philosophical argument with the history of humans behaving horrendously for a thousand different reasons.

Hmm... What was it you said earlier about "atheistic soviet Russia".

Oh yeah:

See, for example, the behavior of the atheistic Soviet Union and also the atheistic scientists who invented the nuclear bomb and assented to its use against civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

You were saying something about "conflating a philosophical argument with the history of humans behaving horrendously for a thousand different reasons"..


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 3:10 PM

it's the old if atheism is religion, bald is a hair color.

If atheism makes claims, then not stamp collecting is a hobby.


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 3:11 PM

If this was truly the case then you must explain how our ancestors originated the god idea against their own natural atheism.

Daniel Dennett has done exactly that in Breaking the Spell. Given your reading comprehension in here, I doubt you'll get anything out of the book, but the explanation has been made.


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:12 PM

Dave Mathews wrote:

Since atheism attempts to make a claim regarding all religious thought the atheists are obligated to investigate everything.

No; presumably there is some basic core which every "religious" belief shares, which sets it apart from secular claims or beliefs. If the broadest understanding of the concept fails, then there is no need to quibble over details.

Of course, one can define God so broadly, and/or with so little specific content, that an atheist can either believe in it, or not be able to say anything about it, one way or the other. But that's a big price to pay, because people seldom stick with those kinds of verbal-trick Gods.

Once it has content, you can measure the evidence for it against natural explanations. PZ doesn't just argue against religion intruding into science's territory -- he brings science into religion's presumed "territory." God becomes an unnecessary hypothesis. Not conclusively disproven, no. But irrelevant and unlikely enough.

As PZ said,

And this is why I oppose religion. It's not because it kills people, although it does. It's not because it poisons everything, although it does. It's not because it is nothing but a philosophical construct even though that's all it is, and I actually kind of like philosophical constructs. Even moderate religion is an exercise in obscurantism, the elevation of feel-good fluff over substance. I oppose it because it is a barrier to understanding, a kind of simplistic facade thrown up to veil knowledge with a pretense of scholarliness. It's an imaginary shortcut that leads people astray, guaranteeing that they never see the real glory of a cell or of the stars.

In other words, it's not a real explanation.


Posted by: Smoggy Batzrubble OM4Jesus | November 24, 2009 3:12 PM

Dear Brother David Mathews,

Well done! Jesus tells me that thanks to your asinine interventions on this blog seven wavering Christians have now decided to throw off the mind-shackles of religion and embrace a life of reason.

Not much more I can say really, except that Jesus says you'll get your eternal reward, and I don't think he meant it in a good way.

May Satan have mercy on your soul, oh destroyer of my Christian mission.



Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 3:13 PM

Hello bDn,

* "No, there was no other source in my case : all my family was Catholic and I went to a Catholic school where I slept 12 days out of 14, all my parents' friends were Catholics, I knew NO atheist or agnostic before I reached university, so stop with your stupid assumptions. "

It is easy for you to make claims regarding yourself which are, by definition, beyond the reach of refutation by anyone else.

But I will assert that you had an outside source for your atheism because otherwise ... how did you find your way here?


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 3:13 PM

The fatal flaw in the argument:

2. Religion must have originated somehow. If it isn't self-generated in humans it must have had an outside source. If that source cannot be humankind, well ... atheism has placed itself in a conundrum.

Religion originated with people who didn't know as much as we do now. No conundrum at all.


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:14 PM

2. Religion must have originated somehow. If it isn't self-generated in humans it must have had an outside source. If that source cannot be humankind, well ... atheism has placed itself in a conundrum.

I think it's so cute that you think assigning me a revised name is so cute. As if I needed antoher reason to disregard you as an intellectually dishonest liar for jesus. Or maybe you just turn to stone if you say the word "Evolution" out loud or write it down.

Sigh. Are you really this stupid? Really? What was the source for the Aeneid? The source for the Canterbury Tales. They are ALL WORKS OF FICTION. Stories. Means of disseminating information. You are an early human from an early human culture. Something terrible or frightening happens... you have no knowledge of science, or how the world works at all. You assign what you can't explain to invisible, but CLEARLY powerful forces. How hard is it to understand this logic? There is an evolutionary benefit to processing information this way at this stage of human development.

Sakes, man... pick up a text on anthropology. Learn something. You are just continuing to come off as stupid... and are not helping your fellow christians at all.


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 3:14 PM

@David Mathews

If PZ Myers actually meant this he could have said so easily enough without even mentioning Apollo 8. Perhaps PZ Myers is easily distracted ....

And yet he still managed to say it, and he still managed to communicate it. And you still have a reading comprehension problem....


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 3:15 PM

No, you know, your whole story is pointless since you obviously built your own mythological shit to feel good about yourself.

That's the thing, I felt perfectly great being a semi practicing Episcopalian. I held no ill will at all to the church or the people I knew involved in it. I just started really listening to some of the things I was being told and the pieces didn't fit together with either the reality I knew or other things that they had told me.


Posted by: AdamK Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:16 PM

@s.k.graham, 321

I change my position.

Thank you. It is so refreshing when somebody has the good sense to reason things out instead of resorting to dogmatic defensiveness. Restores my confidence in humanity.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 3:18 PM

Hello Alyson,

* "And since all these gods/sets of gods are more or less mutually exclusive, why should we assume any of them are anything other than fiction? "

Who the hell told you that all of the gods are mutually exclusive? Religious people make no such assertion except in the case of the most intolerant fundamentalists.

Otherwise, religious people have not had any difficulty at all acknowledging the identifying with the gods of other cultures. This can be documented even among the Christians as they adopted pagan myths and rituals (see, for example, Christmas) and also among Catholics (see the fusion between Catholic and Native American religions in South and Central America).

Intolerance is exclusive. Religion is inclusive.

The Bible demonstrates as much, too. The Bible borrowed heavily from the pagan mythology of their neighbors as atheists are proud to point out with much glee.

So the claim that belief in god is mutually exclusively is evidently false.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:18 PM

Atheists and theists have this much in common when talking about their conversion experiences.
Wrong again. Theists become delusional fools by believing in evidentalless deities, while atheists become rational by requiring evidence.

You are learning nothing. We are still waiting for your conclusive evidence for your imaginary deity. I expect us to wait a long time. After all, if you had the eternally burning bush, you would be waving it in our faces. The fact that you aren't says all we need to know about your lack of evidence.


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 3:19 PM

David Mathews (#342)

But I will assert that you had an outside source for your atheism because otherwise ... how did you find your way here?



Posted by: AdamK Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:21 PM

Religion must have originated somehow. If it isn't self-generated in humans it must have had an outside source. If that source cannot be humankind, well ...

It was invented by our prescientific, preliterate ancestors. Luckily, culture evolves, and some of us--not you--are no longer ignorant enough to believe it.


Posted by: Knockgoats | November 24, 2009 3:22 PM

"by excluding atheleprachaunism from the burden of proof you have excluded atheleprachaunism from consideration as a scientific & rational manner of thinking." - Dave

Fixed for you. No charge.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 3:22 PM

Hello tsg,

* "That primitive man got the idea that a man-like (but much bigger) thing made the world and all the people isn't surprising at all. We tend to go with what we know. Later we found out what really happened, but some never grew out of their stone-age mythology and continue to teach it to their children.

* "In the present day, people must be taught about god or the idea would never even occur to them.

* "If nobody knew about god, we'd all be atheists, we just wouldn't have a word for it."

The last sentence contradicts the first paragraph, TSG.

If the last sentence is true it would exclude the possibility of humans inventing belief in God.

So you are left with a mystery ... humans are born atheists and must remain atheists forever without some outside influence, yet our ancestors who were also born atheists somehow came to believe in the existence of gods.

How did this happen, tsg?


Posted by: Alexander Blake | November 24, 2009 3:22 PM

Wow, that looks so fake... He's not even doing it, how is she suppose to know what he wants to type!?!


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 3:23 PM

It is easy for you to make claims regarding yourself which are, by definition, beyond the reach of refutation by anyone else.

And yet you've felt perfectly comfortable telling all of us who we are all thread long, based on your presuppositions. Even better, you seem to think you're telling us something deep and original in asserting that you know us better than we know ourselves. Who taught you how to read minds, Dave? I wanna learn, too!


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 3:24 PM

Asshole is unable to comply with a simple request. He cannot help it, he is an asshole. The regulars know what the endless thread is for. Start answering there, maybe the asshole will get the hint.

Isn't funny how the asshole will not answer specific questions and just keeps spinning wheels. The only way he can answering everyone without thinking about the questions.


Posted by: KemaTheAtheist | November 24, 2009 3:25 PM

Religion must have originated somehow. If it isn't self-generated in humans it must have had an outside source. If that source cannot be humankind, well ... atheism has placed itself in a conundrum.

Religion started as a way to explain natural occurances which couldn't be explained at the time... like Zues for lightning, Posidon for ocean currents and storms, Apollo with the sun across the sky, etc

We can explain these things now. God isn't needed to explain it anymore. If you don't think so, please provide a list of natural occurences that can't be explained by natural means and therefore must facilitate divine origin.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 3:26 PM

Hello baldywilson,

* "I've noticed you made a similar statement before. May inquiring minds be informed as to what constitutes a question that "merits" an answer from Mr. D. Mathews? What objective criteria must be met before the enormous attentions the of masterful mind of Mr Mathews will deem to answer them, asked as they were merely in a thread that the same Mr Mathews chose to hijack, and asked merely in response to the utterances of the same Mr David Mathews Esq "

I make the decision. It needs no special justification since I am one individual engaged in an argument with a mob.

I will answer the questions by PZ Myers. As soon as he returns from his fishing trip perhaps he will ask questions worthy of answers.


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 3:26 PM

Who the hell told you that all of the gods are mutually exclusive?

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Exodus 20:3


Posted by: Dutch Delight | November 24, 2009 3:26 PM

The troll can't think of any way how people might have started making shit up and believing things that aren't true?!

I don't think this troll is ready for actual conversations with grown-ups yet.


Posted by: Ol'Greg | November 24, 2009 3:27 PM

Religion must have originated somehow. If it isn't self-generated in humans it must have had an outside source. If that source cannot be humankind, well ...

It was invented by our prescientific, preliterate ancestors. Luckily, culture evolves, and some of us--not you--are no longer ignorant enough to believe it

No joke! I mean for a while I played with making up my own religion. It's really easy. My religion was pretty awesome, but I fell short of being nasty enough to try and get people to believe it and give me money.

But seriously this argument seems incongruent with all the very different religions all saying they are the one truth.


Posted by: LinzeeBinzee | November 24, 2009 3:27 PM

DM - The only way you're going to convince anyone here that they're mistaken in their non-belief in gods is to provide us with evidence for your beliefs (whatever they are, I don't understand why you're so secretive about them).

So tell us, what do you believe, and how do you know that's true? If you give me one good reason I'll convert to whatever it is you believe.


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:27 PM

* "And since all these gods/sets of gods are more or less mutually exclusive, why should we assume any of them are anything other than fiction? "

Who the hell told you that all of the gods are mutually exclusive? Religious people make no such assertion except in the case of the most intolerant fundamentalists.

Leaving aside that you chose to ignore that Alyson was careful to say "more or less"... how does this assertion in any way back up your primary argument(s)? Or are you just looking to score points?


Posted by: Knockgoats | November 24, 2009 3:27 PM

If the last sentence is true it would exclude the possibility of humans inventing belief in God. - Dave Halfwit Mathews

No it wouldn't. The world is now much better understood, and becoming more so every year, so there would not be the same reasons to invent gods. It might happen anyway, but your claim is invalid. Not very bright really, are you, poor little chap?


Posted by: llewelly | November 24, 2009 3:27 PM

David Mathews | November 24, 2009 11:47 AM:

The actual post at hand seems quite silly and not worthy of any sort of response.

Please read my reply here.


Posted by: Acronym Jim | November 24, 2009 3:28 PM


It's turtles all the way down."

""Yes, we know that there are several versions of this story!"*

*The Pratchettian Bible: Book of Folklore.


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 3:28 PM

Woah! David Mathews @#348: Are you sure you meant to say this?

Otherwise, religious people have not had any difficulty at all acknowledging the identifying with the gods of other cultures. This can be documented even among the Christians as they adopted pagan myths and rituals (see, for example, Christmas) and also among Catholics (see the fusion between Catholic and Native American religions in South and Central America).

Are you suggesting that modern religions are simply a synthesis of earlier religions, with each earlier relgion being co-opted by latter religions as others gained favour and others fell out of favour? Are you suggesting that religions mutate and change over time? That Christianity hasn't been fixed in time but has mutated itself to the convenience of the cultures it has assimilated? Are you suggesting that religion is a dynamic thing, that the idea of God can't be fixed in time?

Are you suggesting that modern religion is simply a product of time and social dynamics, that it necessarily has nothing to say about the truth of any of those religions that have existed over time and through a process of migration, co-option and adaptation lead to the religions of the world as we currently know them?


Posted by: Marcus B. | November 24, 2009 3:28 PM

I feel bad for contributing in feeding the troll when I'm not even a regular here, but sometimes the temptation is too great...

David Mathews. You said, among many very similar things,

Atheism simply isn't required to make any sort of efforts on its own behalf since is it simply, and exclusively, an dogmatic opinionated rejection of a particular set of beliefs.

As people have attempted to explain to you before, this is not what atheism is. What you are doing is called arguing against a strawman.

Atheism doesn't set up a dogmatic rejection of any particular set of beliefs. Atheism is people saying "Prove it."

Do you believe in the Christian God? Provide evidence and I will consider it.

Do you believe in Santa Claus? Provide evidence and I will consider it.

Do you believe in Vishnu or the tooth fairy or that Facilitated Communication really works? Provide evidence and I will consider it.

This is, no matter how much you attempt to deny it, the default position when you are thinking rationally. You do not believe in a teapot in orbit around the sun or a flying spaghetti monster before someone provides some sort of evidence. Likewise, I will not believe in any of the thousands of gods that mankind has dreamed up before some sort of good evidence is provided for me.

Do you have any evidence for your particular deity?

Our ancestors did formulate a belief in god.

In other words, whether a child is born an atheist or not, humankind did not remain atheistic. Humans have possessed some sort of religous belief for over 40,000 years and perhaps a lot longer.

And what does this tell you? It tells me nothing at all about the truth about God or gods.

Most stories seem to have originated from mankind's inability to explain the huge forces of nature she saw around her.

For instance, people saw lighting cut giant bright lines across the sky and obliterate trees, houses and people in fire and thunder. This was a truly awe-inspiring, frightening thing to see and they had absolutely no explanation for it, so (lacking modern science) they started making up stories.

Here in Scandinavia they made up stories about Thor riding in his wagon across the sky, throwing his magic hammer. In Greece they started talking about Zeus. In other places there were other thundergods and in some places there were no specific gods for thunder, but gods in charge of weather in general, or gods in charge of everything.

This says nothing about the truth about Thor or Zeus or Jupiter. It only says something about mankind's tendency to make up stories when we can't explain something. And it certainly doesn't say anything about the gods worshiped in modern times.

If you want to say something about a modern god, provide evidence.

I have no "conversion story" to atheism. All I have is a lack of conversion to any religion. Care to change that?

All you have to do is provide evidence for your god/gods. I'll examine it and see what I can learn from it.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 3:29 PM

Hello Kema,

* "Atheism isn't dogma. It is a lack of belief in a diety. There is nothing that says you have to believe anything other than that. You can be an atheist and contend the world is 6000 years old if you want to. "

I agree, Kema. Atheism is an altogether intellectually vacant idea as empty as a vacuum and equally meaningless.

You wrote a whole bunch more in your post but I don't have the time to write a book in response so I will limit my comments to the above relevant statement you made about atheism.

Atheism isn't science, atheism's isn't reason, atheism isn't rationality, atheism isn't anything at all.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 3:30 PM

@Rev. BDC

I know, I can say (well I guess DM will disagree that I can say it, but, whatever) I choose to go to a Catholic high school and I choose to participate in the activities going on in my parish and I liked it. As PZ said in the article, I liked the nice people, the friendly interactions, the sacred aura and ambiance, stuff like that. And since I was raised in a firmly believing family, I can assure that it was way harder to stop than continue.


It is easy for youme to make claims regarding yourself which are, by definition, beyond the reach of refutation by anyone else my knowledge.

But I will assert that you had an outside source for your atheism because otherwise ... how did you find your way here?

I think you confuse my atheistic non-conversion, which happened over 15 years ago, and the fact that I stumbled upon a science blog somewhere last year...


Posted by: Ol'Greg | November 24, 2009 3:30 PM

Nested blockquote fail.


Posted by: Ric | November 24, 2009 3:31 PM

Dave Matthews:

"You've answered the question correctly against your own wishes. The answer to your question is, emphatically, 'No!'"

Your statement and your idea that it is impossible for someone to hold a belief for rational reasons as an adult which they held for irrational ones as a child is prima facie false, whereupon I declare your argument refuted, worthless, and stupid as hell.

I also notice that you again dodged the question about why you ommitted the next line from your quote mine, the line which shows yours contention to be false. This shows me that you are a dishonest, immoral liar. You do know that Jesus considers lying a sin, right?


To the rest of the commenters: you were right, I was wrong. DM is impervious to logic and has his fingers in his hears. He's a dishonest little fuck. Therefore I won't feed him any longer. THis is my last post on the subject.


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:31 PM

Dave Mathews #324 wrote:

The argument by the atheists:
1. A newborn baby is an atheist and will remain so forever without any imposition of faith from an outside source.

Not quite. Children have a natural tendency to anthropomorphise impersonal objects, project their own egocentrism into events, categorize in terms of dualism, and see intention where there is none. These habits are usually outgrown, but not always -- particularly if they're built on, and encouraged by their cultural environment.

But the specifics -- these have to be taught.

You know, if that weren't the case -- if children around the world would spontaneously know details about Krishna, or Jesus, or some other story without being previously exposed to them -- then this would be strong evidence against atheism. It would be very hard to explain under naturalism.

The fatal flaw in the argument:
2. Religion must have originated somehow. If it isn't self-generated in humans it must have had an outside source. If that source cannot be humankind, well ... atheism has placed itself in a conundrum.

Religion originated from natural human tendencies towards error (supernaturalism) and other natural human tendencies towards bonding in tribes, and with each other. Keep in mind that, in order to explain "belief in God," you also need to explain animism, superstition, and magical thinking. There are no strong dividing lines in how they're believed, learned, applied, etc.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:32 PM

I will answer the questions by PZ Myers. As soon as he returns from his fishing trip perhaps he will ask questions worthy of answers.
PZ rarely responds to inane demands like yours. After all, he has many things to do other than keeping idjits like you amused. Such as writing Science Rulz, Religion Droolz.

Posted by: Styrbjörn | November 24, 2009 3:34 PM

Hello David Mathews,

a) These numbered comments below one of the posts by the blogger are collectively referred to as a "thread".

b) The main topic and purpose of such a thread is to discuss and reflect on what the blogger wrote about in his post (which is up there above this comment thread).

c) None of your many comments are about the main topic of this thread.

d) Luckily, PZ Myers has made a special post with the purpose to create a comment thread for arbitrary topics such as yours. It is called �Escape from the planet of the cursed undead heart of the vengeful bride of the son of the thread that will not die!�.

e) Other commenters on this thread have respectfully asked you to post in that thread, which has been specially designated for arbitrary topics, instead of this thread, and I urge you to follow their advice.

f) Thank you for your cooperation.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 3:34 PM

Hello Sil,

* "In summary: No one told me, or had to tell me to be an atheist (or whatever) or about atheism for me to be one. Someone had to tell me about God. Nice try DM. "

You wrote how many paragraphs to make the above claim which could have been as easily expressed simply by the above sentences?

I suspect that you wrote so much because you are creating your own atheism story in accordance with whatever emotional justification you think it needs.

These stories exist outside the realm of verification and refutation ... even for your own self. People lie about their own history so easily and there is always an attempt to imposing virtue to the self against the vices of everyone else.

Atheists play the same game as PZ Myers' conversion myth has already illustrated.


Posted by: Celtic_Evolution Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:34 PM

You know, David Mathews, you've been asked several direct questions and can't be bothered to answer any of them... you've asked several questions and have completely ignored the responses...

I think I've seen this act before, and I think we've given enough information to any potential fence-sitters that I am calling it a day with this woo-addled, tiresome, obtuse, stubborn, intellectually deficient troll.



Posted by: Ken Cope | November 24, 2009 3:35 PM

Otherwise, religious people have not had any difficulty at all acknowledging the identifying with the gods of other cultures. This can be documented even among the Christians as they adopted pagan myths and rituals (see, for example, Christmas) and also among Catholics (see the fusion between Catholic and Native American religions in South and Central America).
Syncretism cuts both ways. As invading cultures take over, they assimilate the local practices. Frolics in the sacred groves? Fine, they're timber for the new church. Worship a goddess? Fine, here's a story about how she was raped by our god (see Leda, Europa, etc.) Campbellian local masking works fine for polytheists, as when Alexander's army extends empire to India, and his priests meet theirs. "Whom you call Indra, we call Zeus!" How quaint. Today, Christianist cut to the chase. "Whom you call Indra, we call Satan!"

Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 3:35 PM

Who the hell told you that all of the gods are mutually exclusive? Religious people make no such assertion except in the case of the most intolerant fundamentalists.

The majority of practicing monotheists today--that would be a hell of a lot of people, as you've already pointed out as if we weren't aware we were the minority--maintain that their God is the only valid one, and all other gods are fictional. The history of Christianity and Islam are soaked in the blood of pagans and other heathens because the last thing the missionaries wanted was for their converts to sully the purity of The One True Faith with those other, false gods.

Otherwise, religious people have not had any difficulty at all acknowledging the identifying with the gods of other cultures. This can be documented even among the Christians as they adopted pagan myths and rituals (see, for example, Christmas) and also among Catholics (see the fusion between Catholic and Native American religions in South and Central America).

Irrelevant. The practitioners still hold that their God is the only real one.

Intolerance is exclusive. Religion is inclusive.

Most major world religions have intolerance built in. In fact, that's how they became major world religions.

So the claim that belief in god is mutually exclusively is evidently false.

You've asserted everything and refuted nothing. Boring.


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 3:35 PM

The last sentence contradicts the first paragraph, TSG.

No, it doesn't.

If the last sentence is true it would exclude the possibility of humans inventing belief in God.

No, it wouldn't.

So you are left with a mystery ... humans are born atheists and must remain atheists forever without some outside influence, yet our ancestors who were also born atheists somehow came to believe in the existence of gods.

Our ancestors are not us. We know more than they did. The part you are deliberately ignoring is "In the present day..." Read it again.

How did this happen, tsg?

Our ancestors invented god to explain things they couldn't and we can. What is so hard to understand about that?


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 3:37 PM

David Mathews:

I make the decision. It needs no special justification since I am one individual engaged in an argument with a mob.

A "mob" that you chose to engage with. If you were not confident in your ability to answer the questions that were inevitably going to be fired your way, you should have stayed well away. You are not some heroic fighter for justice, going down in flames by the evil atheists.

You are a person on a computer who deliberately insulted the owner of a popular blog, and who was then asked - rightly hostile - questions by other people on computers, most of which you have chosen to ignore.

You decide which to answer? Then say, "I will answer this question because I want to". Don't say, "I will answer this question because it is worthy of my attention" or "I refuse to answer this question because it is unworthy of my attention".

You don't answer most questions put to you because you don't want to. Why don't you just say that.


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 3:38 PM

We're talking about an idea which has been present among humans for at least 40,000 years and also, incidentally, is believed by the vast majority of humans today.

And which instance of the idea is or was correct? Which set of positive claims about the idea are true?

How do you know?

How would you know if you were wrong?

If this was truly the case then you must explain how our ancestors originated the god idea against their own natural atheism.

Would seeing this explanation convince you that atheism was in fact correct?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 3:38 PM

Hello Chris P,

* "Isn't it special to be told by somebody that you cannot do what you know you did. I became an atheist through my own thoughts and analysis."

You are lying about your own history, ChrisP, just as PZ Myers lied about his emotional reaction to the Apollo 8 mission.

The above claim is beyond the reach of confirmation so I will dismiss it outright.

* "I noticed that nobody's prayers worked, that God did not intervene and a whole load of other stuff. "

Given that there are billions of humans on the planet it is unlikely that you engaged in the above "experiment".

* "I then read Dawkin's book and said "YES" - he had written down my own conclusions. "

Was he reading your mind? Must be atheism ESP.

* "I had never spoken to anybody about my thoughts. "

Don't lie to your own self.


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 3:39 PM

Yep this one is as thick as a brick with an eqo the size of his imagined god. Refusing to answer questions and ignoring answers.

If I wanted that I could go talk to the Notre Dame fan a few offices over.


Posted by: Rik G | November 24, 2009 3:41 PM

Hello David Mathews,
Good bye David Mathews.


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:42 PM

Dave Mathews #335 wrote:

"After all, the former-atheists-turned-theist are usually very enthusiastic about emphasizing that no, their conversion wasn't a gradual, rational conclusion like figuring out how evolution works -- it was like being bowled over, embraced by a person, and so forth and so on. They had an experience and they suddenly KNEW because they experienced God."

Atheists and theists have this much in common when talking about their conversion experiences.

No. PZ wasn't describing being bowled over by some force and having an inner certainty which can't be denied. As far as I can tell, nobody else has, either. I think you have to cite some other examples, because the essay in Humanist doesn't fit your claim.

Are you sure you haven't misinterpreted? I think Richard Carrier has described having a mystical experience where he suddenly felt "no God" -- but this is rare (he'd also had a background in Eastern religion and meditation.) But religious conversions based on subjective mystical experiences of God -- not that uncommon.

And, perhaps, the most common reason atheists -- philosophical atheists, and not just those who haven't thought about religion -- convert. They probably don't 'reason their way' to God. Once you approach the world with scientific honesty, the empirtical apologetics look less like real arguments, and more like rationalizations.

That leaves mysticism, and a personal determination to take it at face value.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 3:42 PM

Hello Janine,

* "How do you know that all of the scientists that worked on the Manhattan Project were atheists? Also, the decision to drop the atomic bombs were Harry Truman's. Was he an atheist? And except for the magnitude of the explosions, how were the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki different from the other aerial bombings of civilians. "

Now you are attempting to morally justify the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

You have demonstrated that there are no moral principles of atheism which forbid the mass murder of civilians in wartime or at any other time.

Nor is it possible to derive such a morality from an intellectually vacant idea such as atheism. Atheism cannot impose any sort of morality upon atheists.

How could atheism forbid an atheist from engaging in violence, warfare, mass murder and genocide?

Please do explain. I've waited my whole life to hear an atheism formulate such a morality within the confines of atheism's vacuum.


Posted by: Rebecca | November 24, 2009 3:45 PM

I turned on my local public radio station last night on my way home from work. An interviewer was speaking with Terri Schiavo's brother, who was essentially saying, "See, we told you so." He went on for ten minutes, saying how certain the family was that Terri was aware and could have improved with therapy and how this Belgian case showed that they were right. He talked about Terri's last fourteen days without food and how terrible that was for her family, believing she was suffering a horrible death.

Of course, neither the interviewer nor the brother brought up that fact that brain scans taken while Terri was alive, as well as her autopsy, showed brain atrophy inconsistent with the family's belief.

This Belgian case is going to cause such enormous suffering for families of people in PVS or with other profound neurological disabilities. This researcher should be put in the stocks.


Posted by: speedwell | November 24, 2009 3:45 PM

Dave, it doesn't matter a bit that atheism is a contentless notion. That's kind of the point. You are making the claim that God exists, or religion is true, or something. We're all waiting for you to back it up with reality and logic.

(looks at watch)

You can't, can you? I mean, you really can't?


Posted by: Dutch Delight | November 24, 2009 3:45 PM

The focus on conversion stories reminds me of that other oversized, non-inclusive, primitive, tribal religion called islam, any somewhat enthusiastic muslim I know will often keep telling you conversion stories of the most ridiculous kinds for hours on end, because, that's how impressive they are to the believers themselves.

I'm guessing our troll has the same fascination with non-evidence like conversion stories.


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 3:47 PM

Now you are attempting to morally justify the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

Argument by making shit up and pretending they said it?

You're not just deluded, you're deliberately dishonest. Just another Liar For JesusTM.

That's it. I'm done. Into the killfilter with you.


Posted by: dinkum | November 24, 2009 3:47 PM

You know, if you read the title of the thread again, and skip down a couple hundred posts, it looks like Ole Dave is the subject of the thread.

And he's arguing the "NO" side.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 3:47 PM

Hello Nerd of Redhead,

* "What burden of proof? Not believing in something is a default."

This does not constitute a legitimate scientific or philosophical argument. You are essentially engaged in a circular argument which atheism self-confirming itself.

* " The burden of proof is always on those making the claims. Atheists make no claims, but theists do."

For people who "make no claims" the atheists have said a whole bunch, wrote entire libraries of books, engaged in debates, and boasted to each other about their own superiority.

* "Ergo, the burden of proof is upon deists to back up their claims with evidence. Which isn't happening in your case. "

If you set the rules for the argument you cannot help but set them up to your own advantage. You cannot possibly approach this question objectively or rationally. Nor scientifically, either.

* "So, what? Not believing doesn't require thought, as it is the default."

Atheism doesn't require any thought. Sure as hell we agree about something!

* "Believing does, but the thought becomes delusional without evidence. And you never present any. You still have presented no evidence for your imaginary deity. "

You must assume that I am a preacher. I'm not in the conversion business. You'll need to look to someone else for that job.


Posted by: Souljacker | November 24, 2009 3:48 PM



Oh Adelaide, how could you let this happen again?


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 3:49 PM

DM "You are lying about your own history, ChrisP, just as PZ Myers lied about his emotional reaction to the Apollo 8 mission."

You're absolutely right : PZ never had an emotional reaction to the Apollo 8 mission. Rather, the roots for his atheism are elsewhere. So WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH THIS ???

And if you can tell everybody that everything they say about themselves is a lie, well, I guess we can consider that everything you say is a lie as well so THERE'S NO FUCKING POINT TO ARGUE ANYMORE!!!

I know what you're gonna say : angry atheist, bitter, blablabla, fap fap fap, but you don't seem to be able to make the difference between being angry at a stupid troll and a position on any subject. I don't "believe" in AGW because I'm angry at the deniers, but I'm angry at some of them because they are morons who cannot think for a split second.


Posted by: speedwell | November 24, 2009 3:51 PM

Atheism doesn't require any thought.

Neither does breathing air, going to sleep, or crying when you're cold and hungry does. These are all real things and they are consistent with reality. Atheism is consistent with reality. Remember, reality is what exists even when you stop believing in it, or don't notice it, or don't think about it.

So what's your problem with atheism, anyway, huh?


Posted by: daveau Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:52 PM

Slightly ON topic:

Maybe they should get this poor man a communication facilitator who can help him answer the questions in Chinese. Look! Another miracle!


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 3:52 PM

Hello Sastra,

* "Yes, I'm taking the term "defining core principle" very seriously, and not equating it with popularity, or the self-identity of the moment. "Atheism" isn't the defining core principle of a humanist. A humanist can believe in God. What makes them a humanist even then would be the reasons why they believe in God, how they believe, and their openness to contrary evidence. "

A humanist can believe in God? Thank God!

* "Sorry you had problems with my analogy to an artist who loved beauty, but lost the ability to create it, while keeping their love for beauty. Perhaps you'll understand my point better if you asked yourself how many of your own views could you change, if you were given good enough reasons -- and still keep your basic values of honesty, integrity, and reason intact? "

I make no claims regarding my own virtues either to myself or anyone else so the above paragraph is meaningless. Nor do I accept those claims from others speaking on their own behalf.

* "I suspect you could change pretty much any empirical viewpoint. What would change you is deciding instead that there was something more important than the truth. If, hypothetically of course, strong new evidence against global warming were to come in, and be gradually accepted by the overwhelming consensus of experts in the proper fields -- and yet you continued to insist that there is global warming because you love being a Crusader for the Environment, and it would destroy you to admit you were wrong -- then I think that might be an example of you, losing a core principle. But global warming -- or evolution -- or God -- or any belief you accepted on the evidence -- you could lose that, and still be you. "

Whatever ... are you suggesting that PZ Myers might become a theist?


Posted by: Knockgoats | November 24, 2009 3:52 PM

Atheism cannot impose any sort of morality upon atheists. - Dave Thick-as-two-short-planks Mathews

Of course it can't, dolt. Atheism is a lack of belief in gods. That's all. If a morality is "imposed" on you, then of course, it's not a morality at all - moral principles are something you need to choose for yourself. But I wouldn't expect a thick-as-two-short-planks Christard to understand that.

