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Built To Last.

So this happened while we were at PAX.


For those of you who don’t know this is, it’s Keiji Inafune, the guy who mostly made Mega Man happen. We met him at PAX a couple of weeks ago when he was there to announce his fancy new project, Mighty No. 9. If you don’t know what Mighty No. 9 is, go check it out, support the cause, and then tell them we sent you.

That’s not the only exciting thing that happened at PAX… We unveiled a new jam at our show called “Built To Last.” And before you try to decipher the lyrics and start thinking that Act III is about how Tommy Light just bought a himself a ’67 Camaro SS and just picked up Mega Man at the edge of the city and they ride off into the sunset together on a quest to pick up chicks… that’s not what this is about. We wrote this jam to go on the MM25: Mega Man Rocks 25th anniversary album that was just announced on Wednesday by Capcom. However, it is just as much part of our world as “Beards Going Nowhere“… and that’s a whole other amazing jam. Big thanks to Brett Elston at Capcom-Unity.com for working his ass of to make this happen. And for all you artist types out there who want to take a shot at creating the album’s cover art… go here. No specific date has been announced, but you can expect it in “The Fall”… you see what I did there? I made a joke. If you want to hear a super chopped-up ADHD :45 second clip of the studio version of “Built To Last,” check out this fresh WIRED article/interview that dropped yesterday. Let them know you read the article… go the classy route and get into an internet comment argument, or something.

This will be our last tour of 2013. Make sure you don’t skip out on any shows, because if all goes according to plan, we’ll be staying off the road as much as possible next year so we can start kicking some ass in the studio. This years Nerdapalooza is going to be especially crazy. They Might Be Giants will be there, along with Peelander-ZNerf HerderGreen Jelly, MC Frontalot, MC Lars, Powerglove, and our favorite assholes from Texas, Urizen! Help spread the word, and get tickets below:

10th – Springfield, VA – Empire
11th – Richmond, VA – Kingdom
14th – Durham, NC – Motorco
15th – Columbia, SC – New Brookland Tavern
18th – Gainesville, FL – High Dive
19th – Orlando, FL – Nerdapalooza
21st – Atlanta, GA – Vinyl

01st – Nashville, TN – Mercy Lounge (Terminator: The Second release show)

We see an inordinate amount of people whining on the internet that they didn’t know about a show that happened in their town the night before, or that they almost missed the show because they heard about it that day. So naturally, I usually berate them for an hour or so about not being on the mailing list, or not following our Facebook and Twitter accounts, but there’s a “new way.” Here’s the deal. Everyone that likes bands and also has a smartphone should take a look at/download BandsInTown. Take a guess at what it does… give up? It gives you updates for when your favorite bands are in town! It also sends reminders the day before the show happens. Aside from that whole “camera on your phone staring back at you at all times, and tracking your every movement” thing… technology is wonderful!

I can’t say a great deal about this next part right now, but if you go to Terminator: The Second’s website to watch the official trailer (including some Protomen!) on Monday at around 10amCST, you’ll catch the drift that I’m drifting your way. I will say it’s pretty awesome, so don’t miss out.

Parting is such sweet sorrow,
