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Francesc Xavier Grau Vidal
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Av. Paisos Catalans, 26
This contribution analyzes the evolution of the higher education and doctorate in Europe and Spain in the last decades, and its relationship with the evolution of the economy based on knowledge. It also analyzes the strong impact that... more
This contribution analyzes the evolution of the higher education and doctorate in Europe and Spain in the last decades, and its relationship with the evolution of the economy based on knowledge. It also analyzes the strong impact that doctorate has on the research activity and the tensions between the Bologna process, that is collaborative, harmonious and open, and the productive economy based on research, which is dynamic and competitive. 22 Francesc Xavier Grau Vidal
Research Interests:
The study of the dual responsibilities of universities at local and global level has been the objective of this 6th HEIW GUNI Report on “Towards a Socially Responsible Higher Education Institution; globally and locally engaged”. In this... more
The study of the dual responsibilities of universities at local and global level has been the objective of this 6th HEIW GUNI Report on “Towards a Socially Responsible Higher Education Institution; globally and locally engaged”. In this final chapter, the editorial team makes a joint reflection from all the contributions and give a set of recommendations for academia, academic leaders and Higher Education and Research policy-makers.
More than 80 experts from around the World have contributed to dissecting the topic and by identifying good practices that can help academic leaders and policy makers achieve the highest purposes of education and research. The contributions follow the initial structure of the Report of nine chapters with each of them being independent and standing on its own, offering a rich panorama of analysis, conclusions and recommendations. The reader is invited to go to these original articles for a deeper analysis on each of the topics. The final chapter of the Report is based on these contributions and has the purpose of providing a common and coherent set of general conclusions that propose directions of change or action for HE institutions and systems, to help them in developing as locally and globally engaged.
As a final remark, the diversity of responses to the dual demands for universities’ engagement are not only perfectly compatible; they must also be adopted simultaneously. This may be the biggest challenge of all: universities – particularly those specializing in research – must at the same time be recognized as civic, entrepreneurial, innovative, flagship, globally competitive and both locally and globally engaged. And HE&R policy makers have to design the appropriate environment of policies, public and private resources, data collection and accounting procedures, and public information to make it possible.
Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local aims to analyse the dual responsibilities of universities at local and global level, exploring the potential conflicts and intrinsic difficulties in addressing... more
Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local aims to analyse the dual responsibilities of universities at local and global level, exploring the potential conflicts and intrinsic difficulties in addressing both the local demands of society based on the race for global competitiveness and the local and global demands to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable society (at local and global levels).
There is a dual perspective on global affairs: on one side, competition between national and regional economic systems when developing their respective societies still predominates, and on the other, there is the global sustainability of the sum of all these developments, which is gaining momentum. Higher education institutions (HEIs) can be identified as key players from both perspectives and, thus, have the singular responsibility of helping to provide appropriate and adequate responses to both legitimate needs and interests: i) to address the global challenges of the world, which are very well summarized by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and ii) to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development and international development of their societies. The current organization of higher education in the world urges universities to compete on the global stage for students, faculty and research contracts. At the same time, they are expected to contribute to the economic development of their localities and to sustainable and inclusive global and local development.
From this perspective, it becomes necessary to make the dual engagement of universities explicit: with the immediate needs of our local societies and with the global challenges of the world, of our global society. The study of this duality has been the objective of this 6th Higher Education in the World (HEIW) GUNi Report, ‘Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local’.
