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In today’s growing competitive environment, supply chain management has been widely focused by firms as a critical issue. Consequently, the organization’s activities are influenced in order to achieving quality improvement, cost reduction... more
In today’s growing competitive environment, supply chain management has been widely focused by firms as a critical issue. Consequently, the organization’s activities are influenced in order to achieving quality improvement, cost reduction and customer satisfaction in production process. Recently, pollution and greenhouse effects have focused the researchers’ attention on planning and executing networks in which environmental problems and economical aspects are considered simultaneously. In this paper, a multi-layer, multi-product and multi-period supply chain network with product return will be studied. The operation risks are assumed as failures occurring in supplier and plant segments. The mathematical modeling will select the best suppliers according to selling price, transportation costs and the average of deficiency. Uncertainty is considered by means of fuzzy approach. The proposed multi-objective fuzzy model is first defuzzified using Jimenez technique and then it is solved b...
In this paper, the relation among factors in the road transportation sector from March, 2005 to March, 2011 is analyzed. Most of the previous studies have economical point of view on gasoline consumption. Here, a new approach is proposed... more
In this paper, the relation among factors in the road transportation sector from March, 2005 to March, 2011 is analyzed. Most of the previous studies have economical point of view on gasoline consumption. Here, a new approach is proposed in which different data mining techniques are used to extract meaningful relations between the aforementioned factors. The main and dependent factor is gasoline consumption. First, the data gathered from different organizations is analyzed by feature selection algorithm to investigate how many of these independent factors have influential effect on the dependent factor. A few of these factors were determined as unimportant and were deleted from the analysis. Two association rule mining algorithms, Apriori and Carma are used to analyze these data. These data which are continuous cannot be handled by these two algorithms. Therefore, the two-step clustering algorithm is used to discretize the data. Association rule mining analysis shows that fewer vehi...
Microgrids enable improved community resiliency and effective integration of distributed energy resources. Microgrids traditionally have been designed with predefined, static electrical boundaries, a historical load curve, and a design... more
Microgrids enable improved community resiliency and effective integration of distributed energy resources. Microgrids traditionally have been designed with predefined, static electrical boundaries, a historical load curve, and a design peak load. With advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) deployed within a community microgrid, operators may determine projected peak (compared to design peak load) and flexibly adjust the microgrid boundary to serve additional customers. Over the long term, the synergies of behind-the-meter solar photovoltaic and energy storage systems along with voltage optimization and behavioral programs such as energy efficiency could further induce peak load reductions. Leveraging both data analysis and controls, as well as long-term peak reduction, microgrids can expand their services into neighboring communities and offer increased economic benefits.
The assessment of a theory is the main objective of scientists. Theories are always introduced by models, and model selection is applied to many various fields of scientific studies in order to corroborate or verify the theory as the... more
The assessment of a theory is the main objective of scientists. Theories are always introduced by models, and model selection is applied to many various fields of scientific studies in order to corroborate or verify the theory as the winning one among a set of competing hypotheses. Different criteria are taken as bases to select one model among several parallel models in both statistical and visual types. This paper proposes a new method in model selection based on the solutions of a fuzzy decision-making problem. The method enables us to apply systematically all desired validation criteria by defining a proper possibility distribution function (PDF) for each criterion. The generality of the method allows us to consider even intuitive, inaccurate, or linguistic criteria. Finally, the maximization of a utility function, rationally composed of the PDFs, will determine the best choice of competing models. The method is illustrated by two sets of linear and nonlinear parallel models.
This study presents amathematical model for the development of power plants capacity to controlcarbon dioxide. The objective function of the model is to minimize the costs ofinvesting in new power plants, costs of fuels, costs of... more
This study presents amathematical model for the development of power plants capacity to controlcarbon dioxide. The objective function of the model is to minimize the costs ofinvesting in new power plants, costs of fuels, costs of maintenance and socialcosts of carbon dioxide over the years from 2011 to 2025. The model has some constraintsincluding demand, development of renewable power plants and development of dispersedgeneration sites. The proposed model has been solved and analyzed in differentscenarios regarding approaches such as "economic and environmental", "economic"and "decreasing the costs of investment in renewable technologies". It shouldbe noted that having conducted the first scenario, the sensitivity of themathematical model has been studied in relation to a number of parameters.These parameters include the efficiency of technologies, the social costs ofcarbon dioxide and the costs of maintaining power generation technologies. In thescena...