Harry S Truman was a convinced Christian, incidentally.


Posted by: LinzeeBinzee | November 24, 2009 3:52 PM

He really is just an idiot, isn't he? I isn't capable of even formulating an argument. There's no point in even addressing a post to him because he'll either ignore it, or quote it and make some non-sensical response that proves that he doesn't know how to give ideas any consideration at all.


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 3:53 PM

You are lying about your own history, ChrisP,

And you still haven't told us where you learned to read minds. Now 'fess up. How is it that you know how our minds work so much better than we do? How do you understand our lives so well that you know we're lying about ourselves?

You have demonstrated that there are no moral principles of atheism which forbid the mass murder of civilians in wartime or at any other time.

Oh, yawn. This is a PRATT.

Humanism, reason and logic are the cranes which build healthy structures of civilization. Atheism is the bulldozer that gets the termite-infested superstition out of the way.

Better trolls, please!


Posted by: Ken Cope | November 24, 2009 3:53 PM

How could atheism forbid an atheist from engaging in violence, warfare, mass murder and genocide?
If life is short, every moment of life is a gift, not to be squandered. Just as I failed to exist before I was born, I'll be dead for just as large a chunk of eternity. For all we know, this small corner of the universe may be the first to become aware of itself.

Take a peek at some other threads, where Christianists explain how it's more important to truthfully divulge the location of a hidden Jewish family to Nazis than to lie to them, since this life is only a moment, measured against eternal life. A Christian's relationship with an imaginary bogeyman that can read their minds when they lie, is more important than the lives of a family of human beings who are probably all going to hell anyway because they don't believe in Jesus.


Posted by: anonymouroboros | November 24, 2009 3:54 PM

@David Mathews

Atheism is always derived from some other source. Otherwise there wouldn't be any need for PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins to evangelize on behalf of atheism.
This is a somewhat bizarre argument. "Atheism" is a judgment derived from numerous other judgments and pieces of evidence. I can't really think of anyone who just accepts the idea of "atheism" by itself, honestly. There can be an emotional component, but it is not necessary. Your idea of atheism seems to be more a caricature than a conclusion that people actually arrive at. This would parse with your need to bend both ideas and evidence to fit the conclusion you had almost certainly already arrived at without very much evidence.
* "I didn't come to atheism from a lack of answers, or some childhood trauma, or because my preacher treated me badly. I came to atheism because there were no answers to doubt in Christianity. I came to atheism because the Christian text was self-contradictory. I came to atheism because my prayers went unanswered - until I finally realized that I was only talking to myself. " Need I point out that these aren't scientific arguments? They are irrational-emotional.
How is any of that irrational or emotional? Each action tests a hypothesis:

1. God provides answers to those doubting him (found to be false)

2. God provides his believers with a coherent, accurate, and logical text (found to be false)

3. God answers prayers (found to be false)

They are the very definition of rational. He did not keep his conclusion simply because he wanted the answer to be true. Rather, he went with the evidence. The fact that these hypotheses were found to be false discredits the idea of any sort of god actively involved with the universe. It seems to be your emotional prerogative to reject anything that doesn't fit your box for what atheism results from. Again, this fits with your prerogative to fit atheism into a conclusion you came to without very much solid evidence prior.

* " Atheism is the default rational position for the same reasons atoothfairyism is." According to the atheists, of course ...
I suppose you must explain then how *not* believing in something is as much a belief as believing in something is. To say that, one must ignore the vast majority of logic, psychology, and philosophy. This wouldn't be out of character for you, though.
Wow, I'm impressed. How many decades did you invest in this project? Did you become a professional scholar and objectively engage in comparative religion?
Are you serious?

You've made a wide-ranging pyschological judgment that all atheism is based on some emotional component. Are you a psychologist? Are you a neuroscientist? I didn't think so. To say someone must be a scholar of religion to make valid judgments about religion is as ridiculous as saying that one must be a psychologist to make judgments about the psychology of atheism. If you honestly believed that, you wouldn't be here. I like to assume all of my opponent's arguments are made in good faith, but this truly strains my abilities to believe such in your case.

So far, the only evidence you've given for your conclusion that all atheism has an emotional component has been a theme and variations on "atheists always seem so angry...". It is a conclusion based on anecdote and likely reinforced by what you usually read. It is likely you interpret anything against Christianity as "anger" which reinforces your conclusion. Anytime you see people mentioning atheism positively, you interpret it as "evangelism" because atheists tend to express emotions when they do so. I note that by using "evangelism" to describe atheists' efforts though, you implicitly acknowledge that all of the evangelism that you know of is based solely on an emotional component (and acknowledge that religion is largely irrational as well), thus you equivocate atheists promoting atheism and "evangelism" so you can maintain your existing views and comfort yourself thinking that atheism is just as emotional as Christianity. This may or may not actually be true, but at least it is a comforting thought to him. To reiterate, all of this is emotional and not rational. Technically, Mathews has already acknowledged that religion is inherently irrational (to some degree), but wants to make atheism irrational as well so that he can do the "different points of view" and/or "different starting points" nonsense from which presuppositionalism results (though Mathews may not be a presuppositionalist himself).

Even if all atheism were based on an emotional component, I do not see how this would provide evidence for a god. I also do not see how that would prevent an atheist's arguments from being rational even if they themselves disbelieved due to irrationality. You can try to prove that atheism is irrational, but it would mean nothing unless you gave actual, objective evidence for your position.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 3:55 PM

Hello Celtic Thunder,

* "Man, you are thick. Atheism is merely the position that, concerning the existence of deities, there is no proof, and proof is requisite for consideration... why would such a logical position require a burden of proof? Stop being stupid, for the love of reason! "

Atheism isn't merely a denial of the existence of gods. Atheists have written 100,000s of pages in addition to this simple vacant denial of the existence of gods.

Atheists must spend all of their time talking and never listen to what they are saying ...


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:57 PM

David Mathews #387:

Please do explain. I've waited my whole life to hear an atheism formulate such a morality within the confines of atheism's vacuum.

Atheism is too broad a category, just as "theism" is too general to get you to any specific moral system. A science-based secular humanism, however, will begin from the world, and base morality on a search for fair, honest, and kind relationships with others.

Which is, after all, the best that theism can try for, as well.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:57 PM

Whatever ... are you suggesting that PZ Myers might become a theist?
There is almost no chance of that. Now, if you had actual conclusive physical evidence for your imaginary deity, you might actually also rope in Richard Dawkins. But, without that evidence...

Posted by: gr8hands | November 24, 2009 3:57 PM

PZ, you should investigate using commenting software that has the "ignore" function, so that we don't have to suffer through the infantile rantings of David Mathews and his ilk. He could continue to post, but we wouldn't have to see his comments, on a thread-by-thread basis (just on the unlikely possibility that on some thread he wouldn't be a jerk).

I, for one, tire of responding to the equivalent of "it's too hard for me to understand, so it has to be wrong."

David Mathew, go fast, or pray, or do a foot washing, or bugger a child, or wander in the desert, or whatever ridiculous thing christians are supposed to do, but leave. Your retarded posts make my butt itch -- and not in the good way!

'moral principles of atheism' -- what a retard. Can't seem to get the simple fact that atheism isn't a religion, isn't a political party, isn't a dogma, isn't a philosophy. theists desperately want it to be, pretend it is, ignore the reality -- but then they're theists, not too good at the reality stuff.


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 3:58 PM

Un. Fucking. Believable.


Posted by: DeanFromBC | November 24, 2009 3:59 PM

@s.k.graham, 321

How dare you try to get this thread back on subject! Can't you see that the troll and his handlers have taken over?

For fuck's sake, people, just stop it already. Ignore him. Somebody said that it is necessary to refute his inane bullshit in case someone who is easily influenced comes across it. No, it isn't. It is only by responding to his baiting that you give him an excuse to keep posting his nonsense.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 4:00 PM

Well, you really are dumb liar. I'm off to see if I can find a distribution by Ray's servants. Probably much funnier trolls there...


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 4:00 PM

Hello Albatross,

* "You're right that atheism doesn't need any of those things, since atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god or gods. (Or, as you'd like to put it, it is a rejection of a particular set of beliefs, in the same way that atoothfairyism is a rejection of a particular set of beliefs.) "

We're making a lot of progress and reaching a consensus on the intellectually vacant nature of atheism. I'm glad to see widespread agreement on this very important point.

* "However, there are many reasons - some better than others - for someone to consider themselves an atheist, just as there are many reasons for someone coming to believe in a god or gods. I guarantee you that at least some have come to a position of atheism through science, logic, and reason"

Your guarantee means nothing and is in fact meaningless in accordance with the consensus which has formed and is repeatedly affirmed by atheists that atheism is intellectually vacant.

* "Similarly, if you really want to believe that there are no (or few) "adult atheists" that "engage in the so-called "scientific thought process" you're free to do so. You're absolutely, mindblowingly wrong, but that doesn't seem to have deterred you so far. "

What sort of scientific thought processes are even possible regarding an intellectually vacant idea?

Atheists are caught in a conundrum as they seek to claim scientific merits for an idea which is quite literally forever beyond the reach of science.


Posted by: speedwell | November 24, 2009 4:00 PM

Atheists have written 100,000s of pages in addition to this simple vacant denial of the existence of gods.

That's because we aren't talking about atheism. We're talking about theistic fallacies and abuses, humanistic philosophy, scientific materialism, and so forth. If you theists weren't so fucking ignorant and immoral, there really would be nothing to say to you, or about you.


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 4:01 PM

@Richard Mathews

You are lying about your own history, ChrisP, just as PZ Myers lied about his emotional reaction to the Apollo 8 mission.

Whoah! Seriously, WTF?

You are now not just deliberately misquoting PZ, you're also now claiming that - based upon your deliberate misquotation - PZ lied about his emotional reaction to the Apollo 8 mission and, based upon that lie, you now claim that other people are lying about their own history?



Posted by: Dutch Delight | November 24, 2009 4:02 PM

"Nor is it possible to derive such a morality from an intellectually vacant idea such as atheism. Atheism cannot impose any sort of morality upon atheists."

The stupid, it burns.

You can't get lemonade from crushing bricks either.

If you want to know something about morality, you should try checking out moral frameworks. What does this have to do with believing or not believing in your god?

Are you seriously suggesting that the primitive might-makes-right morality of some deity trumps secular moral frameworks?

Stop boring us with your platitudes, do some reading, and come back apologizing for being such an ignorant tool.


Posted by: amphiox | November 24, 2009 4:02 PM

"How could atheism forbid an atheist from engaging in violence, warfare, mass murder and genocide?"

Why should atheism be required to perform this function? Theism certain doesn't for theists! The most generous thing that can be said for theist thought on violence, warfare, mass murder and genocide is that sometimes it discourages it and sometimes it encourages it, and the encouragement is almost always far more specific than the discouragement, which is almost always pretty general and nebulous.

Humanism is what forbids a humanist from engaging in violence, warfare, mass murder and genocide. It so happens that many atheists are also humanists, and it is humanism that they turn to for moral guidance.

And the truth is, most theists are also humanists, and if they are honest, they will admit that it is humanism, and not theism, that informs their moral choices too. That is why they don't execute their disobedient children.


Posted by: Confused | November 24, 2009 4:02 PM


Any chance of warning us before you link to the Daily Fail in future? They make my brain hurt.

According to a proper newspaper:

"Houben now communicates with one finger and a special touchscreen on his wheelchair – he has developed some movement with the help of intense physiotherapy over the last three years."

Whatever the flaws with assisted communication, unless the reports are wildly exagerrating, it looks pretty clear that he is actually conscious. It'd be a pretty sick hoax if it wasn't. Given as you say it would be dangerously easy to disprove, at this point (given he's published papers on the case) it would be career suicide for everyone involved if it was. This ain't faking a blot on a gel, if he does turn out to still be a vegetable people will find out sooner or later.


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 4:03 PM

You have demonstrated that there are no moral principles of atheism which forbid the mass murder of civilians in wartime or at any other time.

Bullshit! I am demonstrated nothing. You desire that I be your witless little strawwoman. Fuck you.

It is pointless to argue with a person who decides what their opponent says. You dishonest little shit.

I have also asked you numerous times to move this farce. You cannot be bothered.

Killfile engaged.


Posted by: KemaTheAtheist | November 24, 2009 4:04 PM

I agree, Kema. Atheism is an altogether intellectually vacant idea as empty as a vacuum and equally meaningless.

Reading comprehension fail. I said nothing of the sort.

You wrote a whole bunch more in your post but I don't have the time to write a book in response so I will limit my comments to the above relevant statement you made about atheism.

Translation: I claim the rest of your statements irrelevent because I don't have a good answer.

Atheism isn't science, atheism's isn't reason, atheism isn't rationality, atheism isn't anything at all.

*sigh* Really? That's the best you can do?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 4:05 PM

Hello Nerd of Redhead,

* "Sorry, that a fallacy of the first order. Atheism makes no claims"

This point isn't subject to argument any longer since we've reached an agreement and consensus about atheism's inherent intellect vacantnes.

* "... other than there is no evidence for a deity, any of thwe 1000+ deities invented by man. We await the evidential claims of religion regarding this things. But religions always present circular arguments, like god proves the bible, and the bible proves god. So we stop that circle by saying "show me the conclusive physical evidence for your deity". At that point, nothing but noise from religion, and you. "

I doubt that you have seriously investigated the claims of religion and also doubt that you could objectively do so. You already have your own form of non-negotiable dogmatism and that is all you will ever need.

* "Now, the default is always non-belief. So, there is nothing to investigate if there is no evidence. "

See how you exclude evidence from consideration as your formulate atheism as a circular argument!


Posted by: Knockgoats | November 24, 2009 4:05 PM

Atheists have written 100,000s of pages in addition to this simple vacant denial of the existence of gods. - Dave Christurd Mathews

That's because Christurds such as yourself, and other Religidiots, cause such damage and destruction with their wickedness and stupidity. If you caused as little trouble as the believers in leprachauns, atheists would have written no more about atheism than aleprachaunists have about aleprachaunism. Really, it is tiresome arguing with someone quite as stupid as you.


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 4:06 PM

For fuck's sake, people, just stop it already. Ignore him. Somebody said that it is necessary to refute his inane bullshit in case someone who is easily influenced comes across it. No, it isn't. It is only by responding to his baiting that you give him an excuse to keep posting his nonsense.

I said it originally and I stand by it, but I think we've adequately accomplished it.

He's got no argument, no defendable position, and that has been shown.

That said, no one's forcing you to read it.


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 4:06 PM

Atheists must spend all of their time talking and never listen to what they are saying ...

And the mirror continues to shine.


Posted by: The Science Pundit Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:06 PM


PZ, you should investigate using commenting software that has the "ignore" function, so that we don't have to suffer through the infantile rantings of David Mathews and his ilk.

You can do that yourself if you use Firefox. Just download the GreaseMonkey plug-in and the killfile script. What I think PZ should do is disemvowel all of DM's comments and force him onto the Thread that won't die.


Posted by: amphiox | November 24, 2009 4:07 PM

Those of you who have accused David Matthews of being a troll and trying to derail this initially completely unrelated thread, consider the title of the thread, and realize that his presence within it is perfectly appropriate.


Posted by: gr8hands | November 24, 2009 4:07 PM

Confused, think carefully about Ms. Shaivo, where the autopsy conclusively proved she had died many years prior to removing the feeding tube. That hasn't change the opinion of any nutjobs in congress that voted to change laws to keep her "alive." Facts haven't been accepted by those desperate to ignore them.

They need the hoax to be true.


Posted by: Madrigalia | November 24, 2009 4:08 PM

Sorry to get back to the actual topic, but...

New questions arise

It appears that the media are slowly, grudgingly, getting this aspect of the story. The linked article is titled "Comatose for 23 years Belgian feels reborn" but is from a link, buried in the Yahoo carousel, labeled "New questions arise". It contains these bits:

Assisted by a speech therapist who rapidly moved his finger letter by letter along a touch-screen keyboard, ...

It's clear, and reported, that the typing is very rapid, not what I'd expect.

Arthur Caplan, a bioethics professor at the University of Pennsylvania, said he is skeptical of Houben's ability to communicate after seeing video of his hand being moved along the keyboard.

"That's called 'facilitated communication,'" Caplan said. "That is ouija board stuff. It's been discredited time and time again. When people look at it, it's usually the person doing the pointing who's doing the messages, not the person they claim they are helping."

Caplan also said the statements Houben allegedly made with the computer seem unnatural for someone with such a profound injury and an inability to communicate for decades.

Thus, buried in the story with the credulous title and largely credulous text, is indication that at least some knowledgeable person things the communication is bogus.

And, showing that Laureys has a vested interest in disproving PVS diagnoses:

Dr. Steven Laureys said he has discovered some degree of consciousness using state-of-the-art equipment in other patients but won't say how many. He looks at about 50 cases from around the world a year but none are as extreme as that of Rom Houben, who was fully conscious inside a paralyzed body. Many center on the fine distinction between a vegetative state and minimal consciousness.

He said Tuesday that: "It is very difficult to tell the difference."

His studies showed that some 40 percent of patients with consciousness disorders are wrongly given a diagnosis of a vegetative state.

"It is clearly unacceptable. It is four times out of ten that they think the patient is in a vegetative state but in reality he is minimally conscious," Laureys said.


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 4:09 PM

Who the hell told you that all of the gods are mutually exclusive? Religious people make no such assertion except in the case of the most intolerant fundamentalists.

Technically, this is false. Monotheists who take their monotheism seriously do assert that there is only one god and all others must be false. Religious monotheists who take their religion seriously do assert that that their religion's beliefs are the only ones that are true. But they may still agree that other religious adherents should be treated decently even if they are going to be punished by the one true God for not being of the correct religion.

Intolerance is exclusive. Religion is inclusive.

Obviously and pathetically false. For every example of syncretism, there are many more of religion-based persecution.

The Bible demonstrates as much, too. The Bible borrowed heavily from the pagan mythology of their neighbors as atheists are proud to point out with much glee.

And? You'll note that the same Bible promotes religious intolerance. What conclusion should be drawn about it, then?

So the claim that belief in god is mutually exclusively is evidently false.

Since that wasn't the original claim, you're arguing a strawman anyway.


Posted by: Menyambal | November 24, 2009 4:10 PM

Hey, Dave, they are talking about you over on the thread you should be on.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 4:11 PM

DM "Atheists have written 100,000s of pages in addition to this simple vacant denial of the existence of gods."

Yeah, just like they have written over 400 posts right here because of a blind asshole like you.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 4:11 PM

Hello Ol' Greg,

* "It has been a really long time but for me it was mostly about the way properties can emerge because they work which leads to systems that are more complex, some times more complex than they might ideally be. It struck a chord with me I guess because I work with building functioning things with computers, so there was a logic to me that appealed accounting for a lot of the messy stuff when you think about why, for instance, some things have eyes that could be better and some things have eyes that are awesome. "

All of this information is interesting but it has nothing whatosever to do with either theism or atheism.

Richard Dawkins evangelizes for atheism in an unscientific manner by necessity since atheism isn't a principle of science (however you might wish to believe otherwise).

The sad thing is that Richard Dawkins uses his status as a legitimate scientists as a cover for explicitly unscientific activities such as evangelism.

Much of Richard Dawkins' scientfic work is questionable, too, but it is difficult to objectively investigate such matters when he spends his time preaching to the choir and attempting to offend all of the planet's religious people with trollish comments specifically designed to draw a public outcry and provide him with unwarranted news coverage for his sermonizing.


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 4:12 PM

David Mathews:

I doubt that you have seriously investigated the claims of religion and also doubt that you could objectively do so.

Have you? Could you?

Present your arguments. You will be marked on style, presentation, and the ability to include every religion, and every sect of every religion (not to mention every schism of every sect of every religion) in an objective fashion in the format of a reply to a comment of a blog post.

Marks will be deducted for ignoring questions or lying. Your argument must provide an argument for theodicy, the diversion of religions and a discussion as to why God (or gods) creates advocates who have reading comprehension problems.


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 4:13 PM

I doubt that you have seriously investigated the claims of religion and also doubt that you could objectively do so. You already have your own form of non-negotiable dogmatism and that is all you will ever need.

And where did you learn to read minds, jackass? Share the knowledge! Inquiring minds want to know!


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:13 PM

David Mathews #398 wrote:

A humanist can believe in God? Thank God!

Yes -- but they can seldom maintain the belief against cogent critique. Religious humanists therefore tend to have very 'soft,' loose versions of God, which can be interpreted in ways consistent with atheism.

I make no claims regarding my own virtues either to myself or anyone else so the above paragraph is meaningless. Nor do I accept those claims from others speaking on their own behalf.

Very well. Consider it a hypothetical attempt then to illustrate that a rational conclusion cannot become a "core principle" to a secular humanist. The core principles would lie behind the approach that allowed one to arrive at the conclusion in the first place.

Whatever ... are you suggesting that PZ Myers might become a theist?

Yes, if there was good public evidence. The inherent honesty behind the approach of science and reason is more important -- or ought to be more important -- than saving face.

Although you may not accept any of our claims to virtue, I think you have to assume them anyway -- or there would be no point in your scolding us. You're trying to appeal to our better principles -- consistency, honesty, coherency, rationality -- and change our minds, by showing us deficiencies we can recognize. Or, at least, you seem to be doing something like this.

You could simply be a troll, of course. But I will keep that deep, dark, troubling suspicion to myself, and assume good faith. As a hypothetical, if need be.


Posted by: LadyShea | November 24, 2009 4:14 PM

I don't believe in the existence of any deities I have heard about. The word used for that state of disbelief is atheist.

Why is that a problem for you David?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 4:15 PM

Hello Nerd of Redhead,

* "No, I am asserting theis is irrational and unscientific, while atheism follows the rules of rationality and science. "

Like hell atheism follows the rules of rationality and science. Atheism is an intellectually vacant idea and therefore far beyond the reach of the rules of rationality and science.

Nor could you demonstrate otherwise without actually producing a positive argument on behalf of atheism.

If you'd like to do so, go ahead ...


Posted by: Steve_C | November 24, 2009 4:16 PM

I'm sensing DM is a banned troll. He seems very familiar. I think PZ will let us know which from the dungeon he is.


Posted by: Newfie | November 24, 2009 4:16 PM

*throws a banana down the hallway*

Go get it, Dave! Go get it!


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 4:17 PM

You could simply be a troll, of course. But I will keep that deep, dark, troubling suspicion to myself, and assume good faith. As a hypothetical, if need be.

Sastra, in the past, you have expressed self doubt about your snark-fu. Trust me, your snark-fu is subtle but mighty.


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:17 PM

Wait a minute...I think I hear the dungeon doors creaking...


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 4:17 PM

You are lying about your own history, ChrisP, just as PZ Myers lied about his emotional reaction to the Apollo 8 mission.

Clearly, you are very angry to make such accusations against someone you don't know.

Obviously, your anti-atheism is nothing more than a completely irrational emotional reaction.

Did you have a bad experience with atheism when you were very young and too irrational to know better?


Posted by: MrFire | November 24, 2009 4:17 PM



Posted by: Sarah | November 24, 2009 4:18 PM

My bullshit-o-metre nearly exploded watching this video. It's PAINFULLY obvious that the woman is doing ALL of the communicating (there's another video someone linked too in which Dom is obviously asleep but still able to write coherently even with his eyes closed!).

I also noticed at one point in the video the reporter went over to the computer and held Dom's hand. I notice they didn't show him actually facilitating the communication with Dom.

As for the troll in the dungeon, I became an atheist as an adult (although I think, in all honesty, I was an atheist as a child but didn't know what an atheist was). I found christianity lacked intelligent, logical, answers to life's mysteries. I tried Judaism, Hinduism, and several eastern philosophies.

When I went to college I took biology, chemistry and physics (among other things) and found that the sciences answered my questions cogently, and with more honesty and truth than any religion I had studied.

I won't for a moment claim I looked into all the world religions. I still research new (to me) religions as they come about and have yet to find one that matches, let alone surpasses, the honesty that I find in atheism and science.

BTW other than being expelled from the catholic school system for asking "inappropriate" questions in the 3rd grade I've never had a "traumatic" religious experience.... Well, there was that christian revival meeting I went to in my teens but I've blocked most of those memories out. :)


Posted by: Dirty Hairy | November 24, 2009 4:19 PM

Guys, I forgot to go to Atheist Church this Sunday...


Posted by: flyonethewall | November 24, 2009 4:20 PM


Dave Matthews of the Dave Matthews band is an atheist (at least that's what I read), so let's not confuse him with this troll.


Posted by: ErikFK | November 24, 2009 4:20 PM

A mindless theist troll that called himself David Mathews was throwing with empty words in a Pharyngula thread and some atheist - like me - couldn't help but feed him.

Sad story indeed ;-)


Posted by: Knockgoats | November 24, 2009 4:20 PM

Is it really possible the TV journalist in that clip didn't see what a load of crap this story is? Any journalist worth his salt would have made some effort to check it out - like whispering his questions into the patient's ear. If he asked to do this and they refused - it's fraud. If he asked and they accepted but it didn't work - self-deception. If it worked - it's real. But, as the clip says, it was both "terrifying and uplifting". Just the thing for a slow news night, and screw the people for whom it raised false hopes.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 4:20 PM

Hello Sastra,

* "No, because atheism is still falsifiable. "

How so? An intellectually vacant idea is beyond the reach of falsifiability.

* "Naturalism is falsifiable, as is materialism."

How so? You'd better present some evidence on behalf of these extraordinary claims.

* "Strong evidence for ESP, astrology, mind-body substance dualism, or magical correspondences connecting moral values to physical events would probably go a good way towards disproving all 3. "

I doubt it. Atheists would still find a reason to deny such evidence even if it existed, and legitimately so, because these things are actually irrelevant to the question.

* "But the burden has to be on the paranormal and supernatural, because it is too easy otherwise to continually insist that the magic is hiding "behind" its physical explanation. "

If you say so ... but you've left yourself an escape.

* "Secular humanists tend to approach religious claims the same way they approach paranormal and pseudoscientific ones, because, objectively speaking, they all hold traits that classify them together. Including the need for "having faith."

Secular humanists don't possess any special status in my mind so I have no reason to regard any of their opinions as worthy of attention.


Posted by: Steve_C | November 24, 2009 4:22 PM


Are you a Mormon? Do you wear magic underwear?


Posted by: heddle | November 24, 2009 4:22 PM


Technically, this is false. Monotheists who take their monotheism seriously do assert that there is only one god and all others must be false.

Certainly what olwmirror states is true.

A Jew, a Muslim and a Christian came upon Jesus. The Jew, being a charitable fellow, said "There is a somewhat misguided rabbi who had some commendable teaching." The Muslim said "there is a great messenger, who was not crucified as some say." And the Christian said: "There stands God, creator of the universe, and risen from the dead."

Irreconcilable differences.


Posted by: Mark A. Siefert | November 24, 2009 4:23 PM

Atheism isn't merely a denial of the existence of gods.

No. "Denial of the existence of gods" IS all that atheism is. That's atheism very definition, moron! It makes no other propositions; not about morality nor ethics, not about the origins of the cosmos, not about life on Earth. You need much more than a statement pertaining to the existence of a deity to create a philosophy or a religion. Anything else you tack onto "atheism" is just you projecting your own biases onto it.

Now, until you get a clue, I kindly suggest you shut the fuck up. You have the gall to lecture us about our alleged ignorance of other religions, but you are obviously and grossly ignorant about what atheism actually is.


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 4:24 PM

Secular humanists don't possess any special status in my mind so I have no reason to regard any of their opinions as worthy of attention.

This is why the asshole is arguing with the "atheists" in his head and not truly engaging what people are saying.


Posted by: Dirty Hairy | November 24, 2009 4:24 PM

#445-And I thought the conversation was getting stupid BEFORE this...

Quick raise of flippers, idiots, who was ACTUALLY thinking this was the famous musician Dave Matthews?

Thanks for participating. Here's your ribbon.


Posted by: LadyShea | November 24, 2009 4:24 PM

[i]*I'm sensing DM is a banned troll. He seems very familiar. I think PZ will let us know which from the dungeon he is.*[/i]

He's been around various forums for years, perhaps you remember him from IIDB or something?


Posted by: sinned34 | November 24, 2009 4:24 PM

David Mathews: hardening hearts to the gospel, one misleading, insulting comment at a time!


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 4:25 PM

Hello Nerd of Redhead,

* "Sorry, you are wrong. There is no need for a positive basis, as the default is always non-belief, or atheism. Which follows the rules of science and logic. I know, I'm a 30+ year practicing scientist. Now, for theism to be considered, that requires positive evidence for a deity. Evidence which you avoid presenting, because you know you have none. "

I'd say that the claim that "the default is always non-belief" is false from an objective standpoint because religious belief originated among humankind.

How could such a belief originate if atheism is humankind's perpetual default viewpoint?

If taken seriously the above claim would essentially demand that theism and religious was imposed upon humankind from an outside source ... i.e., it would constitute an indirect argument for the existence of gods.


Posted by: ConcernedJoe | November 24, 2009 4:26 PM

Wow DM - you got to be a Poe! Right?

I am not being mean - I really mean it - several times I found myself like laughing out loud. Your fluff supported by vacuousness has to be well tuned satire. I am being serious - you are good.

But if you are for real I'll make several comments:

1. Even little kids come to the realization that Santa ain't for real. But they cling a bit longer for the perks and to satisfy social expectations. Carrying on...

2. Religion is a very powerful social force - it is the power structure in many societies. With such societal pressures one might cling or be in denial longer (even forever) of what they really feel. Gosh in some countries or even in some parts of the USA being a outright-atheist can be downright hazardous to your social standing, welfare, or freedom. Go with herd - less costly the inner mind says - and it is right in many ways! Carrying on ...

3. Except for religion we mostly expect children to start to think realistically and separate fantasies from reality at least minimally fairly early. In my day our parents expected us to recognize flying was only for birds or Superman in the comics regardless what we saw, heard, or read.

4. So science of a sort (the critical thinking part) starts to develop early on - helpful for the survivial of the species. Except when it comes to religion we generally demand children and adults to recognize fantasies from reality.

5. God or other woo-woo beliefs may develop in some even if parents are devoid of it. First there is that pesky god centric society even children interact with. Further there are mental conditions innate or fostered by natural or artificial "chemistry", etc. In otherwords shit happens. Again religion is powerful in most societies.

6. I outted myself as an atheist as a young man. I was not mad - nor did I really have to think about it much at all. I just "woke up one day" in early manhood and knew this god stuff is hocus pocus. Perhaps science education helped but mostly I think it all became so patently silly and immature. I've never looked back, been unsure or scared of my ephifany, nor doubted that I am as moral as an imperfect normal person can be. I just do not believe in magic or the raving or wishful thinking of primatives.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:28 PM

Like hell atheism follows the rules of rationality and science.
Give me your credentials as a scientist. I have a PhD and 30+ years. You are a liar and bullshitter. So, keep lying and bullshitting, but it won't change my minds, or the minds of those here. We have your number, and it is behind the 8 ball.
Like hell atheism follows the rules of rationality and science.
Again with your lying and bullshitting. The default position, which atheism is, never requires positive evidence. To move from there requires positive evidence. Until you stop lying to yourself, you can't stop lying to me, or the others on this thread. You are making yourself look very stoopid and very foolish. But then, we expect that from LIARS AND BULLSHITTERS FOR JEBUSâ„¢.

Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 4:29 PM

Hello Dutch Delight,

* "Like many atheists, I never believed in gods. And there's really no reason for me to research all of them before rejecting them (even though i have researched more then most religious people I've ever met). It's the theist who has to explain why he chose to accept a particular supernatural belief and not another. Atheists are not the hypocrites here, they treat all supernatural nonsense the same. "

Personal boastful claims of this sort are, intrinsically, subjective and beyond the reach of verification or refutation.

If atheists spend all of their time praising their own self this sort of talk still doesn't amount to much.

It is common for people to elevate their own opinions ... atheists engage in this sort of silliness with a gusto which serves as a substitute for actual rational, scientific thought processes.


Posted by: Menyambal | November 24, 2009 4:29 PM

Yeah, that woman---sorry, that poor man---seems to type awfully damn fast, and to be very coherent. Notice, if you would, that the answers are NOT in English, but there has been no mention of who is doing the translating. I realize that the languages are similar, but there should be some trouble, not this nearly-poetic tripe.

And speaking of tripe, the poor man should be nearly bonkers after 23 years inside his own head. Or at least swearing at the damn doctors.

I do not see how a person can have no conscious control over even facial muscles, yet somehow get signals down to the old forefinger of facilitation favoriteness. What happened to his foot-tapping? Why is that not being used?