Este artículo recoge y desarrolla la aportación del autor al curso “El gobierno de las universidades”, organizado por la Cátedra INCREA de la Universitat Jaume I, en Benicàssim en Julio de 2014, a partir de un texto propio “La Autonomía... more
Este artículo recoge y desarrolla la aportación del autor al curso “El gobierno de las universidades”, organizado por la Cátedra INCREA de la Universitat Jaume I, en Benicàssim en Julio de 2014, a partir de un texto propio “La Autonomía Universitaria y el Sistema de Gobernanza”, editado en 2013 por Publicacions URV. El presente texto argumenta la necesidad de una reforma del sistema de gobernanza a partir de las funciones estratégicas que en la actualidad desarrollan las universidades en los respectivos sistemas socio-económicos que las justifican y sustentan. El punto de partida para diseñar un sistema de gobernanza debería ser precisamente la identificación de la función que debe cumplir, lo que remite a la propia funcionalidad de la autonomía universitaria. La institución universitaria debe garantizar, por el bien de la sociedad, que, al generar y transmitir conocimiento, su actuación no responde a intereses grupales de ningún tipo. Constituye un servicio público que debe actuar con autonomía, y esa actuación incluye todos los mecanismos de toma de decisiones, esto es, el sistema de gobernanza en su conjunto que, desde esta perspectiva, se configura como el garante de la prestación del servicio público de educación superior e investigación con la máxima eficiencia, al tiempo que libre de la influencia de intereses políticos económicos o religiosos.
A partir de las conclusiones del estudio University Autonomy in Europe II. The Scorecard y de la actual situación del sistema universitario, de investigación y de innovación, el autor propone un conjunto concreto de elementos de gobernanza que abarcan todas las dimensiones de la autonomía universitaria.
This paper deals with the dual responsibilities of universities at local and global scale, exploring the potential conflict, or intrinsic difficulties, in addressing both local demands of society based on the race for global... more
This paper deals with the dual responsibilities of universities at local and global scale, exploring the potential conflict, or intrinsic difficulties, in addressing both local demands of society based on the race for global competitiveness and local and global demands to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable society (at local and global scales). Like many other organisations today, universities are under intense pressure, coming especially from 'local' demands. The paper analyses and proposes the elements that allow for the global and local engagement of universities. The vision of a university as a 'social force for good' makes engagement compatible with the immediate needs of local societies and the global challenges of the world. This is the real challenge of many universities all over the world that may be able to take on the responsibility of being a glocal university.
Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a cubical cavity with adiabatic or conductive sidewalls is experimentally analyzed at moderate Rayleigh numbers (Ra ≤ 8 × 104) using silicone oil (Pr=130) as the convecting fluid. Under these conditions the... more
Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a cubical cavity with adiabatic or conductive sidewalls is experimentally analyzed at moderate Rayleigh numbers (Ra ≤ 8 × 104) using silicone oil (Pr=130) as the convecting fluid. Under these conditions the flow is steady and laminar. Three single-roll-type structures and an unstable toroidal roll have been observed inside the cavity with nearly adiabatic sidewalls. The sequence from the conductive state consists of a toroidal roll that evolves to a diagonally oriented single roll with increasing Rayleigh number. This diagonal roll, which is stabilized by the effect of the small but finite conductivity of the walls, shifts its axis of rotation towards to two opposite walls, and back to the diagonal orientation to allow for the increase in circulation that occurs as the Rayleigh number is further increased. Conduction at the sidewalls modifies this sequence in the sense that the two initial single rolls finally evolve into a four-roll structure. Once formed, this four-roll structure remains stable when decreasing the Rayleigh number until the initial single diagonally oriented roll is again recovered. The topology and the velocity fields of all structures, characterized with visualization and particle image velocimetry, respectively, are in good agreement with numerical results reported previously for the cavity with adiabatic walls, as well as with the numerical predictions obtained in the present study for perfectly conducting lateral walls.
ABSTRACT Export Date: 4 April 2013, Source: Scopus
This work presents a numerical analysis of the effects of thermal boundary conditions, fluid variable viscosity and wall conduction on transient laminar natural convection of a high Prandtl number (Pr=4×104) fluid (Golden Syrup) in a... more
This work presents a numerical analysis of the effects of thermal boundary conditions, fluid variable viscosity and wall conduction on transient laminar natural convection of a high Prandtl number (Pr=4×104) fluid (Golden Syrup) in a cubical cavity. The simulations consider physical situations realizable at laboratory scale using a cavity with Plexiglas walls of 1 cm of thickness, and inside dimension of L=20 cm. The initial Rayleigh (Ra) number is 106. The cavity is initially full of fluid at rest and at constant temperature (T i =45°C) higher than the temperature of the walls (T w =25°C). The time evolution of the flow patterns, the temperature contours, the mean temperature of the fluid and the Nusselt number (Nu) of eight different cases of cooling are presented and analyzed.
