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October 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Meet Judy, the talking embryo Tracy Clark-Flory
The antiabortion group Choice Kills introduces a new spokesperson -- or should I say "spokesfetus"? (10/17/2009)


Good healthcare policy makes good politics -- and vice versa By David Sirota
Forget Olympia Snowe; pass the right healthcare bill, and voters will reward you (10/17/2009)

The Nobel Prize, with an asterisk By Michael Winship
It's not that strange to get an "aspirational" peace prize, but now the president has to earn it (10/17/2009)

British High Court rejects U.S./British cover-up of torture evidence Glenn Greenwald
The British are poised to reveal the brutal torture to which Binyam Mohamed was subjected. (10/17/2009)


Is P2P Dead? Not So Fast Janko Roettgers

Friday, October 16, 2009

Arts & Entertainment:

A nation of attention whores By Mary Elizabeth Williams
Balloon boy's bizarre dad. Meghan McCain's tweeted cleavage. The Gosselins. Why is everyone so starved for fame? (10/16/2009)

The terrifying success of "Paranormal Activity" By Mary Elizabeth Williams
How to turn a low-budget horror indie into a hit? Add Steven Spielberg, Twitter -- and scare the pants off people (10/16/2009)

Where the wild things aren't By Stephanie Zacharek
Spike Jonze and Dave Eggers turn Maurice Sendak's woolly kids' book into a shoe-gazing exercise (10/16/2009)

"30 Rock" strikes back By Heather Havrilesky
The question raised by the season premiere isn't whether the show is still good. It's how could it get any better? (10/16/2009)


Richard Dawkins: God among atheists By Thomas Rogers
The scientist talks about his guide to evolution, his own fame and why it's pointless to argue with creationists (10/16/2009)


Lying daughter or honor killer dad? Judy Berman
A runaway Muslim teen claims her father will kill her for converting to Christianity. Should we believe her? (10/16/2009)

Did Meghan McCain get called a slut? Mary Elizabeth Williams
She posted a low-cut image on Twitter. But is the "backlash" real? (10/16/2009)

My boyfriend's an iPhone addict! By Cary Tennis
He won't put down his toy, even at dinner (10/16/2009)

It's hip to be queer Judy Berman
Will extending same-sex domestic partner benefits to federal employees make the White House cool? (10/16/2009)

Slipped through the cracks Jessica Roy
To wax or not to wax? Plus: Women are more religious than men, and the New York Times dives into the cougar trend (10/17/2009)

Mackenzie Phillips has more to say Mary Elizabeth Williams
Why would an adult endure years of an incestuous relationship? (10/16/2009)

Franken and "The Daily Show" say no to rape clause Mary Elizabeth Williams
Jon Stewart and company brilliantly take on the 30 senators who voted against victims' rights (10/16/2009)

Sharia law meets "Girls Gone Wild" Tracy Clark-Flory
Extreme Somali Islamists are whipping bra-clad women and forcing them to shake their breasts (10/16/2009)


Ala. court rejects $274M verdicts in drug cases By BOB JOHNSON, Associated Press

"Obama, listen!" By Alexis Fitts and Christopher Rogers
Video: A crowd of protesters with wildly diverse aims clamors for the president's ear in San Francisco (10/16/2009)

House Democrats paring cost of health care bill Associated Press

Six people charged in insider trading case By LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press


Remembering the roots of a real Civil War By Steven Lubet
While right-wingers posture about secession and armed resistance, let's recall how our actual Civil War began (10/16/2009)

Time warp! Justice of peace won't officiate interracial marriage By Darren Hutchinson
Louisiana official not a racist, just opposes "mixing the races that way" (10/16/2009)

Nativism is dangerous to our health By Joe Conason
Swine flu doesn't discriminate. Universal healthcare coverage should cover everyone -- including the undocumented (10/16/2009)

Another Goldman executive named to key government post as its profits skyrocket Glenn Greenwald
A Goldman executive today becomes key enforcement official, joining a long list of his colleagues in key posts. (10/16/2009)


The future of political journalism? Mike Madden
Actual headlines from Politico's hard-hitting "Click" section (10/16/2009)

Christian right leader sorry for comparing Emanuel to Mengele Alex Koppelman
Prominent figure in the Southern Baptist church apologizes for equating Zeke Emanuel with a Nazi doctor (10/16/2009)

Conservatives revolt over congressional candidate Alex Koppelman
Bloggers on the right are even calling Newt Gingrich liberal for backing a Republican who's not conservative enough (10/16/2009)

In Florida, right-wing challenger sneaks up on Crist Gabriel Winant
Conservatives' favorite Senate long-shot looks to have a real chance in Florida (10/16/2009)

Blue Dog suggests offering Medicare to all uninsured Alex Koppelman
Rep. Mike Ross doesn't like the public option -- so why is he proposing something very much like it? (10/16/2009)

Who killed Limbaugh's NFL dreams? Obama, of course Alex Koppelman
The right sees the administration's influence in the campaign against the radio host's attempt to buy the Rams (10/16/2009)

Health insurers protecting their own paychecks? Mike Madden
The White House says an insurance lobbying group objected to provisions that might cut pay for insurance executives (10/16/2009)


Obama's secret plan for a successful presidency Andrew Leonard
The Mickey Kaus thesis: First pass healthcare reform, then lose the midterm elections (10/16/2009)

Acting School Academy Skewers the L.A. Acting Scene Liz Shannon Miller

MobileTechRoundup 186 — N900 Impressions, Android on Phones and Netbooks Kevin C. Tofel

Make the Most of Small Business Tax Breaks Georgina Laidlaw

Cool Vids: Google Wave Pulp Fiction and a Hockey Trick Shot Chris Albrecht

China sails into the Gulf of Mexico Andrew Leonard
A Chinese oil firm aims for offshore riches. It is no coincidence that the price of crude just hit a 2009 high (10/16/2009)

Save money and the world: Bike to the brothel Andrew Leonard
A German sex retailer goes green to fight the global economic downturn (10/16/2009)

The online ad market: "We're not dead yet" Andrew Leonard
Google's strong third-quarter earnings offer a lesson to struggling media execs. It's the Web, or bust (10/16/2009)

It's official: The media no longer believes in global warming Andrew Leonard
Sen. James Inhofe's right-hand climate-skeptic man declares an end to fears of man-made climate change. Whew! (10/16/2009)

Watch the pilot! By Patrick Smith
View the landing of a Boeing 767, from the cockpit. Behold the glory of approach lights at dawn. Plus: A tutorial (10/16/2009)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Arts & Entertainment:

The boy and the balloon By Heather Havrilesky
A heart-stopping media spectacle ends as 6-year-old Falcon Heene is found safe. But what were we watching, and why? (10/15/2009)

Kids' movies that aren't for kids: The top 10 Andrew O'Hehir
Will "Where the Wild Things Are" be a smash or a flop? Either way, it joins an august list of kidult classics (10/15/2009)


Edmund White comes out swinging By Thomas Rogers
The gay literary lion talks about his juicy memoir, same-sex marriage -- and his beef with Gore Vidal (10/15/2009)


Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
Super-Fun-Pak Comix: Wildlife Creatures in the Foreground; Hillbilly Billy, of the Hills; and more! (10/15/2009)


Did feminism make women miserable? By Barbara Ehrenreich
Why a recent study on declining female happiness really stinks (10/15/2009)

January Jones' breasts: All real Tracy Clark-Flory
GQ's photo editor says the "Mad Men" actress received no cleavage enhancement on its November cover (10/15/2009)

Buffy the gay vampire lover Tracy Clark-Flory
In Esquire, a writer argues that "Twilight's" popularity is explained by women's desire to have sex with gay men (10/15/2009)

Did someone slip DoubleX's advice columnist a mickey? Amy Benfer
DoubleX's Lucinda Rosenfeld gives some stupendously bad counsel, and readers push back, with advice for her removal (10/15/2009)

