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A R C H I V E S_ B Y

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A P R I L_ 1 9 9 8

April 30, 1998

Television Who do you hate?; "Seinfeld": Just three to go (04/30/98)

Mothers Who Think Second Thoughts By Sallie Tisdale
The foundling: Adoption -- and giving birth -- taught me that biology has nothing to do with being a parent (04/30/98)

Today in books:

Communism on your coffee table! By Barbara Ehrenreich
All-conquering capitalism has turned Karl Marx's "Communist Manifesto" into the perfect accessory for your ironic, upwardly mobile lifestyle (04/30/98)

Sneaks Reviewed by Charles Taylor
"An Ocean in Iowa": The touching story of a 7-year-old boy and his nonconformist mother, from the author of "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" (04/30/98)

Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
White woman to be tried as a black man (04/30/98)

Letters James Earl Ray, dirty needles and searching for a pimple upon a leper's rear (04/30/98)

Media Circus No glitz please -- we're British By Sylvia Brownrigg
The Brits are just too snide to put on a top celebrity-wallow -- as last week's BAFTA Awards, their weak version of the Oscars, proved (04/30/98)

Music Reviewed by Gina Arnold
Liquor Giants get slaphappy with 80's-style pop (04/30/98)

Newsreal "It's time to speak out" By David Corn
Re: the Clinton scandals, confidential GOP memo urges Republicans to go on the attack (04/30/98)

Today in 21st:

Starship trouper By Janelle Brown
Douglas Adams' new "Titanic" game is just the tip of a multimedia iceberg (04/30/98)

Getting MUDdy with Xena and Hercules By Moira Muldoon
A new online game lets fans of the TV shows explore their textual fantasies (04/30/98)

Wanderlust Passages By Robert Strauss
Love & Romance: An American couple discovers the perfect place to stay in Japan: Love hotels

APRIL 29, 1998

Television Lou Reed on PBS; Johnny Cash on A&E; (04/29/98)

Media Circus Under the Covers By James Poniezowicki
Bronfmania! Entertainment journalism's power lists and box-office fixations make every fan a mogul (04/29/98)

21st Revenge of the early adopters By Andrew Leonard
Angry DVD owners didn't like a new video-rental technology -- so they fought back on the Net (04/29/98)

Books Reviewed by Hal Hinson
"On Television": From a noted French intellectual and scholar, an examination of television's disastrous effects on society (04/29/98)

Unzipped Breaking the Code By Courtney Weaver
Courtney Weaver probes the secret rules of a high-class strip joint (04/29/98)

Mothers Who Think Confessions of a teenage mom By Tessa Souter
My son and I grew up together, will grow old together -- and saved each other (04/29/98)

Newsreal Gingrich's impeachment scenario By Jonathan Broder
A veteran Washington reporter says the House Speaker visualizes the removal of both Clinton and Gore (04/29/98)

Letters Salon's Starr coverage: Everybody's got an opinion (04/29/98)

Music Reviewed by Geoff Edgers
Richard Buckner live: Better when he was bummed (04/29/98)

Wanderlust Encounter in Samarkand By Karl Taro Greenfeld
A traveler rescues his lover from the clutches of Russian soldiers (04/29/98)

The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
I'm Weenie-Goth! (04/29/98)

APRIL 28, 1998

Television New "Buffy"; "Frontline" on America's war against weed (04/28/98)

21st Betrayed! By Evan Marx
A writer's engagement unravels -- thanks to a stray telltale e-mail message (04/28/98)

Today in books:

The Salon Interview By Norman Green
Master in the shadows: Isaac Bashevis Singer's final interview (04/28/98)

Sneaks Reviewed by Peter Kurth
"A Widow for One Year": A sprawling, entertaining novel, from the author of "The World According to Garp," about the daughter of a famous children's book writer (04/28/98)

Ask Camille By Camille Paglia
Celebrities' fatal attraction to public sex (04/28/98)

Letters The '70s weren't a golden age of movies (04/28/98)

Time for One Thing The worst mother who ever lived and other light reading By Kate Moses
Mythology may be the key to understanding the meaning of your pathetic mortal life (04/28/98)

Media Circus The labyrinth of Paz By Scott McLemee
Octavio Paz: Remembering the last of the great surrealists (04/28/98)

Newsreal Triumphant in death By David J. Garrow
James Earl Ray is laughing all the way to hell, thanks to the King family's preposterous belief that he didn't kill Martin Luther King Jr. (04/28/98)

Music Reviewed by Joe Heim
Dan Bern: Dylan for dummies (04/28/98)

Story Minute By Carol Lay
A fatal game of "Jeopardy" (04/28/98)

Wanderlust The Mystical High Church of Luck By Rolf Potts
How I went to Las Vegas with $5 and ended up losing $100 (04/28/98)