ABSTRACT In this study, we propose a simple formula to calculate the steady-state surface averaged Sherwood number at high Schmidt numbers when a first-order chemical reaction occurs on a wall. The formula uses the surface averaged... more
ABSTRACT In this study, we propose a simple formula to calculate the steady-state surface averaged Sherwood number at high Schmidt numbers when a first-order chemical reaction occurs on a wall. The formula uses the surface averaged Sherwood number corresponding to the mass transfer rate with an infinitely fast kinetic and the Damkhöler number. The validity of the prediction is analyzed. It has been found that it predicts the surface averaged Sherwood number of the analytical solution within 5% for wide ranges of Reynolds and Damkhöler numbers. The mathematical form of the prediction is suitable to compute the initial transient of the time evolution of the surface averaged Sherwood number in unsteady state conditions. The validity of this time evolution is determined by comparing it with numerical simulations.
Sobre la hipòtesi de la insostenibilitat d'un sistema global que no tendeix a disminuir les diferències entre els pobles sinó a augmentar-les i que es manifesta incapaç de governar sobre els afers que afecten tota la humanitat, l'autor... more
Sobre la hipòtesi de la insostenibilitat d'un sistema global que no tendeix a disminuir les diferències entre els pobles sinó a augmentar-les i que es manifesta incapaç de governar sobre els afers que afecten tota la humanitat, l'autor defensa el model de societat europea i com aquest ha d'evolucionar, encara, cap a la configuració d'un veritable estat federal, com a camí per a la configuració a més llarg termini d'un sistema global de govern democràtic.
The Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) based in Tarragona can serve as an example of how to embed the concept of social innovation into the curricula. Through the so-called “Market of Social Projects”, an activity organized in the... more
The Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) based in Tarragona can serve as an example of how to embed the concept of social innovation into the curricula. Through the so-called “Market  of Social Projects”, an activity organized in the context of its Service Learning Program, URV promotes direct contact between local  communities, faculty and students in order to identify social needs that can be addressed in the framework of final degree projects in all fields and disciplines, on the basis of a mutual understanding.
The new Non-Executive Director of GUNi, shares his views about the need for engaged universities, both at regional and global level. The vision of a university as an "inescapable social force for good" makes engagement with the immediate... more
The new Non-Executive Director of GUNi, shares his views about the need for engaged universities, both at regional and global level. The vision of a university as an "inescapable social force for good" makes engagement with the immediate needs of our local societies and engagement with the global challenges of the world, of our global society, compatible. This is the real challenge of many universities around the world that may be able to take on the responsibility of being a glocal university.
Research Interests:
As the new Non-Executive Director of GUNi, the author shares his views about the need for engaged universities, both at regional and global level. The vision of a university as an "inescapable social force for good" makes engagement with... more
As the new Non-Executive Director of GUNi, the author shares his views about the need for engaged universities, both at regional and global level. The vision of a university as an "inescapable social force for good" makes engagement with the immediate needs of our local societies and engagement with the global challenges of the world, of our global society, compatible. This is the real challenge of many universities around the world that may be able to take on the responsibility of being a glocal university.
Research Interests:
In this study, we propose a simple formula to calculate the steady-state surface averaged Sherwood number at high Schmidt numbers when a first-order chemical reaction occurs on a wall. The formula uses the surface averaged Sherwood number... more
In this study, we propose a simple formula to calculate the steady-state surface averaged Sherwood number at high Schmidt numbers when a first-order chemical reaction occurs on a wall. The formula uses the surface averaged Sherwood number corresponding to the mass transfer rate with an infinitely fast kinetic and the Damkhöler number. The validity of the prediction is analyzed. It has been found that it predicts the surface averaged Sherwood number of the analytical solution within 5% for wide  ranges of Reynolds and Damkhöler numbers. The mathematical form of the prediction is suitable to compute the initial transient
of the time evolution of the surface averaged Sherwood number in unsteady state conditions. The validity of this time evolution is determined by comparing it with numerical simulations.