Posted by: Brownian, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:31 PM

A Jew, a Muslim and a Christian came upon Jesus. The Jew, being a charitable fellow, said "There is a somewhat misguided rabbi who had some commendable teaching." The Muslim said "there is a great messenger, who was not crucified as some say." And the Christian said: "There stands God, creator of the universe, and risen from the dead."

Irreconcilable differences.

Not at all. If such an occurrence were to actually happen, I'm sure the three would have no difficulty at all resolving the truth of his claims to be Jesus the Saviour (provided Jesus wasn't fucking them all around with any "Do Not Test the Lord Thy God" bullshit), and centuries of bloody fighting would have been for nought but God's misanthropic amusement.


Posted by: aratina cage Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:31 PM

David Matthews made my head explode!

You have demonstrated that there are no moral principles of atheism which forbid the mass murder of civilians in wartime or at any other time.
Typical theistic ignorance. Religions can, and particularly Christianinanity does, have so-called "moral principles" that are immoral. While focusing on murder and genocide, you have passed right up the fact that Christianinanity calls for the extinction of the human race and that it worships the torture of its own god.


Posted by: John M | November 24, 2009 4:32 PM

#416 amphiox

Err... Iranians do - execute their disobedient children that is. Those that suffer from confusion about what is culturally acceptable sexuality, right about the time of life when they are immersed in puberty, get to be legally strangled courtesy of the theocracy there.


Posted by: heddle | November 24, 2009 4:32 PM

As the parent of an autistic child, nothing pisses me off more than the charlatans who practice facilitated communication.


Posted by: pigeon | November 24, 2009 4:33 PM

I actually laughed out loud when I watched the video!! TOTAL HOAX, people!!! Too bad the media didn't vet these scam artists before reporting on this miracle story.


Posted by: Mr T | November 24, 2009 4:33 PM

You set him straight, heddle.

yuk ... I never imagined I would write such a thing.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 4:34 PM

Hello Alyson,

* "Wrong again. Either there is a god/gods at work in our universe, or not. Based on the available evidence, we conclude that there is no reason to think there are any gods to be found. If someone can give us some usable evidence of at least on god in our intersubjective reality, then we'll no longer be atheists. But of course that evidence will have to be something better than pareidolia/Pascal's Wager/Yay Jesus!/the Holey Babble/Everyone's Doing It. To date, such evidence has not been presented. "

Have you considered the possibility that a human demanding evidence for God makes about as much sense as an amoeba attempting to comprehend quantum mechanics?

You aren't speaking to a person who is at all impressed by humankind or human intellect or the human manner of thinking and especially not by the human manner of life.

When you say "I cannot see any evidence for God" all I can say is, "The cats cannot comprehend astronomy either and they cannot even know that they don't comprehend".

I have very low expectations regarding the thought processes of a primate. Humankind's behavior on the Earth doesn't merit any claims regarding the quality of human thought processes.


Posted by: The Science Pundit Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:34 PM

Okay, I don't get to say this too often, so I can't pass this opportunity up.

I completely agree with heddle! (comment #450)


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 4:35 PM

Heddle, this is the wrong thread but on this subject, I completely agree with you.


Posted by: Brownian, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:36 PM

Okay, I don't get to say this too often, so I can't pass this opportunity up.

I completely agree with heddle! (comment #450)

It's a Festivus miracle!


Posted by: Mark A. Siefert | November 24, 2009 4:37 PM

How so? You'd better present some evidence on behalf of these extraordinary claims.

It's simple, moron. You make a testable, reproducible claim and conduct an experiment. I take you slept through seventh grade science class.

I doubt it. Atheists would still find a reason to deny such evidence even if it existed...

No, fucktard. Once again, atheism has nothing to say about ESP, psychic powers, UFOs, bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, or any other supernatural claim ... other than the existence of a "god."

Show us the proof and then we'll be convinced. If you don't have said proof, your blowing moonbeams and rainbows out of your ass.

If you say so ... but you've left yourself an escape.

That's not "an escape," pig-shit-for-brains. That's how science works. You make a testable, reproducible claim. Then you prove a testable, reproducible claim by collecting evidence through observation and experimentation.


Posted by: Quatguy | November 24, 2009 4:37 PM

I love being an atheist and would not have it any other way. I do not know many hard core Theists but enjoy reading their comments on this blog (and others) for pure entertainment value. How can they keep deluding themselves? I find it endlessly fascinating! I cannot imagine how screwed up it must be in the US bible belt to have everyone running around praising this and god bless that. There is no evidence! How obtuse can people be? It really just blows me away.


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:37 PM

David Mathews #448 wrote:

How so? An intellectually vacant idea is beyond the reach of falsifiability.

Apologists have made many attempts to use science to find God -- Fine Tuning, the Argument from Design, Quantum Consciousness. People who believe in supernatural forces have parapsychology. There are frequent claims that some specifically religious beliefs -- reincarnation, life after death, miracles, prophesy -- have been "scientifically validated."

If this were the case, and any one of these examples stood up under scrutiny --just like natural claims -- then a reasonable atheist/naturalist/materialist would be forced to admit that their working theory wasn't sufficient to explain the results. It could happen. It just hasn't.

I doubt it. Atheists would still find a reason to deny such evidence even if it existed, and legitimately so, because these things are actually irrelevant to the question.

Well, it depends on how the terms are defined, but I think most atheists could and would think that, if these were verifiably true, then theism is either most likely, or more likely, than it currently is.

Most honest atheists. If you're going to talk about what dishonest people would do, you're going to lose your audience.

Secular humanists don't possess any special status in my mind so I have no reason to regard any of their opinions as worthy of attention.

But you're asking questions and making statements about atheism, which really apply to secular humanism, or at least Naturalism. As others have pointed out, "atheism" is too broad a category.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:40 PM

Have you considered the possibility that a human demanding evidence for God makes about as much sense as an amoeba attempting to comprehend quantum mechanics?
No, evidence is what separates delusions from reality. And why you are a delusional fool, and we are sane rationalist/atheists.

Posted by: John | November 24, 2009 4:40 PM

"How could such a belief originate if atheism is humankind's perpetual default viewpoint?"

Because people looked up and needed an explanation to why the sky was shooting lazerbeams.

Go watch gorillas, they to, are pissed at the sky


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 4:40 PM

Hello Anri,

I'll answer your questions:

1. If a child disbelieves in Santa Claus due to an emotional reaction (because they are frightened by the concept, for example), have they made an incorrect conclusion?


2. And if not, how would you determine that?

Santa Claus is a historical figure who has been transformed by mythology into a symbol.

3. Would you say that a child who reacted to a description of Santa Claus with the (emotional) reaction 'that sounds crazy to me', is forever barred from having a rational opinion on the existence of Santa Claus?

Not in the least. Santa Claus is quite obviously a mythological entity established upon the memory of an actually existing human who possessed none of the traits ascribed to his legacy.

4. And if not, please explain why this would apply to one mystical being (Santa) and not another (god).

Because god's role in humankind is quite a bit different than Santa Claus' role in Christmas.

5. Have you ever had an emotional reaction to the Santa Claus story?
Do you consider your current opinion of the Santa Claus story rational?

Children naturally have an emotional reaction to the Santa Claus story but this story loses legitimacy the first moment that a child discovers his parents shopping for Christmas gifts, wrapping them and putting them under the tree.


Posted by: realinterrobang Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:40 PM

I "became" an atheist (inasmuch as I never became anything else) through basically the same logical process Alec describes in his beautiful little snippet of propositional calculus.

The culture at large introduced me to this "religion" idea (in my case, Christianity), and I looked at the claims it was making, and I looked at the world around me, saw that the claims Christianity was making were contrary to what I was observing with my own eyes, and decided to trust my lying eyes instead of the local Liars for Jesus. I distinctly remember a period where I neither believed the claims nor disbelieved them; I was still thinking about them, and I'd filed them off in the side of my head until I had enough evidence either way. I'm still waiting for some actual evidence for gods. In the meantime, I'm running with "No evidence, no gods."

I don't think I'd ever even heard of Richard Dawkins until I was well into my 20s; when I thought through my primitive logic and came to my conclusion that gods probably didn't exist, he'd just gotten famous in scientific circles for The Selfish Gene, but kids in small towns in rural Canada don't have access to current science books. I didn't even know another open atheist until I was almost finished high school!

My atheism predates loud, public atheism by a good 25 years. My parents claim they're religious, but are generally too lazy to actually go to church, and I've never seen either of them read any religious text whatsoever, not the Bible, not the Torah, not the Qu'ran, not the Vedas and Upanishads, not the Tao Teh Ching.


Posted by: Eonir Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:41 PM

If you're left in an empty room with absolutely nothing to do, you go crazy after several hours.

The guy has been in this state for over 20 years. Even if he was conscious, he'd be totally out of his mind by now. His mind would be annihilated. Such torture is unimaginable.

He's better of brain-dead.


Posted by: Mighty Atheist | November 24, 2009 4:42 PM

DM: Let go of the argumentum ad populum. It is meaningless that the majority of humanity believes in a single or multiple divinities. Also, it is irrelevant how long the idea of religion has been around. People believed that diseases were caused by the influence of the stars, possibly for thousands of years. This does not make the idea true. Just because a lot of people believe something for a long time doesn't make it so.


Posted by: Menyambal | November 24, 2009 4:43 PM

David Mathews just told us, folks:

You aren't speaking to a person who is at all impressed by humankind or human intellect or the human manner of thinking and especially not by the human manner of life.


Posted by: David Estlund | November 24, 2009 4:44 PM

Wow. I haven't seen trolling like this since my IRC days, but I've pretty much avoided the blogosphere for years until lately. David Mathews, atheists (especially "new" atheists) are agnostics who are fed up with people like you posing every fallacious argument in the book against our lack of faith in a desperate attempt to justify your own. We get emotionally charged because the hypocrisy quickly reaches hazardous levels. It's exasperating. If you were to spend much time around us, you'd notice that we get along very well with people of faith when the discussion is more like the following:
Christian: "Do you have a church?"
Atheist: "I don't believe in God."
Christion: "Really? I wish you did. I enjoy church. Have you had lunch?"


Posted by: ConcernedJoe | November 24, 2009 4:44 PM

Hi heddle -- haven't seen you around (maybe I've been out of it). Hope all well with you and family. Sure we'll disagree vehemently pretty soon :-) but always a pleasure and interesting.


Posted by: idle.pip.verisignlabs.com Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:46 PM

The one thing that would put this all to bed, would be to have a "facilitator" who doesn't speak, or cant type in the language he speaks in. If his answers make sense, bingo. Or just ask questions about things only he can see, but she cannot...


Posted by: Kyle | November 24, 2009 4:46 PM

Successful troll is successful, it would seem.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 4:46 PM

Hello Martha,

* "Atheism is not making a claim that there is no god. It is saying that there is no evidence of a god and from what we know about the world and people, it doesn't seem as if evidence is forthcoming so the atheist is going to waste her time on the issue. Just like we don't waste time on Santa or the tooth fairy. This is the essence of rational and scientific thinking. "

You claim that your opinions are the essence of rationality and scientific thinking. I'm not so impressed either by your opinions or your thought processes. But self-praise is enough for atheists because without self-praise they wouldn't have any praise at all.

* "In contrast, religion makes positive claims. Religions positively asserts the existence of god or gods and positively asserts claims about the nature of god or gods. You can make all the claims you want, but there is no reason to believe a claim without proof. "

Considering the intrinsic nature of the god idea I really doubt that a primate's mind could actually contain it within any sort of objective argument. Humankind has difficulty enough thinking about a time span of 1000 years duration, how then might a primate get its mind around the idea of god?

I'd just as soon as a cat to think about god than offer proof to a primate that god exist.

There are some ideas bigger than the primate manner of thinking. The human mind is one imperfect, flawed and perpetually prone to error tool.


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 4:47 PM

Nor could you demonstrate otherwise without actually producing a positive argument on behalf of atheism.

If you'd like to do so, go ahead ...

Just as soon as you prove to us that you've never murdered anyone. You prove a negative first, then it'll be our turn.

An intellectually vacant idea is beyond the reach of falsifiability.

Wrong again. As soon as someone comes up with usable evidence for God, atheism will be effectively falsified. The fact that "I feel Jesus in my heart!" is about the best anyone can come up with isn't our fault.

I doubt it. Atheists would still find a reason to deny such evidence even if it existed, and legitimately so, because these things are actually irrelevant to the question.

Again with the mind-reading! How do you do it, man?!

How could such a belief originate if atheism is humankind's perpetual default viewpoint?

NoR did NOT say that atheism is humankind's perpetual default viewpoint. We say that atheism is the null hypothesis. It is the most parsimonious position to take, unless and until usable evidence is discovered. The fact that human beings came up with beliefs in various gods depending on geography doesn't mean any of those gods are real--it means human beings are prone to illogical thinking. Especially when naturalistic explanations are not available.

And if you want to know how humankind developed beliefs in (various) god(s) (depending on geography) without having those beliefs imposed from outside, go read Breaking the Spell by Daniel Dennett. Based on your behavior in this thread, I doubt you'll get anything out of the book, but it'll keep you busy until PZ gets back from fishing.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 4:48 PM

DM : "When you say "I cannot see any evidence for God" all I can say is, "The cats cannot comprehend astronomy either and they cannot even know that they don't comprehend".

I have very low expectations regarding the thought processes of a primate. Humankind's behavior on the Earth doesn't merit any claims regarding the quality of human thought processes."

Then, what is it with your "it's true because humans have thought it for 40 000 years" bullshit ??? You cannot have it both ways.


Posted by: RickK | November 24, 2009 4:49 PM

I'm not sure what Dave the Troll is trying to say when he points out that atheism isn't science.

Atheism is a label for people who don't believe in an afterlife or a supernatural intelligence.

It's just a convenient word to indicate a minority that hold views different from the majority.

If 90% of the world's population played tiddlywinks, then there would be a word for the 10% that don't play tiddlywinks - maybe "awinksists". If the awinkists kept to themselves and kept quiet, the majority would mock or ignore the awinkists, and go on happily playing tiddlywinks.

But if the awinkists got vocal, and started pointing out that tiddlywinks is a silly child's game and a waste of time, and that there are better causes than tiddlywinks to bring people together into communities, then the feces would hit the ventillation system. The tiddlywink-playing majority would revile and shun the "awinkists" as thoughtless and rude, would brand "awinkism" a hate crime, and would try to force the children of awinkists to learn tiddlywinks.

But in some enlightened countries, people would slowly awaken to the reality that tiddlywinks is indeed a waste of time and a silly framework on which to base a community. Other vectors for mutual support, community-formation and charity would appear - education, environmental activism, social welfare, shared hobbies, etc. And while some countries would cling fiercely to their obsessive, fundamentalist tiddlywink cultures, the world would move on.

So Dave, you're right. Atheism isn't a science. But then a confused collection of ancient myths of wandering desert tribespeople isn't science either. Nor is it a particularly useful foundation for a world view in the 21st century.


Posted by: heddle | November 24, 2009 4:49 PM


Thanks for the kind words. My family is well. I'll try to stay in lurking mode on this thread and save the violent disagreements for another. I'm getting old--have to pick my battles with greater discernment than before!


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 4:49 PM

Hello knockgoats,

* "I concede no such thing. At 12, I had accumulated sufficient knowledge and capacity for independent thought to see clearly that Christianity is a crock of shit. Evidently, you have yet to reach that degree of maturity. Don't fret: you still have time. "

Is it at all possible for an atheist to engage in an argument without egregious self-praise and self-adulation?

No, knockgoats, I'm not impressed by your 12 year old self no more so than I am impressed by you today.

If your present thought processes are any indication I must assume that you were ignorant about pretty much everything as a 12 year old.


Posted by: Mark A. Siefert | November 24, 2009 4:50 PM

Have you considered the possibility that a human demanding evidence for God makes about as much sense as an amoeba attempting to comprehend quantum mechanics?

Special pleading.

You aren't speaking to a person who is at all impressed by humankind or human intellect or the human manner of thinking and especially not by the human manner of life.

Wow! Talk about self-loathing! They make medication for that.

When you say "I cannot see any evidence for God" all I can say is, "The cats cannot comprehend astronomy either and they cannot even know that they don't comprehend".

Again, that's special pleading, dipshit. What is it about the magical, invisible, sky tyrant that makes him/her beyond human comprehension? An allegedly omnipotent being can find a way to make himself obvious to us poor, limited, mortals.

I wonder why it doesn't. Hmmmmmm....?


Posted by: Mike | November 24, 2009 4:51 PM



Posted by: AdamK Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:52 PM

David Matthews started off this thread clueless, and remains so, despite reasoned argument. My prediction is that he will continue in his cluelessness, despite continued reasoned argument.


Posted by: Endor | November 24, 2009 4:52 PM

"Atheists commit violent acts, engage in warfare and terrorism, and are equally prone to genocide as religious people.
See, for example, the behavior of the atheistic Soviet Union and also the atheistic scientists who invented the nuclear bomb and assented to its use against civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

See, I knew it would be easy to make you fall into that trap - I'm just a little surprised that you flung yourself into it.

Of course there are atheists who commit crimes - every group of humans has such people.

However, there have been no genocides with people using atheism as justification. YOu know this, of course.

Please present your evidence that every scientist working on the bomb were atheists and it was their atheism that led them to do so.

See, cuz, deliberately facilitating the spread of AIDS in Africa by the RCC is done specifically because of the rules of their imaginary deity. As one example.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 4:54 PM

Hello Sastra,

* "No; presumably there is some basic core which every "religious" belief shares, which sets it apart from secular claims or beliefs. If the broadest understanding of the concept fails, then there is no need to quibble over details. "

You are engaged in a circular argument. You must first objectively demonstrate that there is "some basic core" shared by all religions and then you can attempt to refute it, but until you've demonstrated the first you aren't allowed to assume the last.

* "Of course, one can define God so broadly, and/or with so little specific content, that an atheist can either believe in it, or not be able to say anything about it, one way or the other. But that's a big price to pay, because people seldom stick with those kinds of verbal-trick Gods. "

You aren't speaking in an accurate manner. The diversity of human thought about god contains the above idea and such ideas have persisted for thousands of years.

* "Once it has content, you can measure the evidence for it against natural explanations. PZ doesn't just argue against religion intruding into science's territory -- he brings science into religion's presumed "territory." God becomes an unnecessary hypothesis. Not conclusively disproven, no. But irrelevant and unlikely enough. "

To say "God becomes an unnecessary hyposthesis" is to make a rather substantial positive claim regarding atheism.

Unfortunately the atheists have reached a consensus that no such positive content exist within atheism.


Posted by: Endor | November 24, 2009 4:56 PM

"No, knockgoats, I'm not impressed by your 12 year old self no more so than I am impressed by you today. "

Well, that's lucky since not a single person here is impressed with the logical fallacies and cowardice from the currently-aged David Matthews, either.

Though, I'm willing to be the 12 year old David Matthews was less of a coward with only obvious bullshit in his debate arsenal.


Posted by: Souljacker | November 24, 2009 4:57 PM

"How could atheism forbid an atheist from engaging in violence, warfare, mass murder and genocide?"

It couldn't. Neither could the concept of drinking from a cup. That's why I drink all my coffee straight out of my hands. You can't very well strangle a hooker to death with hands full of boiling hot coffee and Christ knows I need a good reason not to strangle hookers to death. It's not like it's a self evidently awful thing to do or anything.

"Have you considered the possibility that a human demanding evidence for God makes about as much sense as an amoeba attempting to comprehend quantum mechanics?"

So are you saying amoebas should stay agnostic toward the idea of quantum mechanics or that they shouldn't be skeptical when a professor with too much time on his hands tries to tell them everything they never wanted to know about quantum mechanics from it's preferred race of people to the folks it doesn't want marrying?


Posted by: Mark A. Siefert | November 24, 2009 4:57 PM

Is it at all possible for an atheist to engage in an argument without egregious self-praise and self-adulation?

As opposed to guilt and self-flagellation over so-called "sins?" As opposed to the depreciation of human intellect? As opposed to false humility and, as Sam Harris called it, "the boundless narcissism of the saved?"


Posted by: Anri Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 4:57 PM

Hey again, David Mathews.

Any chance you're actually going to answer my post waaay back up at #331? Or should I just stop waiting?



Posted by: Phil | November 24, 2009 4:59 PM

All in all, it seems an story from Dr. House.


Posted by: WMDKitty | November 24, 2009 4:59 PM

Facilitated Communication?

*bangs head on wall*


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:00 PM

Hello AdamK,

* "It was invented by our prescientific, preliterate ancestors. Luckily, culture evolves, and some of us--not you--are no longer ignorant enough to believe it. "

Your ability to insult humankind's ancestors doesn't in any sense solve the problem of religion's existence against atheism's claim that atheism is the default viewpoint for humankind and would remain so forever without any imposition from an outside source.

Religion is a mystery which atheism evidently cannot solve. But it is easy to insult the ancestors while praising yourself, isn't it?


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 5:01 PM

DM ; "You must first objectively demonstrate that there is "some basic core" shared by all religions"

That there is a God???

And I found your whole refutation of the Santa Claus thing really telling : "Not in the least. Santa Claus is quite obviously a mythological entity established upon the memory of an actually existing human who possessed none of the traits ascribed to his legacy [...]Children naturally have an emotional reaction to the Santa Claus story but this story loses legitimacy the first moment that a child discovers his parents shopping for Christmas gifts, wrapping them and putting them under the tree."

If you are unable to see how it EXACTLY applies to religion, well, you're a lost cause...


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:02 PM

To say "God becomes an unnecessary hyposthesis" is to make a rather substantial positive claim regarding atheism.
Only considered as such by a delusional fools such as yourself. Scientists never use god in explaining their evidence and theories.

You could, of course, always show conclusive positive physical evidence for your imaginary deity...


Posted by: IaMoL | November 24, 2009 5:03 PM

PRATT fatigue - can't deal with David Matthews' Dunning -Kruger effect.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:04 PM

Hello Kema,

* "Religion started as a way to explain natural occurances which couldn't be explained at the time... like Zues for lightning, Posidon for ocean currents and storms, Apollo with the sun across the sky, etc

* "We can explain these things now. God isn't needed to explain it anymore. If you don't think so, please provide a list of natural occurences that can't be explained by natural means and therefore must facilitate divine origin. "

You are insulting the ancestors while praising yourself. Needless to say, I'm not so impressed by modern humans nor by the thought processes which have led humankind to destroy the planet, eradicate ecosystems and drive itself extinct.

Also, you are making a positive claim regarding atheism without actually producing the positive successful atheistic answers to those questions which our ancestors failed to answer "correctly".

I really doubt that your answers to these mysteries are correct. I'm quite certain that your ideas are incorrect and uncorrectable.


Posted by: eddyline | November 24, 2009 5:04 PM

Considering that this thread has devolved into a David Mathews harangue, it's titled perfectly!


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 5:05 PM


Do you have the link to the video where he is asleep ?


Posted by: tsg | November 24, 2009 5:05 PM

It couldn't. Neither could the concept of drinking from a cup. That's why I drink all my coffee straight out of my hands. You can't very well strangle a hooker to death with hands full of boiling hot coffee and Christ knows I need a good reason not to strangle hookers to death. It's not like it's a self evidently awful thing to do or anything.

cat coffee | nose > keyboard


Posted by: David Estlund | November 24, 2009 5:07 PM

"To say "God becomes an unnecessary hyposthesis" is to make a rather substantial positive claim regarding atheism."

Don't be silly. "God becomes a necessary hypothesis" would be the positive claim. "God is unnecessary" is the null hypothesis. You really are thick.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:07 PM

Hello Linzee,

* "DM - The only way you're going to convince anyone here that they're mistaken in their non-belief in gods is to provide us with evidence for your beliefs (whatever they are, I don't understand why you're so secretive about them).

* "So tell us, what do you believe, and how do you know that's true? If you give me one good reason I'll convert to whatever it is you believe."

I'm not in the conversion business. Sorry. My religion isn't available to primates, especially not to self-exterminating planet-destroying primates who are perpetually violent and happily so.

Does the Universe lose meaning after the H. Sapiens are extinct? No, it does not. Of course not.


Posted by: PZ Myers Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:08 PM

Hmm. David Mathews is an infamously inept troll who I recall from IIDB years ago; he has nothing to say, and has been banned from hosts of atheist sites.

I'll be banning him soon. His stench precedes him and I won't be allowing him to infest the place for long.

Until then, though, have fun for a little while playing with him.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:10 PM

Hello PZMyers,

Thank God that you have returned from your fishing trip. Care to clarify your atheism conversion story?


Posted by: daveau Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:10 PM

Hooray for #512!

Be seeing you.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:10 PM

Until then, though, have fun for a little while playing with him.
My teeth thank you. Chew toys are good at removing tartar.

Posted by: gerryfromktown Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:12 PM

Unbelievably (or not), the story still has legs! Lets watch as the world's media credulously follows Dr. Steven Laureys. More human Ouija boards to come ...



Posted by: shaunotd Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:12 PM

What is it with people named David Ma-somethingorother?
DM sayeth:

"I'm not so impressed by modern humans nor by the thought processes which have led humankind to destroy the planet, [..]and drive itself extinct.

Crikey! We were all so wrapped up in our childish and irrational defence of atheism to notice that the world had 'sploded and we'd all died!

Wait, what?


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 5:13 PM

Because god's role in humankind is quite a bit different than Santa Claus' role in Christmas.


What is God's role in humankind?

How do you know?

How would you know if you were wrong?


Posted by: WowbaggerOM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:15 PM

You are engaged in a circular argument. You must first objectively demonstrate that there is "some basic core" shared by all religions and then you can attempt to refute it, but until you've demonstrated the first you aren't allowed to assume the last.

Ah, the 'until you've shown all religions to be untrue you cannot - by default - assume they are all incorrect' defence. How oleaginous. Exactly how many religions have you analysed, David? Would you like to provide your findings for each and every one so we know you aren't being hypocritical?

You aren't speaking in an accurate manner. The diversity of human thought about god contains the above idea and such ideas have persisted for thousands of years.

Argumentum ad populum combined with argumentum ad temporum? Lots of people have imagined lots of different gods over the thousands of years since they evolved the capacity to contemplate such things; ergo, one or more gods must exist?

Poppycock. By that logic witches, vampires and dragons must exist. Can you prove they don't?

To say "God becomes an unnecessary hyposthesis" is to make a rather substantial positive claim regarding atheism.

No, it is the only conclusion an intellectually honest person, on viewing the evidence (and lack of evidence) can reach. If those things gods is said to be wholly responsible for can be shown to be explicable via other means then that those gods becomes unneccessary - at least for that thing. Start adding up the things that gods were considered to control but have been found to have natural explanations - rain, thunder, lightning, rainbows and so forth - and gods become more and more unneccessary.

And it's independent of atheism. Deists and atheists have identical opinions on the interventionist qualities of gods; they simply differ on whether the gods who show no indication of existing ever existed at all.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:15 PM

Hello Atheists,

Now that PZ Myers has returned from his fishing trip I will dispense with the rest of you and devote my attention to PZ Myers and the clarification of his BS story to the humanists.

I would really like to know how a scientists such as PZ Myers could become a crusader and evangelist for atheism, I'm certain that he is in it for the fame because this is not an effective means of attaining any status as a scientist.

PZ Myers wraps his atheism in the flag of science and his audience ascribes the merits of science to his opinions ... but he cannot defend his opinions scientifically, rationally, philosophically or by any other means.

PZ Myers is essentially a BS artist trading his scientific credentials for atheism credits. But his atheism has nothing whatsoever to do with his science.

It is all just dogmatism which he adopted as an infant and maintains today as a means of gaining attention and adherents among a decidedly unphilosophical unscientific audience of like-minded bitter angry atheists.


Posted by: jonnerk | November 24, 2009 5:16 PM

Hello David Mathews,

First let me commend you on your fantastic rhetorical wit. You are currently the number one contender for our “2009 Dr. Jerry Bergman award� for saying so much, yet saying nothing (of substance) at all. This is quite an honor, you should be proud.

The following is your initial question to Dr. Myers, along with your argument in bold arguing why his reaction as a child disappointed you. Please note that you proposed the question and formulated the argument (including its false dichotomy). You set the rules so to speak.

Which seems an irrationally emotional response to the quoting of scripture from the moon's orbit. Did you really expect a science lecture delivered by the astronauts and become an atheist simply because the astronauts failed to deliver such a lecture?

Such a disappointment response doesn't seem to merit dogmatic intolerant atheism. Either there's more to this story than you reveal or you invented this tale after the fact as a mythologized "Road to Damascus" conversion to atheism account.

Since, as a general rule, children aren't well versed in science, and since especially you as a child were not very well aware of science (i.e. you felt you needed a scientific lecture about the moon delivered from the moon's orbit to your living room), I wonder exactly what inspired your atheism at such a young age.

I would appreciate some elaboration because the Irrational Emotional Disappointment argument for atheism doesn't sound very scientific to me, especially when delivered by a child.

I am puzzled how you can approach this question objectively or rationally given your later statement?

If you set the rules for the argument you cannot help but set them up to your own advantage. You cannot possibly approach this question objectively or rationally. Nor scientifically, either.

Having set your own rules for the argument (see false dichotomy) you have set it up to your own advantage (well done!). However, it then follows that you are not able to approach this question in a rational objective way (which explains a lot of your posts on this thread). Failing that, it would be very hard to approach it scientifically (you know, lacking objectivity and rationality).

Thank you for trying, while we are unable to accept you as a coherent rational agent at this time, you are still in the running for this year’s prize.

Best of luck in the future,

P.S. Please feel free to quote certain parts of this comment e.g.("Hello jonnerk, "insert selective quote here" and then fail to address any questions, followed by some new question/attack/poor reasoning).


Posted by: Newfie | November 24, 2009 5:17 PM

Religion is a mystery which atheism evidently cannot solve.

yup, it only takes observation and reason.. plenty of theists don't believe any of the human spouted claptrap in the name of god on this rock in the Milky Way... but they can explain religion to you as clear as any atheist..
superstition used as control over others.. and that means that as humanity became more educated, the bullshit had to get more convoluted, and more networked, and more institutionalized, than Jooboo rolling the bones in some small tribe of illiterates... don't need to be atheist to understand that.


Posted by: Anri Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:17 PM

David Mathews sez (in part):

I'm not in the conversion business. Sorry. My religion isn't available to primates,

Wait - what?

You're claiming to not be a primate?



Posted by: H.H. | November 24, 2009 5:17 PM

David Mathews wrote:

I'm not in the conversion business. Sorry. My religion isn't available to primates...
Ah, it all makes sense now. DM isn't human like the rest of us. My guess is he's some sort of mineral...dense as a block of stone.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:18 PM

Hello Wowbagger,

I'm not presently engaged in an argument with you or any of the other nobodies on this blog. Iim engaged in an argument with PZ Myers, a cowardly atheist who cannot defend his opinions by any means except cloaking them in a mantle of science which is unearned and indefensible.

PZ Myers cannot possibly win this argument so he will hide away like an atheist.


Posted by: David Estlund | November 24, 2009 5:18 PM

@PZ: He's done this for years? And he's this bad at it?

Mr. Mathews, I think maybe you should seek therapy.


Posted by: steve | November 24, 2009 5:19 PM

Wow, upwards of 30,000 annotated pictures at DMs flickr site.

This guy has way too much time on his hands.

I wonder if he stole the pictures just like he stole the ideas he endlessly regurgitates ?


Posted by: Harry Varty Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:19 PM

DM if seeking to understand God is like an amoeba trying to understand quantum mechanics how come you managed it?

By the way you must have got your trolling credits by now towards your theology degree so can you please leave us alone. You are only required to write 2,000 words and it doesn’t matter about the quality.

Smoggy – I like the posts.


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 5:20 PM

My religion isn't available to primates,

So you're saying that you yourself are not a primate? Please, tell us what you are. An archosaur? A gorgonopsid? A mollusk? An insect?

especially not to self-exterminating planet-destroying primates who are perpetually violent and happily so.

Like the humans that you argued have believed in gods for 40,000 years?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:20 PM

Hello Steve,

I spend my time in whatever way I wish.

If you are unhappy that's just too damn bad but it is typical for an atheist.

Now where is the cowardly atheist BS artist, PZ Myers.


Posted by: PZ Myers Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:21 PM

Um, yeah. David Mathews…fuck off. Everyone is having fun toying with you right now, but you'll be gone tomorrow.


Posted by: Smoggy Batzrubble OM4Jesus | November 24, 2009 5:22 PM

Dear Professor Myers,

As a Christian with a direct line to heaven, I think you should know that God has said it is time to ban David Mathews before Christianity is damaged beyond repair. Consider such a banning the prelude to the Almighty's intention to cast Mathews into the outer darkness of pain and suffering for all eternity for being a moron.