Balloon dad's blatant misogyny Tracy Clark-Flory
One of the many troubling things about storm-chaser Richard Heene is his nasty views about women (10/15/2009)

Balloon boy saga: Strange family videos Tracy Clark-Flory
A peek at the Heenes' world, from a painful appearance on "Wife Swap" to a kid's rap video called "Not Pussified" (10/15/2009)


No sign of boy said to have floated off on balloon By P. SOLOMON BANDA and IVAN MORENO, Associated Press


GOP House members call for investigation of Muslim political activity Glenn Greenwald
This foul witch hunt may be the most despicable domestic political event of the year. (10/15/2009)

A perfect logo Glenn Greenwald
The new organization from Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol nicely expresses what they are. (10/15/2009)

Watch your wallet, even with the Dow at 10,000 By Robert Reich
We're just pretending to get richer -- it's not the real thing (10/15/2009)

Fox News isn't even pretending anymore By Gene Lyons
Want proof that journalism has devolved into entertainment? Watch "the communications arm of the Republican Party" (10/15/2009)

First they came for Rush Limbaugh Joan Walsh
The right-wing reaction to the radio host's failed bid to own an NFL team is a cavalcade of paranoia and self-pity (10/15/2009)


Mark Benjamin talks about Arlington's new unknown soldier Alex Koppelman
Salon's national correspondent goes on "Morning Joe" to discuss his investigation of problems at the cemetery (10/15/2009)

Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg hospitalized Alex Koppelman
The justice, who was also taken to the hospital last month, was released quickly (10/15/2009)

Vitter sparks battle over illegal immigrants, Census Gabriel Winant
The Louisiana Republican introduces an amendment that brings up issues as old as the government itself (10/15/2009)

Taitz responds to judge's sanctions order Alex Koppelman
The lead Birther attorney isn't happy with the $20,000 fine imposed on her earlier this week (10/15/2009)

Palin to launch new political group Alex Koppelman
The former Alaska governor is planning a new organization, "Stand Up for Our Nation" (10/15/2009)

Sestak gets help from familiar face for Specter challenge Alex Koppelman
Ned Lamont, who beat Joe Lieberman in a Democratic primary, will reportedly endorse Arlen Specter's challenger (10/15/2009)


Nokia Posts $834 Million Quarterly Loss James Kendrick

Nokia’s U.S. Disappearing Act Continues Colin Gibbs

Bling, babes, and John Maynard Keynes Andrew Leonard
A rap video to explain why fiscal stimulus doesn't work? Bring it on! (10/15/2009)

Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change Simon Mackie

Still breathing: Cash for Clunkers Andrew Leonard
The government's incentive program may have had a lasting effect on what kinds of cars Americans are buying (10/15/2009)

Nokia Following up the N900 with an N920? Kevin C. Tofel

Rumor Has It: Next-Gen Mac Pro Getting Six-Core “Core i9″ Processor Darrell Etherington

Apple Releases Performance Update, Fixes Hard Drive Stalls Liam Cassidy

Free e-Book: “Web Work 101: How to Escape the Cubicle” Simon Mackie

"Show me a stupid risk and I will take it" Andrew Leonard
British comedy duo Bird & Fortune explain how to get bankers to be boring and why Lehman's was allowed to fail (10/15/2009)

Apple Hints at Mac Counterattack on Windows 7 Charles Jade

BofA CEO Ken Lewis' mondo pay cut Andrew Leonard
The "pay czar" zaps the banker's 2009 salary. Wall Street moans: How will Lewis live on his $50 million pension? (10/15/2009)

YouTube Monetizing More than 1B Video Views Per Week Liz Gannes

Augmented Reality — There’s an App, er Platform, for That Kevin C. Tofel

MTV’s Valemont Doesn’t Pander to the Vampire Craze Liz Shannon Miller

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Arts & Entertainment:

High-fiving 40-year-olds? Get out of "Cougar Town"! By Heather Havrilesky
Why has Courteney Cox's painfully manic midlife-crisis sitcom been embraced by fans and critics? (10/14/2009)

Film Salon: Your favorite Coen brothers movie Compiled by Jed Lipinski
"Fargo" vs. "Miller's Crossing"? "No Country" vs. "Lebowski"? We put the film geek question to a panel of our faves (10/14/2009)

Critics' Picks: Call it the "liberal Bible" By Judy Berman
Conservatives may be mangling the Scriptures, but the Mountain Goats' musical take on the Good Book is inspired (10/14/2009)


Why the Berlin Wall fell By Laura Miller
Stephen Kotkin's fascinating "Uncivil Society" presents a revisionist account of Communism's failure (10/14/2009)


The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
Life's little victories: Yes! (10/14/2009)


Betty Draper gets a boob job? Tracy Clark-Flory
GQ turns "Mad Men's" January Jones into a porntastic blowup doll (10/14/2009)

Here she is, Miss Homeless Belgium Lynn Harris
Can a pageant put a face on a tragic problem? (10/14/2009)

The deadly new stats on abortion bans Lynn Harris
Global study reconfirms: Limits on the procedure don't lower its rate -- only its safety (10/14/2009)

"He only raped one little girl" Judy Berman
Calvin Trillin's satirical poem is the best response yet to Roman Polanski's Hollywood apologists (10/14/2009)


Are we bipartisan now? By Mike Madden
All that effort yields just one Republican vote for healthcare reform -- but the White House isn't counting (10/14/2009)

85,000 Iraqis killed in almost 5 years of war By REBECCA SANTANA, Associated Press

Obama calls for $250 payments to seniors By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER, Associated Press

Hondurans agree on constitution; no deal on Zelaya By JUAN CARLOS LLORCA, Associated Press

Watchdog: Treasury wasn't prepared for AIG bonuses By DANIEL WAGNER, Associated Press

NKorea 'regrets' causing deadly flood in SKorea By KWANG-TAE KIM, Associated Press


Betting against America By Garrison Keillor
Praying the country will slip into chaos, to make Obama look bad, is not a good place for a political party to be (10/14/2009)

Obama's critical moment approaches By Camille Paglia
Plus: Letters from a tea party organizer, Palin defender, Obama critic, Polanski supporter, male soprano and more (10/14/2009)

"Don't be fooled into believing it's over"
A video from Robert Reich on healthcare reform, and what the medical-industrial complex wants you to believe (10/14/2009)

How to avoid the GOP's mistakes during the Bush years? Glenn Greenwald
"The left has held Obama's feet to the fire way more than the right ever did to Bush": is that a good thing? (10/14/2009)


Specter facing "near fatal" polling numbers Alex Koppelman
The Pennsylvania senator's re-election campaign is in real trouble (10/14/2009)

Limbaugh dropped from group bidding for Rams Alex Koppelman
The leader of an effort to buy the St. Louis Rams jettisons the radio host, who was dooming the bid (10/14/2009)

The St. Louis Limbaughs? Alex Koppelman
The conservative radio talker's bid to buy the St. Louis Rams inspires opposition, and derision (10/14/2009)

Joe Lieberman just can't help himself Alex Koppelman
As he discusses healthcare reform strategy, the senator seems out of touch with reality (10/14/2009)

Suddenly, Dem has a real shot in NJ governor's race Alex Koppelman
It seemed like Gov. Jon Corzine wouldn't be re-elected, but one poll now has him within one point of his opponent (10/14/2009)

Snowe: Public option's a deal breaker Alex Koppelman
The lone Republican to vote for the Baucus healthcare bill says the legislation could lose her support (10/14/2009)

Wexler leaving Congress to take think tank job Alex Koppelman
The Florida Democrat is resigning from Congress to work on Middle East issues (10/14/2009)

Time for Tennesseans to lay off the Jack Daniel's Alex Koppelman
State residents have some peculiar ideas about President Obama -- almost half think he's a socialist (10/14/2009)