And 40 more

The document Southern Catalonia, Knowledge Region argues that Catalonia needs to develop its own internal regional policy, which would provide a framework for a decision-making system of regional planning and development. This system... more
The document Southern Catalonia, Knowledge Region argues that Catalonia needs to develop its own internal regional policy, which would provide a framework for a decision-making system of regional planning and development. This system would also cover the southern region. The document describes the features that this system should have, taking as its source the European cohesion policy, which focuses on regional development based on smart specialization (RIS3) and allows to identify regions with economic and social knowledge-based activity.
European regional policy, therefore, identifies Southern Catalonia as a Knowledge Region, and provides an operational definition of the region. There is, first, a bottom-up need that arises from the concerns and demands repeatedly expressed by the various levels of society whenever a decision with strategic regional scope has had to be taken (on infrastructure, health, tourism, industrial development, etc.). And, as the document shows, there is also a top-down need: European policies need to be implemented more effectively to allow for cohesive growth. The document discusses the desirability of defining the attributes of the NUTS2 region, and analyses the advantages of doing so (and the disadvantages of not doing so), the main strengths and weaknesses of the region and the difficulties that need to be overcome.
With this document, Universitat Rovira i Virgili’s Chair for the University and Knowledge Region rises to the challenge of facilitating and contributing to the organization of a system of governance for Southern Catalonia as a region of knowledge. The document also describes the action plan that is being put into practice by the URV Chair for the University and Knowledge Region to help define the Southern Catalonia region.
Research Interests:
El documento Cataluña Sur: Región del Conocimiento fundamenta la necesidad de que Cataluña desarrolle una política regional interna propia, con un sistema de toma de decisiones de ámbito regional sobre planificación y desarrollo, del cual... more
El documento Cataluña Sur: Región del Conocimiento fundamenta la necesidad de que Cataluña desarrolle una política regional interna propia, con un sistema de toma de decisiones de ámbito regional sobre planificación y desarrollo, del cual formaría parte el correspondiente a las comarcas meridionales. El texto también plantea los elementos que este sistema debería tener, a partir de la oportunidad que representa la política europea de cohesión y desarrollo regional centrada en la especialización inteligente (RIS3), la cual permite identificar las regiones con actividad económica y social basada en el conocimiento.
La política regional europea facilita, pues, la identificación de la Cataluña Sur como región del conocimiento, y hace posible la definición operativa de la región Cataluña Sur. Esta es, en primer lugar, una necesidad que surge de abajo hacia arriba, a partir de la inquietud y demanda manifestada recurrentemente por diferentes estamentos de la sociedad de las comarcas meridionales de Cataluña cada vez que había que tomar una decisión estratégica de alcance regional ( en infraestructuras, en salud, en turismo, en implantación industrial, en desarrollo de visión de futuro compartida ...); pero también lo es, como muestra el documento, de arriba abajo, para permitir una mejor aplicación de las políticas europeas de crecimiento con cohesión. Así, el documento discute sobre la conveniencia de definir la región con atributos de región NUTS2 y analiza las ventajas y también las desventajas de no hacerlo, así como las principales fortalezas y debilidades de la región y también las dificultades a superar .
Con el proyecto descrito en este documento, la Cátedra Universidad y Región del Conocimiento de la URV asume la misión de facilitar y contribuir a la organización de un sistema de gobernanza para la Cataluña Sur como región del conocimiento. Por eso el texto también describe el plan de actuación que desarrolla la Cátedra para ayudar a definir la región Cataluña Sur.
Research Interests:
El document Catalunya Sud: Regió del Coneixement fonamenta la necessitat que Catalunya desenvolupi una política regional interna pròpia, amb un sistema de presa de decisions d’àmbit regional sobre planificació i desenvolupament, del qual... more
El document Catalunya Sud: Regió del Coneixement fonamenta la necessitat que Catalunya desenvolupi una política regional interna pròpia, amb un sistema de presa de decisions d’àmbit regional sobre planificació i desenvolupament, del qual formaria part el corresponent a les comarques meridionals. El text també planteja els elements que aquest sistema hauria de tenir, a partir de l’oportunitat que representa la política europea de cohesió i desenvolupament regional centrada en l’especialització intel·ligent (RIS3), la qual permet identificar les regions amb activitat econòmica i social basada en el coneixement.