While it may be distasteful to you to work in sync with the Almighty, in this instance a banning would serve the greater good of believers and unbelievers alike.

Your Christian messenger

PS If he won't go quietly, my friend Floyd Rubber has offered to "bounce" him.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:23 PM

Hello Owlmirror,

* "So you're saying that you yourself are not a primate? "

I made no such claim. I said what I said and you can interpret it however you wish.

Humankind hasn't lived well on the Earth. Humankind will go extinct.

Don't worry, though, the Earth and Nature and the Universe don't need humankind.

The loss of humankind is no great loss.


Posted by: steve | November 24, 2009 5:23 PM

I spend my time in whatever way I wish.

If you are unhappy that's just too damn bad but it is typical for an atheist.

Who said I was an atheist, you dirty dog, you.

Come on, admit it, you stole those pictures, didn't you ?


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:23 PM

David Mathews #495 wrote:

You are engaged in a circular argument. You must first objectively demonstrate that there is "some basic core" shared by all religions and then you can attempt to refute it, but until you've demonstrated the first you aren't allowed to assume the last.

I'm not making an empirical claim, so much as searching for a definition. What do all 'religions' have in common, that allows us to classify them as "religion," and not a secular activity? What is the basic definition of "God?" It would have to capture what the vast majority mean when they use that term, and not be something an atheist believes in, too.

How do you define God?

You aren't speaking in an accurate manner. The diversity of human thought about god contains the above idea and such ideas have persisted for thousands of years.

I think that outlier definitions of God which are either perfectly consistent with atheism -- or so empty, vague, and nebulous that they could refer to anything at all -- are poor definitions, and they are not really representative of the ideas of the divine which have persisted for thousands of years. People who claim to believe in a God "above human conception" -- or who agree that God is really just a metaphor -- really do seem to tack this on to much more concrete views.

Like Greta Christina, I suspect that this claim is an armor designed to deflect criticism, their own, and others. It is not the God people believe in, when they aren't being watched.

To say "God becomes an unnecessary hyposthesis" is to make a rather substantial positive claim regarding atheism.

If you'd rather; it still doesn't shift burden of proof. Vitalism is an unnecessary hypothesis (to the scientists -- it's alive and well in religion, and 'folk' science.) But it would be accepted into physics if it was a better explanation for some new data. Whether scientists believe there is no vital force -- or simply don't believe there is a vital force -- is wordplay, and will make no difference.


Posted by: Dutch Delight | November 24, 2009 5:24 PM

"Atheists rude to person wearing crazy-pants!"


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:26 PM

Hello PZ Myers,

* "Um, yeah. David Mathews…fuck off. Everyone is having fun toying with you right now, but you'll be gone tomorrow. "

Spoken like a true angry, bitter atheist BS artist.

Can't stand the heat?

These poor atheists come here because they feel like an oppressed powerless minority. You people don't repesent the cutting edge of human thought, either.

But you are all very good at boasting and self-praise.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:27 PM

PZ Myers cannot possibly win this argument so he will hide away like an atheist.
You can't win unless you present evidence. Which you have avoided doing like the plague. No surprise there. Godbots are good at playing con games.

Posted by: WMDKitty | November 24, 2009 5:27 PM

"I'd just as soon as a cat to think about god than offer proof to a primate that god exist."

Excuse me, but, we ARE gods. Now where's my tuna and chicken, lowly hoomin?


Posted by: David Estlund | November 24, 2009 5:27 PM

Okay, it was at #520 that my frontal lobe leapt from my skull, ran to the kitchen, grabbed the icepick, and severed itself from the rest of my (very elastic) brain. This isn't even interesting anymore.


Posted by: WowbaggerOM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:28 PM

PZ Myers cannot possibly win this argument so he will hide away like an atheist.

Coming from someone who lies like only a Christian can lie.

But that's irrelevant since he's already won the argument by default; you've been asked by the rest of us to justify yours (or, in fact, anyone's) religious beliefs and you've failed to do so. Until you can show that atheism is somehow incorrect, he needn't bother to justify the logic behind holding what is - until demonstrated otherwise - the parsimonious position.

He'll just ban you, block you and delete all your posts. We've had our fun ripping your nonsense to shreds so we won't mind.


Posted by: daveau Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:29 PM

I said what I said and you can interpret it however you wish.

Really? Here's my interpretation: "I, David Mathews, am incapable of creating or responding to a logical argument. Furthermore, I enjoy the intimate company of farm animals."


Posted by: DiscomBob | November 24, 2009 5:29 PM

Mr. Matthews- you appear to be confused on what an atheist is. I know others here have attempted to elucidate for you (big words are fun!) but apparently it's not getting through to you. You may attempt to correct me if I'm wrong, but an atheist does not make the positive assertion that "there is(are) no god(s)" but that they have seen no evidence for such and therefore are not compelled to believe they exist.
I’ve seen repeated requests for such evidence, but so far they have gone unaddressed. In response you have asserted that there is no evidence for the claims of the atheists, but atheists are not making any claims except that (so far) they’ve seen no evidence. I’ve seen you put forth the fallacious assertion that this is invalid because they haven’t investigated all religions. I’ve also seen you state that atheists reject evidence presented to them out-of-hand because it does not fit their “atheist convictions�. What you fail to understand is many atheists have had information presented to them as “evidence� many times which, on examination, proves not to be anything of the sort. They have come to the conclusion that most so called evidence is not worth the effort unless it immediately provides something compelling.
Again, if you have something compelling please present it.
I realize that the concept of cessation to exist is frightening to many people and they find solace in the concept of an all powerful entity that will provide for them (with others of like mind) after they cease their earthly existence but, given the lack of compelling evidence to the contrary, this is wishful thinking and has no basis in reality.


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:29 PM


I feel this thread has bested the Cliffs of Insanity in the magnitude of insaneness achieved.


Posted by: Ol'Greg | November 24, 2009 5:29 PM

Hmmm... You ignored the bulk of what I said Dave. I'm disappointed in you.

Looks like you were just looking for a way to show some attitude. If you're hoping to get under my skin I'm afraid you're taking the wrong road but I gotta go to happy hour so see you around, although probably under a different name since it looks like you'll get banned soon. I'd say it's been fun, but you're kind of boring and not very personable. Maybe if you'd try not to pretend to have the upper hand all the time you could enter into one of those conversations with people where you both learn something.

Well I hope you've gotten some lulz.

Have a great day!


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:30 PM

Hello Sastra,

Our argument has ended. The cowardly BS artist from Nowhere, Minnesota has returned and he is hiding away from the argument because he knows that this is an argument that he cannot win.

PZ Myers is a cowardly dogmatist serving an audience which has very low standards of skepticism, science and rationality.

Without this audience of self-praisers PZ Myers would remain a nobody scientists without any significant scientific accomplishments.

Atheism substitutes for scientific success.

PZ Myers is a natural born evangelist. Not so much of a scientists, though.


Posted by: steve | November 24, 2009 5:31 PM

David Mathews,

Present evidence that you did not steal the pictures on your flickr site.

Although, some of the annotations are so insipid, they must have been done by you.


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 5:31 PM

Dave Mathews;

First, congratulations on learning to use so many of the hoary old tricks that apologetics has developed over the millenia. Avoidance, fallacy, false claims of persecution, illogic, misrepresentation, selective "reasoning" -- it's all there. Again, congratulations.

1) If you really wanted to engage only PZ, you could have sent him an email, correct?
2) Instead, you choose to publically provoke others while diverting this thread. People respond in various ways, ranging from polite to outright hostile. This is what you wanted -- to be disruptive, then claim victimhood at the hands of a few, right?
3) Your behavior is hypocritical and hubristic, Dave. Yet you persist in pretending you have no other means of engaging PZ, as a ploy for your continued disruption.

This thread was meant for the discussion of other matters, however, you have alternatives -- and on that note, I'd like to invite you to Panda's Thumb "After the Bar Closes" where I can set up a devoted thread for you to continue your arguments/claims.
After The Bar Closes

This seems a fine solution to your situation: you won't be hypocritically engaging in the kind of pathos-drenched disruption that you seem to hold yourself unaccountable for, yet you'll still have the attention of the people (including PZ) that you wish to proselytize.

However, I should warn you that in that setting, people will be much less forgiving of your obvious apologetics "tricks" and there will be less cover for you to hide behind and selectively engage. Let me know when you want a thread devoted just to your claims set up by contacting me at: deadman932 (at) hotmail (dot) com.

P.S. By continuing disruptions here, you'll most likely only wind up being first given a "time out" temporary banning, then your IP silenced completely if you persist publically.

Your best bet is to email PZ. Your second best bet (thus far)-- and one that will give you a long-term platform if you wish -- is having your own thread at AtBC. If you have the courage of your convictions and the skills to back it up.

We need a new chew-toy at AtBC and you sure seem deserving. If not, carry on! It's certainly nothing that hasn't been seen before, here.


Posted by: Dutch Delight | November 24, 2009 5:32 PM

"The loss of humankind is no great loss."

For most Abrahamic interpretations of god and his lesser deities, thats probably true.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:33 PM

Hello Ol' Greg,

Our argument has ended. I'm here to argue with PZ Myers, professional atheist and so-so scientist.

Don't kid yourself. PZ Myers has spent the afternoon hiding away for a reason and he'll throw me off this blog for a reason.

Atheism isn't a scientific conclusion. Atheism isn't rational. Atheism is nothing, an intellectual vacuum for sad bitter human minds.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:34 PM

PZ Myers is a natural born evangelist. Not so much of a scientists, though.
Atheists don't have evangelists. Just another lie for the con man. And I suspect his peer reviewed articles far exceed your output. So, another lie. They just keep on coming...

Posted by: Anri Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:34 PM

David M, in top (bottom?) form:

Our argument has ended. The cowardly BS artist from Nowhere, Minnesota has returned and he is hiding away from the argument because he knows that this is an argument that he cannot win.

PZ Myers is a cowardly dogmatist serving an audience which has very low standards of skepticism, science and rationality.

Without this audience of self-praisers PZ Myers would remain a nobody scientists without any significant scientific accomplishments.

Atheism substitutes for scientific success.

PZ Myers is a natural born evangelist. Not so much of a scientists, though.

But remember, folks, we're the rude ones!


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:34 PM

Hello Dutch Delight,

* "For most Abrahamic interpretations of god and his lesser deities, thats probably true. "

From an evolutionary standpoint it is also true. Nature can afford to lose humankind. The loss of humankind is no great loss to anyone except humankind.

So the species will go extinct.


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 5:35 PM

I noticed you called PZ a "coward" for not responding to you thus far, Dave Mathews. Accept my previous invitation to AtBC, lest I point the same finger at you.

You DO have the courage of your convictions, don't you, Dave?


Posted by: Mike Crichton | November 24, 2009 5:35 PM

Wasn't pupil-tracking software supposed to be the Next Big Thing with assisted communication technology? Whatever happened with that? If such systems are available, they should be able to solve the problem of "Is this complete bullshit or not?" pretty quickly.


Posted by: aratina cage Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:36 PM

I don't believe David Matthews is human. Too mechanical in its replies.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 5:36 PM

DM "I made no such claim. I said what I said and you can interpret it however you wish."

Wow, you aren't even able to understand the implications of what you say. And this one didn't need a thorough analysis...

You say that your religion isn't available to primates. But since it is YOUR religion, it means it is available to YOU. Therefore, you can't be a primate.


Posted by: wistah | November 24, 2009 5:37 PM

David Mathews,

For someone who is "not presently [sic] engaged in an argument with you or any of the other nobodies on this blog" you have posted over 80, that is EIGHTY comments not arguing with people on this blog. Your haughty self-congratulatory dismissal is hilarious. If you have no intention of arguing with the "nobodies," then stop responding their comments EIGHTY times. This statement alone reveals how pathetic you are.

The only time PZ Myers is likely to spend on you, David Mathews, is the time it takes to toss your semi-delusional "argument" back into the dungeon.

If you try hard, I'll bet you just might might become employable or pragmatically intact "presently." Or not.

Eighty comments. What a fucking loon.


Posted by: Paul W. | November 24, 2009 5:37 PM

Why wasn't he talking with a computer like Stephen Hawking or some similar arrangement?

I once asked Hawking one question, and he asked me one question, and that brief exchange---well, it wasn't so brief.

So my first thought on watching the video was that if that woman's actually that good, Hawking should hire her away from her patient.


Posted by: Nurse Betty | November 24, 2009 5:38 PM

David Mathews,

please take your medication.


Posted by: Acronym Jim | November 24, 2009 5:38 PM


What happened to his foot-tapping? Why is that not being used?

Perhaps he didn't want to be confused with Larry Craig?

Nerd of Redhead

My teeth thank you. Chew toys are good at removing tartar.

While troll meat does'nt get stuck in the teeth, their substanceless spewage does tend to stick in the craw.


Posted by: Newfie | November 24, 2009 5:38 PM

because he knows that this is an argument that he cannot win.

we all know that we can't win here either, but some of us have some time to kill. It would be like we were trying to convince you that you are actually a squirrel.


Posted by: Sastra Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:38 PM

David Mathews #546 wrote:

Our argument has ended. The cowardly BS artist from Nowhere, Minnesota has returned and he is hiding away from the argument because he knows that this is an argument that he cannot win.

Ah, ok. Bye.

I suppose that means that you won't be defining "God." I was curious, given that you were claiming it was incomprehensible, at the same time you were pointing out that most people believed in it. I don't think you could define it, in a way that meets both those traits.

Actually, the first one would be hard enough.


Posted by: jonnerk | November 24, 2009 5:38 PM

Hello David Mathews,

You are doing a great job or not arguing with anyone except PZ. Please continue to not respond to previous posts and patiently wait for PZ to address your concerns. However, should you still feel inclined to entertain us in PZ's absence, I know speaking for myself, that I would truly enjoy that.

Please reference #521 if you would like to continue not arguing with individual posters.



Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:38 PM

Hello deadman,

* ") If you really wanted to engage only PZ, you could have sent him an email, correct? "

No, the atheist evangelist and unsuccessful scientist from nowhere, Minnesota -- that is PZ Myers the BS artist -- spreads his message of atheism on his blog.

I'll challenge him right here.

He won't speak to defend himself, though, because his atheism is indefensible.

PZ Myers is a cowardly atheist. He can say whatever he wishes whenever there is no one to challenge him. But once someone stands up to disagree he'll run away and hide.

PZ Myers had made a full-time business of preaching for atheism and he has neglected his science. His priorities are in order as he reconizes his own lack of scientific talent.


Posted by: Smoggy Batzrubble OM4Jesus | November 24, 2009 5:39 PM


I think the medication is wearing off.

The frothing at the mouth is very unbecoming and there's a nasty smell wafting out of your incontinence diaper.

You need help og my brother...

...and we need a break from laughing for a while!


Posted by: mk | November 24, 2009 5:40 PM

Hello David Mathews,

We've all enjoyed your ignorance and cowardice. Your inability to reason. You Palinesque childishness.

Please do pop over again real soon, eh?


Posted by: H.H. | November 24, 2009 5:41 PM

OT, but this bears mentioning. I've just read a Time magazine article by some British political journalist named Dennis Sewell. He's written a book about Charles Darwin, of all people. I bet you can guess, but he blames the theory of evolution for eugenics, despite the fact that the practice can be found as far back as ancient Sparta.

Pekka-Eric Auvinen, a Finnish schoolboy who murdered eight people at his high school in November 2007, wrote on his blog that "stupid, weak-minded people are reproducing ... faster than the intelligent, strong-minded" ones. Auvinen thought through the philosophical implications of Darwin's work and came to the conclusion that human life is like every other type of animal life: it has no extraordinary value. The Columbine killers made similar arguments. One of the shooters, Eric Harris, wore a "Natural Selection" shirt on the day of the massacre. These are examples of how easily Darwin's writings can lead to very disturbed ways of thinking.

Darwin's writings lead to very disturbed ways of thinking, or very disturbed individuals have misappropriated Darwin's writings? And of course the jackass promotes the creationist viewpoint that only religions hold that "human life is sacred and special in some way." He ends the interview by saying that, despite the fact this guy thought the subject was worth dedicating an entire book to, evolution isn't really all that important:

What has the theory of evolution done for the practical benefit of humanity? It's helped our understanding of ourselves, yet compared to, say, the discovery of penicillin or the invention of the World Wide Web, I wonder why Darwin occupies this position at the pinnacle of esteem. I can only imagine he has been put there by a vast public relations exercise.

What a fucking tool. And shame on Time for publishing this tripe.



Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:41 PM

Hello wistah,

* "For someone who is "not presently [sic] engaged in an argument with you or any of the other nobodies on this blog" you have posted over 80, that is EIGHTY comments not arguing with people on this blog. "

I distracted myself while waiting for my quarry to appear.

PZ Myers has appeared and he has returned to his cowardly hiding.

Our argument has ended, though.

If PZ Myers wants to argue he can argue. I don't care about the rest of you nobodies. My argument isn't with you it is with the cowardly BS artist atheism evangelist PZ Myers.


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 5:42 PM

Iim engaged in an argument with PZ Myers, a cowardly atheist who cannot defend his opinions by any means except cloaking them in a mantle of science which is unearned and indefensible.

Bullshit. The only people you have been engaging in debates are the phantoms of your mind. You just happened to be doing this in a blog that is filled with people who have severe SIWOTI Syndrome.

Is there some way to set up a thread where only people like Lion and David Mathews can talk to each other?


Posted by: strange gods before me, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:42 PM

Re: #5: Q. What's worse than being in a locked-in state for 23 years that's misdiagnosed as coma?

A. Having someone use facilitated communication to speak for you, while you are helpless to protest.

It's all over, folks, Jim Lippard won the thread. Wrap it up. That goes double for you, David Mathews; you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.


Posted by: lol | November 24, 2009 5:43 PM

@Fodder Boy:
"We need not be angry at our childhood to be angry at irrationality, wilful [sic] ignorance, prejudice and all the other fun things your religions bring with them, like sexual oppression, repression and abuse."

No, fuck you. It's people like you who promote blatant promiscuity and transsexualism / homosexuality, child pornography, and the legalization of useless illegal narcotics. It's people like you who are turning the world into even more of a piece of shit than it already is.

And WTF is prejudice? EVERYONE is prejudice, if you are talking about racism/"sexism" etc, that's doesn't exist anymore...

It's fuckheads like you that are the reason murderers and terrorists are still alive and well. One cannot even win a war now (read: Iraq), because everytime we kill an enemy, fuckheads like you come and criticize us saying, "you should have just stood there and gave them a chance to shoot at you". We could have just killed all the terrorists in 2 days instead of 10 years, but fuckheads like you make it impossible.


Posted by: Knockgoats | November 24, 2009 5:44 PM

Is it at all possible for an atheist to engage in an argument without egregious self-praise and self-adulation? David Thick-as-two-short-planks Mathews

Oh, I'm not claiming anything exceptional, just telling the truth - but then, that's a concept so foreign to you I'm not surprised the possibility didn't occur to you. Many people here realised religion is garbage much earlier in life than me. It's only the very immature, such as yourself, who don't manage this by the time they reach adulthood.


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 5:44 PM

Dave Mathews wrote:
"No, the atheist evangelist and unsuccessful scientist from nowhere, Minnesota -- that is PZ Myers the BS artist -- spreads his message of atheism on his blog.

I'll challenge him right here.

He won't speak to defend himself, though, because his atheism is indefensible. "

And I'm saying that you are a cowardly apologist, Dave Mathews. Why not just show PZ how it's done and accept my invitation?

I'm sure he's amused at your ranting and yeah, it probably won't be long until you get your desired martyrdom for disruption and fallacy-mongering, so --show the courage of your convictions.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:45 PM

Hello Janine,

* "Bullshit. The only people you have been engaging in debates are the phantoms of your mind."

Don't blame me for P Myers cowardliness. His inability to actually engage in an argument explains his absence.

The rest of you people are nobodies and your arguments wouldn't fill a thimble with their intellectual content.

PZ Myers will spend the rest of the day hiding away. He's too much of a coward to argue. His arguments would fail, too.

His atheism isn't scientific. His atheism isn't even rational.


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 5:46 PM

So you're saying that you yourself are not a primate?
I made no such claim. I said what I said and you can interpret it however you wish.


I'm sorry.

I had no idea that you did not understand basic logic.

Please observe a simple logical chain.


1) You exist
2) You have a religion
3) Your religion -- the one you have -- is not for primates.

Since you have a religion that is not for primates, it follows that you are not a primate -- otherwise, you would not have this religion.


Of course, it may well be that postulate (3) is false. In which case, you were lying when you said that your religion is not for primates. That would be the only way that we could conclude that it would be possible for you to be a primate -- although it would still not be certain.

I would ask you if you were a liar, but you might well lie about being a liar.

Humankind hasn't lived well on the Earth.

Logically unsupportable. "Living well" is not well defined.

Humankind will go extinct.

Logically correct, but otherwise facile and pointless.

Don't worry, though, the Earth and Nature and the Universe don't need humankind.

Logically correct, but otherwise facile and pointless, especially since "need" is not well defined.

The loss of humankind is no great loss.

Logically correct, but otherwise facile and pointless, especially since "loss" is not well defined.

Also, your genocidal nihilism is noted.


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 5:46 PM

I don't care about the rest of you nobodies. My argument isn't with you it is with the cowardly BS artist atheism evangelist PZ Myers.

Thank you for proving my point that you have no been engaging with people. All you have are your army of strawmen. But damn, your strawmen are more intelligent than you.


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 5:47 PM

David Mathews:

No, the atheist evangelist and unsuccessful scientist from nowhere, Minnesota -- that is PZ Myers the BS artist

And you are....a guy with a seriously crap Flickr photostream? Seriously: try to take the flash off of the camera once in a while.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:47 PM

David Matthews, you have presented no evidence. Until you do, you are the loser, and will remain the loser until you show the conclusive evidence for your imaginary deity. So for, you are a total loser.


Posted by: Smoggy Batzrubble OM4Jesus | November 24, 2009 5:47 PM

"I distracted myself while waiting for my quarry to appear."

Atheists! Stand back, Elmer Fudd is on the prowl.

"Kiww the wabbit, kiww the wabbit, kiww the wabbit...!"

Elmer, put down your biblical blunderbuss before you damage yourself!

"Kiww the wabbit, kiww the wabbit, kiww the wabbit...!"

He's a pwofessow, not a wabbit!

"Kiww the wabbit, kiww the wabbit, kiww the wabbit...!"


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 5:47 PM


Fodder Boy:
"We need not be angry at our childhood to be angry at irrationality, wilful [sic] ignorance, prejudice and all the other fun things your religions bring with them, like sexual oppression, repression and abuse."

No, fuck you. It's people like you who promote blatant promiscuity and transsexualism / homosexuality, child pornography, and the legalization of useless illegal narcotics. It's people like you who are turning the world into even more of a piece of shit than it already is.

And WTF is prejudice? EVERYONE is prejudice, if you are talking about racism/"sexism" etc, that's doesn't exist anymore...

It's fuckheads like you that are the reason murderers and terrorists are still alive and well. One cannot even win a war now (read: Iraq), because everytime we kill an enemy, fuckheads like you come and criticize us saying, "you should have just stood there and gave them a chance to shoot at you". We could have just killed all the terrorists in 2 days instead of 10 years, but fuckheads like you make it impossible.

Wow. My favorite bunch of non-sequiturs of the whole thread and it wasn't even David.

Fell better Mr. Dumbass tough guy?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:48 PM

Hello deadman,

* "And I'm saying that you are a cowardly apologist, Dave Mathews. Why not just show PZ how it's done and accept my invitation? "

I'm not engaged in an argument with you. You are a no-name nobody.

My argument is with the coward PZ Myers only.

He won't speak, though. He'll keep on hiding away.

His atheism isn't robust enough for criticism. He needs an audiene of brain-dead parrots on this blog because his arguments demand empty praise and mindless agreeement.


Posted by: steve | November 24, 2009 5:48 PM

David Mathews,

Time to scurry back to your flickr site, there are so many photos out there the steal, time is of the essence. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

I challenge you right here to prove those are your pictures (other than the butterfly and flower ones, those could be yours).


Posted by: Michael J. Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 5:51 PM

I suspect DM is a forum bot. It's repetitive, uses the same greeting over and over, and certain questions generate the same exact response.

Then there's the bit about primates...


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 5:52 PM

Here is the link where the Belgian man seems to be sleeping while typing at the same time... And he is writing a freaking book...



Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 5:52 PM

Dave Mathews wrote:
"Don't blame me for P Myers cowardliness. His inability to actually engage in an argument explains his absence.

The rest of you people are nobodies and your arguments wouldn't fill a thimble with their intellectual content."

My, you are full of yourself, aren't you? As I said before, hubris and hypocrisy. And you without the courage to back your claims in your own devoted thread
at AtBC



Posted by: jonnerk | November 24, 2009 5:52 PM

Hello David Mathews,

Please address the question at #521 regarding your ability to ask questions and argue with PZ.

Thank you.

P.S. enjoy the dungeon, you will be in good company.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:53 PM

Hello Owlmirror,

* 1) You exist
* 2) You have a religion
* 3) Your religion -- the one you have -- is not for primates.

* Since you have a religion that is not for primates, it follows that you are not a primate -- otherwise, you would not have this religion.

Sure as hell you don't know a whole lot about religion. You really should educate yourself. Otherwise you'll come across as a fool.

If you cannot comprehend why I am saying about humankind it is only because you are too impressed with yourself and your species.

Humankind is headed to extinction. The loss of humankind is no great loss.

A self-exterminating primate species doesn't merit any religion, especially not my religion.

For such an animal to believe in God is an insult to God.

God isn't in need of humankind's belief, worship or love.

God existed before humankind existed and God will still exist after humans are extinct.

So much for humankind ...


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 5:54 PM

Don't blame me for P Myers cowardliness. His inability to actually engage in an argument explains his absence.

Once more, you are making a claim that I never said. I am not your strawwoman to be smacked down.

If you have anything to prove, it does not have to be at PZ's expence. You can do it on your own. And if you had anything, you would be able to show up we army of nobodies.

Instead, you have echoes bouncing around in your head. And in your delusion, you ask questions of PZ about things he never said.

You are a sad sack of walking shit.


Posted by: David Estlund | November 24, 2009 5:54 PM

Wow, this troll is a real burndown, not that it wasn't obvious from the word go. And now this lol guy spurting his "nuke the middle east" tirade out of nowhere. What is it about persistent vegetative states that says "crazy bait?"


Posted by: Margaret | November 24, 2009 5:55 PM

"Childhood atheism isn't based upon sound scientific or philosophical principles because children aren't well informed about either. Therefore child-onset atheism is automatically suspect especially when it becomes a person's defining core principle later in life."

David, I assume that you apply the same test to "child-onset" theism?


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 5:59 PM

Dave Mathews wrote:
I'm not engaged in an argument with you. You are a no-name nobody.

My argument is with the coward PZ Myers only.

He won't speak, though. He'll keep on hiding away.

His atheism isn't robust enough for criticism. He needs an audiene of brain-dead parrots on this blog because his arguments demand empty praise and mindless agreeement.

Well, admittedly, I'm not as famous as YOU, "Dave Mathews" and I'm almost surely (in your mind, at least) cowed by your mastery of logic and reason.

Alas, I ony have a couple of degrees, but there are many Ph.D-types at AtBC that would be willing to amuse themselves with your childlike reasoning.

But I see you really don't have that courage, do you?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 5:59 PM

Hello jonner,

* "Please address the question at #521 regarding your ability to ask questions and argue with PZ. "

I'm not engaged in an argument with you.

I'm engaged in an argument with the cowardly evangelist for atheism, PK Myers.

PK Myers has become a ghost in this thread because his opinions are indefensible.

PK Myers will remain invisible until he has silenced his critic and returned this blog back to its Worship & Adulation mode with all of you parroting his opinions and telling each other how good you are and how excellent you think and how much better you are than those who have different beliefs than you.

PK Myers needs a mindless audience of parrots to feel comfortable on this blog. He could never engage in an argument on behalf of atheism. His atheism isn't either scientific or rational.


Posted by: Jesso | November 24, 2009 6:01 PM

"A casual reading of the responses to my posts would suggests that atheists have plenty of anger. Observe the emotions of the atheists. Note their attempts to offend."

David, have you ever met a guy who gets dumped by every woman he dates and then concludes it's because "all women are bitches?" Do you even understand why I asked that?

"My argument is with the coward PZ Myers only. He won't speak, though. He'll keep on hiding away."

Hon, PZ isn't ignoring your schoolyard taunts because he's a coward. It's because he doesn't care what you think.

Have you thought of a name your future sock puppet? Do you want help?


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 6:04 PM

Come, come, Dave...it's okay for you to admit that you don't really want a protracted debate on the merits of your claims and instead only want a hit-and-run quick bannination here.

And here I thought that you'd leap at a chance to demonstrate all those self-vaunted skillzorz you tacitly claim to have.

You're a disappointment, Dave...all bluster and no substance. All hat and no cattle, as they say in Texas.



Posted by: mk | November 24, 2009 6:04 PM

Hello David Mathews,

How's that invisible sky fairy working out for you?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:04 PM

Hello deadman,

* "Well, admittedly, I'm not as famous as YOU, "Dave Mathews" and I'm almost surely (in your mind, at least) cowed by your mastery of logic and reason.

* "Alas, I ony have a couple of degrees, but there are many Ph.D-types at AtBC that would be willing to amuse themselves with your childlike reasoning.

Like hell if you think I care about your education, degrees or claimed accomplishments.

I am in an argument with only one person here, the so-so scientist and perpetual atheistic BS artist, PZ Myers.

Now you know and I know that the cowardly PZ Myers is hiding away until his critic is banished forever. He won't engage in an argument because he cannot. He will engage in censorship because his viewpoint cannot survive any sort of criticism.

The mindless drones of this blog will praise him, though, and life will return to normal as PZ Myers praises himself and you praise yourself and all the atheists tell each other how much better you people are compared to everyone else.

No matter ... you people will still be angry, bitter nobodies tomorrow and PZ Myers will still be a coward after I'm gone.

Atheism really is an intellectually vancant indefensible opinion. You know it already but protect yourself from the thought by load boasts and bluster.


Posted by: Smoggy Batzrubble OM4Jesus | November 24, 2009 6:06 PM

Dear Brother David Matthews,

I am sorry this isn't working out for you. And I know that it must be very hard for you to be so far beneath Professor Myers' contempt.

Would you like to meet with Floyd Rubber and I for a session of prayerful intercession and Bible study?

Yours in concern for your humiliation


Posted by: Whatever | November 24, 2009 6:07 PM

Wow, GO David Mathews! I truly have to hand it to you: When it comes to shooting yourself in the foot, your post #448 has truly shown your true potential!

Atheism is not falsifiable? Of course it is, you dumb-witted lunatic. Just show me proof of a god (lower case, upper case; who the fuck cares?) and I will gladly surrender. Until then, I will continue not to believe. And no, despite what you might think Atheism is not a belief.

Belief in god or any other mythical being(s) is not falsifiable and therefore scientifically and rationally not viable. That's the difference you seem to neglect. You seem to think we need to provide you with proof that there is no god, when the burden of proof is on you! You have been asked countless of times, but you have never shown us any proof for your god. Common now, I will give you a fair chance: Show me your god!

And to refer back to your original post. I think you misread PZ Myers account quite a bit. He is just and event that made him think, an impetus, even though you seem to regard that all 12 year-olds need a facilitator to communicate which is not true. I would actually go as far as to say that they tend to be more rational and coherent than you. Also, it is quite obvious this wasn't a traumatic event in PZ Myers' life; an important event yes, but not a traumatic one.

I also do like the fact that you seem to be able to answer everything that is directed your way with a statement a la 'I reject your X'. You haven't presented any argument in a long while, you just keep telling people they are wrong without providing any evidence or counter-argument. That is very, very weak.

So could I finally just ask you to maybe start preparing your nativity plays? Christmas is only a month away and I am sure, little naked baby Jesus needs your full attention right now!


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 6:08 PM

Dave Mathews wrote:
"Atheism really is an intellectually vancant indefensible opinion. You know it already but protect yourself from the thought by load boasts and bluster."

Lol, yet when you are offered the opportunity to back that assertion in your own devoted thread at a site known to most Pharyngulites...you skitter off like a frightened kitty.

Hubris and hypocrisy, Dave. Hubris and hypocrisy.


Posted by: Victor | November 24, 2009 6:09 PM

Dave Matthews,
You yourself are not willing to question any of your presuppositions, but the fact remains that your basic premise invokes supernatural claims that ought to be supported through demonstrable, empirical evidence. You’ve dodged that call for evidence by disingenuously claiming that the atheist position is irrational and unscientific. Is this not willful ignorance on your part??