Lindsey Graham, the GOP's newest traitor Andrew Leonard
The South Carolina Republican believes we should do something about climate change. For that, he must be shunned! (10/14/2009)

The Value Proposition of Netbooks Is Getting Overlooked Kevin C. Tofel

Microsoft Partners With Smartbook AG James Kendrick

50in50’s Brent Rose Needs Help to Keep Creating Characters Liz Shannon Miller

Lots of Nearly Live TV Now Available Free to UK iPhone Users Darrell Etherington

Apple Promises iTunes LPs for All Charles Jade

Pepsi's entry for stupidest tweet ever Andrew Leonard
Pretending to apologize for its sexist Amp energy drink iPhone app, the soft drink giant drags culture to a new low (10/14/2009)

Wall Street rakes it in, again Andrew Leonard
What financial crisis? Even as unemployment barrels toward 10 percent, bankers are headed for a record year (10/14/2009)

How much worse could ObamaCare be? Andrew Leonard
The WSJ warns that public healthcare will lead to higher costs and worse care. But so will private healthcare (10/14/2009)

Dow 10000! Andrew Leonard
What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! (10/14/2009)

HAVA iPhone App Proves Difficult to Control Liane Cassavoy

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Arts & Entertainment:

Rape, power and Polanski's "Chinatown" By Andrew O'Hehir
What are the real lessons in the filmmaker's neo-noir classic? (10/13/2009)


This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
There's the actual Obama and there's the idea of Obama (10/13/2009)


Slutty Halloween costumes ... for dogs? Mary Elizabeth Williams
What'll it be for your pup this year: French maid or hot schoolgirl? (10/13/2009)

The surprise Spanx make-out By Sarah Hepola
It was hot. It was heavy. There was just one problem: I was wearing control-top undergarments (10/13/2009)

Michelle Obama: What a doll! Judy Berman
Will the first lady's own action figure bug her as much as Sasha's and Malia's did? (10/13/2009)

Come to school, collect $100! Amy Benfer
Should kids be paid for academic performance? (10/13/2009)

Fashion still hates "fat" Mary Elizabeth Williams
You can never be too rich, too thin or too plastic for haute couture (10/13/2009)


Democrats and Afghanistan: what's at stake Glenn Greenwald
There's a reason those who benefit most from perpetual war are so aggressively pressuring Obama to escalate. (10/13/2009)

Norman Mailer for secretary of defense By William Astore
On Afghanistan, Obama needs the input of freethinking outsiders, not generals. What if LBJ had listened to Mailer? (10/13/2009)

How I learned to stop worrying and live with the bomb By Michael Lind
Neither terrorists nor rogue states like North Korea are likely to use nuclear weapons. Here's why (10/13/2009)

The audacity of greed: How private health insurers just blew their cover By Robert Reich
Insurance companies say the Senate healthcare bill will force them to raise premiums. Time to call their bluff (10/13/2009)


Waiting for the Senate Finance Committee Alex Koppelman
The pivotal committee votes on one version of healthcare reform legislation Tuesday (10/13/2009)

Report: Rep. Wexler, D-Fla., to resign Alex Koppelman
The congressman will reportedly announce the move Wednesday; it's unclear what his next job will be (10/14/2009)

The Cheney administration in exile Gabriel Winant
If you miss the old bomb-and-torture style of conservatism, Liz Cheney's here to help (10/13/2009)

Birther lawyer Taitz slapped with $20,000 sanction Alex Koppelman
A federal judge, fed up with the attorney's antics, has imposed a hefty fine (10/13/2009)

Republican Sen. Snowe will vote for Baucus bill Alex Koppelman
There will be at least one Republican voting in favor of a Democratic healthcare reform proposal (10/13/2009)

Healthcare reform passes Senate Finance Mike Madden
Next step? Combining it with a more liberal version and bringing a final bill to the Senate floor (10/13/2009)

Quote of the day Alex Koppelman
Birther lawyer Orly Taitz and her supporters sure do liven up court rulings (10/13/2009)

Obama claims bipartisan support for Baucus bill Alex Koppelman
In remarks on the Finance Committee's healthcare vote, the president focuses on lone GOP supporter (10/13/2009)

Conservatives protest Snowe healthcare vote Alex Koppelman
One right-wing Web site comes up with a rather unorthodox way to let the senator know its readers aren't happy (10/13/2009)


Windows 7 No Threat to Mac: Report Charles Jade

Nokia Booklet 3G Netbook — $299 on AT&T; With Monthly 3G Plan James Kendrick

Obama backs off on big business Andrew Leonard
In May, the president promised to end a tax break on American companies operating overseas. Uh, never mind (10/13/2009)

The incredible shrinking budget deficit Andrew Leonard
Down we go -- from $1.8 trillion to $1.6 to $1.4. And if the stimulus keeps working, the numbers will improve more (10/13/2009)

Does James Gunn’s Humanzee Reveal Xbox’s Secret Prudishness? Liz Shannon Miller

Huzzah! Google Adds Shared Folders to Google Docs Simon Mackie

Is It Time to Update Your Operating System? Charles Hamilton

Cisco Scoops Up Starent to Manage Mobile Data Deluge Stacey Higginbotham

A Great healthcare industry depression? Andrew Leonard
Stock prices in health insurance companies are swooning. Is that why the industry is suddenly on the warpath? (10/13/2009)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Arts & Entertainment:

Storytime: "Cinderella"

Critics' Picks: How to improve your personality! By Tommy Wallach
A new collection of vintage educational shorts offers a peek into the anxieties and hopes of earlier generations (10/12/2009)

Storytime: A bad guy story

Storytime: "The Little Mermaid"

Storytime: The story of the giant pig

Storytime: Dinosaurs

Storytime: My seashell


Storytime: Children tell their own tales Introduction by Daniel Handler
Want to hear a really good story? Turn off your TV and turn toward the nearest 4-year-old (10/12/2009)

I'm a former abuser -- should I tell my girlfriend? By Cary Tennis
I'm afraid she'll leave me if I reveal my past (10/12/2009)

Do we really want sports defining gender? Sady Doyle
More troubling questions arise from the case of intersex athlete Caster Semenya (10/12/2009)

The real lives of child sex slaves Judy Berman
A must-read Marie Claire article gives a close-up view of a Cambodian girl sold into prostitution at 7 (10/12/2009)

Keeping kids safe after Columbine -- at what cost? Kate Harding
Under a zero-tolerance policy to prevent school violence, a 6-year-old is kicked out for carrying camping gear (10/12/2009)

We're here! We're queer! We love Lady Gaga! Thomas Rogers
On the ground at the National Equality March (10/12/2009)

Scandal: Why did a "Mad Men" scribe get axed? Kate Harding
Rumors fly that Emmy-winning writer Kater Gordon was sleeping with creator Matt Weiner. Does it really matter? (10/12/2009)


Glenn Beck, Republican strategist By Gabriel Winant and Tim Bella
When the Fox News host pushes a crackpot theory, it doesn't take long for the GOP to run with it. A timeline (10/12/2009)


Relax. You'll love healthcare cooperatives! Honest By Steven Hill
Liberals want a public option, and see co-ops as a sellout. But if Congress passes co-ops, don't fret. They work (10/12/2009)

This time, Obama can succeed in Copenhagen By Robert Reich
The president's got to aim high when he goes to the climate change conference (10/12/2009)

Gay issues, the "fringe left" and the liberal veal pen Glenn Greenwald
The conflicts emerging over Obama's inaction on gay equality repeat themselves in most other areas (10/12/2009)


Insurance industry attacks healthcare reform Mike Madden
The insurance lobby comes out against reform, just before a key vote in the Senate (10/12/2009)

Drudge: Not as funny as he thinks Mike Madden
The conservative blogger jabs the White House over the Nobel Prize in economics -- rather lamely (10/12/2009)