La política regional europea facilita, doncs, la identificació de la Catalunya Sud com a regió del coneixement, i fa possible la definició operativa de la regió Catalunya Sud. Aquesta és, en primer lloc, una necessitat que sorgeix de baix a dalt, a partir de la inquietud i demanda manifestada recurrentment per diferents estaments de la societat de les comarques meridionals de Catalunya cada cop que calia prendre una decisió estratègica d’abast regional (en infraestructures, en salut, en turisme, en implantació industrial, en desenvolupament de visió de futur compartida...); però també ho és, com mostra el document, de dalt a baix, per permetre una millor aplicació de les polítiques europees de creixement amb cohesió. Així, el document discuteix sobre la conveniència de definir la regió amb atributs de regió NUTS2 i n’analitza els avantatges i també els desavantatges de no fer-ho, així com les principals fortaleses i les debilitats de la regió i també les dificultats a superar.
Amb el projecte descrit en aquest document, la Càtedra Universitat i Regió del Coneixement de la URV assumeix la missió de facilitar i contribuir a l’organització d’un sistema de governança per a la Catalunya Sud com a regió del coneixement. Per això el text també descriu el pla d’actuació que desenvolupa la Càtedra per ajudar a definir la regió Catalunya Sud.
Research Interests:
[Chapter 10 of Anuari 2015 Fundació Bofill, The challenges fo Education in Catalonia, in catalan] The objective of the chapter is to propose some bases for the definition of a financing model applicable to the public university system of... more
[Chapter 10 of Anuari 2015 Fundació Bofill, The challenges fo Education in Catalonia, in catalan] The objective of the chapter is to propose some bases for the definition of a financing model applicable to the public university system of Catalonia. Public university funding is also a permanent object of debate, and particularly in this era of global competition in regions and countries, based on the added value of knowledge incorporated in production and services. To establish the basis of a financing model, we first consider the need to decide on where the main responsibility for financing lies, depending on the relative valuation that society makes of the public benefit and the private benefit of the Higher education and research.
Starting from the assumption that the public benefit associated with higher education, with a better, more competitive and cohesive society, justifies that the main responsibility for financing lies on the State, and in Catalonia on the Generalitat, the challenge arises from the need to decide on the human and scientific dimension of the system of higher education and research, the true basis for establishing its total cost. For the economic dimension, the global investment of all the OECD countries is analyzed and the relationship between this and different parameters related to the quality of life and human development is studied, and in more detail, for the 15 Western countries of the European Union. The budgets of all research universities in six comparable European countries in Catalonia are also analyzed in detail and in a comprehensive way. The analysis serves to identify a basic structure of financing (weight of public contribution, of the students and of the public and private projects of investigation), that can serve as landlord to the Catalan model.
Finally, a specific model, with dimension, composition and form, is finally proposed, with a deadline for implementation in two phases: 2020 and  2025; For the first phase, the objective of achieving a level of financing comparable to that of the global one of Spain is adopted and, for the second, a level close to the average of the six countries similar to Catalonia: Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Scotland, Austria and Sweden.
Research Interests:
Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local aims to analyse the dual responsibilities of universities at local and global level, exploring the potential conflicts and intrinsic difficulties in addressing... more
Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local aims to analyse the dual responsibilities of universities at local and global level, exploring the potential conflicts and intrinsic difficulties in addressing both the local demands of society based on the race for global competitiveness and the local and global demands to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable society (at local and global levels).
There is a dual perspective on global affairs: on one side, competition between national and regional economic systems when developing their respective societies still predominates, and on the other, there is the global sustainability of the sum of all these developments, which is gaining momentum. Higher education institutions (HEIs) can be identified as key players from both perspectives and, thus, have the singular responsibility of helping to provide appropriate and adequate responses to both legitimate needs and interests: i) to address the global challenges of the world, which are very well summarized by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and ii) to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development and international development of their societies. The current organization of higher education in the world urges universities to compete on the global stage for students, faculty and research contracts. At the same time, they are expected to contribute to the economic development of their localities and to sustainable and inclusive global and local development.