Posted by: David Estlund | November 24, 2009 6:10 PM

The mindless drones of this blog will praise him, though, and life will return to normal as PZ Myers praises himself and you praise yourself and all the atheists tell each other how much better you people are compared to everyone else.

Gee, that sounds boring. I hope PZ pays well.

"He will engage in censorship because his viewpoint cannot survive any sort of criticism."
Is that all you're really here for? Just to attack PZ and get banned so that you can feed your own need to play the victim? Can't you already see how dishonest that is? And can't you already see how low you're having to stoop to accomplish this?


Posted by: truebutnotuseful Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:10 PM

For those keeping track at home, David has invoked the following fallacies (at a minimum): Ad Hominem, Appeal to Emotion, Argumentum ad Populum, Quoting Out of Context, Reductio ad Hitlerum, Special Pleading, Straw Man, and Tu Quoque.

If you could somehow take every logical fallacy in the book, mold them together into a ball of clay and then, Genesis-like, breathe life into that ball of clay, the resultant being would be indistinguishable from David Mathews.

Click here to see a diagram of David's brain (or whatever lump of material controls the flappers slapping against his keyboard).

And Jesus Christ, David, you can just refer to him as 'PZ.' We know his last name is Myers. For the love of Gods, stop. Typing. His. Last. Name. Every. Fucking. Time.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:11 PM

Hello Victor,

* "You yourself are not willing to question any of your presuppositions, but the fact remains that your basic premise invokes supernatural claims that ought to be supported through demonstrable, empirical evidence. You’ve dodged that call for evidence by disingenuously claiming that the atheist position is irrational and unscientific. Is this not willful ignorance on your part?? "

My argument isn't with you.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:13 PM

Hello truebutnotuseful,

* "For those keeping track at home, David has invoked the following fallacies (at a minimum): Ad Hominem, Appeal to Emotion, Argumentum ad Populum, Quoting Out of Context, Reductio ad Hitlerum, Special Pleading, Straw Man, and Tu Quoque. "

Whatever. You people are united in the fallacy of possessing an intellectually vacant idea without any defensible attributes whatsoever.

PZ Myers knows that he has a BS message. All your self-praise is only a means of protecting yourself intellectually from an unpleasant reality.


Posted by: WowbaggerOM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:15 PM

David Mathews wrote:

I'll challenge him right here.

Have you considered the fact that you haven't yet presented any arguments he needs to address?

An analogy: a man driving a 4x4 at high speed might need to slow down if there's a couple of huge boulders on road in front of him; why would he bother applying the brakes when all he sees is a small, solitary turd*?

*Yes, I'm likening you to a turd, David. I so enjoy apt analogies.


Posted by: steve | November 24, 2009 6:16 PM

The pictures, Dave, the pictures. 'Fess up, you'll feel better.


Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:16 PM

What burden of proof? Not believing in something is a default."
This does not constitute a legitimate scientific or philosophical argument. You are essentially engaged in a circular argument which atheism self-confirming itself.

The null hypothesis is a legitimate scientific and philosophical concept.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:16 PM

Hello David Estlund,

* "Is that all you're really here for? Just to attack PZ and get banned so that you can feed your own need to play the victim? Can't you already see how dishonest that is? And can't you already see how low you're having to stoop to accomplish this? "

God, atheists really have to stop whining and weeping.

I'm not the one who spent the afternoon fishing and the evening hiding and I'm not the one who will spend tomorrow banning.

If PZ Myers could defend his atheism he would do so. He cannot so he won't.

Don't worry, though, the mindless drones will return to praising him tomorrow for his bold brave stand against theism.


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 6:16 PM

So, Dave Mathews, you choose to insult others who attempt to engage you in a rational discussion...yet you say that your argument isn't with them, as you cast insults at those very people? Then why choose to insult them if your argument isn't with them?

You were told from the beginning that you were disrupting this thread, yet you persisted, heedless of how polite the people were in pointing this fact out. You choose to denigrate their worldview and reasoning while offering up nothing but illogic and fallacies -- then you pretend to be a victim?

Hubris and hypocrisy, Dave Mathews. Hubris and hypocrisy.


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 6:17 PM

My argument isn't with you.

Most of us get it. What you do not understand is that your argument is not with PZ Myers, it is with the PZ Myers that dwells in your own mind.

Pretty fucking funny that you are now crying that your argument is not with the nobodies. You just spent hours addressing the words that you imagined that the nobodies said.

Fuck you and everything you stand for.


Posted by: Dutch Delight | November 24, 2009 6:18 PM

"His atheism isn't either scientific or rational."

And you care, because, as a theist, free scientific inquiry and reason are really high on your list of priorities!



Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:18 PM

Hello Wowbagger,

* "Have you considered the fact that you haven't yet presented any arguments he needs to address? "

Atheists need self-praise like a junkie needs cocaine.

The mindless drones cannot stop praising PZ Myers.


Posted by: steve | November 24, 2009 6:19 PM

I'm not the one who spent the afternoon fishing and the evening hiding and I'm not the one who will spend tomorrow banning.

Dave, you've been way too busy stealing pictures and putting really bad annotations on them.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:20 PM

Hello Janine,

* "Pretty fucking funny that you are now crying that your argument is not with the nobodies. You just spent hours addressing the words that you imagined that the nobodies said. "

Too bad for you. Don't worry, though, you people can return to self-praise and the mutual admiration society tomorrow.

You are a no-name nobody just as PZ Myers is an incompetent nobody of a scientists from nowhereville.


Posted by: hanna | November 24, 2009 6:20 PM

@BdN: I don't know if you'll find this in this mess of a thread, but the clip with him asleep can be seen here:


(Which I saw linked to from here: http://www.randi.org/site/index.php/swift-blog/783-this-cruel-farce-has-to-stop.html which talks more about FC, for those who haven't heard about it)


Posted by: baldywilson | November 24, 2009 6:20 PM

Dave Mathews:

I'm engaged in an argument with the cowardly evangelist for atheism, PK Myers. PK Myers has become a ghost in this thread because his opinions are indefensible.

Who's "PK Myers"? I think you mean "PZ". Anywho.

If you're "engaged in an argument with the cowardly evangelist for atheism, PK Myers"... I mean, "PZ Myers". Why are you responding to people who are not PK? Sorry, PZ?

The only thing you are engaged in argument with is your own only too fertile imagination.

And, just as a heads up. A FYI if you will. You know, a kind of "keep you in the loop". Think of it as a "My people will talk to your people" (if either of us actually had people to talk to): you've still not addressed the somewhat important issue of you lying in your initial outburst. You know the (unless you're out of the loop) small fact that you misrepresented someone, then lied, then kind of pretended you couldn't read.

I'm actually still waiting on a response. It's only been some 500+ responses since it was pointed out to you, but I understand. Busy schedules. Rocks to crawl under. I understand.


Posted by: chgo_liz | November 24, 2009 6:22 PM

Thanks for the laugh, DM. Many people acknowledge that there *might* have been a historical figure named something along the lines of Jesus who became the subject of stories that were retold for centuries until they turned into the current myth(s) in the various monotheistic religions. Now where have I heard that one before?

Santa Claus is a historical figure who has been transformed by mythology into a symbol.

Oh, and...

Santa Claus is quite obviously a mythological entity established upon the memory of an actually existing human who possessed none of the traits ascribed to his legacy.

If PZ didn't know better, I'd be tempted to say "Poe."


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 6:23 PM

DM "You are a no-name nobody just as PZ Myers is an incompetent nobody of a scientists from nowhereville."

Well, why the fuck do you lose your time here, then ? Why don't you go talk to somebody who deserves your higher intelligence, someone who is not a nobody ?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:23 PM

Hello baldy,

* "If you're "engaged in an argument with the cowardly evangelist for atheism, PK Myers"... I mean, "PZ Myers". Why are you responding to people who are not PK? Sorry, PZ? "


Hello Steve,

* "Dave, you've been way too busy stealing pictures and putting really bad annotations on them. "

Don't worry, Steve, I'll be at the beach tomorrow and you'll still be a sad bitter angry atheist. Live as you wish and I'll live as I wish.


Posted by: Fodder Boy | November 24, 2009 6:24 PM


No, fuck you. It's people like you who promote blatant promiscuity and transsexualism / homosexuality, child pornography, and the legalization of useless illegal narcotics. It's people like you who are turning the world into even more of a piece of shit than it already is.


Wild Bigot has appeared!

Is this a Poe? It feels like a Poe. In case it's not, let me run through it real quick.

Promiscuity? Check. I support people being comfortable with sex and sexuality.

Trans and homosexualaity? Check. See above; nothing wrong with either.

Useless illegal narcotics? I'm fairly straight edge, myself. I don't drink, smoke, or have any desire to partake of illegal narcotics. I'm not sure where I stand on issues of legalisation, either, but I lean slightly toward letting people do what they want with their bodies.

And WTF is prejudice? EVERYONE is prejudice, if you are talking about racism/"sexism" etc, that's doesn't exist anymore...

Consult a dictionary. I'm pointing that statement at people like you. And are you really so ignorant that you think racism and sexism no longer exist, and not only that, but that homophobia isn't also actually a problem?

It's fuckheads like you that are the reason murderers and terrorists are still alive and well. One cannot even win a war now (read: Iraq), because everytime we kill an enemy, fuckheads like you come and criticize us saying, "you should have just stood there and gave them a chance to shoot at you". We could have just killed all the terrorists in 2 days instead of 10 years, but fuckheads like you make it impossible.

Man, don't blame a random Australian for American military greed and ineptitude. Our soldiers aren't the ones out there strafing allied tank columns.


Posted by: David Estlund | November 24, 2009 6:24 PM

"God, atheists really have to stop whining and weeping."

Obviously you can't see either of the things I pointed out. And you have a pretty skewed view of our tone, our attitudes and beliefs (or lack thereof), and of reality in general. And now I'm taking work home with me because of stupid SIWOTI. At least now that you've retreated to just bitching about imaginary "parrots" and "praise," I feel free to say, "Go fuck yourself," and call it a day. Thanks for that. Godspeed.


Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:25 PM

Another goddist crying, "Pay attention to me, PZ, pay attention to me."


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:25 PM

Hello chgo,

* "Thanks for the laugh, DM. Many people acknowledge that there *might* have been a historical figure named something along the lines of Jesus who became the subject of stories that were retold for centuries until they turned into the current myth(s) in the various monotheistic religions. Now where have I heard that one before? "

Come on, are you seriously offering the above as a positive argument on behalf of atheism?

PZ Myers got an idiot audience. It is easy to understand why he cannot argue on his own behalf.


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 6:26 PM

Here, Dave Mathews...allow me to restate your position as outlined in all the many, many posts you've vomited up thus far:

Shorter Dave Mathews "Wahhhh, PZ won't pay attention to me even though I have no idea of what he's actually doing at the moment. He's scared of my massive pulsing neocortex, because I'm a great debater"

Pfft, I offered you a devoted thread at Panda's Thumb, which is intimately connected to Talk Origins and AtBC...yet you can only focus on your self-imposed martyrdom in this silly thread -- a thread unrelated to your pounding egotistical needs.

I believe you're not nearly as good as you seem to think you are, Dave Mathews. See all your posts above as evidence.


Posted by: strange gods before me, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:26 PM

Whatever else you may say about illegal narcotics, they sure as hell aren't useless.


Posted by: Jesso | November 24, 2009 6:27 PM

"You are a no-name nobody just as PZ Myers is an incompetent nobody of a scientists from nowhereville."

Wasn't this a Beatles song?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:27 PM

Hello tis himself,

* "Another goddist crying, "Pay attention to me, PZ, pay attention to me."

Don't worry, no-name nobody, you'll have plenty of time to return to self-praise tomorrow. PZ Myers is a hero, isn't he!


Posted by: jonnerk | November 24, 2009 6:28 PM

Hello David Mathews,

Jerry? Is that you? Is this about the debate?

Maybe you are some kind of bot. Why not just e-mail PZ, not that he will respond, but that would at least be a better way to (try to)argue with him. Go directly to him. Sitting here hoping he will respond, calling him names is NOT arguing, let alone a serious means of communication.

It's your time. Good night!



Posted by: AJ Milne | November 24, 2009 6:28 PM

You are a no-name nobody just as PZ Myers is an incompetent nobody of a scientists from nowhereville.

Hee hee.

Erm... Not sure quite what you're getting at there, pal...

Mebbe if you tried some more repetition... That's always good. Say it again and again and again and again and again... Always makes it true.

(Yes, I think meltdowns are funny. Yes, I guess I am evil, after all... So you were right about me, Janine... You were right. Tell your sister: you were right.)



Posted by: strange gods before me, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:28 PM

Don't worry, Steve, I'll be at the beach tomorrow and you'll still be a sad bitter angry atheist. Live as you wish and I'll live as I wish.

It's true. Atheists never go to the beach. And if we do, we don't enjoy it.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 6:29 PM


Thanks! I also followed it from Randi a little earlier! But as you say, it's kinda messy around here right now...


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:30 PM

Hello jonne,

* "Why not just e-mail PZ, not that he will respond, but that would at least be a better way to (try to)argue with him. Go directly to him. Sitting here hoping he will respond, calling him names is NOT arguing, let alone a serious means of communication. "

Yeah ... the great bold evangelist for atheism isn't at all reachable on his blog. No, no, no ... he's way too busy!

PZ Myers is one great atheist ... not so great a scientist, though!


Posted by: strange gods before me, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:30 PM

In fact there's nothing I hate more than using illegal narcotics at the beach.


Posted by: gr8hands | November 24, 2009 6:30 PM

David Mathews, it just sounds like you need to get laid. Really, you can admit it to us, you don't have sex with other people very often, do you? It shows.

It appears you're just jealous of the rest of humanity that is having wonderful sex, so you have to be so terribly rude.

What a wasted life.


Posted by: Whatever | November 24, 2009 6:32 PM

"... not so great a scientist, though!"

Care to back that up?


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 6:33 PM

Sure as hell you don't know a whole lot about religion.

Excuse me, but my logical chain was not in the context of "religion" in general -- as any fool could plainly see -- but in the context of your religion; the one that you made a claim about.

You really should educate yourself.

Since I do not have clairvoyance, I cannot possibly educate myself about your religion unless you describe it clearly, logically, and rationally.

So far, you have not done so.

Otherwise you'll come across as a fool.

It is true that you come across as a fool.

If you cannot comprehend why I am saying about humankind it is only because you are too impressed with yourself and your species.

I cannot comprehend what you are saying because you have not been saying anything comprehensible.

Humankind is headed to extinction. The loss of humankind is no great loss.

You said that already. And as I already responded, your genocidal nihilism is noted.

A self-exterminating primate species doesn't merit any religion, especially not my religion.

1) "Self-exterminating" is not logically supported.

2) The word "merit" is not well-defined.

3) Assuming that "primate species" refers to humans, do the religions of the past 40,000 years that you referred to not exist, or were they all "unmerited"?

4) You once again imply, logically, that you are not a primate. Then what are you?

For such an animal to believe in God is an insult to God.

1) How is believing in something an insult to that thing?

2) Does it not then follow logically that atheism is actually less insulting than theism?

God isn't in need of humankind's belief, worship or love.

Oddly enough, this is one of the very few things you've said which is itself logically sound, albeit with no supporting logic or evidence.

If God exists as defined as an eternal all-knowing, all-powerful entity, then God cannot possibly need anything at all (and of course "anything" would include belief, worship, or love).

Now, it looks like you're ultimately arguing for a Deistic entity with a vast and indifferent attitude; cold and incurious, with no emotions whatsoever. A giant formless void, staring at everything and caring about nothing.

However, it would also follow that such a being cannot be "insulted" by humans believing in it, worshipping it, or loving it -- because that implies that God needs to not be believed in, not worshipped, and not loved.

No, you can't get to that conclusion. Not needing anything, including belief, also means not needing disbelief.

God existed before humankind existed and God will still exist after humans are extinct.

Again, also logically sound, from the above definition, albeit with no supporting logic or evidence.

So much for humankind ...

Here and now, though, we are alive.

Your genocidal nihilism notwithstanding.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:33 PM

Hello gr8hands,

* "David Mathews, it just sounds like you need to get laid. Really, you can admit it to us, you don't have sex with other people very often, do you? It shows. "

Is it true that you use your gr8hands on yourself?

You might as well with all this atheistic self-praise. This is one big atheistic circle jerk. You people tell each other how great you are and everyone agrees!

PZ Myers is the best! He's so bold and scientific and rational! He can win any argument! No theist can stand up to PZ Myers!


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:35 PM

Hello whatever,

* "Care to back that up? "

I would but the brave, bold, rational, scientific PZ Myers is hiding away from his blog.

Hard to argue with a phantom. PZ Myers has become a ghost on his own blog.


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 6:37 PM

I, for one, am shocked, SHOCKED that Dave Mathews has refused to take up my kind offer of a devoted thread at AtBC, where Pharyngulans, Talk Originites and P-Ters (Panda's Thumbers?) alike can partake in the insight and wisdom that Dave Mathews exudes...okay, reeks of.


By the by, Dave -- you seem to have no problem in downgrading PZ's education, etc. What're your degree(s)in? Or is this just more hypocrisy on your part?


Posted by: Helvetica | November 24, 2009 6:37 PM

You know, it's also entirely possible that PZ Myers doesn't take the time to read through 500+ comments to locate and respond to every poster who's got an axe to grind.

Just sayin'.


Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:37 PM

Don't worry, no-name nobody,

This from a guy that nobody's ever heard of.

you'll have plenty of time to return to self-praise tomorrow.

I can indulge in self-praise right now. I don't need your permission to do so.

PZ Myers is a hero, isn't he!

He's an intelligent man who writes well. I'd like to meet him in person and spend some time talking to him. But a hero? Not really.


Posted by: Fodder Boy | November 24, 2009 6:38 PM


You might as well with all this atheistic self-praise. This is one big atheistic circle jerk. You people tell each other how great you are and everyone agrees!

Who the fuck even said anything like this? You can set up the strawman if you like, but it fails in the face of the truth: we don't all think we're all great. We think you're fucking pathetic.

Though we do agree on that, I'm sure.


Posted by: Joffan | November 24, 2009 6:39 PM

Have you found the open thread yet, DM?


Point the mouse at the word "Here" and click. That's a good boy.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:41 PM

Hello Owlmirror,

* "No, you can't get to that conclusion. Not needing anything, including belief, also means not needing disbelief. "

Yes, Owlmirror, you are learning. Now you know why my religion isn't offered to primates, especially not the planet-destroying self-exterminating primates who have filled the entire world and their own souls with an infinite inexhuastible supply of sorrows.

Nature doesn't need humankind. God doesn't need humankind. The Earth doesn't need humankind. The Universe doesn't need humankind.

Humankind will go extinct, soon. Humankind will be forgotten forever. Nature preserves no memories, God preserves no souls ... so what you people believe or do not believe is absolutely irrelevant.

God simply doesn't care about the opinions of atheists or theists or humankind.

God has given up on the misguided perpetually sorrowful gleefully violent primate.

The Earth will be a much better place after humankind has finished exterminating itself.

There was life before humankind and there shall be life after humankind.

From that standpoint, then, humans are absolutely irrelevant, thoroughly expendable, and eminently forgettable.

Atheism thinks too much of humankind. Too bad for atheism!


Posted by: Jesso | November 24, 2009 6:41 PM

"Yeah ... the great bold evangelist for atheism isn't at all reachable on his blog. No, no, no ... he's way too busy!"

I know! It's almost like he doesn't want to have any contact with someone who's rude to him and the guests to his blog. Life certainly is unfair.


Posted by: AJ Milne Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:41 PM

I would but the brave, bold, rational, scientific PZ Myers is hiding away from his blog.

(B-movie Sigmund Freud voice on...)

Eenteresteenk! And vhai do you figure he needs to be present for zis? You feel you can not make your case vizout his presence? No?

If I vere to suggest perhaps you vish to have sex vis him, vould zis perhaps explain sings to you? He vould have to be present for zis, yes?

Hrm... Yes? (Nods...) Eeenteresteenk... Six years you have had zis fantasy, you say? Do you have nocturnal emissions vis zem?

Yes... Yes... Eeenteresteenk... Tell me about your muzzer...

(/No, not because I care... but I could use the material fer some 'Yer Mamma' jokes...)


Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:42 PM

I would but the brave, bold, rational, scientific PZ Myers is hiding away from his blog.

Translation: Pay attention to me, PZ! [stamp feet] PAY ATTENTION TO ME! You big meanie, you're not paying attention to me. [snivel]


Posted by: SEF | November 24, 2009 6:42 PM

Aside: David Mathews reminds me of Facilis.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 6:42 PM

DM "Hello whatever,

* "Care to back that up? "

I would but the brave, bold, rational, scientific PZ Myers is hiding away from his blog.

Hard to argue with a phantom. PZ Myers has become a ghost on his own blog."

Hmmm, once again, you're confused (what a surprise!!!) : you don't need him to be around to show that he is not a good scientist. All you have to do is analyze is articles published in journals and show how they are misleading. Do you think the peer-review process goes on on blogs ???


Posted by: Helvetica | November 24, 2009 6:43 PM

If there'll be life after humankind, can we have it be dinosaurs? Dinosaurs are hella sweet.


Posted by: Xplodyncow | November 24, 2009 6:43 PM

Ginger Yellow,

I'm not reading through 600+ (mostly irrelevant) comments to see whether anyone downloaded that article you linked to. I was able to download a PDF of it--do you want me to send it to you?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:44 PM

Hello deadman,

* "This from a guy that nobody's ever heard of. "

Well, there are 6.7 billion people on the planet and nearly all of them are more important than you.

PZ Myers, though, is a great scientist, a Nobel Prize winner, a bold defender and evangelist for atheism, and a pretty wonderful person all around.

Thank God for PZ Myers. He has restored my faith in humankind!


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:44 PM

David Mathews:


On top of that, you are an egomaniacle imbecilic douche bag. The assertions you make are so stupid and bereft of any quality of reasoning it makes me think that you're either here to incite, or you are severely mentally retarded to the point of being dangerous to yourself and your caregivers.

Either way, you do not belong in civilized society. My hope for you is that you remain so heavily sedated with your religious opiate and/or the ones prescribed by your physician that you remain sequestered from the rest of humanity, lost in your blissful delusion, until you expire.

May eternal peace be with you.


Posted by: WowbaggerOM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:45 PM

David Mathews wrote:

PZ Myers has become a ghost on his own blog.

You haven't answered the question of why a man in a fast-moving 4x4 need slow down because of a solitary turd on the road. If you can answer that then you'll understand why PZ isn't responding to you.

If you can't answer it, go away until you can.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:47 PM

Hello Lose the Woo,

* "On top of that, you are an egomaniacle imbecilic douche bag. The assertions you make are so stupid and bereft of any quality of reasoning it makes me think that you're either here to incite, or you are severely mentally retarded to the point of being dangerous to yourself and your caregivers. "

Boo hoo hoo ... did I hurt your feelings?

Don't worry, the Great Atheist Circle Jerk of Self Praise and Self Worship will resume again tomorrow.

I'll be on the beach and you people will be telling each other exactly how wonderful you are and PZ Myers that he's one great bold brave scientist.


Posted by: steve | November 24, 2009 6:47 PM

Don't worry, Steve, I'll be at the beach tomorrow and you'll still be a sad bitter angry atheist. Live as you wish and I'll live as I wish.

So you steal your pictures at the beach ? See, just like a said, confession is good for the soul. Open up the floodgates, Dave, let it all out.

I expect to see some original shots of seagulls and starfish on the ol' flickr site tomorrow, and some really, really tedious annotations.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:49 PM

Hello Wowbagger,

* "You haven't answered the question of why a man in a fast-moving 4x4 need slow down because of a solitary turd on the road. If you can answer that then you'll understand why PZ isn't responding to you."

The great atheist circle jerk of self praise continues!

PZ Myers is one great dude. He's the best! He's right, too! All the time! He's an atheist scientist and a scientific atheist!

Theists cannot win an argument on PZ Myers blog! He's that good!


Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:50 PM

Nature doesn't need humankind. God doesn't need humankind. The Earth doesn't need humankind. The Universe doesn't need humankind.

And humankind doesn't need gods.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 6:51 PM

DM, your #645 comment really reaches at least .5 timecube. You really sound like those Gaïa-namaste-light in everyone of us-ether type of esoteric ones...


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:51 PM

Hello Steve,

* "So you steal your pictures at the beach ? See, just like a said, confession is good for the soul. Open up the floodgates, Dave, let it all out. "

Say whatever makes you feel good, Steve!

PZ Myers is the best! He's a scientist and an atheist! He's rational and reasonable and he won't stand for Apollo astronauts quoting the scriptures on Christmas Eve, damn those Apollo astronauts ... they should have given a science lecture from the moon!


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 6:52 PM

Dave Mathews wrote:
"Hello deadman,

* "This from a guy that nobody's ever heard of. "

Well, there are 6.7 billion people on the planet and nearly all of them are more important than you. "


1. I didn't write that, genius.
2. How could you possibly know how important or unimportant I am, comparatively speaking? More hubris and hypocrisy on your part, I'm afraid, Dave.

Let me know when you've finished trolling and yu can reach me at deadman932(at)hotmail (dot)com, so you can get the protracted spanking you seem to need.

By the way, what ARE your degrees in, Dave Mathews, Mr. Important and Big-name guy?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:55 PM

Hello deadman,

* "How could you possibly know how important or unimportant I am, comparatively speaking? "

My mistake, dead man!

Let me correct it ....

You're the best! You're great! Atheists are intelligent, wonderful, happy, rational, scientific and a whole lot better than everyone else on the planet ... even if they are an extremist minority that spends that talks perpetually about their oppressed minority status and unhappy childhood and how offended they are whenever someone, anyone, happens to mention God or religion or anything non-atheistic.

You are the best, deadman, just as PZ Myers is the best. Atheists are great! Atheists are also happy, happy, happy!


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:55 PM

Boo hoo hoo ... did I hurt your feelings?

Wha? Really? Wow. No. I don't even know how that applies unless you do have severe challenge and dysfunction regarding your mental faculties.

You poor being. I apologize for the quip. I know it's not your fault.

May you find solace in the hope that the very science you misunderstand and disparage is working hard to find ways to diminish the suffering and struggle you face when dealing with your disability.

Always try and maintain a positive attitude.

Keep smiling.

May eternal peace be with you.

Best regards,



Posted by: AJ Milne Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:56 PM

...Nature doesn't need humankind. God doesn't need humankind. The Earth doesn't need humankind. The Universe doesn't need humankind...

And I don't need any of... this!

(... or this! Just this ashtray! And this paddle game... The ashtray and the paddle game and that's all I need... And this remote control...)

(/Yes, pretty much as relevant as anything Wonder Wanker here has posted.)


Posted by: TheBlackCat | November 24, 2009 6:57 PM

How could you possibly know how important or unimportant I am, comparatively speaking?
Isn't it obvious? He's telepathic, after all. He has read the mind of every atheist on the planet. How else could he know with absolute certainty that none of them arrived at their position using logic and evidence, as he has asserted numerous times?

Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 6:58 PM

Dave Mathews wrote: "You are the best, deadman, just as PZ Myers is the best. Atheists are great! Atheists are also happy, happy, happy! "

Who said I was an atheist, Dave Mathews? Not me, that's for certain...more hypocrisy and hubris on your part, I'm afraid.

So...since you've seen fit to comment on PZ's education, what's yours in, Dave? I still have no response from you on that.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 6:59 PM

Hello lose the woo,

* "May you find solace in the hope that the very science you misunderstand and disparage is working hard to find ways to diminish the suffering and struggle you face when dealing with your disability. "

Science serves the same role for the atheist as heaven does for the fundamentalist.

There's a wonderful future for humankind, isn't there?

Science will solve all of humankind's problems and lead to the colonization of space and perhaps even eternal life!

Praise science! Praise technology! Praise god science! Praise god technology! Especially, praise god Humankind!

PZ Myers is the best ... he is a paragon of rationality in an irrational world! Atheists are happy, happy, happy!


Posted by: TheBlackCat | November 24, 2009 6:59 PM

Atheists are great! Atheists are also happy, happy, happy!
I'm glad to see we are finally approaching a consensus on some of these issues.

Posted by: aratina cage Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 6:59 PM

Rev BigDumbChimp, good catch. lol the bigot can go fuck xyrself.


Posted by: TheBlackCat | November 24, 2009 7:02 PM

Science serves the same role for the atheist as heaven does for the fundamentalist.
So says the guy using a computer.

Posted by: Dutch Delight | November 24, 2009 7:02 PM

Dave, I have the solution for you!

You seem to be troubled by the idea that a person can simultaneously be an atheist, a scientist, and a rational thinker, or at the very least, be percieved as such by many.

The shock of this was pretty evident in your posts, so I took the liberty of checking out the internets, and you know what?

IT'S RAMPANT!!!!! There are non-believing rational and sciencey people everywhere on the internet, my search engine even found that practically half of europe doesn't believe in any particular god and think science is pretty darn cool!

You see what this means!! You can just talk to other nobodies, like yourself, and find out what makes them tick!

Hope this helps,


Posted by: Jesso | November 24, 2009 7:02 PM

"Atheists are great! Atheists are also happy, happy, happy!"

Of course we're happy. We have clowns to entertain us.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 7:02 PM

Hello theblackcat,

* "Isn't it obvious? He's telepathic, after all. He has read the mind of every atheist on the planet. How else could he know with absolute certainty that none of them arrived at their position using logic and evidence, as he has asserted numerous times? "

Sorry, my mistake ...

You'e great! You're wonderful. Unlike everyone else, you're logical and rational and your opinions are all evidence based!

Praise God! Praise PZ Myer! Praise god only if PZ Myers is god!

Humans are the best!

Too bad that humans are going, extinct, though ... but life goes on after humankind.


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 7:06 PM

Well, it's dinner time for me, Dave Mathews. As I said long ago, and others said before me, you shuld have and could have engaged PZ by email, but you chose not to in order to feed your ego, by all appearances.

You toss insults left and right, then claim you're not here to argue with people that you keep engaging in while offering simplistic claims that you don't have the mental acumen to support in any real fashion, then you make basic errors that a child should be ashamed of, along with the fallacies and other low-level apologetics gambits.

Very unimpressive, Dave. If I were PZ, I'd just laugh at you, too. I'm not PZ and I'll just laugh at you along with the rest here. Your skill set is lacking, boy.


Posted by: mk | November 24, 2009 7:07 PM

Hello David Mathews,

You're a believer!!! *Points finger* Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!! What a rube!


Posted by: TheBlackCat | November 24, 2009 7:07 PM

You'e great! You're wonderful. Unlike everyone else, you're logical and rational and your opinions are all evidence based!
Thank you :)
Too bad that humans are going, extinct, though ... but life goes on after humankind.
That would depend one exactly how long it takes for humans to go extinct. If we don't go extinct until the heat death of the universe then there won't be any other life after us. If you want to assert an earlier date you will need to provide some strong evidence. Current population trends do not support your conclusion.

Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 7:08 PM

Hello Dave Mathews,

You're right! You're a genius! I'm going to the beach right now!

Hello Dave Mathews,

You're right! You're a genius! I'm going to the beach right now!

Hello Dave Mathews,

You're right! You're a genius! I'm going to the beach right now!

Hello Dave Mathews,

You're right! You're a genius! I'm going to the beach right now!

Hello Dave Mathews,

You're right! You're a genius! I'm going to the beach right now!

Hello Dave Mathews,

You're right! You're a genius! I'm going to the beach right now!

Hello Dave Mathews,

You're right! You're a genius! I'm going to the beach right now!

Hello Dave Mathews,

You're right! You're a genius! I'm going to the beach right now!


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 7:08 PM

Hello Dutch Delight,

* "You seem to be troubled by the idea that a person can simultaneously be an atheist, a scientist, and a rational thinker, or at the very least, be percieved as such by many. "

You and I and everyone agrees that PZ Myers is the best. Whatever virtuous traits an atheist should have, PZ Myers has them all in abundance!

I've never met a religious person who could hold a candle to PZ Myers. PZ Myers shines like the North Star in the scientific rationality sky.

If God was half as good as PZ Myers there wouldn't be any atheists!

Atheists are happy, happy, happy!

If you've ever met a happy person you can be quite certain that that person is an atheist because atheists are nothing if not happy, happy, happy!

Who could possibly be sad in the atheist's universe since that Universe is all about the atheist and only secondarily about the rest of humankind.

Atheism is a happy and joyful philosophy! Happy, happy, happy!

Bold, too. Theists cannot win against atheists. That's why theists are scared to appear on PZ Myers blog. They are all intimidated by PZ Myers. Who can argue with such a person!