White House declares war on Fox News Mike Madden
A senior administration official tells CNN the conservative network isn't really a news channel (10/12/2009)

Limbaugh: "I am trying to earn a profit" Mike Madden
The talk radio host tells NBC his main motivation is ratings, not ideology (10/12/2009)

McCain sticks up for Palin
The former GOP nominee defends his vice presidential pick (10/12/2009)

Democrats push back on insurance report Mike Madden
The DNC, the White House and Democrats in Congress all hit back at the insurance lobby over healthcare reform (10/12/2009)


VMware Fusion 3 to Debut by End of October Nick Santilli

Time Capsule Memorial Web Site Launches, Shames Apple Liam Cassidy

An economics Nobel for nuance and complexity Andrew Leonard
Two researchers who study how people and corporations organize themselves win. The loser? Efficient markets theory (10/12/2009)

Microsoft's Sidekick data catastrophe Andrew Leonard
A "code red cloud disaster"? Or something much more fiendish? (10/12/2009)

HTC Hero on Sprint: Not All Are on the Faster EVDO Rev. A Network James Kendrick

Lesson from Cali Clean Power Veto: Transmission Still a Choke Point for Energy Goals Josie Garthwaite

Easy Projects.NET Adds Interactive Gantt Charts Simon Mackie

Online Audience Demand Pushes Paranormal Activity Into Theaters Liz Shannon Miller

Online Audiences Demand Paranormal Activity Into Theaters Liz Shannon Miller

ASUS Readying a 12-inch Eee PC? Kevin C. Tofel

Every One of You Should Lead a Double Life Kevin C. Tofel

Patent Dispute Goes After iTunes Liam Cassidy

XShot Finds a Gadget Sweet Spot Aliza Sherman

WWD Screencast: Toobla Simon Mackie


We want to hear from you Richard Gingras
Your feedback has been invaluable as we continue to evolve the cover. Keep it coming (10/12/2009)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Arts & Entertainment:

Make "Nip/Tuck" a comedy! By Heather Havrilesky
Drop the soap! These abusive but self-doubting lotharios are only getting funnier with age (10/11/2009)


Obama got the Nobel because he's a game changer By Juan Cole
The president's selection as Peace Prize winner is well within the rules laid out by Alfred Nobel in his will (10/11/2009)

Salon Radio: Jonathan Weiler on authoritarianism in American politics Glenn Greenwald
What role does the authoritarian mindset play in shaping America's political character? (10/11/2009)

Saturday, October 10, 2009


What do Iraqi women want? Husbands Tracy Clark-Flory
So says a nonprofit that has broadened its services to matchmaking for widows (10/10/2009)


What's with all the zombies? By David Sirota
Maybe the undead creatures surfacing everywhere in pop culture have something to do with Washington and Wall Street (10/10/2009)

Washington's revolving doors are bad for your health By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship
Healthcare reform might be easier if so many industry lobbyists didn't once work for legislators like Max Baucus (10/10/2009)

On the government's owners Glenn Greenwald
A leading progressive economist and a Democratic Congresswoman examine who controls our political system. (10/10/2009)

Why Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize Joan Walsh
For eight years peace was made impossible by the lawless Bush-Cheney cabal. Now Obama needs to live up to his award (10/10/2009)

Accusing Obama critics of "standing with the terrorists" Glenn Greenwald
Is there a patriotic duty to join a "national celebration" over Obama? (10/10/2009)

Why Obama shouldn't have received the Peace Prize -- yet By Robert Reich
The president may be an inspirational figure, and he's not George Bush, but that's not enough. He needs to deliver (10/10/2009)


Halloween Costume Ideas From the Viral Video World Liz Shannon Miller

Friday, October 09, 2009

Arts & Entertainment:

"Couples Retreat" is marital hell By Stephanie Zacharek
Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau costar in a flaccid comedy about couples desperately trying to keep it together (10/09/2009)

"An Education": Romance with an older man By Stephanie Zacharek
Carey Mulligan shines as a teenager exploring the minefield of love -- and sex -- in a film written by Nick Hornby (10/09/2009)

"Good Hair" gives it to us straight By Stephanie Zacharek
Burning relaxers, expensive extensions, African-American identity: Chris Rock covers it all, and keeps us laughing (10/09/2009)


The Internet ate my nephew! By Cary Tennis
He's a smart kid but he's fallen for a crazy conspiracy site (10/09/2009)

The military's war on lesbians Tracy Clark-Flory
Women are disproportionately discharged under "don't ask, don't tell" -- especially in the Air Force (10/09/2009)

Ralph Lauren owns up to Photoshop disaster Kate Harding
The designer admits the egregious digital slimming of a model was the company's fault -- just a bit too late (10/09/2009)

Hot! Sexy! Yellow! Marge Simpson does Playboy Mary Elizabeth Williams
She's been a cop, an entrepreneur and a bodybuilder. Now, Marge Simpson's a bunny (10/09/2009)

Slipped through the cracks Jessica Roy
Serena Williams poses nude for ESPN Magazine. Plus: Ellen Page becomes an HBO writer, and brides trash their gowns (10/09/2009)

Toys "R" Us schooled by sixth-graders Tracy Clark-Flory
The company is scolded for gender discrimination thanks to a complaint made by Swedish middle-schoolers (10/09/2009)

Another child dies of unanswered prayers Kate Harding
Again, a boy passes away from a treatable illness because of his parents' beliefs -- what's left to say about it? (10/09/2009)

Single black female seeking ... a response! Alexis Fitts
On the dating site OkCupid, men of every race give African American women the cold shoulder (10/09/2009)


President Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize By Karl Ritter and Matt Moore
In stunning choice, Obama wins less than a year after taking office because of his international diplomacy (10/09/2009)

"The USA is now playing a more constructive role"
A transcript of Nobel Committee chairman Thorbjorn Jagland's announcement of Obama as Peace Prize winner (10/09/2009)


Is the opt-out a cop-out? Joan Walsh
More liberals back a public option compromise that lets red states say no thanks. Plus: Double standard on Rangel (10/09/2009)

Time for the media to fess up By Joe Conason
Journalists like Evan Thomas now admit the Clinton scandals were bogus. When will they admit they played along? (10/09/2009)

So much happening in D.C., so little to show for it By Robert Reich
Healthcare, global warming, Wall Street, jobs -- none of the government's proposed solutions add up to much (10/10/2009)

Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Glenn Greenwald
A story that at first seems like an Onion gag continues to feel that way upon further reflection. (10/09/2009)


DNC: GOP siding with terrorists over Nobel Alex Koppelman
Democrats take an unusually hard line against criticism of the president's Peace Prize (10/09/2009)

President Obama, Nobel laureate Alex Koppelman
"Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics," Nobel Committee chair says (10/09/2009)

Obama: "I will accept this award as a call to action" Alex Koppelman
The president says he doesn't feel he deserves the Nobel, but believes that it will spur movement towards peace (10/09/2009)

Steele: "What has President Obama actually accomplished?" Alex Koppelman
The Republican National Committee chair isn't impressed with the president's new award (10/09/2009)

Watch Obama's comments on Nobel here Alex Koppelman
Video of the president saying he humbly accepts the prize, but feels he doesn't deserve it (10/09/2009)

"Read the bill!" -- but slowly Gabriel Winant
When they were in power, the GOP didn't always allow everyone time to read legislation, but they want it now (10/09/2009)

Obama will donate prize money to charity Alex Koppelman
The president won't keep the $1.4 million he's entitled to for winning the Nobel Peace Prize (10/09/2009)

Media Matters picks up DNC's "GOP = Taliban" message Alex Koppelman
The liberal press watchdog attacks right-wing media, asking, "who are the conservatives rooting for?" (10/09/2009)

Quote of the day Alex Koppelman
A State Department spokeswoman gets at the real difference between Bush and Obama (10/09/2009)