For decades, energy prices have been controlled by the government in Iran. This policy had a long lasting impact on almost all economic variables in Iran. To date, under tremendous pressure to adequately meet the huge domestic demands for... more
For decades, energy prices have been controlled by the government in Iran. This policy had a long lasting impact on almost all economic variables in Iran. To date, under tremendous pressure to adequately meet the huge domestic demands for energy inputs, the government has decided to reduce/eliminate the energy subsidies. Thus, its impact on the consumer price index is unavoidable. This paper investigates the dynamics of that impact via a dynamic nonlinear inflation model. It is shown that an increasing shock in fuel price has less increasing effect on the general price index, compared to the steady state effect of a continuously increasing signal. Based on this fact, it is deduced that other factors, e.g. the Money Supply Growth and the Goods Market Gap, has much more impact on the inflation. Therefore, unsubsidizing energy price, particularly fuel, will empower the government to save more money and avoid expansionary monetary policies. The currency not used for subsidizing fuel pri...
Carbon capture, and storage (CCS) is a key technology to mitigate climate change. Since this technology is almost costly, utilization of the carbon dioxide captured by the system is proposed as a way to compensate its costs. Thus,... more
Carbon capture, and storage (CCS) is a key technology to mitigate climate change. Since this technology is almost costly, utilization of the carbon dioxide captured by the system is proposed as a way to compensate its costs. Thus, attention has increasingly focused on how the captured CO2 can be optimally utilized or stored. Hereby, an optimization model is proposed in this research to minimize the costs of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology. Various carbon utilization and storage options including injecting it to mature oil and coal wells for enhancing oil recovery or coal bed methane recovery, selling it to several industries, and storing it in empty oil and gas wells, in saline aquifers and under oceans are considered in this research. Taking into account revenues of CO2 sale, emission reduction, and CO2 certificate along with distances of sinks from power plants and capacities of sinks, the model also decides whether the use of CCUS technology in a power p...
The necessity of dynamic equivalents for power system analysis has been well known since the expansion of large interconnected power networks and has been discussed during the last decades. The present paper proposes a new method for... more
The necessity of dynamic equivalents for power system analysis has been well known since the expansion of large interconnected power networks and has been discussed during the last decades. The present paper proposes a new method for constructing dynamic equivalents of power systems. In this method, at the first step the “study system” is modeled completely via a single machine infinite bus modeling procedure. Then the “external system” is identified as a MIMO feedback block of this model in such a manner that can include dynamic effects of the latter on the behavior of the former. The method successfully experiments on a part of the Iranian southern network.
Thispaperintroduces a robustdecentralized Load-Frequency Controller (LFC)forapowersystem, which isconfigured basedontheStructured Singular Values(SSVs). A newLinear Quadratic Regulator (LQR)solution isapplied fora... more
Thispaperintroduces a robustdecentralized Load-Frequency Controller (LFC)forapowersystem, which isconfigured basedontheStructured Singular Values(SSVs). A newLinear Quadratic Regulator (LQR)solution isapplied fora two-areapowersystem,usingan Artificial Neural Network(ANN).Subject toa restriction whichisbasedon SSVs,eachLFCcanbedesigned independently. Theproposed Neuro-Optimal controller combines theadvantages ofANN andthegoodperformance oftheSSV-LQRcontroller. To overcometheproblemof SSV-LQR,whichneedsthe measurement ofallsystemstates; thesuggested controller has onlyoneinput fromsystem states ineachareaandregenerates theother states just using lags ofthefrequency variations. The results showthattheproposedcontroller hasimproved dynamic behavior ofthesystem, compared tothebothSSV- LQR controller anda Genetic Algorithm (GA)optimization applied toLFC.
It is a long time that the Simulated Annealing (SA) procedure has been introduced as a model-free optimization for solving NP-hard problems. Improvements from the standard SA in the recent decade mostly concentrate on combining its... more
It is a long time that the Simulated Annealing (SA) procedure has been introduced as a model-free optimization for solving NP-hard problems. Improvements from the standard SA in the recent decade mostly concentrate on combining its original algorithm with some heuristic methods. These modifications are rarely happened to the initial condition selection methods from which the annealing schedules or the time schedule itself start. There are several parameters in the process of annealing, the adjustment of which affects the overall performance. This paper focuses on the importance of initial temperature and then proposes a lower temperature with low energy to speed up the process, using an auxiliary memory to buffer the best solution. Such an annealing indeed starts from a “mushy state” rather than a quite liquid molten material. The mushy state characteristics indeed depends upon the problems that SA is being applied to solve for. In this paper, the Mushy State Simulated Annealing (MS...
