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Environment & Science

Should we forgive Michael Vick?
Science says we'll be healthier if we do, but some argue there's room in a healthy life for a good grudge
Does the Prius have an Achilles heel?
Hybrid technology depends on rare minerals currently produced mostly in China. The Saudi oil sheiks must be pleased
Annals of GOP character assassination: Steven Chu
The Energy Secretary is a "radical global warming activist." Not that there's anything wrong with that
Cogito ergo sum, baby
Toddlers have amazing philosophical minds that work like computers and can teach us a world about ourselves
What's really in your shampoo
Sure, a couple ingredients clean your hair. But the rest are a veritable toxic dump on your head
"Death panel doc" is all about life
Right-wing boogeyman Ezekiel Emanuel is a persuasive advocate for humane reform. Doctors like me need his wisdom
The beauty and terror of science
Romantic poets and scientists tapped the marvels of nature and sounded a clarion alarm that can transform us today
Dolphins are dying to amuse us
SeaWorld and aquariums, implicated in the shocking new documentary about dolphin slaughter, "The Cove," strike back
The Huffington Post is crazy about your health
Why bogus treatments and crackpot medical theories dominate "The Internet Newspaper"
How cooking makes you a man
Anthropologist Richard Wrangham has a provocative theory on human evolution. It starts with food and an open flame
Standing up for Obama's health plan
A physician who treats the disabled and injured explains why the reform bill gets America on its feet
Sushi to die for
Will bluefin tuna survive our insatiable appetite for status and taste?
Steven Chu: Facebooking the nation
Can adept social networking and an interview with Jon Stewart stop global warming?
Goodnight, moon travel
It's time to save planet Earth. And our inspiration, once again, comes from JFK
Will America's parks be his oyster?
Obama says politics will no longer cloud science. But his choice for national parks director is facing that charge
The FRAC Act under attack
Are Democrats going wobbly as energy companies resist curbs on the natural gas drilling practice known as fracking?
Michael Jackson doctor went too far
The dermatologist who exposed the singer's medical history on "Larry King Live" committed a fundamental violation
Why America is flunking science
Don't just blame poor education for our nation's scientific illiteracy -- but our politics and pop culture
I'm tired of just being a man
How I learned about my own animality (and "humanzees," Stalin and scary creationists) by living with a chimp
Overheated by clean energy
As the debate over the Waxman-Markey climate bill rages on, Harvard's top environmental economist sheds some light
Sushi cows of the sea
Sustainably farmed bluefin tuna? Come on -- what's the catch?
Pick your poison: Wild salmon or global warming
Every dam removed in favor of a fish run subtracts more renewable energy from the grid
Life is out of whack
It may drive ecologists crazy to talk about a balance in nature. But it's more necessary than ever
The baby-steps plan to stop global warming
History teaches us that strong environmental legislation takes years of effort to perfect
Plundering the oceans
Overfishing continues at a shocking rate, as countries break one environmental promise after another
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Environment & Science: Reporting from planet Earth.