Limbaugh: Obama Nobel more embarrassing than Olympics loss Alex Koppelman
And it's not just Limbaugh -- a lot of people on the right are hopping mad over the president's Peace Prize (10/09/2009)


A Procedure List Can Make Sure You Get Things Done Simon Mackie

AT&T; Not Ready for Tethering, May Throttle iPhone Data Liam Cassidy

Can't find a job? Try China Andrew Leonard
A pharma firm slashes jobs in the West but boosts its Chinese workforce. Also, it helps if you are a top scientist (10/09/2009)

Ask the pilot By Patrick Smith
What is proper etiquette during an emergency evacuation? Plus: Confused pilots and angry readers (10/09/2009)

Barack Obama's premature Nobel peace prize Andrew Leonard
Yes, the President looks good hanging out with world leaders and his heart is in the right place. Is that enough? (10/09/2009)

How to Enable Data Roaming on the Palm Pre Kevin C. Tofel

MobileTechRoundup 185 — WinMo 6.5 and Moon Go Boom! Kevin C. Tofel

Routine: Making Progress from Habit Amber Riviere

3M Projector Sacrifices Power for Portability Liane Cassavoy

NASA probe hits moon's south pole looking for water Associated Press
Take that, moon! (10/09/2009)

Was Last Night’s Office Wedding Dance Tribute a Misstep? Liz Shannon Miller

Save the planet -- burn more fossil fuels! Andrew Leonard
The newest desperate nuttiness from the oil industry: We will punish the earth if we cut greenhouse gas emissions (10/09/2009)

Look for that union mark of the beast label Andrew Leonard
Yesterday in crazy: Today's lunatic fringe is not unprecedented. A flashback to 1902 (10/09/2009)

The boob tube debt machine Andrew Leonard
The advent of television helped get Americans hooked on debt. Can the Internet help us go cold turkey? (10/09/2009)

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Arts & Entertainment:

Is blackface the new black? By Mary Elizabeth Williams
A controversy over minstrelsy reveals its shockingly durable appeal (10/08/2009)

Critics' Picks: The comedy of Asperger's By Mary Elizabeth Williams
As Abed on "Community," Danny Pudi is overeager, offensive, exasperating -- and hilarious (10/08/2009)

The British indie explosion Andrew O'Hehir
Dazzling direction, Oscar-worthy performances and strong narratives -- the Brits are doing what the Yanks can't (10/08/2009)

Expert Witness: Queen Noor
Expert Witness: Queen Noor (10/08/2009)


Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
The extinct hominid wars heat up! (10/08/2009)


The Nobel Prize for literature went to who? Amy Benfer
Meet Herta Mueller, the best German writer you've never heard of ... until now (10/08/2009)

Girl, you'll be a bloodthirsty gladiator soon Steve Almond
Lise Haines talks about her young adult novel, and why the fictional violence isn't so removed from today's culture (10/08/2009)

I'm sick of people labeling people By Cary Tennis
We're not "strippers"! We're not "illegals"! We're citizens of the planet! (10/08/2009)

Like a piece of meat Judy Berman
A Las Vegas burger joint invites customers to take a bite out of a tender, juicy ... woman (10/08/2009)

Who you calling fat? Nicole Eggert strikes back Julia Furlan
The "Baywatch" star hits the beach with a satirical video and a few extra pounds. Female empowerment or PR stunt? (10/08/2009)


A historian's account of Democrats and Bush-era war crimes Glenn Greenwald
If the goal of Democrats had been to protect and suppress Bush-era war crimes, how could they have done any better? (10/08/2009)

There's a special place in hell for Roman Polanski By Gene Lyons
Adultery, even that of celebs like Letterman and Edwards, is a commonplace. But sex with underage girls is a crime (10/08/2009)

Smear of the day: Politico links Obama to Polanski Joan Walsh
How? Some Hollywood folks who back the convicted rapist gave money to the president! Plus: Bogus Stories of 2009! (10/08/2009)

Eight more years? Joan Walsh
It's hard not to think of Vietnam as Obama mulls sending more troops to Afghanistan (10/08/2009)


Budget office calls healthcare co-ops ineffective Mike Madden
A non-partisan analysis says non-profit co-ops won't have much effect on insurance markets (10/08/2009)

Finally, a public option compromise everyone likes? Alex Koppelman
An idea to allow states to opt out of a government-run insurance plan is getting some buzz (10/09/2009)

Congressional GOP polling badly, too Alex Koppelman
People aren't happy with the Democrats in Congress, but the Republicans aren't faring any better (10/08/2009)

Another "year of the black Republican"? Alex Koppelman
The GOP's trying to recruit minority candidates, but the party's last big attempt failed (10/08/2009)

30 senators sign letter backing public option Alex Koppelman
A number of Democrats ask for Harry Reid's help in getting a public option passed (10/08/2009)

Actual verses from the "Conservative Bible" Alex Koppelman
Sometimes, truth really is stranger than fiction (10/08/2009)

Glenn Beck flirts with sanity Alex Koppelman
In a special about swine flu and the vaccine for it, the Fox News host sounds almost reasonable -- almost (10/08/2009)


iPhone OS Update Released — Still Syncs with iTunes James Kendrick

Pro Tip: Cure iPhone Earbud Entanglement Olly Farshi

Keep Track of Workouts With the RunKeeper iPhone App Dawn Foster

Android Market — Camera, Compass Required James Kendrick

iTunes Alternative DoubleTwist Offers Amazon.com MP3 Store Darrell Etherington

It’s Captastic! Cable One Embraces Congestion Pricing Stacey Higginbotham

Q&A;: Easy to Assemble’s Illeana Douglas Is Obsessed With Sweden Liz Shannon Miller

Good news for Obama in new jobless claims numbers Andrew Leonard
Last week's trend reverses itself as the unemployment picture brightens... slightly (10/08/2009)

Sarah Palin: The dollar, baby, the dollar! Andrew Leonard
In her new career as Facebook economic analyst, the former governor warns about the perils of a weak greenback (10/08/2009)

How coke-addled geeks crashed the global economy Andrew Leonard
Two great things that go together: Betting on derivatives and snorting coke (10/08/2009)

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Arts & Entertainment:

Critics' Picks: Sade meets the Marquis de Sade By Heather Havrilesky
Meshell Ndegeocello's unpredictable eighth album curses the darkness, then dives right in (10/07/2009)

Overpriced antiques for anxious yuppies By Heather Havrilesky
"Man Shops Globe" reveals what's fascinating and horrible about upscale catalog culture (10/07/2009)


The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
One day at ye olde pet shoppe ... (10/07/2009)


My brother seems lost after college By Cary Tennis
He's started attending Mass ... and he's going to convert! (10/07/2009)

The details of your abortion online? Lynn Harris
A new Oklahoma law requires the posting of private data on a public Web site (10/07/2009)

"In social media, women rule" Judy Berman
Ladies dominate Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. But are we doing more than just chatting? (10/07/2009)

Who's afraid of the "artificial hymen"? Tracy Clark-Flory
Egyptian conservatives call for a ban on a virginity-faking kit and demand exile for those who import it (10/07/2009)

Move over, Real Doll. Hello, robot sex pillow Lynn Harris
A German designer envisions a lonely man-on-blob future (10/07/2009)

Hotels aided sportscaster's accused stalker Tracy Clark-Flory
A perv allegedly violated ESPN's Erin Andrews with a little help from the front desk. Also: There are other victims (10/07/2009)

Gourmet was for the young and scrappy, too By Alex Van Buren
Media coverage has tarred Ruth Reichl's magazine as elite and stuffy. But it was so much richer than that (10/07/2009)


Arlington unveils a new unknown soldier By Mark Benjamin
The first headstone stamped "Unknown" since 1984 is the result not of war's chaos, but of human error (10/07/2009)