The unemployment rate is high in many of developing countries. Rapidly growing population in the two past decades plus the weakness of economy growth resulted in high rate of unemployment. Weakness of the economy and the high rate of... more
The unemployment rate is high in many of developing countries. Rapidly growing population in the two past decades plus the weakness of economy growth resulted in high rate of unemployment. Weakness of the economy and the high rate of unemployment have interactions resulting in less production. In order to analyze the situation and then take the rate under control, a mathematical model for the labour market in both sides of supply and demand is required. In this paper, an analytical dynamical model is developed for the Iranian male labor supply, considering that the most labor force belong to the male gender. The lifecycle theory is used to divide the male labour supply into three age groups. Then the static theory is used as a basis to construct each model analytically. Through these models, it is observed that some factors such as the education level, marriage and the history of unemployment rate can strongly affect on the labour supply as well as the real wage rate and real non-la...
This paper presents a neuro-based approach for Iran annual residential and commercial energy demand forecasting by several socio-economic indicators. In order to analyze the influence of economic and social indicators on the residential... more
This paper presents a neuro-based approach for Iran annual residential and commercial energy demand forecasting by several socio-economic indicators. In order to analyze the influence of economic and social indicators on the residential and commercial energy demand, gross domestic product (GDP), total number of households, energy prices and investment for construction are selected. This approach is structured as a multi-level artificial neural network (ANN) based on supervised multi-layer perceptron (MLP), trained with the back-propagation (BP) algorithm. This multi-level ANN is designed properly. This paper indeed proposed a multi-level network by which the inputs to the ending level are obtained as outputs of the starting levels. Actual data of Iran from 1967-2007 is used to train the multi-level ANN and illustrate capability of the approach in this regard. Comparison of the model predictions with data of the evaluation stage shows validity of the model. Furthermore, the energy de...
In this paper we present a glancing review of how to define the time schedule of Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm in different articles that applied them to solve the traveling salesman problem(TSP). In the following subjects we... more
In this paper we present a glancing review of how to define the time schedule of Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm in different articles that applied them to solve the traveling salesman problem(TSP). In the following subjects we introduce a new definition of this concept in relation to other parameters. In other word, we claim a novel description of initial temperature,Markov chain and final temperature to the basic algorithm of SA that gives an introduction to New Time Schedule Simulated Annealing (NTSSA). In this method, the dynamic coincidence of time schedule parameters and temperature conditions is a possible happening among the searching process. In continuation we present the obtaining results of proposed algorithm in solving TSP in comparison with basic methods of SA and other intelligent optimization methods. The surprising improvement in results obtained by this approach shows the efficiency of NTSSA in contrast with other basic optimization methods.
... Mehregan2, Hamed Shakouri G.3 ... and Antunes have developed a fuzzy multiple objective decision support model to study the relationships between the economy and the energy sector on a national level [3]. A fuzzy linear model has been... more
... Mehregan2, Hamed Shakouri G.3 ... and Antunes have developed a fuzzy multiple objective decision support model to study the relationships between the economy and the energy sector on a national level [3]. A fuzzy linear model has been formulated by Sadeghi and Hosseini ...
Electricity demand forecasts in the short-terms have a vital application in electricity markets. Knowing that energy is a product of power in time, in this study, a fuzzy based relation between the climate change and the average... more
Electricity demand forecasts in the short-terms have a vital application in electricity markets. Knowing that energy is a product of power in time, in this study, a fuzzy based relation between the climate change and the average electricity consumption duration is investigated. This paper introduces a type III TSK fuzzy inference machine combined with a set of linear and nonlinear
Research Interests:
Fuzzy filters are often strong in smoothing corrupted signals, whereas they have simple structures. In this paper, a new powerful, yet simple fuzzy procedure is introduced for sharpness reduction in two-dimensional signals. It is indeed... more
Fuzzy filters are often strong in smoothing corrupted signals, whereas they have simple structures. In this paper, a new powerful, yet simple fuzzy procedure is introduced for sharpness reduction in two-dimensional signals. It is indeed an extension of our previously published one-dimensional fuzzy smoothing filter. The proposed method looks for sharp points in the corrupted signal and then smooths them out by sharing their values with eight (or more) neighboring point values. Preservation of correct data in the corrupted signal is an important advantage of this method. To obtain experimental results of the proposed procedure, images are used as the most common two-dimensional signals, and the results are compared with several other filters recently cited in the literature. Experimental results exhibit a high capability of our method in both numerical measures and visual inspection, preserving its simplicity.