From this perspective, it becomes necessary to make the dual engagement of universities explicit: with the immediate needs of our local societies and with the global challenges of the world, of our global society. The study of this duality has been the objective of this 6th Higher Education in the World (HEIW) GUNi Report, ‘Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local’.

86 experts from 28 countries have contributed to a dissection of the topic and the identification of good practices that can help academic leaders and policy-makers to realize the highest purposes of education and research.
Research Interests:
This document stems from a previous publication: “¿Cómo están las universidades españolas en los rankings? La visión académica: La preponderancia del impacto científico en los rankingsde universidades” (“Where do Spanish universities... more
This document stems from a previous publication: “¿Cómo están las universidades españolas en los rankings? La visión académica: La preponderancia del impacto científico en los rankingsde universidades” (“Where do Spanish universities stand in the rankings? The academic vision: The preponderance of scientific impact in university rankings”), included in the book entitled Los rankings universitarios, mitos y realidades (University rankings, myths and realities) (Ed. Tecnos, 2013). In particular, the scope is increased, while the same basic hypothesis is maintained: notwithstanding the diversity of criteria that can be used for the ordering of a university system or all universities and the attempts to develop multi-rankings or multi-dimensional rankings, the rankings based mainly on the scientific impact of universities provide the best and most useful information to the system and society in general.
In addition to showing the preponderance of scientific impact in the most frequently-used rankings, the previous work is expanded upon with an analysis of the behaviour of complete university systems, showing how the rankings can be adequately used for better knowledge of the efficiency of a university system. The position in the rankings and the global scientific impact are related to the total economic resources mobilised and public investment at two different levels: a global level, represented by the countries of the OECD; and a European level, represented by a series of medium-sized countries, which makes it possible to undertake a detailed study, university by university, with good socio-economic indicators.
Autores: Vicent Climent (Editor) Francesc Michavila (Editor) María Ripollés (Editor) Vicent Climent (Autor/a) Francesc Michavila (Autor/a) María Ripollés (Autor/a) Pilar Álvarez (Autor/a) Enric Banda (Autor/a) Mónica Bragado (Autor/a)... more
Vicent Climent (Editor)
Francesc Michavila (Editor)
María Ripollés (Editor)
Vicent Climent (Autor/a)
Francesc Michavila (Autor/a)
María Ripollés (Autor/a)
Pilar Álvarez (Autor/a)
Enric Banda (Autor/a)
Mónica Bragado (Autor/a)
Angelina Costa (Autor/a)
Urbain Ben De Winter (Autor/a)
Pilar García-Agustín (Autor/a)
Xavier Grau (Autor/a)
Federico Gutiérrez-Solana Salcedo (Autor/a)
Juan Juliá (Autor/a)
Manuel J. López (Autor/a)
José Marqués (Autor/a)
Petra Mateos (Autor/a)
Mª Jesús Moro Almaraz (Autor/a)
María Helena Nazaré (Autor/a)

Las primeras páginas de este libro pretenden ser una reflexión sobre las principales disfuncionalidades del modelo de gobierno imperante en las universidades españolas y el origen de éstas; sobre los distintos modos de organizar el gobierno universitario en otros sistemas, sus ventajas e inconvenientes en el contexto del siglo xxi; y sobre cuáles deberían ser los factores a tener en cuenta para redefinir el modelo —o modelos— de gobierno de las universidades en España, de hacerlo creativo y de que sirva a éstas. Tres ideas subyacen en todos los escritos contenidos en las páginas que siguen: la urgencia del cambio en el gobierno actual, que hagan factible la armonización del quehacer universitario con las expectativas sociales, la elevada complejidad de dicha tarea por la inercia y los intereses que siempre se oponen a cualquier
innovación profunda, y la necesidad de abordar esa transformación de manera creativa cuanto antes. De la lectura de esta obra se pretende que el lector pueda concluir cuáles son los principales tópicos que se asocian al gobierno de las universidades españolas; también hacerle partícipe de una reflexión rigurosa sobre las principales razones por las que se cuestiona la validez del modelo actual de gobierno universitario, y de cuál podría ser una hoja de ruta sobre las reformas que deberían abordarse. El origen del libro son las ideas y propuestas que se presentaron y debatieron en el curso de verano «El gobierno de las Universidades », que se celebró los días 9, 10 y 11 de julio del 2014 en Benicàssim, organizado por la Cátedra de Innovación, Creatividad y Aprendizaje de la Universitat Jaume I, con la colaboración de la Cátedra UNESCO de Gestión y Política Universitaria y la Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas (CRUE).