The suffocatingly narrow Afghanistan "debate" Glenn Greenwald
The supposed "costs" of leaving Afghanistan are endlessly highlighted, but the costs from staying are ignored. (10/07/2009)

I was so wrong By Garrison Keillor
Even people who oppose regulation and don't mind manufacturing hamburger contaminated by E. coli deserve healthcare (10/07/2009)

What is the Vatican, exactly? By Frances Kissling
The pope's UN rep swats away questions about sexual abuse -- and raises questions about the church's special status (10/07/2009)

Does Iran really want the bomb? By Juan Cole
Perhaps what Iran wants is the ability to produce a nuclear weapon fast, rather than have a standing arsenal (10/07/2009)

The still-missing central fact in the Iran drama Glenn Greenwald
The American media repeatedly asserts that Iran found out it got caught "red-handed." There's no evidence of that. (10/07/2009)


DeLay: "No idea" if Obama's a citizen Alex Koppelman
The former House majority leader goes from "Dancing With the Stars" to the Birthers (10/07/2009)

Obama's ghostwriter fesses up! Gabriel Winant
Bill Ayers jokes: "I ghost-wrote 'Dreams From My Father.'" Conservative bloggers: "We knew it!" (10/07/2009)

Bob Dole says pass healthcare reform Mike Madden
The former Senate GOP boss says Republicans shouldn't be blocking reform legislation (10/07/2009)

CBO: Healthcare bill would reduce deficit by $81 billion Alex Koppelman
The Congressional Budget Office weighs in with its take on Sen. Max Baucus' legislation (10/07/2009)

Congressional Dems could be in big trouble Alex Koppelman
A new poll finds Congress' approval rating slipping, even among Democrats, and the GOP's gaining ground (10/07/2009)

The reaction to CBO analysis of healthcare bill Alex Koppelman
Harry Reid and the White House are happy, but Mitch McConnell isn't buying it (10/07/2009)

Olbermann's wasted moment Mike Madden
The MSNBC host dedicates his entire show to healthcare reform -- but did he help the cause? (10/07/2009)

Florida Senate race heats up a bit Alex Koppelman
Another Democrat tosses his hat in the ring, making the primary a race (10/07/2009)

Watch Keith Olbermann's healthcare "Special Comment" Mike Madden
Watch a special healthcare edition of "Countdown" (10/08/2009)


Palm Pre Homebrew App of the Day — Mediafly Mobile James Kendrick

Monsanto's weedkiller problem Andrew Leonard
Chinese competition and slumping demand are stunting RoundUp's growth. Farmers don't seem to mind (10/07/2009)

Wells Fargo's credit card squeeze Andrew Leonard
The bank thumbs its nose at the Credit Card Act: Never mind the law, we're raising your rates anyway (10/07/2009)

FMYI 6.0 — Faster, Sleeker Collaboration via a Facebook-like Site Simon Mackie

Bad investment deal: Tunnels to Egypt Andrew Leonard
A Hamas public relations problem: No transparency and a failure to regulate. Sound familiar? (10/07/2009)

Verizon Working to Woo Developers Colin Gibbs

myTouch 3G Fender Edition Adds 3.5mm Jack, 16GB, Guitar Look Kevin C. Tofel

Rumor Has It: Foxconn Making Tablets for Apple Darrell Etherington

85% of Mac Owners Also Have a PC: Report Darrell Etherington

Android to Be No. 2 Mobile OS by 2012? Colin Gibbs

Obama's jobs plan: In weakness there is strength Andrew Leonard
Stop worrying about the mighty greenback, says Simon Johnson. A puny dollar will help U.S. exports, and Democrats (10/07/2009)

The mortgage market shifts into reverse Andrew Leonard
Subprime is a distant memory, but America's seniors own trillions in home equity Wall Street is itching to unlock (10/07/2009)

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Do readers really want video-book hybrids? By Laura Miller
Meet the "vook," the latest "book of the future" (10/06/2009)


This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
The greatest menace facing our nation today: ACORN! (10/06/2009)


Should we boycott Polanski supporters? Judy Berman
One group strikes back at the filmmaker's Hollywood defenders (10/06/2009)

Eat the weeds By Sarah Karnasiewicz
Ready for nettles and dandelions on your plate? Langdon Cook talks foraging, the next (cheap!) step in local food (10/06/2009)

Turning 50: It's all downhill from here By Cary Tennis
I've got only a genetic disease and old age to look forward to (10/06/2009)

Glossy vows to use "normal" models Jeanie Chung
Editor: "For years we've had to use Photoshop to fatten the girls up" (10/06/2009)

Care for a Lysol douche? Amy Benfer
Why mid-century women used oven cleaner for their most intimate, ah, oven (10/06/2009)

First blood: Introducing "menstrual activism" Amanda Fortini
Do we really need a radical movement to combat the stigma of periods? (10/06/2009)

Letterman classes up his sex scandal Tracy Clark-Flory
The "Late Show" host offers a candid apology and reveals himself as basically human (10/06/2009)

Tyler Perry's house of pain Mary Elizabeth Williams
The "Madea" star details childhood abuse and molestation -- and fans flood his Web site with similar stories (10/06/2009)


Is the tide turning for the public option? By Mike Madden
As healthcare reform moves to backroom talks, supporters say its chances may be improving (10/06/2009)


The joint Post/Obama defense of the Patriot Act and FISA Glenn Greenwald
A prime example of stenographic journalism claims, and disproves, Obama is abandoning the Bush terrorism approach (10/06/2009)

What else could our bailout money have bought? By Matt Bivens
For $4 trillion, we could've wiped out any number of diseases worldwide (10/06/2009)

Our dumb media: Do we need to know more about Lewinsky? Joan Walsh
Newsweek's Evan Thomas faults Taylor Branch for not pushing Bill Clinton to reveal more -- about his sex life. Oy (10/07/2009)

Salon interviews the late Adam Smith By Michael Lind
The 18th century's patron saint of free markets shares his surprising views about Barack Obama and the U.S. economy (10/06/2009)


Salon fixes the Bible's liberal bias Salon staff
A right-wing Web site is working on a new conservative version of the Bible; we offer some suggestions (10/06/2009)

Doctor vs. doctor on healthcare Alex Koppelman
The two sides of the reform debate are digging up medical professionals to advocate for them (10/06/2009)

Axelrod meets with Fox News head Ailes Alex Koppelman
The two reportedly discussed the continuing tension between the network and the administration (10/06/2009)

Beck's latest conspiracy theory won't end well Alex Koppelman
The Fox News host starts passing on some of the paranoia about the swine flu vaccine (10/06/2009)

The downfall of Betsy McCaughey Alex Koppelman
The right's favorite source for anti-healthcare reform information suffers a wave of bad PR (10/07/2009)

Republican Rep. Castle running for Biden's old job Alex Koppelman
Republicans have a real shot at picking up one of Delaware's two Senate seats next year (10/06/2009)

Schwarzenegger backs Democratic healthcare plan Alex Koppelman
The California governor becomes one of a handful of prominent Republicans to support reform legislation (10/06/2009)


Where to Watch the Nobel Prize Announcements Live Liz Gannes

Proof that Obama is the antichrist Andrew Leonard
Call it "the market of the beast." The link between stimulus money, healthcare and human-implantable microchips (10/06/2009)

Nostalgia Critic Takes Apart Your Childhood Favorites Liz Shannon Miller

Tap Tap Revenge 3 Arrives in the App Store, Features In-App Purchasing Darrell Etherington

Authenticity As Your Extreme Internet Strategy Aliza Sherman

Palm Pre App of the Day: PhotoDialer James Kendrick

Double the Fun With Two Screens — Kohjinsha Netbook Prototype James Kendrick

Is Windows Mobile’s Relevance Gone Forever? Colin Gibbs

Time for a second stimulus? Andrew Leonard
If at first you don't succeed, spend, spend again (10/06/2009)

