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[25] For if he was the father of his country, as you call him (I will see hereafter what my opinion of that matter is, why is not this youth still more truly our father, to whom it certainly is owing that we are now enjoying life, saved out of your most guilty hands?

‘“Are taking pains to have Dolabella legally condemned.”’

A base action, truly! by which the authority of this most honorable order is defended against the insanity of a most in' human gladiator.

‘“And to effect the release of this poisoner from blockade.”’ Do you dare to call that man a poisoner who has found a remedy against your own poisoning tricks? and whom you are besieging in such a manner, O you new Hannibal (or if there was ever any abler general than he), as to blockade yourself, and to be unable to extricate yourself from your present position, should you be ever so desirous to do so? Suppose you retreat; they will all pursue you from all sides. Suppose you stay where you are; you will be caught. You are very right, certainly, to call him a poisoner, by whom you see that your present disastrous condition has been brought about.

‘“In order that Cassius and Brutus may become as powerful as possible.”’

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load focus Latin (Albert Clark, Albert Curtis Clark, 1918)
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