Small Claims

Small Claims

Small claims court provides a prompt and inexpensive way to resolve minor disputes. Legal procedures are held to a minimum and lawyers may not participate. Small claims court is a division of county court and the hearings are conducted by a county judge. Small claims court is limited to civil (non-criminal) actions involving disputes over amounts of money owed, damage to property, or seeking the return of personal property.

This is general information about small claims court. It is not designated to provide specific advice, and may not be totally applicable in any particular case. If you have additional questions about small claims court or your legal rights, you should seek the professional advice of a lawyer.

Staff of the county court and judges are not permitted to give you additional information or assist any party in small claims beyond the contents of this pamphlet. Court personnel are not permitted to discuss the merits of your case with you and are prohibited from giving you legal advice about your case.

Judgments in small claims court may not exceed $6,000.

What You Need to Know Before Going to Court

Index to Forms and Information found in this section:

Court Processes

Additional Information