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Nadia  Coggiola
  • Torino, Italy
The aim of this chapter is to investigate the features and problems posed by the damages that may be caused by the surge of new technologies, such as drones, artificial intelligence, and robots, and the solution found to those problems... more
The aim of this chapter is to investigate the features and problems posed by the damages that may be caused by the surge of new technologies, such as drones, artificial intelligence, and robots, and the solution found to those problems using the traditional civil liability tools of liability for fault, strict liability, and compulsory insurance. Notwithstanding the theoretically possible different remedies that could be applied in these cases, the authors discover that the traditional tools of liability for fault, strict liability, and compulsory insurance are most probably the best suited for the compensation of the damages caused by the new technologies.
1. introduzione. - 2. La vigente disciplina legislativa in materia di risarcimento dei danni causati da inquinamento. - 3. Il risarcimento giudiziale dei danni causati da inquinamento ambientale. - 4. I possibili ostacoli extragiudiziali... more
1. introduzione. - 2. La vigente disciplina legislativa in materia di risarcimento dei danni causati da inquinamento. - 3. Il risarcimento giudiziale dei danni causati da inquinamento ambientale. - 4. I possibili ostacoli extragiudiziali ai risarcimenti giudiziali dei danni da inquinamento ambientale. - 5. Conclusioni.
L’articolo cerca di comprendere e, se possibile, meglio definire i contratti di gioco e scommessa analizzando se ed in quale misura la dottrina e la giurisprudenza ritengono che talune norme “generali” in materia di contratto siano... more
L’articolo cerca di comprendere e, se possibile, meglio definire i contratti di gioco e scommessa analizzando se ed in quale misura la dottrina e la giurisprudenza ritengono che talune norme “generali” in materia di contratto siano applicabili ai contratti di gioco e scommessa. In particolare l’attenzione è rivolta all’articolo 1341 del Codice civile ed alle disposizioni in materia di contratti del Codice del consumo, poiché la misura e le modalità di applicazione di tali norme ai contratti di gioco e scommessa rappresenta una efficiente rappresentazione di cosa è un oggi contratto di gioco e scommessa, al di là delle enunciazioni codicistiche di partenza e delle loro tradizionali interpretazioni dottrinali.
The paper investigate how different countries deal with the problem of the control of the language and consistency of administrative and legislative documents.
The article briefly investigates the lines of evolution of the civil rules concerning the compensation of medical liability in Italy, starting from the enactment of the 1942 Italian Civil Code to the latest developments aimed at limiting... more
The article briefly investigates the lines of evolution of the civil rules concerning the compensation of medical liability in Italy, starting from the enactment of the 1942 Italian Civil Code to the latest developments aimed at limiting the medical liability to cases of gross negligence and malice
The development of Italian civil liability rules since the 1865 Civil Code to the present day is clearly marked by the influence of foreign models. This article tries to detect these foreign influences, starting from those of the French... more
The development of Italian civil liability rules since the 1865 Civil Code to the present day is clearly marked by the influence of foreign models. This article tries to detect these foreign influences, starting from those of the French Code Napoléon on the 1865 Civil Code, moving on to those of Pandectist legal thinking on the 1942 Civil Code, and ending with the influences of the common law experiences and European legislation on some sectors of Italian tort law. The final results of this research is a much more complicated and nuanced picture than what is expected, as the Italian system has not only been a passive receptacle of ideas developed in other countries, but has also been able, throughout its history, to mould those foreign ideas with original concepts, so creating an original system, largely independent from its sources of inspiration.
To date, notwithstanding the large number of scholarly investigations into the legal implications of gambling, little attention has been paid to the interaction between contract law, and the negative moral or social labelling which... more
To date, notwithstanding the large number of scholarly investigations into the legal
implications of gambling, little attention has been paid to the interaction between
contract law, and the negative moral or social labelling which traditionally affects
gambling contracts in many Western countries. The purpose of this article is to
investigate how Italian civil courts have applied Civil code and Consumer code rules
on abusive clauses to cases involving authorized gambling and betting contracts. These
rules should apply to authorized gambling and betting contracts, which generally
involve an individual player and a professional service provider, either because the
player adheres to a standard contract or because she should be considered a consumer.
Unfortunately, Italian judges often refrain from applying these protective rules to cases
involving gaming and betting contracts, to the detriment of players. This article
critically investigates these cases to explore how judges justify this differential
treatment of players of this form of legal game, highlighting the harmful effects of this
discriminatory treatment on consumers and society in general.
L’articolo cerca di comprendere e, se possibile, meglio definire i contratti di gioco e scommessa analizzando se ed in quale misura la dottrina e la giurisprudenza ritengono che talune norme “generali” in materia di contratto siano... more
L’articolo cerca di comprendere e, se possibile, meglio definire i contratti di gioco e scommessa analizzando se ed in quale misura la dottrina e la giurisprudenza ritengono che talune norme “generali” in materia di contratto siano applicabili ai contratti di gioco e scommessa.
In particolare l’attenzione è rivolta all’articolo 1341 del Codice civile ed alle disposizioni in materia di contratti del Codice del consumo, poiché la misura e le modalità di applicazione di tali norme ai contratti di gioco e scommessa rappresenta una efficiente rappresentazione di cosa è un oggi contratto di gioco e scommessa, al di là delle enunciazioni codicistiche di partenza e delle loro tradizionali interpretazioni dottrinali.
Research Interests:
Nonostante la Cina si sia dotata di una legislazione in materia di risarcimento dei danni in astratto in grado di risarcire i soggetti che lamentino danni conseguenti all'inquinamento ambientale, in realtà molti ostacoli si frappongono... more
Nonostante la Cina si sia dotata di una legislazione in materia di risarcimento dei danni in astratto in grado di risarcire i soggetti che lamentino danni conseguenti all'inquinamento ambientale, in realtà molti ostacoli si frappongono alla implementazione di questa disciplina legislativa, e conseguentemente ad un efficiente sistema di risarcimento di tali danni. Tali ostacoli trovano la loro radice nella cultura e nel sistema politico della Cina
Research Interests:
This chapter aims to investigate the actual implementation of positive rules on the compensation of damages caused by dangerous substances in China. The outcome of the research is that although China is endowed of rules providing rights... more
This chapter aims to investigate the actual implementation of positive rules on the compensation of damages caused by dangerous substances in China. The outcome of the research is that although China is endowed of rules providing rights to a compensation of those injured by dangerous substances, in reality those damages are seldom compensated, because of structural and social reasons
Research Interests:
An analysis of the first instance case litigated in the Torino Criminal court concerning massive asbestos damages caused by the Eternit company. The conviction of the defendants in this case was eventually overturned by the Italian... more
An analysis of the first instance case litigated in the Torino Criminal court concerning massive asbestos damages caused by the Eternit company.

The conviction of the defendants in this case was eventually overturned by the Italian court of Cassation
Research Interests: