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  • International Database and Gallery of Structures


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Structurae Plus
Regular Student1)
149 39 19 9.00per year per month
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Full text for 20,000+ open access publications
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(public domain, free licenses)
160.000+ exclusive images
Non-commercial license for use of exclusive images and data
Parametric search of structures
All structure types
Fully functional data diagrams
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30 monthly downloads
1 user
2 parallel sessions
Structurae Pro
299 39per year per month
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Full text for 20,000+ open access publications
Download 46.000+ images
(public domain, free licenses)
160.000+ exclusive images
Commercial license for use of
exclusive images and data
Parametric search of structures
All structure types
Fully functional data diagrams
Filter and sorting of functions
Data downloads
50 monthly downloads
1 user
3 parallel sessions
149 39 19 9.00 € per year month
299 39per year per month

1) Students must provide proof of matriculation at a university or college for the student rate to apply.

The above offers are for individual subscribers only. If you wish to subscribe your institution or company to Structurae Plus or Structurae Pro, please contact services@structurae.net.

Structurae Free

Registration is required to access all the freely downloadable content on Structurae. It also provides limited access to some additional functions and features available in full only to subscribers.

Structurae Plus

Structurae Plus offers the full range of content, functions and features at a reduced price but for non-commercial use only to students, teachers, and researchers in the fields of bridge, civil and structural engineering, construction, architecture and related fields.

Structurae Pro

Structurae Pro offers the full range of content, functions and features for commercial use to bridge, civil and structural engineers, architects and other construction professionals.

Detailed Comparison of Available Content, Features and Functions

Structurae Free Structurae Plus Structurae Pro


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Data contribution/correction Form available on data pages Form available on data pages Form available on data pages
Favorites Save and manage favorite structures, persons, companies, literature and media files. Save and manage favorite structures, persons, companies, literature and media files. Save and manage favorite structures, persons, companies, literature and media files.
Order and subscription history Included if purchases are made Always included Always included

Structure Taxonomy

Additional structure types Historic structures, awards, sustainable architecture, support conditions for bridges Historic structures, awards, sustainable architecture, support conditions for bridges as well as equipment, structural components, alignment, demolition methods, and additional types within other categories. Historic structures, awards, sustainable architecture, support conditions for bridges as well as equipment, structural components, alignment, demolition methods, and additional types within other categories.
Data diagrams Graphic visualization of diagrams only without functionalities; available for bridges, dams, tunnels and towers/masts. Fully functional data diagrams including filtering and data downloads; available for bridges, dams, tunnels and towers/masts. Fully functional data diagrams including filtering and data downloads; available for bridges, dams, tunnels and towers/masts.
Structure lists by type Full list with alphabetical order only. Full list with all available filter, sorting and download functions. Full list with all available filter, sorting and download functions.
Structure rankings by type TOP 30 entries only Full ranked list with all available filter and download functions Full ranked list with all available filter and download functions
Data download and Licensing Not download (export) possible.
Website content for personal use only.
Full and filtered data downloads for all diagrams and lists for non-commercial use only Full and filtered data downloads for all diagrams and lists for commercial use
Download limit No exclusive downloads. 30 downloads per month. Limit applies to exclusive images and data downloads only. 50 downloads per month. Limit applies to exclusive images and data downloads only.

Individual Structure Data

Project participants Owner, designer and contractor information and companies with paid premium profiles All known participants (all available data) All known participants (all available data)
Technical data Limited display of the data All available data (dimensions, quantities, loads, costs) All available data (dimensions, quantities, loads, costs)


Contact information for active companies Accessible only for premium profiles All available data All available data


Open access Access and download to full text of over 20,000 publications (varying license terms) Access and download to full text of over 20,000 publications (varying license terms) Access and download to full text of over 20,000 publications (varying license terms)
Exclusive literature Access and download for personal use only to proceedings of Footbridge 2017, Footbridge 2022 and other publications Access and download for personal use only to proceedings of Footbridge 2017, Footbridge 2022 and other publications Access and download for personal use only to proceedings of Footbridge 2017, Footbridge 2022 and other publications
IABSE literature Must be purchased for individual publications Must be purchased for individual publications Must be purchased for individual publications
In-journal article search available available available

Images and other Media Files

Public domain images Over 8.000 images
Download of high-resolution files where available
Over 8.000 images
Download of high-resolution files where available
Over 8.000 images
Download of high-resolution files where available
Images with free licenses Over 46.000 images
Download of high-resolution files where available
Re-use based on free license terms
Over 46.000 images
Download of high-resolution files where available
Re-use based on free license terms
Over 46.000 images
Download of high-resolution files where available
Re-use based on free license terms
Exclusive Structurae images
  • Limited access
  • No download
  • For personal use only
  • Access to 160,000+ exclusive images
  • High-resultion image download where available
  • License for non-commercial re-use where national copyright laws permit
  • Access to 160,000+ exclusive images
  • High-resultion image download where available
  • License for commercial re-use where national copyright laws permit
Structurae Free
Structurae Plus
149 39 19 9.00per year per month
Structurae Pro
299 39per year per month