Dollar in trouble? Yippie, says the right Andrew Leonard
Under Bush, conservatives ruthlessly attacked "anti-Americanism." Under Obama, they celebrate it (10/06/2009)

Monday, October 05, 2009


The murder she didn't commit By Laura Miller
A reformed alcoholic learns she's innocent of the crime that changed her life in "Blame" (10/05/2009)


Why do women have sex? By Tracy Clark-Flory
For the same reasons men do, explain the authors of a groundbreaking new book that looks deep inside female desire (10/05/2009)

Can I be friends with an older man in sobriety? By Cary Tennis
I desperately want to stay sober, but the social part is wigging me out! (10/05/2009)

Lady Gaga and Madonna: Catfight! Makeout! Yawn! Sady Doyle
How does an "SNL" sketch make two provocative pop stars seem so boring? (10/05/2009)

Are we born anxious? Judy Berman
A NYT magazine cover story makes the case that we are. So why has my experience with anxiety been so different? (10/05/2009)

Why aren't feminists mad at Letterman? Tracy Clark-Flory
Conservative bloggers say the lack of outrage over the "Late Night" host's sex scandal is a case of lefty hypocrisy (10/05/2009)

Conde Nast to close four "lady" mags Tracy Clark-Flory
The demise of Gourmet, Cookie and others is sad news for the publishing world and especially female editors (10/05/2009)

Must Hollywood dads be so clueless? Kate Harding
Even movies about single fathers doing their best seem to reinforce the myth that mommies rule, daddies drool (10/05/2009)

Christian cheerleading controversy: Bring it on! Mary Elizabeth Williams
Jesus gets benched from a Georgia pep squad, but that won't stop them from whooping it up for God (10/05/2009)


The vast right-wing conspiracy is back By Joe Conason
Some of Bill Clinton's most unhinged foes are flinging wild charges at Obama. This time, they're better organized (10/05/2009)

What should be done about unemployment? By Robert Reich
Four things Obama can do to stem further job losses in the worst labor market in 70 years (10/05/2009)


Obama working behind the scenes for public option? Alex Koppelman
The president is reportedly campaigning in Congress on behalf of the idea of a government-run insurer (10/05/2009)

Congressional GOP takes on RNC's Steele Alex Koppelman
Some of Congress' Republican leaders are unhappy with the party chair's unilateral moves (10/05/2009)

"SNL" on Obama: "Almost one year, and nothing to show for it" Alex Koppelman
The comedy show goes after the president for having failed to deliver on some of his promises (10/05/2009)

Rove takes sides in big GOP primary fight Alex Koppelman
The former White House aide gives money to the man running for Senate against Florida Gov. Charlie Crist (10/05/2009)

Frist backs off support for healthcare reform Alex Koppelman
The former Senate Republican leader had appeared to back Democrats' plans (10/05/2009)

A primary challenge for McCain? Alex Koppelman
A former congressman is reportedly considering taking a run at the senator from his right (10/05/2009)

Obama to address leading LGBT group Alex Koppelman
The gay community hasn't been impressed with the president so far; a new speech might not help (10/05/2009)


Palm Pre Runs Flash on Video — Could Be First Handset for Flash 10.1 Kevin C. Tofel

Samsung Behold II — Android AMOLED Lands on T-Mobile USA Kevin C. Tofel

Who Will Buy Brocade? Stacey Higginbotham

iPhone Left Out of the Flash Party: Big Deal Darrell Etherington

Palm Pre Can Sync With iTunes Again Thanks to Latest Update Darrell Etherington

Productivity Superstar: 4 Ways to Organize Your Office for Fall Karen Leland

Adobe’s Open Screen Project: Bigger Than the iPhone Colin Gibbs

A California public relations disaster Andrew Leonard
The Golden State seen as a hopeless Third World failure (10/05/2009)

How did the stimulus get so small? Andrew Leonard
Krugman warned us that Obama's rescue plan wasn't big enough. But Larry Summers decided to play it safe (10/05/2009)

A Nobel prize for a Bush critic Andrew Leonard
Never mind Elizabeth Blackburn's contribution to cancer research. In 2004, she shined a light on even nastier stuff (10/05/2009)

Add Hassle-free Appointment Booking to Your Site With Setster Simon Mackie

Zombie Comedy Lives in Crackle’s Woke Up Dead Liz Shannon Miller

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Arts & Entertainment:

The evil savior of "The Hills" By Heather Havrilesky
Plus, "Dollhouse" and "Project Runway" replace the devil you know (10/04/2009)


The sources used by the Liberal Media Glenn Greenwald
The Sunday news shows create intense cognitive dissonance: A debt-crippled nation debating whom to attack next (10/04/2009)


GoalBit: P2P Streaming Goes Open Source Janko Roettgers

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Arts & Entertainment:

"Afterschool": Death comes to YouTube Andrew O'Hehir
Young director Antonio Campos' chilly, brilliant video-age mystery is one of the decade's breakout movies (10/03/2009)


Who are "the deciders"? By David Sirota
It's upside-down for political leaders to defer to military decisions (10/03/2009)

Gelbart and Schulberg depart an ever stranger land By Michael Winship
Two great writers who knew from demagogues and mass hysteria died recently. I wonder what they're thinking now (10/03/2009)


How to spin the stimulus Andrew Leonard
In one corner, the White House's Christina Romer. In the other, the WSJ Op-Ed page. It's a 12-rounder, for sure (10/03/2009)

Weekend Vid Picks: 2016 Olympics Gets Its Host City Liz Shannon Miller

Friday, October 02, 2009

Arts & Entertainment:

"Whip It" wobbles, but it doesn't fall down By Stephanie Zacharek
With her directorial debut, Drew Barrymore gets by on a skate and a smile (10/02/2009)

Three cheers for the red, white and goo By Stephanie Zacharek
The horror-comedy "Zombieland" bridges the American divide (10/02/2009)

"The Invention of Lying" tells it straight By Stephanie Zacharek
The not-so-awful truth is that Ricky Gervais is smart, funny and, yes, sexy (10/02/2009)


Slipped through the cracks Jessica Roy
Successful ladies smoke weed! Plus: A conservative women's calendar, and plus-size models in Glamour (10/02/2009)

Cheering for Letterman's confession Mary Elizabeth Williams
Why the host's bold statement should be the template for philanderers everywhere (10/02/2009)

My condo neighbor yelled at me By Cary Tennis
He freaked out because I parked in "his" parking space (10/02/2009)

Polanski, "Hounddog" and 13-year-old voices Kate Harding
Why was there more outrage in some circles over a fictional child rape than a real one? (10/02/2009)

The best Polanski you might have missed Kate Harding
Some of the most compelling writing about one of the week's most polarizing stories (10/02/2009)


Let's make it all Obama's fault By Mike Madden
Republicans know whom to blame for the problems in the world -- no matter when they started (10/02/2009)

Why Chicago didn't want the Olympics By Edward McClelland
The city's 2016 bid would have had more support if it benefited everyone, not just Mayor Daley and his cronies (10/02/2009)


Iran: More accomplished in one day of negotiations than in 8 years of threats Glenn Greenwald
Iran's concessions underscore the factual distortions in America's media discussions (10/02/2009)

The truth about jobs that no one wants to tell By Robert Reich
If the feds don't spend money to put people back to work, the economy won't recover and politics will get uglier (10/03/2009)


But what kind of public option is Reid promising? Alex Koppelman
The majority leader's office adds some wiggle room to his pledge on the public option (10/02/2009)

McCain tries to change GOP, while aide disses Palin Gabriel Winant
The last Republican presidential nominee wants to moderate the party, but conservatives aren't happy (10/02/2009)

More questions about Ensign affair Alex Koppelman
The New York Times reveals a new dimension to the scandal, including the possible violation of ethics rules (10/02/2009)