God wouldn't even argue with PZ Myers ... God wouldn't want to suffer self-refutation!


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:08 PM

David Mathews,

You may address me as Alex if you wish.

Science serves the same role for the atheist as heaven does for the fundamentalist.

It's OK David. I understand your conflict. I don't wish to add more troubles to a troubled mind. I only wish that you may praise whatever you deem worthy and that you derive value in that pursuit. Never will I deny another their derived comforts.

May eternal peace be with you.

Best regards,


PS: Those not knowing of the existence of deities, I think, are no less happy than those claiming such knowledge.


Posted by: MikeTheInfidel Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:08 PM

Oh, I love this.

First, David Matthews argues that atheists who became atheists as children did so because of bad experiences, or because they were being emotional children instead of rational adults.

Childhood atheism isn't based upon sound scientific or philosophical principles because children aren't well informed about either. Therefore child-onset atheism is automatically suspect especially when it becomes a person's defining core principle later in life.

Then, he argues that atheists who became atheists as adults did so because they just wanted to rebel against the religion of their childhood.

Here you reveal irrational emotional anger against the religion of your childhood. This is not at all uncommon among converts ... see Saul who would eventually become Paul.

David is a very crafty liar. He has no interest in a rational discussion. He begins with the premise that there is no rational path to atheism - that it is inherently irrational. He then spins a deliberately misleading interpretation of PZ's article, by making it seem as though PZ's atheism is entirely to blame on a single event in his childhood, regardless of PZ's statement that:

Now, I can't pretend that in that instant I had an epiphany and became an atheist. I did not.

Let's be bluntly honest here, David. The worldview with the fewest presuppositions - the one which would be default if no input were provided - is the lack of any sort of god concepts, let alone belief or faith. Atheism is rational inasmuch as it makes no claims about reality. It is the absence of such claims, which are entirely without evidential support. It requires the fewest assumptions about the universe.

Saying that it is more rational to abide by a faith is patently dishonest and ridiculous.

Oh, and just so you know, David, my 'rebellion' against my childhood religion was to become a fundamentalist, Biblical-literalist, evangelical, young-earth Creationist. It was reason, logic, and the lack of evidence for god claims that led me to atheism.

Now kindly go fuck yourself. YHBT, YHL, HAND.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:10 PM

Dave "I'm sooo stoooopid" Matthews, you still presented no evidence for your imaginary deity, or anything else you have claimed. That make you worth a pile of shit as far as your inane and insane claims go. Evidence rules the roost here, and you have shown yourself again and again to be an evidenceless fool. We expect nothing else from the delusional godbots like yourself. They can never make a cogent and intelligent comment.


Posted by: mk | November 24, 2009 7:10 PM

Hello David Mathews,

Furthermore... "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!"


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 7:12 PM

Hello TheBlackCat,

* "That would depend one exactly how long it takes for humans to go extinct. If we don't go extinct until the heat death of the universe then there won't be any other life after us. If you want to assert an earlier date you will need to provide some strong evidence. Current population trends do not support your conclusion. "

Current population trends are like real estate prices during the Housing Bubble ... except when the Human Population Bubble pops Nature isn't going to provide a bail-out.

Humankind is headed to extinction and this extinction will happen soon, within a blink of an eye from a geological standpoint, and this fate is well deserved and quite appropriate for an animal like the H. sapiens.

Atheism's great weakness is its excessive devotion to humankind. When humankind ends atheism will also end.

So much for humankind!

Perhaps you'll live forever, though ... Science & Technology will make you eternal!


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 7:14 PM

DM, are we going extinct in 2012 ?


Posted by: mk | November 24, 2009 7:15 PM

Hello David Mathews,

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha... Oh man, you're killin' me...Seriously? You're a believer?... Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!"


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 7:15 PM

Hello lose the woo,

* "PS: Those not knowing of the existence of deities, I think, are no less happy than those claiming such knowledge. "

True, true, true!

Any objective observer reading through this entire thread can verify that atheists are happy, happy, happy!

Atheists are perhaps the happiest people on the planet!

They might live forever, too, since Science & Techology is that good!

Praise PZ Myers! Praise God! Praise you all! But, especially, Praise PZ Myers!


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 7:17 PM

Lol @ the hubris of fancying oneself a prophet, especially after having been shown wrong so many times just in one thread.


Posted by: mk | November 24, 2009 7:18 PM

Hello David Mathews,

We're still pointing fingers and laughing at you!! You provide much happiness with your childish notions.


Posted by: Irk | November 24, 2009 7:18 PM

Broken record troll is broken record.

My newspaper also printed a 100% skepticism-free report about this man. Knowing the political climate here, I expect there'll be some long and furious letters decrying the villainy of the medical establishment for rejecting unproven approaches. Yar. If only Orac lived around here.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 7:18 PM

DM "Atheism's great weakness is its excessive devotion to humankind. When humankind ends atheism will also end."

Well, shall I say, your religion too ?


Posted by: Sean O'Doherty | November 24, 2009 7:19 PM

*The demon of addictive masturbation *The demon of flatulence

Now I understand why it happens...


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:20 PM

Hi David Mathews,

Any objective observer reading through this entire thread can verify that atheists are happy, happy, happy!

I understand how your reaction seems justified to you.

May eternal peace be with you.

Best regards,



Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 7:20 PM

Hello Mike,

* "Atheism is rational inasmuch as it makes no claims about reality. It is the absence of such claims, which are entirely without evidential support. It requires the fewest assumptions about the universe. "

Thanks for clearing that up, Mike! I always thought that atheism was the very best idea since atheists are the very happiest people on the planet!

Praise science! Praise technology! Praise logic! Praise rationality! In other words: Praise atheism!

Praise PZ Myers! PZ Myers is better than everyone else! Except Richard Dawkins! But better than everyone else!

PZ Myers is rational! No one can win an arguent against an atheistic scientist! All the philosophers throughout history would remain silent when PZ Myers speaks!

God, God, God ... who needs God! We've got PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins and science and technology and an economy and humans in space and Mars colonization dreams and an entire Universe waiting expectantly for primate astronauts to colonize the whole she-bang!

God envies humankind! Who wouldn't?


Posted by: David Estlund | November 24, 2009 7:21 PM

Okay, I couldn't resist checking back in to see how this spectacular crash-and-burn is going, and I have to say that if religion is the opiate of the masses, this David Mathews is one toke over the line. I think he might actually be on some sort of bender. Belief in a higher power may just do you some good after all, Mr. Mathews.


Posted by: Fodder Boy | November 24, 2009 7:21 PM


Any objective observer reading through this entire thread can verify that atheists are happy, happy, happy!

More apparent is your observable mental instability.


Posted by: TheBlackCat | November 24, 2009 7:21 PM

Current population trends are like real estate prices during the Housing Bubble ... except when the Human Population Bubble pops Nature isn't going to provide a bail-out.
An apt analogy, since in all cases in the past whenever commodity bubbles burst there was a drastic decrease in value, but the commodities did not lose their value entirely. This is true even in the absence of government intervention. So although current population trends are not sustainable, all that means is that current population growth must reduce to either zero or below zero. It does not necessarily imply that the human population will go to zero.

Also, it is not necessarily true that nature will not provide a bail-out. If whatever is driving the mass die-off is eliminated by smaller population size, then nature could very well be seen to have provided a bail-out. For instance if it is a disease, we could be left with a small residual population that is immune.

Humankind is headed to extinction and this extinction will happen soon, within a blink of an eye from a geological standpoint,
You have failed to substantiate either of these conclusions.
Atheism's great weakness is its excessive devotion to humankind. When humankind ends atheism will also end.
Religion cannot exist without religious people to believe in it.

Posted by: MikeTheInfidel Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:22 PM

You're not even a very good troll, David...


Posted by: Dutch Delight | November 24, 2009 7:22 PM

Funny stuff, Dave has addressed posts to me, but when I read them I get either a paste from his clipboard or a total evasion instead of a reply.

"Who could possibly be sad in the atheist's universe since that Universe is all about the atheist and only secondarily about the rest of humankind."

Not believing in any gods, I have no allegedly "moral" framework that tells me that my particular tribe is special to some blatently racist deity and therefore get to trample on everybody else.

This being the case, I think it's a safe bet that you are projecting your own issues on innocent bystanders.

Let it out man, keep it going. You'll feel better at the beach.


Posted by: BdN | November 24, 2009 7:24 PM


Well, I've gotta praise my favorite stick handler in 10 minutes...

Wish you can live a long and happy life with your loved ones,

Good luck!


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 7:24 PM

Hello BdN,

* "DM, are we going extinct in 2012 ? "

No, BdN. There is an immense amount of time left for human suffering and you are going to experience that firsthand. When the troubles come and civilization collapses and all of your dreams become dust you will sincerely wish that humankind had gon extinct in 2012.

There are centuries of intense suffering for humankind ahead. Nature isn't merciful enough to bring a swift end to the self-exterminating planet-destroying primate.

Humankind will exist in a diminished capacity for 10,000s of years before Nature finally allows our species to go extinct. That'll be enough time for humankind to regret every single stupid self-destructive mistake our species made during this era.


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 7:25 PM

Yes, Owlmirror, you are learning.

I'm learning that your problems are very, very deep rooted in your absolute and unremitting nihilistic existential despair and species-level loathing.

Now you know why my religion isn't offered to primates, especially not the planet-destroying self-exterminating primates who have filled the entire world and their own souls with an infinite inexhuastible supply of sorrows.

1) "Planet-destroying" and "self-exterminating" are false and logically unsupportable.

2) "Infinite and inexhuastible" is logically unsupportable.

3) Once again, you imply that you are not a primate. What are you? Can you point to a photograph of yourself on flickr, demonstrating your non-primate nature?

4) Your religion may not be "offered" to primates, but I assure you, more than a few primates have been Deists, and some fraction of those have been nihilistic Deists as well.

Nature doesn't need humankind. God doesn't need humankind. The Earth doesn't need humankind. The Universe doesn't need humankind.

Yes, yes, yes, we covered all that already.

So what?

Here and now, we are alive.

Humankind will go extinct, soon.

Logically unsupported, and unsupported by evidence as well.

Humankind will be forgotten forever.

Not necessarily. The human species has been leaving evidence of its existence.

And, assuming you believe in God, actually completely false. If God exists, as defined above, then God does not forget; indeed, cannot forget.

Nature preserves no memories, God preserves no souls ...

"Nature" does preserve memories. They're called "fossils".

God may not preserve souls, but see above.

so what you people believe or do not believe is absolutely irrelevant.

Then why are you arguing here, again?

God simply doesn't care about the opinions of atheists or theists or humankind. God has given up on the misguided perpetually sorrowful gleefully violent primate.

If God doesn't care, then God cannot "give up" on anything, since that would imply that God cared about that thing in the first place, then stopped caring.

The Earth will be a much better place after humankind has finished exterminating itself.

1) "Better" is not well-defined.

2) It has not been established by either logic or evidence that humankind has started exterminating itself.

There was life before humankind and there shall be life after humankind.

One of the few logically sound statements you've made, but also annoyingly trite.

From that standpoint, then, humans are absolutely irrelevant, thoroughly expendable, and eminently forgettable.

From what standpoint -- that of bacteria?

Is that what you are claiming to be?

Can you point to a microphotograph?

Atheism thinks too much of humankind. Too bad for atheism!

Ah, but you too are in fact an atheist.

You see, most of the religions of the past 40,000 years have not posited the cold and uncaring entity you believe in, but rather, ones that are deeply, deeply, concerned with humans, at the tribal, racial, or species level.

You, rather explicitly, do not believe in any of those caring deity; not a single stinking one.

Indeed, you have characterized such belief as being an insult to the God you do believe in.

Thus, you are explicitly and proudly atheist regarding every single God-concept but your own.



Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:27 PM

Still no evidence. Boring troll who won't get with the program. But that requires logic, honesty, truthfulness, integrity, and


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 7:29 PM

Hello TheBlackCat,

* "An apt analogy, since in all cases in the past whenever commodity bubbles burst there was a drastic decrease in value, but the commodities did not lose their value entirely. This is true even in the absence of government intervention. So although current population trends are not sustainable, all that means is that current population growth must reduce to either zero or below zero. It does not necessarily imply that the human population will go to zero.
Also, it is not necessarily true that nature will not provide a bail-out. If whatever is driving the mass die-off is eliminated by smaller population size, then nature could very well be seen to have provided a bail-out. For instance if it is a disease, we could be left with a small residual population that is immune. "

The truth is tough, isn't it?

During the Housing Bubble everyone denied its existence and when push came to shove those same people denied that it would lead to any drastic consequences. The banking industry couldn't collapse even if was gambling with trillions of dollars.

I can assure you, there isn't any happy ending to the Human Population Bubble catastrophe. Human population will not stabilize at 9 billion. After peak human population is attained the population collapse will follow and it will be quite literally horrific and unprecedented in scale.

This event will occur in the 21st century and you'll live long enough to verify it with your own eyes. I cannot say for certain but it is quite possible that you might even verify it with your own life ... if not, you'll wish that you had.

The world post-population collapse isn't going to be pleasant for anyone. The future ain't pretty.


Posted by: TheBlackCat | November 24, 2009 7:30 PM

There was life before humankind and there shall be life after humankind.
One of the few logically sound statements you've made, but also annoyingly trite.
As I have already pointed out, depending on exactly when humans go extinct his second claim may not be true.

Posted by: Religion Brandâ„¢ Brain Staples | November 24, 2009 7:31 PM

After such a generous feeding, any troll could surely retire fat and happy... yet he keeps going.

How can anyone one troll (are trolls primates? maybe that's why his religion isn't "for us", lol) possibly have this much stamina? This much appetite?

This guy is just a non-sequiter machine. I'm a reminded a bit of the old "Argument" sketch by Monty Python...


Posted by: AJ Milne Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:32 PM

Praise PZ Myers! Praise God! Praise you all! But, especially, Praise PZ Myers!

Well, thankee! (manages nervous laugh...) But honestly, there's really no need to get quite so... excited, deary...

Oh no, there there... Oh no, it's all good... But honestly, lover, you're making us blush with all this attention 'n all... But it really is a bit much for a girl from the country...

Mebbe... Y'know... (backs away slowly)... Hey, honey, don't be mad... We still love you 'n all, honest...

But see, it's just... You're moving a little fast, here, hon, y'know? Don't get upset or nothin, but you do come off as well... see... like you're... umm... a bit intense, here... And we're both young... Mebbe we could see other people, too, for a while... say...

(/Or, say, you could go see a good analyst, let us know how that works out, right? Just for laughs, see? For fun... There's a good stalk... Erm... soldier... I was gonna say 'soldier'... That's right, that's all... we're cool, right? I'm just gonna... go out... for a bit... lover... I'll be right back now, promise...)


Posted by: Utakata | November 24, 2009 7:34 PM

The only nobody here is you, Mr. Mathews. And PZ doesn't have time to argue with nobodies.

Once again in attempt to get this thread back on track, the great Randi has a few words to say about this original topic:


I know. Someone tried to post this link back before the replies hit 200 I believe. But thanks to Mr. Matthew's inflamatory insipidity, it got lost in the shuffle. :(


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:34 PM

Yawn, the troll is boring and ignorant. What a waste of bandwidth. But, he caused a nice chunk of change to land in PZ's next check from Seed, so the Trophy Daughter'sâ„¢ tuition can be paid...


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 7:36 PM

Hello Owlmirror,

* "And, assuming you believe in God, actually completely false. If God exists, as defined above, then God does not forget; indeed, cannot forget."

No, owlmirror, humankind is most certainly a horrific tragedy that God can and will forget.

Nor will any future animal evolve which will engage in paleontology and discover the fossils of the H. sapiens as we have discovered the dinosaur fossils.

Once humankind is gone, humankind is gone and forgotten forever!

This is the specific reason why my religion isn't offered to primates. I follow a post-primate religion.

Humankind has dominated the Earth to its own extermination.

God isn't invested in humankind. God has moved on already.

God has given Nature the permission to end the human experiment in whatever manner she wishes and Nature will begin this process very soon, soon enough that you'll witness its beginning but you won't live long enough to witness its end.

There's plenty of time left for human suffering. Humankind will pay an immense price for destroying the Earth. Humankind will still be paying this price in suffering long after technological civilization is long-forgotten even as a mythical memory.

Atheism praises humankind although humankind isn't worthy of this praise. There's a reason why all these humans are unhappy, bitter, angry and fighting all of the time and it has nothing to do with God or religion or scriptures.


Posted by: Dutch Delight | November 24, 2009 7:38 PM

Dave your consistency is failing.

You don't get to flail around throwing sad girly punches at the meany atheists, without ever taking a position yourself.

This is actually quite important, seeing as atheism is a description of people who don't believe in the gods of theists, it's required for the theists to posit what kind of gods they believe in and why. Because if they don't, there's no there there, and the atheist will have no entertainment for the day!

Let's hear it Dave, and don't spare the woo! I feel there's a lot of it in your closet.


Posted by: durboloid | November 24, 2009 7:38 PM

Troll is batshit crazy.


Posted by: MikeTheInfidel Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:39 PM

David, you could fertilize a farm with all the bullshit coming out of your mouth.


Posted by: TheBlackCat | November 24, 2009 7:40 PM

The truth is tough, isn't it?
Truth, what truth? All I see is a bunch of unfounded and unsupported prophecies by nihilistic self-loathing pessimist. Where was this truth again?
During the Housing Bubble everyone denied its existence and when push came to shove those same people denied that it would lead to any drastic consequences. The banking industry couldn't collapse even if was gambling with trillions of dollars.
I know for a fact this is not the case. I have seen numerous claims that a burst in the housing bubble was imminent for at least a decade prior to it bursting, so the claim that "everyone denied its existence" is patently false. At the very least I never denied its existence, nor did anyone else I know. They didn't know exactly when it would occur, but it was considered inevitable since continuous positive growth is, by definition, unsustainable.
I can assure you, there isn't any happy ending to the Human Population Bubble catastrophe.
And I am supposed to believe your assurances on this...why exactly? You have provided no indication of even the slightest bit of competency in any area that would qualify you to make these sorts of predictions. So why should I believe a word you say?

Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:40 PM

David Matthews is a nihilist. No wonder he's such a crybaby.


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 7:40 PM

He is a defeatist, nihilistic little bugger, isn't he?

This whole charade was apparently just to boost his ego in some weird way, which is even more pathetic than his questioning the ideas and credentials of others while failing to divulge his own. I suspect that if he were to actually dispassionately analyze his own vapid claims and likely lack of personal achievements, he might just break down and cry.

I'll be enjoying a nice meal and some Bach, Dave, then a riotous evening of wine, bootleg Steely Dan and maybe some cuddlin'...while you try desperately to fill your void with imaginary palliatives.

Talley-ho, Don Quixote.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 7:42 PM

Hello TheBlackCat,

* "As I have already pointed out, depending on exactly when humans go extinct his second claim may not be true. "

You don't have to believe me, TheBlackCat. You can print this page out and put it in a secure place.

A day will come in which reality will become impossible to deny and you'll have an opportunity to return to these words and verify that someone told you the unpleasant, unhappy but thoroughly just fate of humankind.

You won't have to wait so long. Humankind has run out of time already. Humankind is now like the terminally ill patient who might die tomorrow or might continue to suffer immensely for another twenty years.

In a merciful universe, the terminally ill patient would die quickly and escape from its suffering, but in a harsh universe the terminally ill patient will suffer and suffer and suffer and wish for death and suffer some more.

Humankind's fate is perfectly just. Nature will extract a pound of suffering for every single violent thought or action by a human from the beginning of history until its end.

When humankind finally goes extinct that last human will thank God for nonexistence.


Posted by: Bobber Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:43 PM

I used to work with people like David Mathews. One in particular thought he was a genius, that he'd discovered the cure for AIDs and could design a perpetual motion machine and that any song he'd written could easily win every major award in the business.

I wished it could have been true - I really did. Then again, he was so much more coherent and productive when he was ON his meds, rather than when he was having delusions of grandeur when he was OFF them.

Mr. Mathews: please do find some help. You sound as if you might eventually pose a danger to yourself or to others. Get some care, man.


Posted by: ckitching Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:43 PM

Isn't it funny how a religious troll strolls into a den of nonbelievers and expresses his aggression, and then is suddenly surprised that his aggression is returned. "These are just a bunch of Angry AtheistsTM, just like Atheists always are!"


Posted by: Fernando Montelbon | November 24, 2009 7:45 PM

That settles it... I think dave may just be a messiah from the eternal sky daddy.He's been sent to let us know that god did it for teh lulz k tnx bye human race!

I wish I was all knowing like dave (but slightly less of a troll)


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 7:46 PM

There was life before humankind and there shall be life after humankind.
One of the few logically sound statements you've made, but also annoyingly trite.
As I have already pointed out, depending on exactly when humans go extinct his second claim may not be true.

Well.... my thinking was that if humans, in the current form, live until the heat-death of the universe, there will still be commensal/parasitic organisms in the human gut, which will outlive the human host by some indeterminate period of time.

Possibly splitting hairs, but I think it's reasonable.


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 7:46 PM

Dave Mathews wrote:
"God isn't invested in humankind. God has moved on already.

God has given Nature the permission to end the human experiment in whatever manner she wishes and Nature will begin this process very soon, soon enough that you'll witness its beginning but you won't live long enough to witness its end. "

So you're not just a prophet of doom, but you also imagine yourself privy to the thoughts of God?

No wonder you got all ticked off that PZ didn't even notice you, you're all full of yourself, aren't you, Prophet-boy?

Lol, scratch a fundy and the madness shines through.


Posted by: Richard Smith | November 24, 2009 7:47 PM


Soylent Green... is David Mathews!


Posted by: echidna Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:47 PM

DM said:

Atheism really is an intellectually vancant indefensible opinion.

To be an indefensible opinion, there must be something to defend against.

There really isn't very much intellectual rigour required to not believe something there is no evidence for, although it can be hard to disbelieve something told to you by many people that you have trusted.

I wouldn't say atheism is intellectually vacant, it's simply intellectually honest. It certainly doesn't need a lot of sophistry to prop it up like religion does.

You know it already but protect yourself from the thought by load boasts and bluster.

Loud boasts and bluster? As loud as the blustering little boy in Andersen's "The Emperor's New Clothes"?


Posted by: TheBlackCat | November 24, 2009 7:47 PM

God isn't invested in humankind. God has moved on already.

God has given Nature the permission to end the human experiment in whatever manner she wishes and Nature will begin this process very soon, soon enough that you'll witness its beginning but you won't live long enough to witness its end.

And you know this...how exactly? You are now a psychic or prophet in addition to being telepathic?
There's plenty of time left for human suffering. Humankind will pay an immense price for destroying the Earth.
Ah, the irony. Now who is arrogantly exaggerating the power of mankind? Humans can't destroy the Earth, no where close. We couldn't even wipe out life on Earth if we tried, and we certainly can't make even a noticeable dent in the planet itself. Humans aren't as powerful as you think, our science and technology no where near as advanced as you think. If we had even a billionth of the energy necessary to destroy even a small planet we would not have any of the problems you are predicting, feeding and housing 90 billion people would be a trivial task.

Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 7:49 PM

Hello TheBlackCat,

* "And I am supposed to believe your assurances on this...why exactly? You have provided no indication of even the slightest bit of competency in any area that would qualify you to make these sorts of predictions. So why should I believe a word you say? "

You don't have to believe me. You don't even need any reason to believe me. I make no claims whatsoever about myself or my predictions.

Honestly, it is best for you if you do not believe me. There's no point in knowing that you will die if it means that you'll stop living today.

Best to remain hopeful about the future and live your life as if nothing terrible will happen. When the bad days come you'll have plenty of time to think about today and the message which you heard.

Perhaps you'll understand why the future hasn't turned out as you expected. Or you won't. Dreams and delusions die hard.

There's no glorious future for humankind. There's no future for humankind in space, on Mars, on the moon or on the Earth.

Humankind will lose everything and have nothing. Humankind will suffer and there won't be any escape from this suffering. Humankind will suffer so long that the species will forget the reason why it is suffering.

Until those days come I encourage you to not believe what I have said today. You can go shopping on Black Friday and wrap Christmas gifts and plan your New Years' Day party.

Life will keep on going as normal until it cannot, and then it will not. Sad day, sad day, but a fate which humankind has earned.


Posted by: Helvetica | November 24, 2009 7:51 PM

Did your god tell you these things himself, David?


Posted by: Kagato Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:52 PM

I'm not engaged in an argument with you. You are a no-name nobody.
My argument is with the coward PZ Myers only.
He won't speak, though. He'll keep on hiding away.

Pot, kettle


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 7:52 PM

Hello Owlmirror,

* "Well.... my thinking was that if humans, in the current form, live until the heat-death of the universe, there will still be commensal/parasitic organisms in the human gut, which will outlive the human host by some indeterminate period of time. "

I haven't found such great faith ... not even in Israel!

Look, Owlmirror, if the above happy story makes you feel good and hopeful about the future (against all contrary evidence!) go ahead and believe it.

I'm in favor of blind faith even among atheists. Believe whatever you want to believe.

Reality will impose itself upon you whenever it will.


Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 7:54 PM

During the Housing Bubble everyone denied its existence and when push came to shove those same people denied that it would lead to any drastic consequences. The banking industry couldn't collapse even if was gambling with trillions of dollars.

Now I know that David Matthews is an ignorant idiot.

David, I happen to be an economist. I can assure you that the housing bubble was not only acknowledged but predicted. I know this because I'm one of the people who predicted it. What came as a surprise was the subprime bubble. It wasn't until a British bank called Northern Rock failed in late 2007 that the subprime bubble was generally recognized as a pending disaster.

I recommend that you stick to whining about how PZ won't play with you and how much you hate humanity. Don't make silly comments about real life because there are experts here who will be happy to hand your ass to you.


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 7:55 PM

Lol, I think you guys shook the chewtoy too much -- his braincase is cracked & leaking crazy all over.

Excellent job.


Posted by: TheBlackCat | November 24, 2009 7:55 PM

Perhaps you'll understand why the future hasn't turned out as you expected.
Ah yes, you are telepathic again and know what sort of future I predict. You don't have any clue what sort of future I expect. Actually, neither do I, since I'm not psychic I don't claim to be able to predict the future. For all I know the universe may undergo spontaneous true vacuum decay tomorrow in my shower, in which case no life will survive anywhere in the universe.
Life will keep on going as normal until it cannot, and then it will not. Sad day, sad day, but a fate which humankind has earned.
Obviously. The "until it cannot" is the heat death of the universe, or the decay of all baryonic matter, whichever comes first.

Posted by: Steve_C | November 24, 2009 7:55 PM

It's amazing how a douche bag troll unites everyone.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 7:56 PM

Hello deadman,

* "So you're not just a prophet of doom, but you also imagine yourself privy to the thoughts of God? "

You don't need to be God in order to know humankind's future. There's a reason why atheists are so unhappy and under so much stress and it isn't because humankind has a bright and glorious future.

You know that I'm telling the truth. Perhaps you conscious mind objects but your soul knows.

* "No wonder you got all ticked off that PZ didn't even notice you, you're all full of yourself, aren't you, Prophet-boy? "

PZ Myers did notice. I know he noticed and he knows he noticed and everyone else here noticed.

PZ Myers's silence was far more eloquent than anything he could have said.


Posted by: Jonathan Hartley | November 24, 2009 7:59 PM

My first thought when I saw the 'facilitator' where similar to many who have already commentated here.

But what I really don't understand is: (a) This man has been unable to make any sign whatsoever with his body for 23 years; (b) a doctor, using a new technique, discovers that his brain is working normally; (c) he can now move his eyes, mouth and hand.

Doesn't there need to be some medical intervention between after (b) to allow (c) to occur? There's no mention of that.

I'm still spooked by the facilitator though...


Posted by: TheBlackCat | November 24, 2009 7:59 PM

Well.... my thinking was that if humans, in the current form, live until the heat-death of the universe, there will still be commensal/parasitic organisms in the human gut, which will outlive the human host by some indeterminate period of time.

Possibly splitting hairs, but I think it's reasonable.

It is reasonable, which is why I said "may". However, the key issue is "in the current form". By that (if it is ever reached) point humans may have modified their body so parasites and/or symbiotes are no longer an issue. So there is no guarantee that life will exist after humans, although I do consider it much more likely than not.

Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 7:59 PM

Hello TheBlackCat,

* "Ah, the irony. Now who is arrogantly exaggerating the power of mankind? Humans can't destroy the Earth, no where close. "

No one is suggesting that humankind will destroy the Earth or eradicate Nature.

Humankind is only powerful enough to exterminate itself and humankind has already done enough to guarantee that fate.

Humankind is headed to extinction and there's no preventing this fate from occurring.

Humankind has a bleak future indeed. The beginning of the end approaches quickly and it will occur within your lifetime. You will see it and you will understand. You won't like it but you won't be able to deny it any longer.

No one is demanding that you believe anything today. When the time comes there won't be any belief, just reality, and a what a sad reality!


Posted by: Not scientific! | November 24, 2009 8:02 PM

Hello primates,

You're position is indefensible! PZ lied about his childhood and all atheists do too! You're all worthless self-boasters! I know so much more than any of you lowly primates yet you're all so self-praising! You're all worth less than anybody! I know you better than you know you you foolish self-deluded dogmatic atheists! Hey, I'm not arguing with any of you - where's that atheistic evangelistic coward schoolboy ninny liar PZ? You foolish primates! I know you know you can't beat me!


Posted by: amphiox | November 24, 2009 8:02 PM

"God isn't invested in humankind. God has moved on already."

All three Abrahamaic religions (and many more others too) would consider this statement a blasphemy far worse than atheism.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 8:02 PM

Hello Tis Himself,

* "David, I happen to be an economist. I can assure you that the housing bubble was not only acknowledged but predicted. I know this because I'm one of the people who predicted it. What came as a surprise was the subprime bubble. It wasn't until a British bank called Northern Rock failed in late 2007 that the subprime bubble was generally recognized as a pending disaster. "

Whatever. I was alive during that era and I spent a lot if time listening to the economists.

It is easy for you to revise history but you know that you are lying so there's no need to argue this irrelent point.


Posted by: WowbaggerOM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:03 PM

This is the specific reason why my religion isn't offered to primates. I follow a post-primate religion.

Are we sure this isn't that TimeCube guy peddling a new shtick, or maybe some other tinfoil-hat-wearer who's gotten out of his padded cell and locked himself in the room with the PC? Because this clown is rapidly devolving into drooling lunacy - and crushingly boring to boot.

The banhammer can't fall too fast for my liking. Still, at this rate it won't be long before he froths at the mouth so much he shorts his keyboard out.

Look out David Mathews! There's someone behind you! Quick, turn around!


Posted by: AJ Milne Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:03 PM

... and in the latest shocking twist, the same crazy who insisted it was somehow some great mystery how humans might have invented religion in the first place...

... has had a psychotic break and invented his own.

... So: stay with us through the break for the shocking conclusion: Will Dave Mathews' evil twin (the one with the goatee) come to claim the credit for the invention after having set up his brother (the real jeeenyus) for incarceration throughout the whole of next season in the Pharyngudungeon? Is Dave Mathews the wisest human being yet or will we throw in an improbable epic cliffhanger chest-beating contest with Gene Ray to settle this once and for all? Has Dave Mathews completely lost his nut live in cyberspace or was it all a dream (makes wiggly fingers)...

(/Find out next. Same batshit time, same batshit channel.)


Posted by: durboloid | November 24, 2009 8:04 PM

Wait, this is starting to sound familiar!

"Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you! "



Posted by: Dutch Delight | November 24, 2009 8:04 PM

I'm not sure what to do with the ominous and pretentious attempts at painting a gloomy picture of the future. It's like talking to someone in a severe depression and a total lack of appreciation for the long history of human ingenuity, intelligence or creativity.

Funny, coming from the same guy who thought he could take the moral high ground when talking about ancestors.

You don't seem to have anything to add Dave... And as a very rational person, I'm sure you're aware that were not taking your revelations seriously. A rational person would know there's nothing more useless then revelation when trying to discern knowledge.


Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:06 PM

Whatever. I was alive during that era and I spent a lot if time listening to the economists.
It is easy for you to revise history but you know that you are lying so there's no need to argue this irrelent [sic] point.

Not only a nihilist crybaby but delusional as well.


Posted by: Josh, Official SpokesGay | November 24, 2009 8:06 PM

You know what gets me the most about DM? Not his idiocy, is question-dodging, his strawmen, or general imbecility. It's his stupid affectation of opening every post with "Hello so-and-so." Is this some sort of retarded trademark for you, DM?

Oh, and go fuck yourself with sandpaper.


