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Oh miserable man, not only in fact, but also in the circumstance of not perceiving yourself how miserable you are! But listen to the most serious charge of all. ‘“In fact, what have you not sanctioned,—what have you not done? what would be done if he were to come to life again, by?—”’

By whom? For I suppose he means to bring forward some instance of a very wicked man. ‘“Cnaeus Pompeius himself?”’

Oh how base must we be, if indeed we have been imitating Cnaeus Pompeius! ‘“Or his son, if he could be at home?”’

He soon will be at home, believe me; for in a very few days he will enter on his home, and on his father's villas. ‘“Lastly, you declare that peace can not be made unless I either allow Brutus to quit Mutina, or supply him with corn.”’

It is others who say that: I say, that even if you were to do so, there never could be peace between this city and you. ‘“What? is this the opinion of those veteran soldiers, to whom as yet either course is open?”’

I do not see that there is any course so open to them, as now to begin and attack that general whom they previously were so zealous and unanimous in defending.1

1 There is some difficulty here, Many editors propose to read offenderint, which Orellius thinks would hardly be Latin. He says, “Antonius is here speaking of those veterans who had deserted him indeed, but who, at the time of his writing this letter, had not acted against him.” Therefore, he says it is open to them to become reconciled to him again (wishing to conciliate them, and to alarm his enemies). On the other hand, Cicero replies, Nothing is so open to them now as to do what their duty to the republic requires. That is to say, openly to attack you, whose party they have already abandoned.

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load focus Latin (Albert Clark, Albert Curtis Clark, 1918)
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