Scientific impact is the main and most determinant factor in the positioning of a university in rankings. This study shows also how impact and rankings can be used for a better knowledge of the level of quality of university systems
The aim of the book is to present the author’s proposals on the reform of the governance model from a holistic and functional perspective. The first task when designing a system of governance should be to identify the function that it is... more
The aim of the book is to present the author’s proposals on the reform of the governance model from a holistic and functional perspective. The first task when designing a system of governance should be to identify the function that it is to fulfil, which leads on to the question of exactly why universities are meant to be autonomous. For the good of society, universities as institutions have to guarantee that the knowledge they generate and transmit does not favour the interests of any particular group. They provide a public service that must act with autonomy. This autonomy must include all decisionmaking mechanisms, the whole system of governance, so that the public service of higher education and research can be rendered as efficiently as possible and without submitting to the influence of political, economic or religious interests. On the basis of the conclusions of the study University Autonomy in Europe II. The Scorecard and the current situation of the university, research and innovation system, this study proposes a well-defined set of governance elements that cover all the dimensions of university autonomy. The study makes explicit reference to the university system in Catalonia but its conclusions and argumentation are of more general applicability.
Higher Education of the World 5 is the 5th report made by GUNI (Global University Network for Innovation). In this occasion, devoted to Knowledge, Engagement & Higher Education: Contributing to Social Change
Research Interests:
Universidad de Granada 10-11 Noviembre 2014
Research Interests:
Conferencia Inaugural de las XXXII Jornadas de Gerencia de la CRUE.
Universidad de Extremadura,
Badajoz, 15-17 Octubre 2014
Research Interests:
Participación en el III Encuentro de Rectores UNIVERSIA.
Mesa 5: Universidad y Entorno Social
The Role of Human Resource Management in Improving Institutional Performance'
The case of Rovira i Virgili University
(How to make change happen)
Universities and knowledge transfer:
Mobilising university staff in the University Rovira i
Virgili What works in practique?
Pregón de la Fiesta Mayor de Tarragona, 2014 (traducción del catalán al español)
Research Interests:
Public speech (In Catalan) in occasion of Tarragona's City Festival. 21st September 2014
Research Interests:
Public speech in occasion of the National Day of Catalonia 2013. City Hall of Reus, 10th September 2013
Research Interests:
Oppinion article, published in FET a Tarragona (november, 2016), describing the characteristics, capacities and strenghts of Tarragona to become a region of knowledge
Research Interests:
Opinion article published in Diari de Tarragona, on the decision to postpone the Mediterranean planned for this 2017 until June 2018
Research Interests:
Opinion article published in Diari de Tarragona in June, 9, 2016
Opinion article published in ARA (07/10/2015)
On the position of public Catalan universities in main rankings
Research Interests:
Artículo de opinión (traducción al español), publicado en Diari de Tarragona el 4 de mayo de 2015, sobre la necesidad de definición de objetivos sociales u modelo de sociedad en als diferentes opciones políticas
Research Interests:
Opinion article (in Catalan) about the glocal engagement of universities and their impact. Published in the newspaper Ara, on May, 1, 2015
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Opinion article published in the catalan newspaper Diari de Tarragona, 31-january-2015
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Opinion article published in the catalan newspaper Diari de Tarragona, on 19-01-2015
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Spanish translation of the opinion article published originally in the catalan newspaper Diari de Tarragona, on 19-January-2015
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Opinion article published in the spanish newspaper El Periódico, in June 29, 2011
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Opinion article published in the spanish newspaper El País, in Sept., 3, 2013
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Opinion article in the spanish newspaper El País (15/12/2014), answering the following specific question from the journalist: "Based in their position in rankings, are the spanish universities mediocre?"
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