Rep. Alan Grayson, star of the left Alex Koppelman
His claim that the GOP's healthcare plan is "die quickly" is just the latest part of the congressman's rapid rise (10/02/2009)

Birthers get a big new supporter Alex Koppelman
Apparently, Orly Taitz can tell you how to get, how to get to "Sesame Street" (10/02/2009)

Chicago loses Olympics bid; conservatives rejoice Alex Koppelman
President Obama's trip to Copenhagen didn't secure the games, so his opponents are cheering (10/02/2009)

Obama: "I could not be prouder of my hometown" Alex Koppelman
The president makes a statement about Chicago's failed bid for the Summer Olympics (10/02/2009)

Former GOP leader Frist says he'd vote for healthcare bill Alex Koppelman
Bill Frist breaks with his party, and criticizes some of its opposition to the Democrats' legislation (10/03/2009)


Babelgum’s Multimillion-Dollar Original Content Push Liz Gannes

Labor report downer: 263,000 jobs lost Andrew Leonard
No good news in September, as the national unemployment rate creeps ever closer to 10 percent (10/02/2009)

Comcast's old media mistake Andrew Leonard
Analysts cheer a merger with NBC as "defense" against an online "threat." That kind of thinking will get you killed (10/02/2009)

The happy prospect of peak gasoline demand Andrew Leonard
Maybe we aren't doomed after all. Exxon's CEO suggests Americans are permanently losing their thirst for gas (10/02/2009)

Online Writing Tips: Interviewing for the Web 101 Darrell Etherington

Stream (Most of) the Austin City Live Fest on Hulu Chris Albrecht

MobileTechRoundup 184 — A Hero Saves the Day Kevin C. Tofel

All your questions about in-flight horrors By Patrick Smith
Plus: What happened to "The Simpsons"? And REM? The weird phenomenon of pop-culture tailspin (10/02/2009)

The government isn't hiring, either Andrew Leonard
A big chunk of September's job losses came from the public sector. Should we be encouraged by that? (10/02/2009)

Inventions Is Another GOOD Idea Liz Shannon Miller

RjDj to Sell Whole Albums as Interactive Sound Experiences for iPhone Wagner James Au

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Arts & Entertainment:

Critic's Picks: The tragic twilight of Leon Trotsky Andrew O'Hehir
A gripping new account captures the October Revolution's great intellectual facing doom (and feeding bunnies) (10/01/2009)

Goys, God, dentistry and "A Serious Man" Andrew O'Hehir
Joel and Ethan Coen on mixing Yiddish fable and suburban farce in their slippery, dark and brilliant new movie (10/01/2009)

Expert Witness: Edmund White


Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
Bob's little guide to life: Learn how to live like me! (10/01/2009)


A neighbor put a stick in our yard By Cary Tennis
My husband mowed their median strip and moved that stick ... and they put it back in our yard! What is that about? (10/01/2009)

A "sex jab" didn't kill Natalie Morton Mary Elizabeth Williams
A British teen's death sparks debate over a controversial vaccine - but the alternative is worse (10/01/2009)

Elizabeth Edwards: Divorce, finally? Amy Benfer
The Enquirer says she's had enough. It's about time (10/01/2009)

Surprise! The "opt-out revolution" was a myth Judy Berman
New census data shows that women aren't abandoning high-powered careers to become stay-at-home moms (10/01/2009)

The Polanski backlash By Sarah Hepola
As debate over the director rages on, Kate Harding appears on the "Today" show to talk about her Monday Salon story (10/01/2009)

Brooke Shields: Victim of child porn? Tracy Clark-Flory
Authorities in London yank a nude photo of the actress at age 10 from an art exhibit (10/01/2009)


A healthcare reform foe's alleged history of discrimination By Tristram Korten
Plaintiffs claim conservative activist Rick Scott had strange criteria about who could work in his clinics (10/01/2009)

Former prosecutor: I lied about Polanski case By ANTHONY McCARTNEY, Associated Press
Says he "made stuff up" to make documentary better (10/01/2009)

U.S. in talks with Iran over nukes By GEORGE JAHN, Associated Press
Official: White House open to rare one-on-one talks with Iranian diplomats (10/01/2009)


Salon Radio: Patriot Act and FISA reforms Glenn Greenwald
Is there any chance Congress will fix the abuses they enabled with past legislation? (10/01/2009)

Is Obama man or mouse? By Gene Lyons
Asks the Beltway punditocracy, which treats foreign policy like a theater of machismo (10/01/2009)

Georgia/Russia: how our political discourse works Glenn Greenwald
A new investigative report from the EU reaches conclusions squarely at odds with the dominant claims last year. (10/01/2009)

Post editors should read their own columnists Glenn Greenwald
A righteous attack on "Polanski apologists" ignores that two of its leading members are at the Washington Post. (10/01/2009)

The top ten things you didn't know about Iran By Juan Cole
The assumptions most Americans hold about Iran and its policies are wrong (10/01/2009)

Reading "The Clinton Tapes," thinking about Obama Joan Walsh
The president and the historian provide a candid, intimate look at how the GOP became a nasty party of obstruction (10/01/2009)


White House lukewarm on climate change? Lauren Evans
President Obama will jet to Copenhagen for Chicago's Olympic bid. Will he do the same for global warming? (10/01/2009)

Is the end of "don't ask, don't tell"? in sight? Gabriel Winant
Even the Pentagon appears to be losing interest in the controversial policy, and Harry Reid wants action (10/01/2009)

Right fears secret abortions for 13-year-olds in reform Vincent Rossmeier
The latest myth going around: Healthcare reform legislation would lead to abortion clinics in schools (10/01/2009)

A new public option plan? Alex Koppelman
One senator is proposing a modified public option as a compromise -- but it may make everyone unhappy (10/01/2009)

Specter now trailing Republican rival Gabriel Winant
The party-switching Pennsylvanian falls behind his foil, Pat Toomey (10/01/2009)

Obama trumpets progress in Iran nuke talks Alex Koppelman
The president celebrates a step towards inspections of nuclear facilities, but lays down some demands (10/01/2009)

Oh, those wacky Democrats Alex Koppelman
Jon Stewart lampoons the Democrats for not being able to get things done despite their super-majority (10/01/2009)

Reid says final reform bill will include public option Alex Koppelman
The majority leader makes a bold promise; to keep it, he'll have to overcome opposition from within his party (10/01/2009)


Michele Bachmann's insecurity complex Andrew Leonard
If the dollar is replaced as the world's number one currency, maybe the United States isn't so special, after all (10/01/2009)

Fantasy Football’s Very Real Digital Opportunities Chris Albrecht

The Hills With Puppets? Well-Played, Heart Felt Liz Shannon Miller

The return of the American consumer? Andrew Leonard
Americans started spending more in August. But why not, with the government shoveling cash at them to buy cars? (10/01/2009)

Will an Exclusive Best Buy Deal Help or Hurt Nokia’s Booklet 3G Netbook? Kevin C. Tofel

Cash for Clunkers fizzles out Andrew Leonard
After a rosy August, September's auto sales numbers revert to plain old horrible (10/01/2009)

Apple Purchase of Placebase Confirmed: Goodbye Google Maps? Darrell Etherington

Judd Gregg's "for it before I was against it" moment Andrew Leonard
The GOP Senator had no problem raising the government's debt ceiling under Bush. But now the "context" is different (10/01/2009)

Snow Leopard Leaps in Market Share Charles Jade

Android 1.6 Rolling Out Now? Donuts for Everyone James Kendrick

Colloquy Brings IRC to the iPhone Lisa Hoover

Quickbooks 2010 Preview Nancy Nally

WiMAX Found in City of Brotherly Wireless Love? Kevin C. Tofel

Twitter’s Follow Lists Will Make It a Better Professional Tool Darrell Etherington

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