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 8:06 PM

Dave Mathews burbled: "You don't need to be God in order to know humankind's future. There's a reason why atheists are so unhappy and under so much stress and it isn't because humankind has a bright and glorious future. "

1. No one knows mankind's fate, not you, certainly. Pretending that you "know" with absolute certainty marks you as a nutcase, frankly

2. Claiming that atheists are unhappy -- while you bloviate on about your nihilistic nightmares is hilariously hypocritical, Dave. Again.

3. Face it, Junior, you don't speak for God, though you pretend to, you aren't privy to the thoughts of God, though you pretended to be, and you're not a prophet , though you imagine yourself to be.

Pretending that PZ DID notice you (though you certainly can't show that) and that his silence marks something other than the crazy in your head...well, that's why people are laughing at you. You've been so wrong so many times in this thread alone that I wouldn't trust you to be right about knowing the difference between your ass and your skull, son. And now, dinner really is ready so when you want to get spanked more, you let me know at my email, kid.


Posted by: Kagato Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:06 PM

To paraphrase:

"Atheists are bitter and angry"

"Humankind is doomed to suffering imminent extermination, and they all deserve it"

Pot, kettle


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 8:09 PM

Hello amphiox,

* "All three Abrahamaic religions (and many more others too) would consider this statement a blasphemy far worse than atheism. "

Thank God the atheists are speaking out on behalf of the world's Abrahamic religions.

But you should read the Bible more carefully if you truly want to appreciate God's low opinion of, rejection of, and ultimate extermination of humankind.

Nor does science disagree with such a conclusion. We happen to live on a planet in which 99% of all species have already gone extinct, including our closest primate ancestors, so there doesn't seem to be any natural law forbidding humankind from going extinct.

Nor are there any religious principles which forbid humankind from going extinct, either.

Religion is actually quite negative about humankind. Not just the Bible but worldwide. Religion has a very very low opinion of humankind.

I wouldn't encourage anyone to imagine that either God or Nature is under any obligation to preserve humankind from extinction, especially not self-provoked extinction.

Humankind is an animsl hellbent of self-destruction and our species has succeeded royally at this one task. Humankind's fate is already sealed and there's no salvation for the species.

God has moved on already. Nature has grown weary of dealing with a planet-destroying primate, too. Even humankind has grown weary of existence and this is the reason why humans have sought escape from reality in space, cyberspace and dreams of heaven or nirvana.

There's no happy end to the human story. Humankind is a tragedy which must inevitably end tragedy.


Posted by: Newfie | November 24, 2009 8:13 PM

Is this some sort of retarded trademark for you, DM?

Lyin' Irk is fond of that rejoinder also, Josh. Good company indeed.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 8:13 PM

Hello Dutch Delight,

* "I'm not sure what to do with the ominous and pretentious attempts at painting a gloomy picture of the future. It's like talking to someone in a severe depression and a total lack of appreciation for the long history of human ingenuity, intelligence or creativity. "

You are very much like the teenager that knows, absolutely unequivocally knows, that he will never die.

Anyone familiar with the history of the last 10,000 years and also the last 4 billion years knows that civilization and species share a common fate: death.

Eternity and immortality aren't human traits.

Yet atheists would prefer to imagine that humankind will live forever, at least until the heat death of the Universe.

Primate species don't live forever. Primate species that destroy their home planet especially don't live forever.

Death is a tough concept, I know, especially for atheists.


Posted by: WowbaggerOM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:14 PM

It's just gone eight on the David Mathews clock: loon, loon, loon, loon; loon, loon, loon, loon!


Posted by: AJ Milne Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:14 PM

Re PZ, Deadman, he did notice the wacko, briefly, actually. Responded briefly in some other thread the troll had tried to infect to tell 'im basically: no thanks, ya nutter.

(/Now, as to why anyone wouldn't want to waste his time actually arguing with someone who apparently is so obsessed he'll stick with it for ten hours straight, and generate such a delightful stew of incoherent weirdness over that time, and who so far seems mostly to be arguing with the voices he's hearing in his head, man, I just can't imagine. I love that stuff myself...)


Posted by: truebutnotuseful Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:15 PM

Wow, it's been awhile since we've had the pleasure of witnessing a meltdown of this magnitude. I just can't look away.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 8:18 PM

Hello Deadman,

* "1. No one knows mankind's fate, not you, certainly. Pretending that you "know" with absolute certainty marks you as a nutcase, frankly

All civilizations have collapsed, 99% of all species have gone extinct ... I'd say that the odds are decidly in my favor. Immortality and eternity are extremely rare on the Earth.

* "2. Claiming that atheists are unhappy -- while you bloviate on about your nihilistic nightmares is hilariously hypocritical, Dave. Again. "

You must think that I am opposed to this fate for humankind. No, I finished my struggle with humankind a long time ago and have surrendered the species to its own self-selected fate. My happiness is invested in Nature now, not humankind, and it will survive, prosper and flourish after humankind is gone.

* "3. Face it, Junior, you don't speak for God, though you pretend to, you aren't privy to the thoughts of God, though you pretended to be, and you're not a prophet , though you imagine yourself to be. "

Perhaps God have visited this blog to talk to you today. Or perhaps the harsh reality of humankind's fate makes you wish that God had visited your today on this blog.

* "Pretending that PZ DID notice you (though you certainly can't show that) and that his silence marks something other than the crazy in your head...well, that's why people are laughing at you. "

Think whatever you wish if it will make you happy. I want you to be happy. Be a happy atheist!


Posted by: deadman_932 | November 24, 2009 8:19 PM

AJ: thanks for telling me, I didn't check other threads. Ack, I'm being glared at for not being at the dinner table.


Posted by: WowbaggerOM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:21 PM

Wow, it's been awhile since we've had the pleasure of witnessing a meltdown of this magnitude. I just can't look away

Indeed. It's like watching a slow-moving train fully laden with fruitcakes - and piloted by a drunk baboon - crash into a loon farm.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 8:21 PM

Hello AJ Milne,

* "Now, as to why anyone wouldn't want to waste his time actually arguing with someone who apparently is so obsessed he'll stick with it for ten hours straight "

Time is something that a person like you should worry about. Time is not a concern for me.


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 8:21 PM

humankind is most certainly a horrific tragedy that God can and will forget.

Are you claiming that the mind of God is knowable, and that you, and only you, know the mind of God?

Including how it works, and its tastes and preferences?

How do you know?

If God does not care, humankind is not a "horrific tragedy". It simply exists, one more thing in an enormous universe that God sees in its eternal and indifferent observation.

If God knows everything, then forgetting is indeed impossible for God. Are you claiming that God does not know everything; indeed, cannot know everything; that God must forget? How far back does God's memory go? Millions of years? Thousands? Hundreds? Tens? Single digits?

Does God remember anything at all?

Nor will any future animal evolve which will engage in paleontology and discover the fossils of the H. sapiens as we have discovered the dinosaur fossils.

And you know the entire future of the Earth as well, in its billions-year span before the sun expands to include the Earth's orbit?

Once humankind is gone, humankind is gone and forgotten forever!

Is that actually what you want for yourself? To die and be forgotten forever?

This is the specific reason why my religion isn't offered to primates. I follow a post-primate religion.

You cannot imply that your religion is of the future of a species if you insist that an essential tenet of it is that there is no future for the species. Once again, you lead to complete self-contradiction.

Your "post-primate" is an oxymoron.

Humankind has dominated the Earth to its own extermination.

Unsupported by logic or evidence, again.

God isn't invested in humankind. God has moved on already.

You cannot suggest that God has "moved on" if God never cared in the first place.

God has given Nature the permission to end the human experiment in whatever manner she wishes

Is "Nature" also a God? Are you a bi-deist?

If God does not care, why would Nature need "permission"?

If Nature is also a God, does Nature care? What does Nature care about?

Nature will begin this process very soon, soon enough that you'll witness its beginning but you won't live long enough to witness its end.

And neither will you, so you most certainly have no logical basis on which to claim that it will even happen.

Humankind will pay an immense price for destroying the Earth.

Humankind has not destroyed the Earth, so there is no price to pay for it.

Humankind will still be paying this price in suffering long after technological civilization is long-forgotten even as a mythical memory.

So in your religion, Hell is the future?

Is the past Heaven?

There's a reason why all these humans are unhappy, bitter, angry and fighting all of the time and it has nothing to do with God or religion or scriptures.


Then what is the reason?

In a merciful universe, the terminally ill patient would die quickly and escape from its suffering, but in a harsh universe the terminally ill patient will suffer and suffer and suffer and wish for death and suffer some more.

In a merciful universe, God would cure the patient and make sure that the patient understood what had gone wrong and what was necessary to maintain future health.

Humankind's fate is perfectly just.

Obviously not.

Nature will extract a pound of suffering for every single violent thought or action by a human from the beginning of history until its end.

Nature will do this? So Nature is a God, in your religion?

And Nature punishes thoughtcrime? Nature is a sadist? I mean, what?

When humankind finally goes extinct that last human will thank God for nonexistence.

Which would be an insult to God, right?


Posted by: BGT | November 24, 2009 8:21 PM

Oh my scrod, I just figured out who DM's deity is! Think about the nihilism, and humanities thankfulness for it's end. There could be only one god whose worship could be expected to provoke those reactions! DM worships C'tulhu!!!!!!


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:22 PM

Wow, it's been awhile since we've had the pleasure of witnessing a meltdown of this magnitude. I just can't look away.

A thread worthy of historical note. I find them compelling and concerning, the laments of the deluded.

I hope this person has a robust support system of care takers and loved ones.

The apparent torments demonstrated in the exchange are textbook and severe.


Posted by: tim gueguen | November 24, 2009 8:23 PM

Wow, here I was expecting to see a bunch of upset parents of autistic kids ranting about how FC is real and that PZ is supporting "the system" or "big pharma" or some other boogeyman. Instead its a zillion posts resulting from a rather boring troll.

I caught this story on Global's supperhour national newscast tonight. I would imagine it will turn up on their website tomorrow. CBC and also have reports on this story, so its getting widespread Canadian coverage. My suspicion too on seeing the report was that FC was involved. Unfortunately if as many of suspect this poor guy is not actually communicating with anyone its not likely any revalation of this fact will get the same kind of press.


Posted by: WowbaggerOM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:27 PM

David Mathews, loon-of-the-moment, squealed:

Time is something that a person like you should worry about. Time is not a concern for me.

Is it because it's a cube?


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:27 PM

tim @ 762

What the hell are you talking about? Stop addressing the topic and join the train wreck known as the Frayed Ends of Sanity.


Posted by: Ellie Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:28 PM

Um. I suspect this won't get noticed in this festering mound of troll dung (please, just let this odious pile of delusion go and let us get on with our lives fulfilled without the need for a belief in sky faeries), but it's an interesting topic, so I'm gonna try and post something anyway.

@Ginger Yellow #61, I have access to that article but as a lowly bionanomaterials lass I have no idea whether it is any good. It has an awesome picture of a brain in it though. email me at ellieban at google mail (all one word) dot com and I'll send you (or anyone else that wants one) the pdf.

To everyone suggesting trying the FC with someone who either speaks only English or only Flemish, did you notice in the vid there is a brief moment where the interviewer takes his hand and has a go? They don't show what was said so my guess is he failed completely. I imagine the fraud behind him has an explanation along the lines of "it takes years of training and you have to build a relationship with the patient", standard woo peddling response.


Posted by: AJ Milne Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:29 PM

Wow, it's been awhile since we've had the pleasure of witnessing a meltdown of this magnitude. I just can't look away...

It is strangely entertaining, absolutely. It's really true what they say about trainwrecks.

Honestly, I do feel a little guilty, tho'... If he really is losing it like he looks he might be, and not just drunk or somethin', blasted on somethin' else, or sleep-deprived from scratching this itch too long, I guess that's not so much funny...

(/And guy, I guess I should know it's futile even trying to tell you this, now, and I'm sure you're gonna figure it under the circumstances for one more rhetorical ploy, but anyway, seriously, for what it's worth: get help. Talk to someone real--and not someone from your church or cult or whatever it is if you happen to attend one and they happen to agree with all this stuff, by some crazy chance--talk to someone about this stuff. You really don't sound so well from here. The keystrokes and hours you've pumped into this alone ought to tell you something.)


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 8:30 PM

Hello, my fellow piranhas,

I commute home from work and miss the thread for a couple hours, and it takes over an hour and a quarter to catch up with the replies that have racked up in that time.

During that time period, Davey Mathews the Dumbass Madman has grown increasingly excitable, profane, delusional, egotistical, projective, nihilistic, presumptuous, transparent, and bipolar, but I don't see him answering my questions.

Therefore, until he presents documentation otherwise, I will assume that he murdered his best friend's younger sister when he was 12 years old and blamed it on the wacky old cat lady next door. He did this because he heard voices in his head, which told him he could read minds and therefore see that his friend's sister was plotting to use his action figures in a tea party, but really he was just hearing voices in his head.

Dumbass Madman is not even wrong. He rails and froths because PZ has better things to do than say "Hello, Dumbass Madman," and says it's because PZ is frightened of arguing with a theist, when in fact Dumbass is kipple. He is navel lint. He is a mosquito's fart in a rising cloud of methane over a factory farm. He has no value except as a piranha chew toy, and even there he's empty calories, and not even very many of them. He is the Saltine cracker of godbotting trolls; it's what I eat when I'm about to suffer a hypoglycemic fit and there's nothing else in the house.

Better trolls, please!


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 8:30 PM

Hello Owlmirror,

* "Which would be an insult to God, right? "

No, nonexistence is God's greatest gift to humankind.

Believe me, humankind wouldn't want to live forever with a memory of what it has done to this planet.

And, yes, God will forget humankind.

If this idea offends your concept of God, I'll simplify it for you by saying ...

God never noticed humankind's existence in the first place. God was never interested in humankind. God never cared. God's mind is fully directed at much bigger things than a random primate species on a little stone pebble circling the sun.

So it isn't difficult for God to forget humankind. What would be amazing is if God remembered humankind.


Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:30 PM

Time is something that a person like you should worry about. Time is not a concern for me.
Is it because it's a cube?

DM is definitely edging into full Timecube mode.


Posted by: Newfie | November 24, 2009 8:31 PM

I hope this person has a robust support system of care takers and loved ones.

I'm assuming it has robust system of dealers, and a trail of dead hookers.. it's saving parts to make itself immortal.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 8:33 PM

Hello Alyson,

* "I commute home from work and miss the thread for a couple hours, and it takes over an hour and a quarter to catch up with the replies that have racked up in that time. "

The truth really hurts, doesn't it?

Would you prefer a glorious future for humankind?

Too bad for you!


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:33 PM

Well, the stoopid evidenceless troll appears to have one talent. Appearing to talk to someone while in reality talking past them. Nothing cogent to date. All boring shit. PZ, time to put this minuscule man/troll in the dungeon.


Posted by: Smoggy Batzrubble OM4Jesus | November 24, 2009 8:34 PM

Dear Brother David Mathews

Why are you sticking around here to be derided and pitied? You aren't helping anyone or anything...and I don't think you are helping yourself. You'll see from the exodus of commentators that you aren't even considered very good sport anymore. No one here cares what you think, least of all PZ Myers is my guess.

Might I suggest that instead of going to the beach tomorrow, you go to the beach now? Shut your computer down. Stand up. Walk out. Try and find peace in a mind that as you write appears sadly tormented.

Yours in genuine concern
(Who is leaving the building)


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:35 PM

God's mind is fully directed at much bigger things...

Dangerous ideas David. You know this. Why offer them like pearl before swine? It is best you stop.



Posted by: AJ Milne Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:36 PM

... and mkay... time whuh, now?


(/'Kay. The crazy/posing pool is now opening... Who's in...)


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 8:40 PM

The truth really hurts, doesn't it?

Would you prefer a glorious future for humankind?

A response with 0% relationship to the comment! Congratulations, Dumbass! You have graduated to a universe of your own, a world where comments such as "I was stuck on my commute for 2 hours" mean "I'm so sad about the world ending, bawwwww!"

You know what this means? If we piranhas keep on chewing, Dumbass might eventually answer my questions, but in response to something else entirely!

Just where DID he hide that little girl's body, anyway?



Posted by: Feynmaniac | November 24, 2009 8:42 PM

David Matthews,

I follow a post-primate religion.



Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 8:42 PM

Hello Lose the Woo,

* "Dangerous ideas David. You know this. Why offer them like pearl before swine? It is best you stop. "

This discussion has run its course and reached its end.

You atheists will have plenty of time tomorrow to praise each other and PZ Myers!

Humankind will go on to its self-selected fate. So it is written, so it shall be.


Posted by: truebutnotuseful Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:43 PM

David Mathews wrote:

Perhaps God have visited this blog to talk to you today.

Someone have visited this blog today, but I sure don't think it's Gawd. Unless Gawd is an obnoxious troll who hates primates and thinks all children are stupid. Which is a possibility, I suppose.

Or perhaps the harsh reality of humankind's fate makes you wish that God had visited your today on this blog.

Gawd couldn't make it here today because he's at the beach. Being happy. And not atheist.


Posted by: Hitme | November 24, 2009 8:44 PM

Well I have to say I am dismayed and a bit surprised at the way everyone just went on the trip of responding to this DICKWAD who hijacked what I thought was a rather interesting topic.
I got sick of trying to filter out all the comments that were about Mr DM and so had to just abandon this page.
Everyone protests about 'the troll' and yet look at this page!!
You all love it!


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 8:44 PM

It is reasonable, which is why I said "may". However, the key issue is "in the current form". By that (if it is ever reached) point humans may have modified their body so parasites and/or symbiotes are no longer an issue. So there is no guarantee that life will exist after humans, although I do consider it much more likely than not.

Ah, but my thinking in that scenario was that such radical modification would result in a species that would no longer be human, in the same sense that humans are no longer Homo erectus, and "life" would mean "all life that survived past the point where the last human transitioned to post-human".

If "human" is defined as "all descendants of the most recent common ancestor of all humans", then I would have to concede the point (except perhaps for some further hair-splitting which I am too lazy to do at this point in time).


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 8:44 PM

Hello truebutnouseful,

As mentioned above, the argument has run its course and reached its end.

I'll get to the beach and you'll have plenty of time to praise yourself.


Posted by: John A. Davison | November 24, 2009 8:48 PM

David Mathews is ME, mwahahahahahahaha!

I love it so!


Posted by: lose_the_woo Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 8:49 PM

This discussion has run its course and reached its end.

I understand David.




Posted by: Smoggy Batzrubble OM4Jesus | November 24, 2009 8:50 PM

Dear Brother Sister Hitme @ 780

Guilty as charged! He was sporting fun for a while, until his weapons grade stupidity morphed into some form of disturbing obsessive compulsive disorder.

One of God's better creations.



Posted by: Spartacus | November 24, 2009 8:50 PM

I am David Mathews!


Posted by: Alyson Miers | November 24, 2009 8:51 PM

You all love it!

Yeah, we do. We're bad people up in here.

As mentioned above, the argument has run its course and reached its end.

What argument? All this time we've been sharpening our teeth and waiting for you to say something cogent. And now, what, you're tired of banging your head on the keyboard?

Pffft. Pathetic.


Posted by: flashbazzzbo | November 24, 2009 8:51 PM

Hey,can we dispense with the philosophical bullshit?The real question is,Dave,is there some tangible proof of your god,or not?Simple.Dave,do you have some sort of proof that your chosen diety exists? Easy question Dave,easy answer.I dont know why people choose to engage your ridiculous word games.You have dodged the repeated questions with the obfuscation of the average Republican.Dave,I implore you,answer the damn question,do you now,or have you ever had,any PROOF that your chosen diety,has,now,or ever existed?The question is simple,I presume,and I hope,easy enough to understand.Dave,I need only one thing from you now.A sraight forward ,succint answer,thats all Dave.No bullshit,no armchair christian philosophical bullshit,no pseudo-deep psychological analysis,just one simple answer.Do you have proof that some almighty,all knowing,omniscient being ,lives in the sky,and intervenes in your daily life,after, of course,listening to your mumbling of the proper incantations?


Posted by: DiscomBob | November 24, 2009 8:55 PM

Dave's right guys, we'ld all be much happier if we were stupider. Lobotomies for everybody! Yay!


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 8:55 PM

Dear And Sweet (And Salty) Brother Smoggy,

My vast black and empty heart cannot bring itself to having pity for David Mathews. But it is able to achieve a half hearted joy in laughing at the meltdown.

I think I am a character from JG Ballard's Crash.


Posted by: Dutch Delight | November 24, 2009 9:00 PM

Thanks for selectively replying Dave, i'm sure the mob is getting to you, so there's your excuse.

Anyone familiar with the history of the last 10,000 years and also the last 4 billion years knows that civilization and species share a common fate: death.

You don't seem to appreciate the complexity of life very well. DNA has been around for a while, and it's piling on traits still, you are just biased because you are a temporary expression of a combination of genes, you are one particular strategy for DNA to survive and propagate. Oblivious to the fact that you and your species aren't that important. There are plenty more waiting for their chance.

I sure hope the DNA going around in a billion years will be directly related to ancestors of ours, but that's really just a form of contemporary homo sapiens chauvinism.

Yet atheists would prefer to imagine that humankind will live forever, at least until the heat death of the Universe.

I know, we're an optimistic bunch aren't we.

Primate species don't live forever.

Oh Dave, can you please ask your crystal ball if we can at least live for a very very very long time then?

Primate species that destroy their home planet especially don't live forever.

If they manage to launch the most rational bunch and terraform mars or the moon, will that make them live longer?

Death is a tough concept, I know, especially for atheists.

Yes, of course. Makes perfect sense. Atheists are the ones making stuff up about death... uhuh. Go on.


Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 9:02 PM

Hitme #780

Well I have to say I am dismayed and a bit surprised at the way everyone just went on the trip of responding to this DICKWAD who hijacked what I thought was a rather interesting topic.

SIWOTI is strong in some of us.


Posted by: truebutnotuseful Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 9:02 PM

David Mathews wrote:

Hello truebutnouseful,

As mentioned above, the argument has run its course and reached its end.

I'll get to the beach and you'll have plenty of time to praise yourself.

Argument? What argument? Certainly you aren't referring to your endless insipid bouts of alphanumeric diarrhea.


Posted by: Smoggy Batzrubble OM4Jesus | November 24, 2009 9:04 PM

Dear Wolfish Sister Janine,

I would be telling an evil lie if I said I really cared about DM. And as a Christian I cannot lie.

I do worry for those vulnerable individuals who may be unfortunate enough to drift within his orbit.

And then there is the comedy...


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 9:04 PM

Just popping in to say that this thread needs more bacon


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 9:09 PM

Just popping in to say that this thread needs more bacon
Yep, less troll, more bacon.

Posted by: David Estlund | November 24, 2009 9:10 PM

God never noticed humankind's existence in the first place. God was never interested in humankind. God never cared. God's mind is fully directed at much bigger things than a random primate species on a little stone pebble circling the sun.

This from the guy who told us we hadn't read enough of the Bible? Which Bible do you get this God from? Mental health aside, I am concerned for your safety and that of those near you. This is advice I seldom, if ever give, but you should find a church. Really sit down with a pastor/minister/priest/whatver, and hash this stuff out. Whatever we all say about religion in general, I think most of us will admit that most established religious leaders have at least marginal training in helping a member of their flock through crisis.


Posted by: Shala | November 24, 2009 9:13 PM

"Atheists are also happy, happy, happy!"

(sorry, not sure how to use the quote blocks around here)

Am I the only one reminded of Hexadecimal from Reboot when I read that line? It made me laugh way too hard.


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 9:16 PM

No, nonexistence is God's greatest gift to humankind.

What a complete non-sequitur to what I wrote.

However, speaking as an atheist, I agree. What more can we ask of God than for it to not matter that God exists?

Believe me, humankind wouldn't want to live forever with a memory of what it has done to this planet.

What memory?

And, yes, God will forget humankind.

If this idea offends your concept of God,

It doesn't offend my concept of God. It simply either violates logic, or requires a redefinition of God.

God never noticed humankind's existence in the first place. God was never interested in humankind. God never cared.

OK. So God is not omniscient. And it follows that God cannot forget humankind, since God never knew of humankind to begin with.

Is logic too much to ask for?

God's mind is fully directed at much bigger things than a random primate species on a little stone pebble circling the sun.

Like what, exactly?

And how do you know the mind of God, given that the mind of God is ignorant of humankind?

So it isn't difficult for God to forget humankind.

It's impossible for God to forget humankind. You can't lose what you never had, and you can't forget what you never knew.

At best, you can say that God will remain eternally ignorant of humankind.

Is logic too much to ask for?

What would be amazing is if God remembered humankind.

It's impossible for God to remember humankind. You can't know what you never knew.

Is logic too much to ask for?


Posted by: steve | November 24, 2009 9:17 PM

Dear Dave,

That was just the scab pickingest, fingernail pullingest, batshit craziest peek into an open sewer that I've encountered in a long time.

I feel really, really dirty.


P.S. Keep up the good work with the photos. Try not to steal so many. And work on the annotations.


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 9:19 PM

David Mathews is ME, mwahahahahahahaha!

I love it so!

No wonder David is such and insane motherfucker.


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 9:19 PM

Well,'Tis, I just dropped in to see what condition... Oh, if you do not know where this is heading...


Posted by: kiki | November 24, 2009 9:23 PM

- "Philip J. Fry, you are the most important being in the Universe."

- "My God! It's like everything I've ever thought when I was drunk is true!"

- "Yes. Except the Dave Matthews Band do not rock."


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 9:25 PM

Oh my, I think I am having my own meltdown. I cannot tell the difference between 'Tis and Chimpy.


Posted by: Jacky | November 24, 2009 9:29 PM

i recently saw an episode of something like Law & Order in which they also showed someone who "communicated" that way with a helper. and the procedure in the show looked more honest than what they do with that guy.
(PS: in the show, the "helper" got their eyes blindfolded to prove it)


Posted by: Newfie | November 24, 2009 9:30 PM

I cannot tell the difference between 'Tis and Chimpy.

Then why pay more? Go with the cheap one.


Posted by: Slave #32881 | November 24, 2009 9:32 PM


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 9:35 PM

All civilizations have collapsed, 99% of all species have gone extinct ... I'd say that the odds are decidly in my favor. Immortality and eternity are extremely rare on the Earth.

"Odds", you say, rather than knowledge? You're just betting that everything will go as you say, but you don't actually know?

My happiness is invested in Nature now, not humankind, and it will survive, prosper and flourish after humankind is gone.

So you worship Nature -- the same Nature that's going to kill you slowly?

Perhaps God have visited this blog to talk to you today.

The same God who doesn't know we exist and wouldn't care if he did?

Is logic too much to ask for?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 9:36 PM

Hello Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM

* "My vast black and empty heart cannot bring itself to having pity for David Mathews

You are really convinced that you've got all the answers. You've really got yourself tricked into believing that you're 100% right. Well, let me tell you just one thing. Do you consider yourself to be compassionate of other humans? If you're right, as you say you are, and you believe that, then how can you sleep at night?


Posted by: David Estlund | November 24, 2009 9:39 PM

"Do you consider yourself to be compassionate of other humans? If you're right, as you say you are, and you believe that, then how can you sleep at night?" Are you asking for pity now?


Posted by: AJ Milne Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 9:42 PM

I just dropped in to see what condition...

... what a coinkydink. Me, I just came back to say goodbye...

And oh my... is the wacko still going on, and in a new thread, now?

Epic meltdown is epic. But what Smoggy said 'bout vulnerable folk in his orbit... Kinda wish we could paint 'im somehow, mark 'im with a big red 'Do not touch'. I'm getting a none-too-faint 'wannabe crazy cult leader' vibe, here...

... Anyway. Off to help others...

(/Unfurls cape, swoops away...)


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 9:44 PM

You are really convinced that you've got all the answers. You've really got yourself tricked into believing that you're 100% right.

David Mathews, you really are a shit stain on the panties of life. Once more, you are making a strawwoman version of me say things I did not say. How many voices do you hear echoing inside of your pointed yet cavernous skull.


Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 9:45 PM

I cannot tell the difference between 'Tis and Chimpy.

I'm the guy who isn't from South Carolina.


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 9:46 PM

Ah, the joys of killfile. I no longer have to attempt to ignore the insane ravings of an evidenceless loser.


Posted by: Moloch | November 24, 2009 9:46 PM

Sorry about that, one of the dumber minions got loose.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 9:53 PM

Hello David Estlund

* "Are you asking for pity now?

"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools..." (Romans 1:20-22).


Posted by: AJ Milne Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 9:54 PM

... oh, and as a last thing: just an idea for PZ if you do happen in here and read this and choose to give this guy a bit more time to spend with the men in white suits: start another thread on Houben, maybe? As one of those who did sorta feed the derail briefly, early (and again, later), I am still more 'n a bit sympathetic to those who might actually want to talk about the subject at hand without this sound 'n fury 'n crazy all over it.

(/And really, honest, gone now, for a while...)


Posted by: 'Tis Himself, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 9:57 PM

I think I liked David Matthews when he was refusing to tell us what he believed in. While that was obnoxious, it wasn't actually batshit crazy and Finchley (as Knockgoats would put it).

.9 Timecube


Posted by: Newfie | November 24, 2009 10:08 PM

Hey Dave, havin' yerself a good flog or what?


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 10:17 PM

Hello 'Tis Himself

* "I think I liked David Matthews when he was refusing to tell us what he believed in

Why would you think that quoting Romans professes my denomination or belief? Do you not also quote material to support your blather?

Hello flashbazzzbo

* "Dave,do you have some sort of proof that your chosen diety exists? Easy question Dave,easy answer.

What would constitute objective proof of God? Well, consider the following self-evident and universally recognized truth: Concept and design necessitate an intelligent designer. The presence of intelligent design proves the existence of an intelligent designer. It's simply cause and effect. In our search for proof of God's existence, we could examine the various claims of supernatural occurrences, determine whether or not these are legitimate experiences, and build a case for the existence of the supernatural, which would be a step towards identifying a supernatural Creator God. Or we can just apply what we already know and search for signs of intelligent design within creation itself.


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 10:18 PM

I think I liked David Matthews when he was refusing to tell us what he believed in.

I'm so sorry.

I was curious.

I opened the box.


Posted by: Owlmirror | November 24, 2009 10:25 PM

Or we can just apply what we already know and search for signs of intelligent design within creation itself.

Except that intelligent design implies a creator God that cares about what it created, and knows about it.

You have asserted that God does not care about what it created, nor does it know about it.

Therefore, no search for intelligent design will find anything -- by your own definition of God.


Posted by: Helvetica | November 24, 2009 10:26 PM

Lol, intelligent design.


Posted by: David Mathews | November 24, 2009 10:28 PM

Like I said, you ask for answrrs and when yu get them, don't know what to do!

Now I'm really off to the beach- over and OUT!


Posted by: Ken Cope | November 24, 2009 10:29 PM

Flash Bazzbo! I haven't heard that name in many a year!


Posted by: Jack McCullough | November 24, 2009 10:30 PM

Totally off-topic, but I thought people might be entertained about this story about the last pope - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8375174.stm

"Last pope"?

Jenny, you really got my hopes up there. for a minute I thought the story was going to tell us that they decided to stop having popes.



Posted by: Helvetica | November 24, 2009 10:30 PM

After reading his previous rants, such a cliche answer leaves me disappointed.


Posted by: Earrnz | November 24, 2009 10:33 PM

What would constitute objective proof of God? Well, consider the following self-evident and universally recognized truth: Concept and design necessitate an intelligent designer.
Universaly recognised among creationists who don't understand evolution. This is Pharyngula, prepare yourself to be intelectually eviscerated.

Posted by: David Estlund | November 24, 2009 10:34 PM

AJ Milne is right, PZ - even once you justifiably ban David Mathews, please remember that the actual topic has suffered a great deal thanks to us. We fed the troll (alka-seltzer by the looks of it), and we're sorry. It's a very interesting topic, and it seems to be growing legs. Perhaps a post about James Randi weighing in would be appropriate.

Now back to the melee: David Mathews, are you quoting the Bible to refute something? It's a quote creationists like to use amongst themselves, but I don't see how it relates to anything in these 800+ comments. You don't appear to have a problem with evolution; it hasn't entered the conversation. It appears that you just like the quote because it lets you call people fools. I must argue that I don't claim to be wiser than anyone, just saner.

Oh well, it is as cogent an answer to what I said as your response of "Do you consider yourself to be compassionate of other humans? If you're right, as you say you are, and you believe that, then how can you sleep at night?" to Janine saying "My vast black and empty heart cannot bring itself to having pity for David Mathews." Good luck with that persecution complex.


Posted by: Richard Smith | November 24, 2009 10:35 PM

Knock, knock!

Who's there?

David Mathews.

David Mathews who?