Research Interests:
In developing countries, one of the most essential economic problems is the high unemployment rate along with the low economic growth. In these cases, female unemployment rate is higher than average unemployment rates. In order to analyze... more
In developing countries, one of the most essential economic problems is the high unemployment rate along with the low economic growth. In these cases, female unemployment rate is higher than average unemployment rates. In order to analyze the situation and then take it under control, a mathematical model for both sides of female labor market is required. In this paper, an analytical dynamical model is developed for the Iranian female labor supply. The lifecycle theory is used to divide it into three age groups. Then the static theory is used as a basis to construct each model analytically. It has been presented that some criteria such as the education level, marriage and history of unemployment rate can strongly affect the labor supply as well as the rate of real wage and real non-labor income has both the substitution and income effects. Moreover, a reservation wage is estimated for each model.
It is a long time that the Simulated Annealing (SA) procedure is introduced as a non-derivative based optimization for solving NP-hard problems. Improvements from the original algorithm in the recent decade mostly concentrate on combining... more
It is a long time that the Simulated Annealing (SA) procedure is introduced as a non-derivative based optimization for solving NP-hard problems. Improvements from the original algorithm in the recent decade mostly concentrate on combining its initial algorithm with ...
Based on the concept of the external power system dynamic equivalent obtained for the study system, in this paper a reduced-order artificial neural network is proposed, to construct a model for the external part. The mastermind behind the... more
Based on the concept of the external power system dynamic equivalent obtained for the study system, in this paper a reduced-order artificial neural network is proposed, to construct a model for the external part. The mastermind behind the proposed method is to identify ...
... it finds applications eg, shop floor control (scheduling), distribution of goods and services (vehiclerouting), product design ... applied to many areas and proved to be a very effective approach in the ... However, as a newly... more
... it finds applications eg, shop floor control (scheduling), distribution of goods and services (vehiclerouting), product design ... applied to many areas and proved to be a very effective approach in the ... However, as a newly developed optimal method, the PSO algorithm is still in its ...
Page 1. An Empirical Centre Assignment in RBF Network for Quantification of Anaesthesia using Wavelet-domain Features Pejman Taslimi1,2, Hamid R. Rabiee2, Hamed Shakouri G.3 ... [7] P. Gifani, HR Rabiee, MH Hashemi, P. Taslimi, M.... more
Page 1. An Empirical Centre Assignment in RBF Network for Quantification of Anaesthesia using Wavelet-domain Features Pejman Taslimi1,2, Hamid R. Rabiee2, Hamed Shakouri G.3 ... [7] P. Gifani, HR Rabiee, MH Hashemi, P. Taslimi, M. Ghanbari; “Optimal fractal-scaling ...
Purpose Project portfolio management (PPM) is a commonly used technique to align projects with strategy and to ensure adequate resourcing for projects. In this paper, to gain a better understanding of PPM dynamics, a system dynamics (SD)... more
Purpose Project portfolio management (PPM) is a commonly used technique to align projects with strategy and to ensure adequate resourcing for projects. In this paper, to gain a better understanding of PPM dynamics, a system dynamics (SD) model was developed. To do so, an Iranian independent power producer was used as a case study in the energy sector; moreover, policy options were derived and generalized for such a developer company. Design/methodology/approach To cope with the complexity of business processes in a power producer company and to formulate an optimum policy, causal relations and loops were derived first and then state-flow diagrams were designed to simulate the problem in the system, as it is usual in the SD methodology. Findings The proposed model was applied to a real-world case study to rectify managers’ viewpoint about their business dynamics and to formulate new project portfolio strategies to improve the viability of the company. The model proved how a static po...

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