APRIL 27, 1998

Television What do you get when you cross "Ally McBeal" and "The Practice"? (04/27/98)

Today in 21st:

Epistolary romance, digital style By Jenn Shreve
E-mail has changed how we start relationships, how we keep them going -- and how we wreck them (04/27/98)

Love is blind By Lisa Palac
She met her sexual soul mate online -- but he wouldn't let her see what he looks like. Excerpt from "The Edge of the Bed" (04/27/98)

The coward By David Corn
If Health Secretary Donna Shalala had any guts she would quit over the ban on federal funds for needle-exchange programs (04/27/98)

Mothers Who Think Wild Thing By Phaedra Hise
Fly girl: Winging it with a toddler in the family plane means mid-air diaper changes and squealing in the cockpit (04/27/98)

Newsreal American Spectator audit: Is the fox guarding the henhouse? By Jonathan Broder
Theodore Olson, a close friend of Kenneth Starr's and a former attorney for David Hale, heads the embattled magazine's crucial internal investigation (04/27/98)

Media Circus Brad and me By Steve Altes
A humble aerospace engineer-turned-stand-in discovers that after you've experienced the high of being mistaken for His Blondness by packs of drooling girls, the rest of life is the Pitts (04/27/98)

Books Reviewed by Stephanie Zacharek
"Dreaming Out Loud": A cutting and often very funny look inside all that's tawdry -- and all that's heartfelt -- about the country music scene today (04/27/98)

Letters Bill McKibben on Salon's reporting; baby cover blasted (04/27/98)

Music Reviewed by Roni Sarig
The Hangovers: Return of a legendary girl punk (04/27/98)

Wanderlust Naples in a new light By Deb Fellner
An island encounter transforms a wanderer's impressions (04/27/98)

This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
"This Modern World" banned in Oklahoma! (04/27/98)

APRIL 24, 1998

Television Steve Martin and U2 guest on 200th "Simpsons" (04/24/98)

21st Do computers boost productivity? By Andrew Leonard
According to one student of the numbers, the answer is: No way (04/24/98)

Books Reviewed by Andrew Leonard
"Have Gun Will Travel": A well-reported peek into the violent world of Suge Knight, CEO of Death Row Records, and the underbelly of rap music (04/24/98)

Mothers Who Think How many working fathers does it take to screw in a light bulb? By Elizabeth Rapoport
Dad helps out? Sure. Try this test (04/24/98)

Newsreal Cambodia's other madmen By Judith Coburn and Joshua Phillips
However monstrous Pol Pot's actions, he is not the only one to have turned the country into a living hell (04/24/98)

Media Circus The yadda-yadda about that Jerry Seinfeld Vanity Fair cover By Catherine Seipp
In the hellish world of celebrity journalism, the ninth circle is inhabited by publicists (04/24/98)

Sexpert Opinion By Susie Bright
Porn to be bad: Teaching college students about the dark side of sex (04/24/98)

Letters Readers give Unzipped's short men column short shrift (04/24/98)

Salon Recommends Our critics pick the best in music, movies, books and television (04/24/98)

Music Reviewed by Mark Athitakis
Fastball: Nothing wrong with a three-hit bar band (04/24/98)

Entertainment Salon's weekly guide to movies and television

Two Girls and a Guy Reviewed by Charles Taylor
Ladies' man: Director James Toback's tale of a compulsive womanizer and the women who confront him combines brains with unrestrained eroticism (04/24/98)

Sour Grapes Reviewed by Laura Miller
Grape expectations:"Seinfeld" co-creator's big-screen dud (04/24/98)

Sliding Doors Reviewed by Stephanie Zacharek
A double life: Gwyneth Paltrow misses her train and forever alters her life in this romantic comedy (04/24/98)

Wanderlust Mondo Weirdo
Toilet tricks & toasted tires: Readers recall their most memorable misadventures on the road (04/24/98)

April 23, 1998

Television New "Seinfeld"; P.D. James' heroine on PBS's "Mystery!" (04/23/98)

Mothers Who Think America's war against children By Joan Walsh
Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Cornel West have written a call to arms for American parents. But their big-tent strategy leaves us stranded at the front (04/23/98)

Sneaks Reviewed by Laura Green
"A Patchwork Planet": Another Baltimore story, from the author of "The Accidental Tourist," about a young man who breaks into houses simply to look around (04/23/98)

Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
Too many panels comix! (04/23/98)

Letters David Horowitz and Salon (04/23/98)

Media Circus No one escapes the Hollywood Inquisition By Charles Taylor
The film industry's "voluntary" ratings board is a secretive, Kafkaesque tribunal -- as "Two Girls and a Guy" director James Toback found out (04/23/98)

