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The Importance of Being Earnest about Islamic Philosophy


The Trouble with Consciousness

How has the study of consciousness changed over time?



We Are Not Our Brain

Modern science identifies the self with the brain, but this materialist conception of the self is wholly insufficient.


Alfarabi’s Political Teaching

Although we can learn enough to make sound choices and avoid harmful errors, our awareness of the whole and the way it works is limited—simply put, we cannot easily know everything needful for our well-being.


On the Mind’s Devotion to Reality

Modern philosophy presumes consciousness is a subjective phenomenon—but, as Aquinas teaches, consciousness is far greater than mere awareness.


Suffering and Character

Is it really the case that character can always be exercised—that moral choices can be made—under conditions of significant suffering?


When Technology Becomes Theology

If human beings are not special—not designed for some great purpose—but are merely a random species thrown up by the intrinsically meaningless process of evolution, then we’re seen as bodies that are limited and limiting and can be transcended through technology.


The Climate Emergency

Understanding the existential threat we face in philosophical terms can give us tools to think more wisely about the crisis and how we ought to respond.


Justice, Nonaggression, and Military Ethics in Islam

True justice requires a commitment to temperate behavior and the exercise of self-restraint, even in the face of extreme provocation.


We Are Not Our Brain

The authority of science in culture has reduced the human self to the brain, but if we relearn how the poets and philosophers of the past understood the self, we’ll see how we’ve regressed, not progressed.


The Sin of Cosmocide

For Jews and Muslims, Killing a Soul Means Killing All of Humanity

A Macbeth Soliloquy

What can we glean from how Shakespeare wrote it and how Denzel Washington performed it?

Text Messages

Vanquishing the Monster Within Us

When we resist the dehumanizing forces of war, we can see the sacred in all human beings.


Distraction and Its Discontents

When we lose focus, we often regret our lack of self-mastery. But is the back and forth of the mind’s losing hold and then regaining it the essence of attention in this life?


Alchemy, Mythology, and Artificial Intelligence

Where ancient priests used ritual to draw down a god to invest dead matter with powers for good or ill, modern science fantasists see the soul as a mere computer program and seek eternal life not in heaven or some cryonic vat but as computer software.



The Ancient Roots of Transhumanist Thinking

Lenn E. Goodman, an expert on Jewish and Islamic metaphysics, joins Esme Partridge to discuss the philosophical heritage of AI—which he locates in the medieval and renaissance study of alchemy—and the implications of our rapid embrace of AI.


Transgenderism and the Violation of Our Angelic Nature

The reconstitution of the human being in accordance with the dictates of tacit or explicit renderings of materialism set in motion a radical rethink of traditional concepts about gender, sexuality, and family.


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Malice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass into a Strange New World

A Renovatio public conversation about the modern self examines both the philosophical origins and the impact of the subversive sexual revolution we are witnessing today.


The Untold Stories of Enslaved African Muslim Women in the Americas

Among the enslaved Africans in the Americas, Muslim men have garnered significant attention. But historical records can provide a glimpse into the lives of the forgotten ones: enslaved Muslim women.


Facts For Fictions

Does a fiction need to originate in, and rely on, a fact of reality? The answer seems to be: Yes.


Islamic Law and the Children of Adam

Many contemporary human rights can be grounded in laws originating from Islam’s insistence on universal brotherhood.


Rethinking the World Brain

The internet places knowledge at our fingertips, but to assert that we can know things wholly independently is, in one interpretation of the Qur’anic verse, to “transgress our limits.”


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The Morality in the Mysteries of Dorothy Sayers

When we read Dorothy Sayer’s detective fiction, we engage in a pastime that goes beyond entertainment or escape—we detect not just the crime, but our own humanity.


Images of the Unimaginable God

While the Abrahamic thinkers have always grappled with the question of idolatry, what’s lesser known is that Hindu traditions also abound with critics of attempts to re-present the divine through human forms.


In an age of transience, explore ideas that are timeless.

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Is Gluttony Still A Sin?

The Seven Deadly Sins In the Modern World



Protection from Power

Scholars Mohammad Fadel and Lawrence Jannuzzi discuss the contours of equality, power, and hierarchy from both an Islamic legal and contemporary political perspective.



The Ancient Roots of Transhumanist Thinking

Lenn E. Goodman, an expert on Jewish and Islamic metaphysics, joins Esme Partridge to discuss the philosophical heritage of AI—which he locates in the medieval and renaissance study of alchemy—and the implications of our rapid embrace of AI.


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