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Prejudice in South Africa's Languages

Picture: Education Matters Video Shield and Spear interview Maureen and Lerato from the Ikanyiso Collective about life in South Africa. An important issue that troubles the women is the prejudice applied to language policy and practise. The women express frustration at the level of non-interest in African languages from South Africans of other ethnicities. There are 11 official languages in South Africa. Whilst Zulu is the most spoken language in the country, English, which is only the 7th most spoken language, is held up...

Roxane Gay: Confessions of a Bad Feminist

Picture: TED Video When writer Roxane Gay dubbed herself a "bad feminist," she was making a joke, acknowledging that she couldn't possibly live up to the demands for perfection of the feminist movement. But she realized that the joke rang hollow. In this thoughtful, provocative and funny TED talk, she asks us to embrace all flavours of feminism - and make the small choices that, en masse, might lead to actual change. Gay calls on feminists to demand accountability from a world that degrades women in...

What Comes after Religion?

Picture: WSJ Video In much of the Western world, fewer and fewer people believe in religion. It’s possible that in a generation, there simply won’t be religion across Europe and large sections of North America, Australia and Asia. That’s not necessarily a problem. But it’s worth thinking about why people made up religion in the first place and what we’re doing with the needs and longings that led them to do so. The debate between believers and atheists usually goes nowhere. The...

NASA: World's Water Supply Quickly Running Dry

Picture: RT Video New data from NASA claims that a third of the world’s water reservoirs are running low and numerous causes, including climate change, are being implicated. Twenty-one of the world’s 37 aquifers are past the tipping point of being sustainable. The most troubled areas are closest to the equator. However, the ones holding the most negative balances are the Arabian aquifer and the Indus Basin. According to this report from RT, scientists, governments and households around the world...

Charleston Church Shooting: It's Not Enough to Talk about Forgiveness and Healing

Picture: AlterNet Video In an act of racial hatred, Dylan Roof, a white gunman shot dead nine people in an African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina this week. Before pulling the trigger, Roof said, “You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go,” Roof’s Facebook page sports a picture of him wearing the old apartheid-era South African flag, which white supremacists have adopted as their symbol of racial hatred. Efia Nwangaza from the Malcom X Grassroots...

Great Barrier Reef under Threat of Environmental Damage from Massive Coal Port

Picture: Juice Rap News Video The Great Barrier Reef, a natural wonder visible from space and a UNESCO protected site is under threat from coal pollution. Activists warn that four megaports, including one of the world’s biggest coal ports are planned for the Great Barrier Reef. They fear that the reef could become a shipping highway with up to 7,000 ships crisscrossing it every year. Robert Foster of Juice Rap News presents an express Rap News Call Out report, featuring correspondent Ken Oathcarn. Surely nobody...