Music Reviewed by John Milward
Bonnie Raitt's "Fundamental" slides home (04/23/98)

Newsreal A real growth stock By David Friedman
Viagra may give you the perfect penis -- but beware, there may be problems in getting what you wish for (04/23/98)

Today in 21st:

The little browser that could By Paul Bissex
Move over, Microsoft and Netscape -- Opera is coming to town (04/23/98)

You are what you type By Pamela LiCalzi O'Connell
Why do people love taking personality tests online? (04/23/98)

Wanderlust Passages By Kevin Kertscher
"Africa Solo": A filmmaker learns a lesson about giving from three small children in the heart of West Africa

APRIL 22, 1998

Television Country music's Oscars; New "Party of Five" (04/22/98)

Media Circus Tabloid mud wrestling! By Christopher Rodell
National Enquirer reporter to Clinton-bashers: What's sleazier -- my Elvis diet stories or your Vince Foster ravings? (04/22/98)

21st Let's Get This Straight By Scott Rosenberg
Free the Windows source code? Why Microsoft should think about freeing the source code to Windows (04/22/98)

Today in Books:

Hollywood swingers Reviewed by Ray Sawhill
The heroes of America's film renaissance were brought down by their excesses, two new books argue -- and they took American cinema with them (04/22/98)

Sneaks Reviewed by Scott McLemee
"Just As I Thought": Collected nonfiction, much of it political, from Grace Paley, the well-known author of "Enormous Changes at the Last Minute" (04/22/98)

Unzipped Forget Shorty By Courtney Weaver
What is it about small men that keeps them at the bottom of the erotic pecking order? (04/22/98)

Mothers Who Think The happy prisoner By Lori Leibovich
Because of Whitewater and Kenneth Starr, she may not be seeing the outside world for the next several years, but Susan McDougal regrets almost nothing (04/22/98)

Newsreal The smearing of Judge Woods By Joe Conason, Gene Lyons and Murray Waas
How newspaper articles of questionable origin were used by Kenneth Starr to remove a federal jurist in a case involving a Whitewater figure (04/22/98)

Letters Salon vs. the Wall Street Journal (04/22/98)

Music Reviewed by Gavin McNett
Gavin McNett's favorite band right now is Royal Trux. And he submits that Royal Trux blows (04/22/98)

Wanderlust Absinthe makes the heart grow By Taras Grescoe
On a pilgrimage in Barcelona's bohemian barrio (04/22/98)

The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
Mystery computer (04/22/98)

APRIL 21, 1998

Television Frank Capra, "To Die For"; American dream, American nightmare (04/21/98)

Today in 21st:

Royal treatment for game reviewers By Mark Glaser
From boot camp to Versailles, gaming industry junkets send critics to the strangest places (04/21/98)

This is just between us, right? By Matthew DeBord
Two new books get confused about online privacy (04/21/98)

Books Reviewed by Michelle Goldberg
"Remote Feed": Short stories about sorority girls, Hollywood producers and overweight housewives, from a first-time writer (04/21/98)

The Awful Truth By Cintra Wilson
The good, the bad and the sleazy (04/21/98)

Letters Salon spins wildly in effort to defend Clinton (04/21/98)

In his life, he loved her more: Linda McCartney, 1941-1998 By Joyce Millman
The lovely Linda: Learning to respect McCartney's muse (04/21/98)

Media Circus The best little ass-kicking columnist in Texas By Carol Lloyd
When Molly Ivins slaps leather, corporate fat cats, welfare slashers and arrogant media stars bite the dust (04/21/98)

Newsreal Starr deputy met with Scaife's private investigator By Murray Waas
Whitewater prosecutor Hickman Ewing did not fully report on meetings with anti-Clinton operative (04/21/98)

Music Reviewed by Meredith Ochs
Duane Jarvis: From backup band to standup man (04/21/98)

Story Minute By Carol Lay
The licking machine (04/21/98)

Wanderlust Seduced and sated in Costa Rica By J. Kingston Pierce
Exploring overabundant wildlife on an eco-cruise (04/21/98)

APRIL 20, 1998

Television Shelley Long, the Rat Pack and Puck: They're back! (04/20/98)

21st Gun mad By Andrew Leonard
While the oldest, nastiest debate online remains deadlocked, gun rights activists on the Net get organized (04/20/98)

Right On! By David Horowitz
Salon's conspiracy: How did it get the Hale-Scaife stories, and when did it get them? (04/20/98)

Mothers Who Think Paving the road to Yale -- or Palookaville By Albert Mobilio
Public vs. private school? (04/20/98)

Newsreal Salon editorial By David Talbot
The far right's desperate counterattack (04/20/98)