Posted by: Maggie Moo | November 24, 2009 10:35 PM

Another typically ignorant IRC-some Lion- bad radio usage- over means "over to you [to say something]" yet out means you're terminating the conversation although you just invited the other to respond...


I wonder if allboutcreation.org know you just plagiarised their stuff?

Next you'll be talking about how the E. coli bacterial flagellum is "a microscopic outboard motor"...

Caught you, red-handed!

Enjoy the beach (at 10:30pm, riiight!)


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 10:36 PM

I'm the guy who isn't from South Carolina.

And he's more eloquent and has less typos.


Posted by: durboloid | November 24, 2009 10:43 PM

I think he's Australian. The beach would make more sense that way. That means he's batshit crazy with an accent.

I'm still undecided on whether it's a really good bot, or a really bad human.


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 10:45 PM

Chimpy, your typos are what I like best about you.


Posted by: David Estlund | November 24, 2009 10:48 PM

Whoah! This is hilarious! His last card is ID. He's roamed from inane ad hom attacks to arguing all sorts of fallacies with us to (upon PZ acknowledging his existence) reverting to ad hominem and "I'm done with this argument so I win (and I never wanted to argue with you people anyway)!" to batshit crazy rants to Intelligent Design. And he's taking his toys and going to the beach. Ray Comfort is turning in his grave right now (What? He sleeps in a coffin).


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 24, 2009 10:51 PM

Chimpy, your typos are what I like best about you.

You must like me a lot then


Posted by: Copernicus | November 24, 2009 10:56 PM

Good catch Maggie Moo!

"You are really convinced that you've got all the answers. You've really got yourself tricked into believing that you're 100% right."

Did you also notice his "rant" at Janine in #809 was also stolen? But worse, he stole it from a letter from a supposed atheist letter to Ray Comfort!


Posted by: francois boisvert | November 24, 2009 10:58 PM

So forgive me for asking, but can anybody tell me where PZ picked up this latest piece of roadkill?
He seems to take himself very seriously.
Considering the assiduity seemingly pouring out of his every orifice, you get to wonder why he has so much time to spend throwing his garbage into Pharyngula's backyard...


Posted by: David Estlund | November 24, 2009 10:59 PM

Copernicus: I knew Comfort had to enter this conversation somewhere. I suspect this poor man hasn't "gone to the beach" so much as "passed out in a pool of his own vomit."


Posted by: Copernicus | November 24, 2009 11:09 PM

So it is written, so it shall be (DM at #778)

and I bet you're another one demanding maguro when you go for sushi this weekend...


Posted by: Irk | November 24, 2009 11:14 PM

Nine hours, you crazy bastards. Nine!


Posted by: Janine, She Wolf Of Pharyngula, OM | November 24, 2009 11:14 PM

Eeewwwwww! I was slimed with Comfort propaganda? So the voices in his head were not enough, he had to import some insanity.


Posted by: Engywook21 | November 24, 2009 11:19 PM

I'm in school to become a speech-language pathologist to work with individuals with communication difficulties. In my AAC (alternative and augmentative communication) class we were recently discussing the role of FC. There is reason to be skeptical. A study was conducted where a picture was shown to the facilitator and a different one to the individual. For some astonishing reason what the individual typed was the picture that facilitator saw! In the field of communication sciences this type of intervention is highly highly frowned upon as the evidence has shown that it is not reliable or effective. It is so unfortunate to see individuals representing my field of study participating in therapies that are so blatantly fraudulent. Similarly to the article on autism earlier, there so many quackeries out there trying to perform miracles where they don't exist. If this man could truly communicate there are so many other AAC systems that could be embraced that did not involve someone else moving his hand. Head-pointing or eye gaze are two that would be appropriate and truly show the function of this man. It's a bit baffling that he's never been assessed for AAC previously. I'm not sure the role SLPs have in Belgium or the role they may have had 20 years ago but it is so integral to create assessments appropriate for individuals with communication impairments. It's frustrating that instead of conducting actual cognitive and communicative assessments they just got some woman to push this man's arm around or have been completely clueless as to what is going on cognitively for him. The point here is facilitated communication about as reliable as a Ouija board. AGH!


Posted by: Irk | November 24, 2009 11:20 PM

Well, I'm an idiot. Eleven hours! Eleven hours for one continuous troll. I am impressed. Now we can discuss him as though he isn't here (here is). If he is, and takes the bait - we win. If he isn't, when he inevitably comes back later and claims he wasn't, we get to take a page out of his book and assert he's lying - we win.


Posted by: redkamel | November 24, 2009 11:21 PM

If anybody reads this whole thread, my post at the beginning was totally misinformed. I thought this patient had been declared brain dead


Posted by: Nerd of Redhead, OM Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 11:23 PM

Eeewwwwww! I was slimed with Comfort propaganda? So the voices in his head were not enough, he had to import some insanity.
I had the feeling about half way through he was just doing a copypasta from some responses he already had, as he seemed more interested in quick if irrelevant posts than actually engaging in pertinent discussion. Which is why I eventually killfiled him.

Posted by: Stu | November 24, 2009 11:30 PM

Christ on a crutch, this is a live one.

What would constitute objective proof of God?

Oh, you just know this is going to be good.

Well, consider the following self-evident and universally recognized truth: Concept and design necessitate an intelligent designer.

Yes, they do. Awesome. You've got this down.

The presence of intelligent design proves the existence of an intelligent designer.

Dude, why is everyone fighting you? You are absolutely correct.

It's simply cause and effect.

Uh-oh, don't fuck up now. Where are you going with this?

In our search for proof of God's existence

Hey, wait. You're searching for proof? So you're admitting you have already decided there is such a thing as a God and are merely looking to justify it?

That would pretty much disqualify you from any adult conversation on the topic. You do realize that, don't you?

Dangit, and I had such high hopes for you.

we could examine the various claims of supernatural occurrences

Yes we could. We could also examine the various claims of those claiming to have been anally violated by little green men. Please let me know when you've figured out how that would tell us a single motherfucking thing one way or the other.

determine whether or not these are legitimate experiences

How? No, really, how? Hey, I was tickled by the Great Green Galactic Goat this morning. Is that legitimate? How would you find out?

and build a case for the existence of the supernatural

On what? Name one objectively verifyable thing.

Just one.

Davey, just one.



Or we can just apply what we already know and search for signs of intelligent design within creation itself.

Yes, because you are self-admittedly completely objective about all this.

Also, you keep using that word "know"... I do not think it means what you think it means.

But hey, I am game. Let's talk. But first, you have to define "design". Unambiguously. Can you?


Posted by: Ecnomiohyla | November 24, 2009 11:33 PM

Maggie Moo and Copernicus, the "gruesome twosome"!

First you chase off Lion IRC and now expose David Mathews, who's next?


Posted by: Katharine | November 24, 2009 11:39 PM

Yay, the moron's been intellectually eviscerated. Who wants to play jump-rope using the dude's intestines?


Posted by: Stu | November 24, 2009 11:42 PM

Who wants to play jump-rope using the dude's intestines?

You know, as gross as that is, it still beats doing it with his line of thought.


Posted by: Kagehi | November 24, 2009 11:42 PM

Gah.... Too many damn posts of people trying to use nerf bats to beat sense into a fracking rock. Just going to make two more comments:

1. He isn't attacking atheism. He is attacking Skepticism, or some variation there of. He literally equates how people think with whether or not they believe in his imaginary friend. This is irrelevant, since there are millions of people that think just like he does, without following his deity. There are even some very strange people that think exactly like he does, call themselves atheists, because they don't believe in gods, but happily think everything from UFOs, to secret societies of reptile people, to chupacabra, to crystal healing, and even homeopathy are all "reasonable". They didn't need to think to conclude gods didn't exists, they got there precisely how this clown claims we all do, by having some other fool tell them.

2. His own "feral child" example fails miserably to suggest otherwise. Why? Because, unless I am terribly mistaken, people raised by wolves, raccoons, chimpanzees, or what ever, ***don't get taught how to believe in gods***. Guess what? That makes them atheists, since they, "lack a belief in the existing of gods". This is also clearly why he "is" confusing how people talk, think, act and react with atheism. To him, mere lack of belief isn't "atheist", you have to be skeptical, unwilling to accept BS arguments, demanding of evidence, and a whole host of other things (which seems to include, based on some of his other, flat out wrong, BS assertions, related to Dr. Evil, Vlad the Impaler, or one of the Bond villains).

In short, there is no damn point in arguing with this clown about his assertions, since its like arguing with someone that insists that, because a kumquat isn't purple, its blindingly obvious that what ever sort of fruit it is, its not in fact a Lamborghini. We are not having the same discussion as him in the first place, how can we imagine making any inroads are explaining anything to the man?


Posted by: scottb | November 24, 2009 11:43 PM

Just in time for the holidays, DM leaves us with a cornucopia of DSM entries.


Posted by: Kagehi | November 24, 2009 11:45 PM

Sigh.. Forgive me.. I just got off an 8 hour shift at a supermarket. My brain isn't "quite" up to using the correct bloody grammar at the moment. lol


Posted by: Charlie Foxtrot Author Profile Page | November 24, 2009 11:49 PM

Hi guys! Thought I'd just drop in and see how...
HOLY MARY'S SNATCH! What happened here!!??
It's like a truck of sick cows hit a landmine!
Oh,man... it's everywhere!
How'd it get under the couch???
Who's gonna clean this up, I ask you?


Posted by: Irk | November 24, 2009 11:50 PM

Kagehi 851

"In short, there is no damn point in arguing with this clown about his assertions, since its like arguing with someone that insists that, because a kumquat isn't purple, its blindingly obvious that what ever sort of fruit it is, its not in fact a Lamborghini. We are not having the same discussion as him in the first place, how can we imagine making any inroads are explaining anything to the man?"

The whole troll thread was worth this comment.


Posted by: Ol'Greg | November 24, 2009 11:54 PM

Please tell me this was a bot. I just got home and I can't believe it! In a way I feel like Celtic and I won something by being told that our argument had ended so early in the game... like... like he had nothing to say.

But if that wasn't a bot, well then, how sad.

He'd have made a great piece of software, but truly, I think some programs have more ability to learn than that.


Posted by: Copernicus | November 24, 2009 11:55 PM

Ecnomiohyla, my hylid friend, as it happens my training is in ecosystem dynamics and tropical ecology, and am not really engaged in the ID/creationist/evolution debate- my personal views are based upon an early career in the British military and then years spent in rainforests around the world, so the value of "life on earth" has shaped how I move... if every now and then, admittedly here on a quest to only garner "random biological ejaculations", I come across foolishness, or those who would undermine the need to deal with climate change or habitat destruction or overfishing, or especially attempts to indoctrinate our children, the stewards of tomorrow, with religious or political dogma then I would be irresponsible not to challenge... I would much prefer to discuss and debate kleptothermy amongst sea kraits anyday!


Posted by: speedwell | November 25, 2009 12:05 AM

Oh, I get it. David Mathews is going for a perfect rack-up of dungeon criteria. He even gets "sockpuppet", if it can be proved he's really an existing dungeon denizen, or JAD, but I repeat myself.


Posted by: AJ Milne | November 25, 2009 12:11 AM

It's like a truck of sick cows hit a landmine!

(... Wheezes, splutters, catches breath ...)

And we're back. And Charlie, just thought you should know I was laughing hard enough at that entire post to cry. For several minutes. I kid you not.

You see scenes of utter and complete batshit absurdity like this, and you figure: there's no simile is ever gonna nail it. But that, sir, is damned close...

(/Also, to pass credit around properly, I was already in some cackling pain at Irk's 'You crazy bastards!' for some reason... then got into serious 'Muffle laughter in sofa cushions as not to wake family' territory through yours... Y'know how it is... Context, setup, timing...)


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 25, 2009 12:12 AM

Whooooooooooooooooa no they say he's got to go


Whooooooooooooooooooa no there goes Tokyo



Posted by: Ecnomiohyla | November 25, 2009 12:15 AM

Well thanks for your great work, Copernicus!


Posted by: Rewarp | November 25, 2009 12:28 AM

I woke up to find something incredible. A book had written itself.


Posted by: Rob Jase | November 25, 2009 1:10 AM

That's it - Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, HHitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler,Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler,r, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, HHitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler,Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler,r, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, HitlerHitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, HHitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler,Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler,r, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, HHitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler,Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler,r, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler, Hitler.

I know that has nothing to do with the topic but Davey (always, always, ALWAYS a Davey!) ruined that about 800 posts ago.

And he never answered my question which actually adressed the original topic & his trollish one either.


Posted by: Geral | November 25, 2009 1:27 AM

It seems MSNBC wrote an op piece doubting the claim.


Maybe the word is getting around.


Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 25, 2009 1:29 AM

Rob you forgot Stalin


Posted by: Geral | November 25, 2009 1:30 AM

In reply to my last comment, Arthur Caplain wrote the piece and it looks like his wikipedia page got vandalized

"Arthur L. Caplan PhD is an idiot who says he is skeptical of Rom Houben's ability to communicate after being erroneously diagnosed as being in a coma for 23 years.[1] Caplan is suppose to be a Emanuel and Robert Hart Professor of Bioethics and director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. But obviously that education made him into an idiot who can't believe a man can actually be conscious and coherent when that man has been misdiagnosed as being in a coma.[2] It is like Caplan is in a coma himself.[3] What an idiot.[4] Prior to coming to Penn in 1994, Caplan taught at the University of Minnesota, the University of Pittsburgh, and Columbia University. He was the Associate Director of the Hastings Center from 1984-1987. Born in Boston, Caplan did his undergraduate work at Brandeis University, and did his graduate work at Columbia University where he received a Ph.D in the history and philosophy of science."


Posted by: TheBlackCat | November 25, 2009 1:55 AM

Am I the only one who feels DM's attempts to engage PZ now seem disturbingly reminiscent of Skullcrusher Mountain in light of his ensuing genocidal rant?

Picture the two of us alone inside my golden submarine While up above the waves my doomsday squad ignites the atmosphere And all the fools who live their foolish lives may find it quite explosive But it won’t mean half as much to me if I don’t have you here

Posted by: Dr. Bill Frist | November 25, 2009 1:56 AM

I remember well my days using video-facilitated communication to diagnose and nearly save poor Terri Schiavo. Well, as you can see, Belgian physicians needed to attend Justice Sunday.


Posted by: Haley | November 25, 2009 3:24 AM

(disclaimer: I am a freshman undergrad. attitudes toward skepticism may vary upon being hit over the head with philosophy books that answered my questions many years ago)

At first, I could almost see DM's point (or rather, I could see what he was getting at). I find the way a lot of atheists react to the Santa story rather unreasonable. I didn't have a perfect reasonable response, but it wasn't anger toward those who lied to me. I immediately existentialized Santa, as in I demagicalized it and saw it as a story of goodwill toward children in the tradition of a man who may have even existed, although obviously didn't go to every christian child riding on a fleet of reindeer. Of course, the Santa myth is wrong and whatever the emotional reaction, it was the correct conclusion. On to the main point. Sorry.

I was convinced that DM was arguing for a type of philosophical skepticism. He was calling the kettle black, but I thought he was at least admitting that the pot was black too. That is, I thought that while he was trying to prove atheists weren't logical or objective, he was also saying that no human could ever be.

The idea that we can't trust our senses and our reason to come to true conclusions about the world is very, very discomforting and it still sort of looms at the back of my mind, taunting me. The problem with empiricism is it can't prove itself. The only answer I've come up with against skepticism is that its like Last Tuesdayism or the belief that our universe is a computer simulation. I can't prove it one way or the other, but Last Tuesdayism and Matrixism are pointless. I see the huge flaw in my argument, namely that I'm willing to believe in empiricism as a tool for understanding the world even though I can't know if it really works. I'm sort of hanging here in philosophical limbo, which is why the comments got to me.

Then, he surprises me. He seems to claim he does in fact have objective knowledge in the classic "argument from design" that evolution tramples. (Indeed, without evolution or modern radio astronomy, I could not be an intellectually satisfied atheist. No wonder he needs the argument from design)

Even though DM is just a hypocritical troll, the actual threat of philosophical skepticism probably should treated seriously.


Posted by: Haley | November 25, 2009 3:26 AM

[feeding the dead troll, likely insipidity]

(disclaimer: I am a freshman undergrad. attitudes toward skepticism may vary upon being hit over the head with philosophy books that answered my questions many years ago)

At first, I could almost see DM's point (or rather, I could see what he was getting at). I find the way a lot of atheists react to the Santa story rather unreasonable. I didn't have a perfect reasonable response, but it wasn't anger toward those who lied to me. I immediately existentialized Santa, as in I demagicalized it and saw it as a story of goodwill toward children in the tradition of a man who may have even existed, although obviously didn't go to every christian child riding on a fleet of reindeer. Of course, the Santa myth is wrong and whatever the emotional reaction, it was the correct conclusion. On to the main point. Sorry.

I was convinced that DM was arguing for a type of philosophical skepticism. He was calling the kettle black, but I thought he was at least admitting that the pot was black too. That is, I thought that while he was trying to prove atheists weren't logical or objective, he was also saying that no human could ever be.

The idea that we can't trust our senses and our reason to come to true conclusions about the world is very, very discomforting and it still sort of looms at the back of my mind, taunting me. The problem with empiricism is it can't prove itself. The only answer I've come up with against skepticism is that its like Last Tuesdayism or the belief that our universe is a computer simulation. I can't prove it one way or the other, but Last Tuesdayism and Matrixism are pointless. I see the huge flaw in my argument, namely that I'm willing to believe in empiricism as a tool for understanding the world even though I can't know if it really works. I'm sort of hanging here in philosophical limbo, which is why the comments got to me.

Then, he surprises me. He seems to claim he does in fact have objective knowledge in the classic "argument from design" that evolution tramples. (Indeed, without evolution or modern radio astronomy, I could not be an intellectually satisfied atheist. No wonder he needs the argument from design)

Even though DM is just a hypocritical troll, the actual threat of philosophical skepticism probably should treated seriously.

[/feeding the dead troll, likely insipidity]


Posted by: Haley | November 25, 2009 3:31 AM


I'm sorry to have unleashed my monster comment on the world twice. It was way too fucking long the first time.


Posted by: MikeTheInfidel Author Profile Page | November 25, 2009 4:00 AM

I think that, at this point, it would do us all some good to see the Dave Matthews banned.


Posted by: Rorschach | November 25, 2009 4:10 AM

Haley @ 870,

I find the way a lot of atheists react to the Santa story rather unreasonable. I didn't have a perfect reasonable response, but it wasn't anger toward those who lied to me

What on earth are you talking about, atheists hate Santa ?? Poor strawman is hurting from being beaten so badly....

The idea that we can't trust our senses and our reason to come to true conclusions about the world is very, very discomforting

You're mistaken.The scientific method works just fine in explaining and making models about the world we live in.The human brain is lousy in some areas, like using intuition for probability problems say, but that doesnt mean that we can not ever trust our senses or reason.


Posted by: Rusty | November 25, 2009 4:13 AM

My name is Rusty and I am a six year old cocker spaniel. FC is totally TRUE!! Even without opposable tumbs I can still communicate. My master is holding my paws and helping, mostly with the space bar.

And master, since you're reading this, I adore you and sorry about the carpet.


Posted by: DoubleD | November 25, 2009 4:44 AM

But, especially, Praise PZ Myers!

Only worthwhile thing DM said this whole thread. May he be eternally damned to the dungeon, and may the smoke of his torment rise for ever and ever. Amen.

@Haley 869-871:
Pray for forgiveness. Pray hard. And may PZ have mercy on your soul.


Posted by: echidna Author Profile Page | November 25, 2009 4:54 AM

Derailing the conversation a little on to facilitated communication, I am frustrated that charlatans like this woman obviously give a useful technique (in the right circumstances) a bad rap.

Annie McDonald is a woman with severe cerebral palsy for whom facilitated communication works quite well. Cerebral palsy is one of those situations where FC can work, as mentioned on the skeptic site that PZ linked to.

Annie can blink her eyes reliably, and I have had many yes/no conversations with her. To get lengthier phrases, fc helps a lot. If the person who assists her (and it really helps to have the same person) gets it wrong, Annie lets you know, because she is able to move, and make noise, it just isn't controlled. A series of questions and blinks (did you mean to say X?) will sort it out.

Annie proved (in court) that the inability to communicate does not necessarily translate to mental impairment.

Just because facilitated communication is abused by some, and has been proven so, does not mean the technique is useless.


Posted by: Rorschach | November 25, 2009 5:06 AM


I dont know much about FC, it would appear to make sense to me that such a technique might be of benefit to a person with muscle weakness or spasticity, as is the case in cerebral palsy, however in locked-in syndrome where you are by definition left with cranial nerve functions and no limb movements, it seems to open the door to abuse and charlatanery, like we seem to be seeing in this case.
People with ventral pons lesion just dont move their feet.
But obviously I havent seen the scans, so I'm talking about what I've read in the media and seen on the vid.


Posted by: Knockgoats | November 25, 2009 5:22 AM

The problem with empiricism is it can't prove itself. The only answer I've come up with against skepticism is that its like Last Tuesdayism or the belief that our universe is a computer simulation. I can't prove it one way or the other, but Last Tuesdayism and Matrixism are pointless. I see the huge flaw in my argument, namely that I'm willing to believe in empiricism as a tool for understanding the world even though I can't know if it really works. I'm sort of hanging here in philosophical limbo, which is why the comments got to me. - Haley

Well there is no refutation of philosophical scepticism - there might be a deceitful demon fooling us at every logical step, and that's something we just have to live with. In practice, of course, no-one sane takes it seriously, and a philosophical stance no-one can actually act in accord with is no more than a cheap debating trick. The consistent response, I think, is to set nothing absolutely beyond question - even that you should set absolutely nothing beyond question! This is not, as it might seem, inconsistent, because it's not a factual claim or a presupposition, but a decision on how to proceed. Within that framework, it is then consistent to make defeasible assumptions, such as realism (the external world is real, existing independently of us), and philosophical naturalism; and to make further decisions on how to proceed (i.e., relying on empirical evidence and rational argument) on the basis of those assumptions. For arguing with the "Oh, it all depends on your presuppositions" flavour of believers, it's useful to have thought about what would lead you to seriously question and even drop those assumptions. For example, if a "psychic" or yogi or whatever was able to claim the Randi Foundation prize, I would feel philosophical naturalism had at least been brought into question; similarly if fossil rabbits turned up in the Precambrian. If the psychic/yogi were able demonstrably to resurrect people dead long enough to have started rotting, or the stars suddenly rearranged themselves to spell out the first verse of Genesis in Hebrew, I'd consider it effectively refuted. Believers will seldom (but not never) be willing to specify what would make them abandon their beliefs. The "it all depends on your presuppositions" crowd can't do so without abandoning that position.

If you're thinking of a less all-encompassing scepticism, like Plantinga's claim that natural selection cannot be expected to produce reliable cognitive apparatus without God poking the celestial finger in, in the form Plantinga puts it forward, it's crap - we can indeed expect natural selection to have given us reasonably reliable cognition for the everyday physical and social worlds. Of course that apparatus has limitations, but we can discover and correct for them successively, although we could never know we'd found them all. In some cases (e.g. visual illusions) we can rely on other senses to tell us there's a problem; in others, we use cognitive prostheses to overcome our limitations. By cognitive prostheses I mean both technology (books, lenses, detectors of electric and magnetic fields, maps, computers...) and institutions (formal logics, experimental methods, peer review...).


Posted by: echidna Author Profile Page | November 25, 2009 5:27 AM


I'm with you on this one. Without knowing for sure, it seems to me that the facilitator in the video is going WAY too fast for this to be credible.

Annie, who is able to provide feedback, is extremely well practiced, and can move, just not reliably. For her, the process is much, much slower than what you see on this video with the locked-in syndrome where there is no obvious feedback, and the facilitator is a stranger.

I think Nerd@2 and especially Cheryl@7 are too dismissive of facilitated communication in all cases - but I also think that this locked-in case is a fraud, on the face of it.


Posted by: MorboKat | November 25, 2009 5:43 AM

This morning's Toronto Star is actually a little skeptical on this supposed breakthrough.


FC is mentioned, as is the "surprising" speed at which he can type and communicate... with the aid of his therapist.

He seems to hit all the right notes. Perfect sanity after 20+ years trapped inside his body, mourns his inability to "be there" for his family, clarity of communication. Poor guy's a Ouiji Board.


Posted by: SEF | November 25, 2009 6:44 AM

It's not just the ridiculous speed which counts as evidence that this particular example of Facilitated Communication is a fraud, it's the way (in the news footage I saw) the ex-coma guy is not even looking in the right direction while allegedly being the one directing the typing.


Posted by: mayhempix | November 25, 2009 8:08 AM

The more I read David Mathews' posts, the funnier they got.

"child-onset atheism"?



Posted by: Rev. BigDumbChimp | November 25, 2009 8:17 AM

Yikes. David Mathews flickr page has way to many South Carolina photos in it. Plus most of the photos are fairly meh.

That makes me a bit ill that that amount of concentrated dumbfuckery is/was that close.


Posted by: chrisD | November 25, 2009 8:31 AM

Relentless troll is relentless and has a lot of spare time on his hands. I wonder what this says about David Mathews?

He had an average of 1 post every 4 minutes from 11:30 to his last post at 10:40ish. Committed to crazy! Yes he is! I wonder if during those 4 minutes he sat there typing up his repudiations and logically incoherent diatribes if he even parsed what the other person said thoroughly or simply superficially swung his axe at any hallucination of fallacious reasoning? I mean, he does have a point to prove and with every response he got more and more vehement that the other person was in error when they clearly weren't. Never back down broski! You've done some mighty fine trolling today, run back to /b/ or wherever you came from and gloat about your conquests!


Posted by: Somnolent Aphid Author Profile Page | November 25, 2009 8:36 AM

if he is conscious, he's got to be in there screaming "No No No, don't pretend I'm saying stuff that I'm not." It reminds me of that kindergarten game, don't hit yourself, where the bully takes your hand and hits you with it.


Posted by: Mack the Spife | November 25, 2009 8:53 AM

Initially I started reading the postings because I was genuinely interested in what people had to say about his video. Locked-in syndrome does indeed exist, (Bauby's book The Diving Bell and the Butterfly seems to be reasonable evidence of that) but on this video...I'm leaning with the people calling BS. This guy's communication was a little too "facilitated" for it to be genuine. If he genuinely is in a locked in state, but he has voluntary muscle movements such as control of his eyes or eyelids, why don't they prove he's conscious by having him communicate like that? Blinking for yes or no, etc. It would be slower, and it wouldn't look as nifty as the cute little keyboard, but it seems that it would be more verifiable evidence of consciousness, that wouldn't need an "interpreter".
But on the off-topic, I couldn't help it. I read almost the entire thread, for sheer entertainment value. I actually did a couple of spit takes (I should know better than to be drinking anything when I read these posts. Smoggy, do you have any idea how hard it is to get V8 juice out of your keyboard? I do, now).
My favorite part, though, was where the crazy man claimed not to be a primate...several times.
"Post-primate religion" and "child-onset atheism" are my new favorite crazy-phases.


Posted by: MikeTheInfidel Author Profile Page | November 25, 2009 9:44 AM

Haley said:

The problem with empiricism is it can't prove itself.
I've often thought about this, too, but generally I come to the conclusion that this isn't all that important, since empiricism was never about proof in the first place :)


Posted by: David Estlund | November 25, 2009 10:07 AM

Chimpy (if I may call you that):

There hasn't been much good news coming out of the Carolinas lately. I feel your pain, brother. I'm from Texas. But hey, chin up, at least one of your own ranked as America's smartest city! Oh, wait; you said South Carolina. ;-D


Posted by: KemaTheAtheist | November 25, 2009 10:20 AM


I suspect DM is a forum bot. It's repetitive, uses the same greeting over and over, and certain questions generate the same exact response.

Then there's the bit about primates...

Maybe he's just a really good turing machine?


Posted by: Maggie Moo | November 25, 2009 10:36 AM

child-onset atheism

A brief perusal of NIH publications provides an explanation of the real problem:

A child's stage of development must be taken into account when considering a diagnosis of mental illness. Behaviors that are normal at one age may not be at another. Rarely, a healthy young child may report strange experiences-such as hearing voices-that would be considered abnormal at a later age. Clinicians look for a more persistent pattern of such behaviors. Parents may have reason for concern if a child of 7 years or older often hears voices saying derogatory things about him or her, or voices conversing with one another, talks to himself or herself, stares at scary things-snakes, spiders, shadows-that are not really there, and shows no interest in friendships. Such behaviors could be signs of child-onset theism, a chronic and disabling form of mental illness.

Fortunately, child-onset theism is rare in children, affecting only about 1 in 40,000, compared to 1 in 100 in adults. The average age of onset is 18 in men and 25 in women. Ranking among the top 10 causes of disability worldwide, theism at any age, exacts a heavy toll on patients and their families. Children with theism experience difficulty in managing everyday life. They share with their adult counterparts psychotic symptoms (hallucinations, delusions), social withdrawal, flattened emotions, increased risk of suicide and loss of social and personal care skills. They may also share some symptoms with-and be mistaken for-children who suffer from other pervasive developmental disabilities.

Source: National Institutes of Health (www.nih.gov)


Posted by: David Estlund | November 25, 2009 11:26 AM

Dead troll is dead. And did he even achieve his aim of getting banned? I don't think so. Pharyngula FTW!


Posted by: chrisD | November 25, 2009 11:32 AM

In an e-mail addressed to a few people about a missionary trip to Yellowstone:

Don't seek anyone else for the job. I volunteer to preach to the bikinis.

What's that verse about coveting and lusting? I'm sure you weren't implying you would address the Speedo clad men and tell them their evil banana hammock ways are not the ways of the Lord. Now that I think about it, though, someone should.

I also found it telling that on his homepage he wrote:

May the Day Come When All the People of the World Choose to Live in Peace with God, Nature and Humankind.
Until That day Comes I Choose to Live at Peace with All and Refuse to Hate Anyone.

O, Thou Art A Pious Piece Of Shit! Trying to contain all that hatred isn't healthy, it leads to 10 hour marathon posting sessions arguing with other people about how their views don't conform to yours.


Posted by: Sili Author Profile Page | November 25, 2009 11:53 AM

Maybe he's just a really good turing machine?
So it's easier to convince people you're a braindamaged human, than an atheist?

Posted by: Gaga | November 25, 2009 12:23 PM

I am Gaga


Posted by: Lurky | November 25, 2009 3:40 PM

A friend of mine showed me this today, and I immediately thought of this thread. Link (pdf): http://prefrontal.org/files/posters/Bennett-Salmon-2009.pdf


Posted by: Haley | November 25, 2009 4:24 PM

Rorschach- woah. I never said atheists hated Santa. That would be as ridiculous as atheists hating god. I said that the response several atheists I know when they found out their parents lied was to be angry at their parents for lying to them. On second thought, this may be a perfectly reasonable response, but it was just very different from my own response.

Knockgoats- you bring up a very good point. Please don't get me wrong, I'm really an empiricist, but arguments about skepticism really blindside me. I can argue if we can agree to keep it in the logical and testable, but how the fuck am I supposed to argue against the idea that we're really in a computer simulation? Skepticism just conveniently ends all debate.


Posted by: jim | November 25, 2009 5:16 PM

Lurky beat me to it. Here is the Wired Magazine's version of the .pdf



Posted by: creating trons Author Profile Page | November 25, 2009 6:23 PM

new guy...

I've been a long time lurker. I can't access the sign in from work, so I never have. Also I didn't think I could hold a candle with any of you. You guys are so smart. I have learned sooo much from your postings. I break into laughter so often my co-workers have stopped asking me what's so funny. But this thread takes the cake.

DM. What an asswipe. I really enjoyed watching this meltdown. Great work, but he was very easy. I had to comment.

From the glissoning sharp sword of Janine to the beatifully funny poems of Cuttlefish, all of you make my day. Thankyou very much.

I know I'll never earn an OM, but when I'm out socialy, I Order Martinis. That's as close as I can get. And when I do, I now think of PZ and the gang.

I'm currently working in K.C. Mo. and found out too late that PZ was in Springfield for the Skeptics thing. I wish I could have been there.

I'm out for now, but if any of you are in KC and have get togethers, please let me know. I would like to get involved.


Posted by: Sarah | November 26, 2009 1:46 AM

@BdN post #508

Here is the link to the video, someone posted it earlier in the thread too:



Posted by: strange gods before me, OM Author Profile Page | November 26, 2009 1:55 AM

how the fuck am I supposed to argue against the idea that we're really in a computer simulation?

In what ways would you live your life differently if you had good reason to believe you were in a computer simulation? (Give your own real feelings if you decide to crib from Bostrom.)

Is there any important difference?

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