Media Circus The squirrel and the computer By Robert Winkler
When a small life and a computer screen both went blank at the same moment, something else lit up: an old file called "conscience" (04/20/98)

Books Reviewed by Lily Burana
"Bitch: In Praise of Difficult Women": An examination from the author of "Prozac Nation" of how women are punished, and men aren't, for certain types of behavior (04/20/98)

Letters On Gen-X investors and "passing" (04/20/98)

Music Reviewed by Caterina Fake
Like watching someone fly: Neutral Milk Hotel's "In the Aeroplane" (04/20/98)

Wanderlust Running with the bulls By Andrew Taber
Horny tradition: Dodging pissed-off bovines in southern France (04/20/98)

This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
I'm majoring in Coca-Cola! (04/20/98)

APRIL 17, 1998

Television Flashback: MTV exhumes old VJs, PBS hails the 20th century (04/17/98)

21st Black and white and Web all over By Janelle Brown
African-Americans aren't flocking online -- a new study puts the numbers together (04/17/98)

Books Reviewed by Sarah Vowell
"Sleeping Where I Fall": An engaging memoir from the well-known actor, about his radical days in the late '60s and early '70s (04/17/98)

Mothers Who Think Scenes from a Shake 'N Bake life By Jennifer Reese
The surprise of "The Lunch-Box Chronicles" is that former bad girl Marion Winik is so blissed out on momhood she makes Erma Bombeck seem cynical (04/17/98)

Today in Newsreal:

Starr strikes back By Jonathan Broder and Murray Waas
Defiantly, the independent counsel bids farewell to Malibu while holding tight to his investigation of the president (04/17/98)

Scaife investigator targeted CNN reporter By Murray Waas
Private details about TV correspondent's life ended up in House Committee files (04/17/98)

Kenneth in Wonderland By Andrew Ross
Now it's time for him to give up his through-the-looking-glass investigation (04/17/98)

Media Circus Bestseller Hell By Jon Carroll
James Van Praagh's friendly ghosts (04/17/98)

Sound Salvation By Sarah Vowell
Rock 'n' Roll Babylon: "Who Killed Kurt Cobain?" and other unauthorized "mysteries" (04/17/98)

Letters Genetic testing, pro and con (04/17/98)

Salon Recommends Our critics pick the best in music, movies and books (04/17/98)

Music Reviewed by Gavin McNett
Tim Yohannon 1946-1998: April 3, 1998 -- The Day Punk Died (04/17/98)

Entertainment Salon's weekly guide to movies and television

Nightwatch Reviewed by Charles Taylor
It's the sadist thing: Dark, dank, disgusting, sadistic and no fun at all: It's the perfect post-"Seven" thriller (04/17/98)

Thinking outside the "Chinese Box" By Liza Bear
An interview with Hong Kong-born director Wayne Wang (04/17/98)

Wanderlust Road Warrior By Brent Gregston
Insider's guide to Frankfurt: Where to eat, stay and play (04/17/98)

April 16, 1998

Television Jerry's little gift to his co-stars; Benton in trouble on new "ER" (04/16/98)

Mothers Who Think Second thoughts, small mercies By Sallie Tisdale
Awaiting surgery to remove a lump, I'm thinking not about losing a breast but about having them (04/16/98)

Today in Books:

Sneaks Reviewed By Peter Kurth
"For Your Own Good": A searching and well-reasoned polemic from a senior editor at Reason magazine about the sins of America's anti-smoking movement (04/16/98)

Stone bombs in Jerusalem Reviewed By Robert Alter
In "Damascus Gate," accomplished novelist Robert Stone succumbs to the lurid blandishments of formula fiction (04/16/98)

Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
The education of Louis (04/16/98)

Letters More on "Was Jesus Gay?" (04/16/98)

Media Circus The curse of the Pulitzer? By Dwight Garner
Will the New York Times put book critic Michiko Kakutani out to pasture now that she's won the big prize? (04/16/98)

Music Reviewed by Marc Greilsamer
When the opening cut of an album called "The Art of Rhythm" includes several instruments -- but not a single percussion instrument -- clearly it's an ambitious recording (04/16/98)

Newsreal A million to one By Jonathan Broder
Despite the seemingly impossible odds, there are good reasons why Paula Jones might appeal the dismissal of her case (04/16/98)

21st The 21st Challenge No. 8: By Charlie Varon and Jim Rosenau
Phony Microsoft support letters (04/16/98)

Wanderlust Mondo Weirdo
Night of the living roaches: An unforgettable introduction to Beijing

APRIL 15, 1998

Television Costello, Hynde, Warwick and Mike Myers salute Burt Bacharach (04/15/98)

Media Circus Greener pastures By Jenn Shreve
Out of the growing glut of finance mags, one zine is poised to capture the expanding market of young investors (04/15/98)

21st Let's Get This Straight By Scott Rosenberg
For Microsoft's PR machine, "innovate or die" becomes "innovate or buy" (04/15/98)

Today in Books:

Sneaks Reviewed by Charles Taylor
"The Boys of My Youth": Autobiographical essays about sex, family, alcoholism and childhood, from a gifted young writer (04/15/98)

Passing By Karen Grigsby Bates
Blacks who go incognito in white society learn terrible truths and tell dangerous lies (04/15/98)

Unzipped Talk ain't cheap By Courtney Weaver
A high-class stripper confesses the secrets of her loquacious profession (04/15/98)

Mothers Who Think Unspeakable losses By Dayna Macy
Why are Americans so afraid to talk about their lost pregnancies? (04/15/98)

Newsreal Baby bulls By Heather Chaplin
Young turks ride high on the booming stock market (04/15/98)

Letters Salon editors respond to letter from Landmark Legal Foundation (04/15/98)

Music Reviewed by Michelle Goldberg
Forget Chumbawamba -- Pulp are the kings of prole pop (04/15/98)

Wanderlust On Guatemala's Gringo Circuit By Doug Fine
Volcanoes, videos and voluptuous backpackers (04/15/98)

The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
These human musicians suck (04/15/98)

APRIL 14, 1998

Television A very special "Buffy"; Aretha, Celine and other "Divas Live" (04/14/98)

21st Let my software go! By Andrew Leonard
Netscape was desperate for a new strategy against Microsoft. Eric Raymond had one (04/14/98)

Books Reviewed by Elizabeth Judd
"The Antelope Wife": A sprawling novel about several generations in two Native American families, from the author of "Love Medicine" (04/14/98)

Ask Camille By Camille Paglia
Bill's victory stogie: Just a cigar? Clinton's cigar fixation and Paula Cole's hairy pits (04/14/98)

Letters Why U.S. critics just don't get techno (04/14/98)

Today in Mothers who Think

Drama Queen for a Day
Slut, slob or sleazebag -- it's time to confess Plus: Queen of Lame Lovers (04/14/98)

Can you hold? I've got sobbing on Line 2 By Susan McCarthy
Working at home means trying to sound professional on the phone while your kids yell, "You big sucky poophead!" in the background (04/14/98)

Media Circus Under the Covers By James Poniewozik
What kind of man reads ... More money than brains? Have we got the magazine for you! (04/14/98)

Newsreal White House jumps into Starr "conflict" fray By Jonathan Broder and Murray Waas
Clinton's lawyer asks Starr to recuse himself from Hale investigation (04/14/98)

Music Reviewed by John Milward
The Mavericks: It's not too tough to stand out in the conformist culture of country music, but the Mavericks tread a radically conservative line that offers a new twist to the word "rebellious" (04/14/98)

Story Minute By Carol Lay
A fatalist worse than death (04/14/98)

Wanderlust The best little pizzerias in Naples By David Downie
Where to savor Italy's best pizza (04/14/98)

APRIL 13, 1998

Television "The Love Boat" sails again; Prince Charles on "Biography" (04/13/98)

21st Consider the source By Laura Lemay
Why Netscape's program code causes geeks to swoon (04/13/98)

The iron wall By Christopher Hitchens
Benjamin Netanyahu talks a lot about "security," but his actions show he's interested in no such thing (04/13/98)

Mothers Who Think Boys without men By Celeste Fremon
When a middle-class mom needs fatherly advice for her son, she turns to a gang member named Crazy Ace (04/13/98)

Newsreal Case closing By Bruce Shapiro
The Justice Department's "request" that Kenneth Starr investigate his own chief Whitewater witness is one of the last nails in the independent counsel's coffin (04/13/98)

Media Circus Extra! Extra! Homeless papers duel for street supremacy By Carol Lloyd
Homeless-paper wars: Slick British import threatens American rags (04/13/98)

Books Reviewed by Katherine Wolff
"Dear Genius": A remarkable collection of letters, from the legendary children's book editor, to writers such as Maurice Sendak and E.B. White (04/13/98)

Letters Praise, blame for "Was Jesus gay?" (04/13/98)

Music Reviewed by Mark Athitakis
"It's the turn of the century -- which way you going to go?" Damon and Naomi ask on "Playback Swingers." Straight to bed for a good, long mope,the album's nine weary, lazy songs suggest (04/13/98)

Wanderlust Silver linings in the Asian cloud By Don George
Travel execs pump each other up at annual confab (04/13/98)

This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
Even Hollywood couldn't dream up MonicaGate (04/13/98)

APRIL 10, 1998

Television New TV movie: Frank Black is Abe Lincoln! (04/10/98)

21st Apple and the snake By Scott Rosenberg
Gil Amelio's peevish corporate memoir paints Steve Jobs as the devil (04/10/98)

Was Jesus Gay? By Hank Hyena
Investigation of Jesus' libido: Radical bottom, married with children or eunuch? (04/10/98)

Today in Books:

Sneaks Reviewed by Gary Kamiya
"Quarantine": Jim Crace's powerful novel gives a new twist to one of the crucial episodes in the life of Jesus: His ordeal in the wilderness (04/10/98)

Get us to the church on time By Michael Joseph Gross
Gay Christians may be the biggest challenge facing America's churches -- and their best chance for salvation (04/10/98)

Mothers Who Think Peep show By Kate Moses
A passion for Peeps led to my loss of innocence (04/10/98)

Newsreal The other Republican smear By James C. Hormel Jr.
The son of meatpacking heir James Hormel describes the homophobic campaign waged against his father's nomination as U.S. ambassador to Luxembourg (04/10/98)

Media Circus Hollywoodland By Catherine Seipp
Of party poopers, colo-rectal gerbils and other tales from darkest Tinseltown: Hollywood gossip is too good to be true -- and it usually isn't (04/10/98)

Sexpert Opinion By Susie Bright
Porn 101: teaching college students about the politics of dirty pictures (04/10/98)

Letters Tammy Wynette, Gloria Steinem and Salon's collapse (04/10/98)

Salon Recommends Our critics pick the best in music, movies and books (04/10/98)

Music By David Bowman
Interview with Chris Whitley: The singer and guitarist talks to Salon contributor David Bowman about getting dumped by Sony and sweeping up with "Dirt Floor" (04/10/98)

Entertainment Salon's weekly guide to movies and television

The Spanish Prisoner Reviewed by Charles Taylor
Shell game: David Mamet's clever but empty tale of con men in the Caribbean (04/10/98)

The Butcher Boy Reviewed by Andrew O'Hehir
"Crying Game" director Neil Jordan probes the fine line between normal childhood and full-on insanity (04/10/98)

City of Angels Reviewed by Laura Miller
Where angels go, desire follows: Real romance in "Wings of Desire" remake (04/10/98)

Wanderlust Club Fed By Jeffrey Itell
How Madeleine Albright spent more than $40,000 on a Caribbean weekend (04/10/98)

April 9, 1998

Television New "Seinfeld"? Yes!; Whoopi's gala for the Clintons (04/09/98)

Mothers Who Think Not waiting to inhale By Dawn MacKeen
Joycelyn Elders on why teens are going up in smoke (04/09/98)

Books Reviewed By Sara Nelson
"The Rich Man's Table": From the author of "Endless Love," a novel about a Bob Dylan-like folk singer and his illegitimate (and unacknowledged) son (04/09/98)

Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
New York City becomes gated community (04/09/98)

Letters Readers rebuke and revile Horowitz! (04/09/98)

Media Circus Barney Alert By Andrew Leonard
Warning: This movie is dangerous (04/09/98)

Music Reviewed by Ezra Gale
On his funky new album "A Go Go," John Scofield and his backing band -- acclaimed trio Medeski, Martin and Wood -- mesh so tightly, it's hard to believe this is their first recording together (04/09/98)

Newsreal Arkansas trooper considered demanding money from President Clinton By Murray Waas
Source for Los Angeles Times' "Troopergate" story discussed trading silence about Clinton's private life for hundreds of thousands of dollars (04/09/98)

21st The Quicken and the deadbeat By Andrew Leonard
How Intuit and Microsoft are saving us all from bankruptcy and crushing personal debt. Or not (04/09/98)

Wanderlust Mondo Weirdo
Bad trips: Readers relate their worst travel tales (04/09/98)

APRIL 8, 1998

Television Math fun on PBS; the scandalous Fatty Arbuckle on A&E; (04/08/98)

Media Circus Radio omm By David Futrelle
All Deepak, all the time: Positive Thinking Radio is here! (04/08/98)

21st Dear author By Pamela LiCalzi O'Connell
What happens when a novelist puts his e-mail address on the book jacket? (04/08/98)

Books Reviewed by David Futrelle
"Scorpion Tongues": An often entertaining account of American political scandal and gossip, from Thomas Jefferson to Bill Clinton (04/08/98)

Unzipped Unkindest cut By Courtney Weaver
Courtney Weaver investigates the folds of her lover's schlong and the circumcision debate (04/08/98)

Mothers Who Think Dear Daughter: Go to jail. Love, Mom By Lori Leibovich and Dawn MacKeen
Pro-family groups unfazed by subpoenaing of Monica's mom (04/08/98)

Today in Newsreal

See some evil, hear some evil ... By Gene Lyons
Kenneth Starr says his only concern is the truth. Then why is he giving free passes to people who have lied and broken the law? (04/08/98)

Kenneth Starr has lost his credibility By Joe Conason and Murray Waas
Legal experts raise questions about the prosecutor's apparent conflicts of interest (04/08/98)

Letters Why blacks hate gays: Pro and con (04/08/98)

Today in Music:

Sharps Reviewed by j. poet
Henri Dinkongué: Cameroonian pop covers the globe (04/08/98)

Tammy Wynette 1942-1998 By Gavin McNett
The real thing in a world of fakes (04/08/98)

Wanderlust Tiger, tiger, burning bright By Jeff Greenwald
A blood-curdling encounter in Nepal (04/08/98)

The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
A Dread revelation (04/08/98)

APRIL 7, 1998

Television Al Franken's "Lateline": Crisis coverage of Buddy Hackett's heart attack (04/07/98)

21st Popcorn with your operating system? By Scott Rosenberg
Microsoft beams its vision of computing's future into your local multiplex (04/07/98)

The thinking man's conservative By Ray Sawhill
Why can't America's right-wingers be as sensible as Britain's Roger Scruton? (04/07/98)

Books Reviewed by Peter Kurth
"The Page Turner": A slight, ruminative novel about an 18-year-old aspiring pianist and his affair with his musical and artistic idol (04/07/98)

The Awful Truth By Cintra Wilson
Critical condition: Besotted by feasting on too much offal, America's professional culture vultures can no longer distinguish between a tasty corpse and a disease-riddled skeleton (04/07/98)

Letters I, too, knew the Saddhu; Broder's anti-Israel rants (04/07/98)

Mothers who Think The water lilies look splotchy up close By Polly Shulman
The artist is the hero in these sensuous children's books (04/07/98)

Media Circus Bertelsmann's online blitzkrieg By Geoff Shandler
The real reason the German giant bought Random is Web marketing -- and that's bad news for independent bookstores (04/07/98)

Today in Newsreal

The man behind the mask By Karen Rothmyer
Shy, secretive and of regal bearing, Richard Mellon Scaife has worked hard and spent millions to dictate the nation's political agenda (04/07/98)

Clinton's "Soviet connection" By Murray Waas
GOP money man discussed digging up dirt on Clinton (04/07/98)

Music Reviewed by Gina Arnold
Shirley Bassey guests on Bond-inspired Propellorheads CD (04/07/98)

Story Minute By Carol Lay
Jury-rigged (04/07/98)

Wanderlust My grandfather's village By Amy Brill
Searching a Greek island for roots (04/07/98)

APRIL 6, 1998

Television Jesus on "Frontline"; Sally Field on "Murphy Brown" (04/06/98)

21st Gene blues By Jeffrey Obser
Why you should think twice before betting your life on genetic testing (04/06/98)

Right On! By David Horowitz
Sick victory: Now that Paula Jones has been vanquished, who will the Clintons beat into the ground next? (04/06/98)

Mothers Who Think The fun police By Diane Lore
Being your kid's killjoy isn't as fun as it's cracked up to be (04/06/98)

Newsreal A diminished view of manhood By Earl Ofari Hutchinson
Reggie White's remarks that homosexuality is a sin reflects a widespread fear of gays in the black community (04/06/98)

Media Circus "From Jesus to Christ" By Jenn Shreve
Was Jesus a hipster? New "Frontline" series airs latest findings (04/06/98)

Books Reviewed by Katharine Whittemore
"Don't Tell Dad": An amiable memoir, from the actor son of Henry Fonda, about his nightmarish childhood, his drug days and his scattered career (04/06/98)

Letters More praise for Salon's political coverage (04/06/98)

Music Reviewed by Joe Heim
Superb "Horse Whisperer" soundtrack lassoes new and old country (04/06/98)

Wanderlust The Chinese friend By Chris Taylor
Fate brings together an outcast and a foreigner on a bus tour in China (04/06/98)

This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
Americans' disgraceful sex addiction! Hot pix, stories inside (04/06/98)

April 3-5, 1998

Television Millman reviews Tom Hanks' epic "From the Earth to the Moon" (04/03/98)

Mothers Who Think Women beware women By Katie Roiphe
Our ongoing national catfight has revealed an unpleasant truth obscured by the smarmy rhetoric of "sisterhood": Women have always betrayed each other (04/03/98)

Books "Solibo Magnificent" Reviewed by Elizabeth Judd
From the author of the acclaimed "Texaco," a philosophical novel about the nature of language, and the nature of murder (04/03/98)

Sound Salvation By Sarah Vowell
Fritz the cast: Like a beaten-up body cast, pop music holds its shape despite Ralph Bakshi's and VH1's attempts to unravel it (04/03/98)

Letters Wet kisses (and an elbow) for Salon's Clinton coverage (04/03/98)

Today in Media Circus:

He knows what you've been reading By Laura Miller
Novelist Nicholson Baker and booksellers attack Kenneth Starr as a "stalker" (04/03/98)

Tubbythumping By Joyce Millman
They get knocked down, they get up again. But not for long. Let the Teletubbies bashing begin (04/03/98)

Music Reviewed by Mark Athitakis
Cornelius' "Fantasma": A brilliant, better-than-Beck pop symphony (04/03/98)

Today in Newsreal:

Turning the tables on Starr By Murray Waas and Jonathan Broder
Attorney General Janet Reno considers investigating key Whitewater witness David Hale (04/03/98)

Republicans to Ken Starr: Ugh! By David Corn
Now that Paula Jones has gone, all that the Republicans have left against President Clinton is a 20-year-old land deal. They are not thrilled (04/03/98)

21st The 21st Challenge No. 7 Results By Charlie Varon and Jim Rosenau
Virtual gyms, calculator implants and other bright ideas for techno-schools (04/03/98)

Salon Recommends Our critics pick the best in music, movies books and web sites (04/03/98)

Entertainment Salon's weekly guide to movies and television

Mercury Rising Reviewed by Charles Taylor
Bruce Willis and Alec Baldwin in a thriller about an autistic cryptology prodigy (04/03/98)

A director of "Character" By Cynthia Joyce
An interview with Academy Award-winning director Mike van Diem (04/03/98)

Wanderlust Mondo Weirdo By Brett Harris
Possessed in Indonesia: A close encounter with a restless ghost (04/03/98)

April 2, 1998

Television Wild police videos! Jerry and George's weird sexual tension! (04/02/98)

Mothers Who Think Second thoughts By Sallie Tisdale
In the wake of the Arkansas schoolyard killings, a mother ponders guns, children, and the people who bring them together (04/02/98)

Books Reviewed by Charles Taylor
"The House of Sleep": A dreamy, Dickensian novel about patients at a clinic for the study of sleep disorders (04/02/98)

Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
Bad MeatTM: The delicious treat for pro-death penalty greenies! (04/02/98)

Letters People in recovery do too have a support network: AA (04/02/98)

Media Circus Under the Covers By James Poniewozik
Geeked-out, "normal" or born to fiddle, the models of spring still don't resemble the lowly likes of you (04/02/98)

Music Reviewed by Michael J. Agovino
Mingus Big Band's latest offering, "Que Viva Mingus," is a collection of master Mingus' Latin compositions (04/02/98)

Today in Newsreal:

The men who kept Paula Jones lawsuit going By Murray Waas
How associates of billionaire Clinton-hater Richard Mellon Scaife propped up her legal battle (04/02/98)

Day of reckoning By Andrew Ross
With Paula Jones' case thrown out, it's time to expose those responsible for four years of political and journalistic fraud (04/02/98)

Judgment day By Jonathan Broder
The end of the Paula Jones lawsuit will seriously damage Kenneth Starr's investigation, a legal expert says (04/02/98)

21st Beck to the future By Milo Miles
Defying copyright, purveyors of "recombinant music" use the Net to make new sounds out of old shards (04/02/98)

Wanderlust The saddhu from Texas By Anne Cushman
When East meets West, strange mutations occur (04/02/98)

APRIL 1, 1998

Television A very special "South Park"; April Fool's Day with Drew Carey (04/01/98)

Media Circus Yellow journalism By Carol Lloyd
Surrendering cravenly to the drug war, the nation's press is unzipping en masse for workplace urine testing (04/01/98)

21st Microsoft throws in the towel A Salon staff report
Software giant capitulates to government, sets new course (04/01/98)

Books Reviewed by Patrick Kuh
"Nobody Knows the Truffles I've Seen": An immigrant's mouth-watering tale (04/01/98)

Unzipped My sister's single! By Courtney Weaver
One man's close encounter with a matchmaking brother (04/01/98)

Mothers Who Think Strait-laced sisters By Lori Leibovich
Liberal journalist Elinor Burkett met the enemy -- conservative women -- and found that they were, well, a lot like her (04/01/98)

Newsreal Fish or cut bait By Jonathan Broder
If he wants to save his proudest foreign policy accomplishment, President Clinton will have to face down Israel (04/01/98)

Letters New Yorkers to ex-Californian Laura Miller: Welcome to NY -- now go back to your idiotic state (04/01/98)

Music Reviewed by Adam Heimlich
A CD everyone will like: Sukpatch's "Honky-Tonk Operation" (04/01/98)

Wanderlust A pan-Italian feast -- in Geneva By David Downie
Chez Roberto's culinary delights -- and Swiss soul (04/01/98)


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